url=$1 #A proper URL is all that should be sent to this script host=$2 errors=0 if [[ "$url" == "" ]] then echo "[WARN] Empty url, skipping" # Exit if an empty URL was sent exit 2 fi # if [[ "$checkUrl" != *"200"* ]] # then # echo "[WARN] Server threw an error, skipping" # fi # Check to see if domain name resolves. If not, exist if [[ ! `dig $host +short` ]] then echo "[WARN] DNS Lookup failed for $host, skipping" fi echo "[INFO] Archive is $archive" while true # Loop endlessly do today=`date +"%Y%m%d"` echo "[INFO] Starting to stream $url in 5 seconds" echo "[INFO] Archive status is $archive" sleep 5s; # Im archive mode we'll only fetch the json stream to save resources from jq and sed if [[ $archive != "true" ]] then #Not in archive mode curl -X "GET" "$url" \ --no-progress-meter | \ tee -a "/data/$today.json" | \ grep url | \ sed 's/data://g' | \ while read -r line do if [[ $line == *"uri"* ]] then url=`echo $line | jq .url| sed 's/\"//g'` uri=`echo $line | jq .uri| sed 's/\"//g'` echo "[INFO] STREAMING from $host $url" echo $uri >> "/data/$today.uris.txt" fi done # In archive mode else if [[ ! -d "/data/$today/" ]] then mkdir -p "/data/$today/" fi curl -X "GET" "$url" --no-progress-meter >> "/data/$today/$today.$host.json" fi # Basic exponential backoff ((++errors)) sleepseconds=$((errors*errors)) # Don't allow a back off for more than 5 minutes. # Because we expect this container to reset occasionally to kill hanging curl processes # a graceful exit will wait for all scripts to stop. So, it will take at least as long as $sleepseconds # to stop. if [[ $sleepseconds -gt 299 ]] then sleepseconds=300 fi sleep $sleepseconds; echo "[WARN] Streaming abrubtly stopped for $host, streaming will pause for $sleepseconds seconds before retrying." done ## Exit 0 by default exit 0