2018-10-21 19:45:09 -06:00
@ extends ( 'site.help.partial.template' , [ 'breadcrumb' => 'Direct Messages' ])
@ section ( 'section' )
2020-11-18 19:09:19 -07:00
< div class = " title " >
< h3 class = " font-weight-bold " > {{ __ ( 'helpcenter.directMessages' )}} </ h3 >
</ div >
< hr >
< p class = " lead " > Send and recieve direct messages from other profiles .</ p >
< hr >
< p >
< a class = " text-dark font-weight-bold " data - toggle = " collapse " href = " #collapse1 " role = " button " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse1 " >
< i class = " fas fa-chevron-down mr-2 " ></ i >
How do I use Pixelfed Direct ?
</ a >
< div class = " collapse " id = " collapse1 " >
< div >
< p > Pixelfed Direct lets you send messages to another account . You can send the following things as a message on Pixelfed Direct :</ p >
< ul >
< li >
Photos or videos you take or upload from your library
</ li >
< li >
Posts you see in feed
</ li >
< li >
</ li >
< li >
</ li >
< li >
</ li >
< li >
</ li >
</ ul >
< p > To see messages you 've sent with Pixelfed Direct, tap <i class="far fa-comment-dots"></i> in the top right of feed. From there, you can manage the messages you' ve sent and received .</ p >
< p > Photos or videos sent with Pixelfed Direct can 't be shared through Pixelfed to other sites like Mastodon or Twitter, and won' t appear on hashtag and location pages .</ p >
</ div >
2018-10-21 19:45:09 -06:00
</ div >
2020-11-18 19:09:19 -07:00
</ p >
{{ -- < p >
< a class = " text-dark font-weight-bold " data - toggle = " collapse " href = " #collapse2 " role = " button " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse2 " >
< i class = " fas fa-chevron-down mr-2 " ></ i >
How do I manage messages I ' ve recieved with Pixelfed Direct ?
</ a >
< div class = " collapse " id = " collapse2 " >
< div >
</ div >
2018-10-21 19:45:09 -06:00
</ div >
2020-11-18 19:09:19 -07:00
</ p > -- }}
< p >
< a class = " text-dark font-weight-bold " data - toggle = " collapse " href = " #collapse3 " role = " button " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse3 " >
< i class = " fas fa-chevron-down mr-2 " ></ i >
How do I unsend a message I ' ve sent using Pixelfed Direct ?
</ a >
< div class = " collapse " id = " collapse3 " >
< div class = " mt-2 " >
You can click the message and select the < strong > Delete </ strong > option .
</ div >
</ div >
</ p >
< p >
< a class = " text-dark font-weight-bold " data - toggle = " collapse " href = " #collapse4 " role = " button " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse4 " >
< i class = " fas fa-chevron-down mr-2 " ></ i >
Can I use Pixelfed Direct to send messages to people I’ m not following ?
</ a >
< div class = " collapse " id = " collapse4 " >
< div class = " mt-2 " >
You can send a message to someone you are not following though it may be sent to their filtered inbox and not easily seen .
</ div >
</ div >
</ p >
< p >
< a class = " text-dark font-weight-bold " data - toggle = " collapse " href = " #collapse5 " role = " button " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse5 " >
< i class = " fas fa-chevron-down mr-2 " ></ i >
How do I report content that I ' ve recieved in a Pixelfed Direct message ?
</ a >
< div class = " collapse " id = " collapse5 " >
< div class = " mt-2 " >
You can click the message and then select the < strong > Report </ strong > option and follow the instructions on the Report page .
</ div >
</ div >
</ p >
2018-10-21 19:45:09 -06:00
@ endsection