2023-06-12 05:26:24 -06:00
< template >
< div class = "h-100 pf-import" >
< div v-if = "!loaded" class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center h-100" >
< b-spinner / >
< / div >
< template v-else >
< input type = "file" name = "file" class = "d-none" ref = "zipInput" @change ="zipInputChanged" / >
< template v-if = "page === 1" >
< div class = "title" >
< h3 class = "font-weight-bold" > Import < / h3 >
< / div >
< hr >
< section >
< p class = "lead" > Account Import allows you to import your data from a supported service . < / p >
< / section >
< section class = "mt-4" >
< ul class = "list-group" >
< li class = "list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between flex-column" style = "gap:1rem" >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" style = "gap: 1rem;" >
< div >
< p class = "font-weight-bold mb-1" > Import from Instagram < / p >
< p v-if = "showDisabledWarning" class="small mb-0" > This feature has been disabled by the administrators. < / p >
< p v -else -if = " showNotAllowedWarning " class = "small mb-0" > You have not been permitted to use this feature , or have reached the maximum limits . For more info , view the < a href = "/site/kb/import" class = "font-weight-bold" > Import Help Center < / a > page . < / p >
< p v -else class = "small mb-0" > Upload the JSON export from Instagram in . zip format . < br / > For more information click < a href = "/site/kb/import" > here < / a > . < / p >
< / div >
< div v-if = "!showDisabledWarning && !showNotAllowedWarning" >
< button
v - if = "step === 1 || invalidArchive"
type = "button"
class = "font-weight-bold btn btn-primary rounded-pill px-4 btn-lg"
@ click = "selectArchive()"
: disabled = "showDisabledWarning" >
< / button >
< template v -else -if = " step = = = 2 " >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center flex-column" >
< b-spinner v-if = "showUploadLoader" small / >
< button v -else type = "button" class = "font-weight-bold btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm btn-block" @click ="reviewImports()" > Review Imports < / button >
< p v-if = "zipName" class="small font-weight-bold mt-2 mb-0" > {{ zipName }} < / p >
< / div >
< / template >
< / div >
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
< ul class = "list-group mt-3" >
< li v-if = "processingCount" class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between flex-column" style="gap:1rem" >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< div >
< p class = "font-weight-bold mb-1" > Processing Imported Posts < / p >
< p class = "small mb-0" > These are posts that are in the process of being imported . < / p >
< / div >
< div >
< span class = "btn btn-danger rounded-pill py-0 font-weight-bold" disabled > { { processingCount } } < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / li >
< li v-if = "finishedCount" class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between flex-column" style="gap:1rem" >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< div >
< p class = "font-weight-bold mb-1" > Imported Posts < / p >
< p class = "small mb-0" > These are posts that have been successfully imported . < / p >
< / div >
< div >
< button
type = "button"
class = "font-weight-bold btn btn-primary btn-sm rounded-pill px-4 btn-block"
@ click = "handleReviewPosts()"
: disabled = "!finishedCount" >
Review { { finishedCount } } Posts
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / section >
< / template >
< template v -else -if = " page = = = 2 " >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< div class = "title" >
< h3 class = "font-weight-bold" > Import from Instagram < / h3 >
< / div >
< button
class = "btn btn-primary font-weight-bold rounded-pill px-4"
: class = "{ disabled: !selectedMedia || !selectedMedia.length }"
: disabled = "!selectedMedia || !selectedMedia.length || importButtonLoading"
@ click = "handleImport()"
< b-spinner v-if = "importButtonLoading" small / >
< span v-else > Import < / span >
< / button >
< / div >
< hr >
< section >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mb-3" >
< div v-if = "!selectedMedia || !selectedMedia.length" >
< p class = "lead mb-0" > Review posts you ' d like to import . < / p >
< p class = "small text-muted mb-0" > Tap on posts to include them in your import . < / p >
< / div >
< p v -else class = "lead mb-0" > < span class = "font-weight-bold" > { { selectedPostsCounter } } < / span > posts selected for import < / p >
2023-07-01 22:38:16 -06:00
< button v-if = "selectedMedia.length" class="btn btn-outline-danger font-weight-bold rounded-pill btn-sm my-1" @click="handleClearAll()" > Clear all selected < / button >
< button v -else class = "btn btn-outline-primary font-weight-bold rounded-pill" @click ="handleSelectAll()" > Select first 100 posts < / button >
2023-06-12 05:26:24 -06:00
< / div >
< / section >
< section class = "row mb-n5 media-selector" style = "max-height: 600px;overflow-y: auto;" >
< div v-for = "media in postMeta" class="col-12 col-md-4" >
< div
class = "square cursor-pointer"
@ click = "toggleSelectedPost(media)" >
< div
v - if = "media.media[0].uri.endsWith('.mp4')"
: class = "{ selected: selectedMedia.indexOf(media.media[0].uri) != -1 }"
class = "info-overlay-text-label rounded" >
< h5 class = "text-white m-auto font-weight-bold" >
< span >
< span class = "far fa-video fa-2x p-2 d-flex-inline" > < / span >
< / span >
< / h5 >
< / div >
< div
v - else
class = "square-content"
: class = "{ selected: selectedMedia.indexOf(media.media[0].uri) != -1 }"
: style = "{ borderRadius: '5px', backgroundImage: 'url(' + getFileNameUrl(media.media[0].uri) + ')'}" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "d-flex mt-1 justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< p class = "small" > < i class = "far fa-clock" > < / i > { { formatDate ( media . media [ 0 ] . creation _timestamp ) } } < / p >
< p class = "small font-weight-bold" > < a href = "#" @click.prevent ="showDetailsModal(media)" > < i class = "far fa-info-circle" > < / i > Details < / a > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< / template >
< template v -else -if = " page = = = ' reviewImports ' " >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< div class = "title" >
< h3 class = "font-weight-bold" > Posts Imported from Instagram < / h3 >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< section class = "row mb-n5 media-selector" style = "max-height: 600px;overflow-y: auto;" >
< div v-for = "media in importedPosts.data" class="col-12 col-md-4" >
< div
class = "square cursor-pointer" >
< div
v - if = "media.media_attachments[0].url.endsWith('.mp4')"
class = "info-overlay-text-label rounded" >
< h5 class = "text-white m-auto font-weight-bold" >
< span >
< span class = "far fa-video fa-2x p-2 d-flex-inline" > < / span >
< / span >
< / h5 >
< / div >
< div
v - else
class = "square-content"
: style = "{ borderRadius: '5px', backgroundImage: 'url(' + media.media_attachments[0].url + ')'}" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "d-flex mt-1 justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< p class = "small" > < i class = "far fa-clock" > < / i > { { formatDate ( media . created _at , false ) } } < / p >
< p class = "small font-weight-bold" > < a :href = "media.url" > < i class = "far fa-info-circle" > < / i > View < / a > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-12 my-3" >
< button
v - if = "importedPosts.meta && importedPosts.meta.next_cursor"
class = "btn btn-primary btn-block font-weight-bold"
@ click = "loadMorePosts()" >
Load more
< / button >
< / div >
< / section >
< / template >
< / template >
< b-modal
id = "detailsModal"
title = "Post Details"
v - model = "detailsModalShow"
: ok - only = "true"
ok - title = "Close"
centered >
< div class = "" >
< div v-for = "(media, idx) in modalData.media" class="mb-3" >
< div class = "list-group" >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< p class = "text-center font-weight-bold mb-0" > Media # { { idx + 1 } } < / p >
< img :src = "getFileNameUrl(media.uri)" width = "30" height = "30" style = "object-fit: cover; border-radius: 5px;" >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item" >
< p class = "small text-muted" > Caption < / p >
< p class = "mb-0 small read-more" style = "font-size: 12px;overflow-y: hidden;" > { { media . title ? media . title : modalData . title } } < / p >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item" >
< div class = "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< p class = "small mb-0 text-muted" > Timestamp < / p >
< p class = "font-weight-bold mb-0" > { { formatDate ( media . creation _timestamp ) } } < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / b-modal >
< / div >
< / template >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
import * as zip from "@zip.js/zip.js" ;
export default {
data ( ) {
return {
page : 1 ,
step : 1 ,
toggleLimit : 100 ,
config : { } ,
showDisabledWarning : false ,
showNotAllowedWarning : false ,
invalidArchive : false ,
loaded : false ,
existing : [ ] ,
zipName : undefined ,
zipFiles : [ ] ,
postMeta : [ ] ,
imageCache : [ ] ,
includeArchives : false ,
selectedMedia : [ ] ,
selectedPostsCounter : 0 ,
detailsModalShow : false ,
modalData : { } ,
importedPosts : [ ] ,
finishedCount : undefined ,
processingCount : undefined ,
showUploadLoader : false ,
importButtonLoading : false ,
} ,
mounted ( ) {
this . fetchConfig ( ) ;
} ,
methods : {
fetchConfig ( ) {
axios . get ( '/api/local/import/ig/config' )
. then ( res => {
this . config = res . data ;
if ( res . data . enabled == false ) {
this . showDisabledWarning = true ;
this . loaded = true ;
} else if ( res . data . allowed == false ) {
this . showNotAllowedWarning = true ;
this . loaded = true ;
} else {
this . fetchExisting ( ) ;
} )
} ,
fetchExisting ( ) {
axios . post ( '/api/local/import/ig/existing' )
. then ( res => {
this . existing = res . data ;
} )
. finally ( ( ) => {
this . fetchProcessing ( ) ;
} )
} ,
fetchProcessing ( ) {
axios . post ( '/api/local/import/ig/processing' )
. then ( res => {
this . processingCount = res . data . processing _count ;
this . finishedCount = res . data . finished _count ;
} )
. finally ( ( ) => {
this . loaded = true ;
} )
} ,
selectArchive ( ) {
event . currentTarget . blur ( ) ;
swal ( {
title : 'Upload Archive' ,
icon : 'success' ,
text : 'The .zip archive is probably named something like username_20230606.zip, and was downloaded from the Instagram.com website.' ,
buttons : {
cancel : "Cancel" ,
danger : {
text : "Upload zip archive" ,
value : "upload"
} )
. then ( res => {
this . $refs . zipInput . click ( ) ;
} )
} ,
zipInputChanged ( event ) {
this . step = 2 ;
this . zipName = event . target . files [ 0 ] . name ;
this . showUploadLoader = true ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
this . reviewImports ( ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
this . showUploadLoader = false ;
} , 3000 ) ;
} ,
reviewImports ( ) {
this . invalidArchive = false ;
this . checkZip ( ) ;
} ,
model ( file , options = { } ) {
return ( new zip . ZipReader ( new zip . BlobReader ( file ) ) ) . getEntries ( options ) ;
} ,
formatDate ( ts , unixt = true ) {
let date = unixt ? new Date ( ts * 1000 ) : new Date ( ts ) ;
return date . toLocaleDateString ( )
} ,
getFileNameUrl ( filename ) {
return this . imageCache . filter ( e => e . filename === filename ) . map ( e => e . blob ) ;
} ,
showDetailsModal ( entry ) {
this . modalData = entry ;
this . detailsModalShow = true ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
pixelfed . readmore ( ) ;
} , 500 ) ;
} ,
filterPostMeta ( media ) {
let json = JSON . parse ( media ) ;
let res = json . filter ( j => {
let ids = j . media . map ( m => m . uri ) . filter ( m => {
if ( this . config . allow _video _posts == true ) {
return m . endsWith ( '.png' ) || m . endsWith ( '.jpg' ) || m . endsWith ( '.mp4' ) ;
} else {
return m . endsWith ( '.png' ) || m . endsWith ( '.jpg' ) ;
} ) ;
return ids . length ;
} ) . filter ( j => {
let ids = j . media . map ( m => m . uri ) ;
return ! this . existing . includes ( ids [ 0 ] ) ;
} )
this . postMeta = res ;
return res ;
} ,
async checkZip ( ) {
let file = this . $refs . zipInput . files [ 0 ] ;
let entries = await this . model ( file ) ;
if ( entries && entries . length ) {
let files = await entries . filter ( e => e . filename === 'content/posts_1.json' ) ;
if ( ! files || ! files . length ) {
this . contactModal (
'Invalid import archive' ,
"The .zip archive you uploaded is corrupted, or is invalid. We cannot process your import at this time.\n\nIf this issue persists, please contact an administrator." ,
this . invalidArchive = true ;
return ;
} else {
this . readZip ( ) ;
} ,
async readZip ( ) {
let file = this . $refs . zipInput . files [ 0 ] ;
let entries = await this . model ( file ) ;
if ( entries && entries . length ) {
this . zipFiles = entries ;
let media = await entries . filter ( e => e . filename === 'content/posts_1.json' ) [ 0 ] . getData ( new zip . TextWriter ( ) ) ;
this . filterPostMeta ( media ) ;
let imgs = await Promise . all ( entries . filter ( entry => {
return entry . filename . startsWith ( 'media/posts/' ) && ( entry . filename . endsWith ( '.png' ) || entry . filename . endsWith ( '.jpg' ) || entry . filename . endsWith ( '.mp4' ) ) ;
} )
. map ( async entry => {
if (
entry . filename . startsWith ( 'media/posts/' ) &&
entry . filename . endsWith ( '.png' ) ||
entry . filename . endsWith ( '.jpg' ) ||
entry . filename . endsWith ( '.mp4' )
) {
let types = {
'png' : 'image/png' ,
'jpg' : 'image/jpeg' ,
'jpeg' : 'image/jpeg' ,
'mp4' : 'video/mp4'
let type = types [ entry . filename . split ( '/' ) . pop ( ) . split ( '.' ) . pop ( ) ] ;
let blob = await entry . getData ( new zip . BlobWriter ( type ) ) ;
let url = URL . createObjectURL ( blob ) ;
return {
filename : entry . filename ,
blob : url ,
file : blob
} else {
return ;
} ) ) ;
this . imageCache = imgs . flat ( 2 ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
this . page = 2 ;
} , 500 ) ;
} ,
toggleLimitReached ( ) {
this . contactModal (
'Limit reached' ,
"You can only import " + this . toggleLimit + " posts at a time.\nYou can import more posts after you finish importing these posts." ,
} ,
toggleSelectedPost ( media ) {
let filename ;
let self = this ;
if ( media . media . length === 1 ) {
filename = media . media [ 0 ] . uri
if ( this . selectedMedia . indexOf ( filename ) == - 1 ) {
if ( this . selectedPostsCounter >= this . toggleLimit ) {
this . toggleLimitReached ( ) ;
return ;
this . selectedMedia . push ( filename ) ;
this . selectedPostsCounter ++ ;
} else {
let idx = this . selectedMedia . indexOf ( filename ) ;
this . selectedMedia . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
this . selectedPostsCounter -- ;
} else {
filename = media . media [ 0 ] . uri
if ( this . selectedMedia . indexOf ( filename ) == - 1 ) {
if ( this . selectedPostsCounter >= this . toggleLimit ) {
this . toggleLimitReached ( ) ;
return ;
this . selectedPostsCounter ++ ;
} else {
this . selectedPostsCounter -- ;
media . media . forEach ( function ( m ) {
filename = m . uri
if ( self . selectedMedia . indexOf ( filename ) == - 1 ) {
self . selectedMedia . push ( filename ) ;
} else {
let idx = self . selectedMedia . indexOf ( filename ) ;
self . selectedMedia . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
} )
} ,
sliceIntoChunks ( arr , chunkSize ) {
const res = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; i += chunkSize ) {
const chunk = arr . slice ( i , i + chunkSize ) ;
res . push ( chunk ) ;
return res ;
} ,
handleImport ( ) {
swal ( 'Importing...' , "Please wait while we upload your imported posts.\n Keep this page open and do not navigate away." , 'success' ) ;
this . importButtonLoading = true ;
let ic = this . imageCache . filter ( e => {
return this . selectedMedia . indexOf ( e . filename ) != - 1 ;
} )
let chunks = this . sliceIntoChunks ( ic , 10 ) ;
chunks . forEach ( c => {
let formData = new FormData ( ) ;
c . map ( ( e , idx ) => {
let file = new File ( [ e . file ] , e . filename ) ;
formData . append ( 'file[' + idx + ']' , file , e . filename . split ( '/' ) . pop ( ) ) ;
} )
axios . post (
'/api/local/import/ig/media' ,
formData ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : ` multipart/form-data ` ,
} ,
. catch ( err => {
this . contactModal (
'Error' ,
err . response . data . message ,
} ) ;
} )
axios . post ( '/api/local/import/ig' , {
files : this . postMeta . filter ( e => this . selectedMedia . includes ( e . media [ 0 ] . uri ) ) . map ( e => {
if ( e . hasOwnProperty ( 'title' ) ) {
return {
title : e . title ,
'creation_timestamp' : e . creation _timestamp ,
uri : e . uri ,
media : e . media
} else {
return {
title : null ,
'creation_timestamp' : null ,
uri : null ,
media : e . media
} )
} ) . then ( res => {
if ( res ) {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
window . location . reload ( )
} , 5000 ) ;
} ) . catch ( err => {
this . contactModal (
'Error' ,
err . response . data . error ,
} )
} ,
handleReviewPosts ( ) {
this . page = 'reviewImports' ;
axios . post ( '/api/local/import/ig/posts' )
. then ( res => {
this . importedPosts = res . data ;
} )
} ,
loadMorePosts ( ) {
event . currentTarget . blur ( ) ;
axios . post ( '/api/local/import/ig/posts' , {
cursor : this . importedPosts . meta . next _cursor
} )
. then ( res => {
let data = res . data ;
data . data = [ ... this . importedPosts . data , ... res . data . data ] ;
this . importedPosts = data ;
} )
} ,
contactModal ( title = 'Error' , text , icon , closeButton = 'Close' ) {
swal ( {
title : title ,
text : text ,
icon : icon ,
dangerMode : true ,
buttons : {
ok : closeButton ,
danger : {
text : 'Contact Support' ,
value : 'contact'
} )
. then ( res => {
if ( res === 'contact' ) {
window . location . href = '/site/contact'
} ) ;
2023-07-01 22:38:16 -06:00
} ,
handleSelectAll ( ) {
let medias = this . postMeta . slice ( 0 , 100 ) ;
for ( var i = medias . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
let m = medias [ i ] ;
this . toggleSelectedPost ( m ) ;
} ,
handleClearAll ( ) {
this . selectedMedia = [ ]
this . selectedPostsCounter = 0 ;
2023-06-12 05:26:24 -06:00
< / script >
< style lang = "scss" scoped >
. pf - import {
. media - selector {
. selected {
border : 5 px solid red ;
< / style >