# Automatically add/update/remove containers from hosts-file docker-etchosts is a script that monitors dockers event stream, and adds/updates/removes containers to your (/etc/)hosts-file on the fly. The script is based on [dockermon by CyberInt](http://pythonwise.blogspot.de/2015/07/dockermon-docker-process-monitor.html). ## Usage Started without further parameters the script will connect to `/var/run/docker.sock` and modify `hosts` in the current working directory. It will also process all currently running containers. To connect to a remote docker node or swarm cluster use `--socket-url`, e.g. python docker-etchosts.py --socker-url='tcp:///localhost:2335' To specify the full path to your hosts file you would like modified pass `--hosts-file=/etc/hosts`. To skip processing running containers on script startup pass `--skip-running`. ## Running in a container The script runs fine dockerized, the supplied Dockerfile creates a image of about 80 MB size, running consumes about 15 MB RAM. ### build docker build -t dockerhosts:pre . ### run docker run -v /etc/hosts:/hosts -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --privileged dockerhosts:pre ### run and use tcp socket docker run -v /etc/hosts:/hosts --privileged dockerhosts:pre --socket-url=tcp:///localhost:2335 ### docker-compose ...or instead of the above, just do: docker-compose up -d :)