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Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'إلغاء', + 'copyLink' => 'نَسخ الرابِط', + 'delete' => 'حَذف', + 'error' => 'خطأ', + 'errorMsg' => 'حَدَثَ خطأٌ ما. يُرجى المُحاولةُ مرةً أُخرى لاحِقًا.', + 'oops' => 'المَعذِرَة!', + 'other' => 'اُخرى', + 'readMore' => 'قراءةُ المزيد', + 'success' => 'نَجاح', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'حسَّاس', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'مُحتَوًى حسَّاس', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'قد يحتوي هذا المَنشور على مُحتوًى حسَّاس', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'شُروطُ الاِستِخدام', + 'privacy' => 'سِياسَةُ الخُصوصيَّة', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'البَحث', + 'admin' => 'لوحَةُ تَحكُّمِ المُشرِف', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'التَّغذيَة الرئيسَة', + 'localFeed' => 'التَّغذيَة المحليَّة', + 'globalFeed' => 'التَّغذيَة الشّامِلة', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'الاِستِكشاف', + 'directMessages' => 'الرسائِلُ المُباشِرَة', + 'notifications' => 'الإشعارات', + 'groups' => 'المَجمُوعات', + 'stories' => 'القَصَص', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'المِلف التَّعريفيّ', + 'drive' => 'وِحدَةُ التَّخزين', + 'settings' => 'الإعدَادَات', + 'compose' => 'إنشاءُ جَديد', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'حَول', + 'help' => 'المُساعَدَة', + 'language' => 'اللُّغَة', + 'privacy' => 'الخُصُوصِيَّة', + 'terms' => 'الشُّرُوط', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'العودة إلى التصميم السابق' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'صَندوقُ الوارِد', + 'sent' => 'أُرسِلَت', + 'requests' => 'الطَّلَبات' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'أُعجِبَ بِمنشورٍ لَك', + 'commented' => 'علَّقَ على مَنشورٍ لَك', + 'reacted' => 'تَفاعَلَ مَعَك', + 'shared' => 'شَارَكَ مَنشورٍ لَك', + 'tagged' => 'أشارَ إليكَ فِي', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'حَدَّثَ', + 'sentA' => 'أرسَلَ', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'تابَعَ', + 'mentioned' => 'أشارَ إلى', + 'you' => 'أنت', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'طلبُكَ للانضِمام', + 'applicationApproved' => 'تمَّت الموافقة عليه!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'تمَّ رفضه. يُمكِنُكَ التقدُمُ بطلبٍ جديدٍ للانضمام بعد 6 شهور.', - 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'dm' => 'الرسائِل المُباشِرَة', + 'groupPost' => 'مَنشور مَجموعَة', + 'modlog' => 'سجلات المُشرِف', + 'post' => 'مَنشور', + 'story' => 'قَصَّة', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'المُشاركة مَعَ المُتابِعين', + 'shareToOther' => 'المُشارَكَة مَعَ الآخرين', + 'noLikes' => 'لا إعجابات حتَّى الآن', + 'uploading' => 'الرَّفعُ جارٍ', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'المَنشُورات', + 'followers' => 'المُتابِعُون', + 'following' => 'المُتابَعُون', + 'admin' => 'مُشرِف', + 'collections' => 'تَجميعات', + 'follow' => 'مُتابَعَة', + 'unfollow' => 'إلغاء المُتابَعَة', + 'editProfile' => 'تحرير المِلَف التَّعريفي', + 'followRequested' => 'طُلِبَت المُتابَعَة', + 'joined' => 'انضَم', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'عَرض المَنشور', + 'viewProfile' => 'عَرض المِلف التعريفي', + 'moderationTools' => 'أدوات الإشراف', + 'report' => 'إبلاغ', + 'archive' => 'أرشَفَة', + 'unarchive' => 'إلغاء الأرشَفَة', + 'embed' => 'تضمين', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'selectOneOption' => 'حدِّد أحدَ الخياراتِ التالِيَة', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'الاستثناء من قوائِم الخُطُوط الزمنيَّة', + 'addCW' => 'إضافة تحذير مُحتوى', + 'removeCW' => 'حذف تحذير المُحتوى', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'تَعليم كَغير مَرغُوبٍ بِه', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'الاستثِناء مِنَ القوائِم + إضافة تحذير مُحتوى لِلمُشارَكَات الحاليَّة وَالمُستَقبَليَّة', + 'spam' => 'غير مَرغوب بِه', + 'sensitive' => 'مُحتَوًى حسَّاس', + 'abusive' => 'مُسيءٌ أو ضار', + 'underageAccount' => 'حِسابٌ دونَ السِّن', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'اِنتِهاكُ حُقُوق', + 'impersonation' => 'اِنتِحالُ شَخصيَّة', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'نَصبٌ أو اِحتِيال', + 'confirmReport' => 'تأكيدُ البَلاغ', + 'confirmReportText' => 'هل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي الإبلاغِ عَن هَذَا المَنشور؟', + 'reportSent' => 'أُرسِلَ البَلاغ!', + 'reportSentText' => 'لقد تلقينا بَلاغُكَ بِنجاح.', + 'reportSentError' => 'طَرَأ خَلَلٌ أثناءُ الإبلاغِ عَن هذا المَنشور.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'هل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي إضافَةِ تَحذيرٍ للمُحتَوى عَلى هَذَا المَنشُور؟', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'أُضيفَ تَحذيرُ المُحتَوى بِنَجاح', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'هَل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي إزالَةِ تَحذيرِ المُحتَوى مِن عَلى هَذَا المَنشُور؟', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'أُزيلَ تَحذيرُ المُحتَوى بِنَجاح', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'هل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي اِستِثناءِ هَذَا المَنشُورِ مِنَ القائِمَة (جَعلَهُ غَيرُ مُدرَج)؟', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'اُستُثنِيَ المَنشُورُ بِنَجاح', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'هَل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي تَعليمِ هذا المُستَخدِمِ كَناشِرٍ لِمَنشُوراتٍ غيرِ مَرغوبٍ فِيها؟ سوف يُلغى إدراجُ جَميعِ مَنشوراتِهِ الحاليَّةِ وَالمُستَقبَليَّةِ مِنَ الخُطُوطِ الزَمنيَّةِ وَسوف يُطبَّقُ تَحذيرُ المُحتَوَى عَليها.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'عُلِّمَ المُستَخدِمُ كَناشِرٍ لِمَنشُوراتٍ غيرِ مَرغوبٍ فِيها بِنَجاح', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'إلَى المُتَابِعين', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'عَرضُ التَعليقِ التَوضيحي', + 'showLikes' => 'إظهارُ الإعجابات', + 'compactMode' => 'الوَضع المَضغوط', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'باِستِخدامِكَ لِهذا التَّضمين، أنتَ تُوافِقُ عَلَى', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'هَل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي حَذفِ هَذَا المَنشُور؟', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'هَل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي أرشَفَةِ هَذَا المَنشُور؟', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'هَل أنتَ مُتأكِّدٌ مِن رَغبَتِكَ فِي إلغاءِ أرشَفَةِ هَذَا المَنشُور؟', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'إضافَةُ قَصَّة' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'أشخاصٌ قَد تَعرِفُهُم' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/bn/web.php b/resources/lang/bn/web.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..928b7aa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/bn/web.php @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ + [ + 'comment' => 'Comment', + 'commented' => 'Commented', + 'comments' => 'Comments', + 'like' => 'Like', + 'liked' => 'Liked', + 'likes' => 'Likes', + 'share' => 'Share', + 'shared' => 'Shared', + 'shares' => 'Shares', + 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + + 'cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', + 'delete' => 'Delete', + 'error' => 'Error', + 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', + 'oops' => 'Oops!', + 'other' => 'Other', + 'readMore' => 'Read more', + 'success' => 'Success', + + 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + ], + + 'site' => [ + 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', + 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + ], + + 'navmenu' => [ + 'search' => 'Search', + 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + + // Timelines + 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', + 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', + 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + + // Core features + 'discover' => 'Discover', + 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', + 'notifications' => 'Notifications', + 'groups' => 'Groups', + 'stories' => 'Stories', + + // Self links + 'profile' => 'Profile', + 'drive' => 'Drive', + 'settings' => 'Settings', + 'compose' => 'Create New', + + // Nav footer + 'about' => 'About', + 'help' => 'Help', + 'language' => 'Language', + 'privacy' => 'Privacy', + 'terms' => 'Terms', + + // Temporary links + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + ], + + 'directMessages' => [ + 'inbox' => 'Inbox', + 'sent' => 'Sent', + 'requests' => 'Requests' + ], + + 'notifications' => [ + 'liked' => 'liked your', + 'commented' => 'commented on your', + 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', + 'shared' => 'shared your', + 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + + 'updatedA' => 'updated a', + 'sentA' => 'sent a', + + 'followed' => 'followed', + 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', + 'you' => 'you', + + 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', + 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + + 'dm' => 'dm', + 'groupPost' => 'group post', + 'modlog' => 'modlog', + 'post' => 'post', + 'story' => 'story', + ], + + 'post' => [ + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', + 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', + 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', + 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + ], + + 'profile' => [ + 'posts' => 'Posts', + 'followers' => 'Followers', + 'following' => 'Following', + 'admin' => 'Admin', + 'collections' => 'Collections', + 'follow' => 'Follow', + 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', + 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', + 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', + 'joined' => 'Joined', + ], + + 'menu' => [ + 'viewPost' => 'View Post', + 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', + 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', + 'report' => 'Report', + 'archive' => 'Archive', + 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', + 'embed' => 'Embed', + + 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', + 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', + 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'spam' => 'Spam', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', + 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', + 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', + 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', + 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', + 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', + 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', + 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + + 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + + 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', + 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', + 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + ], + + 'story' => [ + 'add' => 'Add Story' + ], + + 'timeline' => [ + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + ] + +]; diff --git a/resources/lang/ca/web.php b/resources/lang/ca/web.php index 928b7aa8..ba8ec040 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ca/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/ca/web.php @@ -3,176 +3,176 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Comentar', + 'commented' => 'Comentari', + 'comments' => 'Comentaris', + 'like' => 'M\'agrada', + 'liked' => 'M\'ha agradat', + 'likes' => '"M\'agrada"', + 'share' => 'Comparteix', + 'shared' => 'S\'han compartit', + 'shares' => 'S\'han compartit', + 'unshare' => 'Deixa de compartir', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', + 'cancel' => 'Cancel·la', + 'copyLink' => 'Copia l\'enllaç', + 'delete' => 'Esborra', 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'errorMsg' => 'Alguna cosa ha anat malament. Siusplau, intenta-ho més tard.', + 'oops' => 'Uix!', + 'other' => 'Altres', + 'readMore' => 'Llegiu-ne més', + 'success' => 'Completat amb èxit', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensible', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Contingut sensible', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Aquest article pot contenir contingut sensible', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Condicions d\'ús', + 'privacy' => 'Política de Privacitat', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Cercar', + 'admin' => 'Tauler d\'Administració', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Línia de temps principal', + 'localFeed' => 'Línia de temps local', + 'globalFeed' => 'Línia de temps global', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Descobrir', + 'directMessages' => 'Missatges directes', + 'notifications' => 'Notificacions', + 'groups' => 'Grups', + 'stories' => 'Històries', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'Perfil', + 'drive' => 'Unitat', + 'settings' => 'Paràmetres', + 'compose' => 'Crea un nou', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'Quant a', + 'help' => 'Ajuda', + 'language' => 'Idioma', + 'privacy' => 'Privacitat', + 'terms' => 'Termes', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Tornar al disseny anterior' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Safata d\'entrada', + 'sent' => 'Enviat', + 'requests' => 'Sol·licitud' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'li agrada la teva', + 'commented' => 'comentat el teu', + 'reacted' => 'ha reaccionat al teu', + 'shared' => 'ha compartit la teva', + 'tagged' => 't\'ha etiquetat en una', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'actualitzat a', + 'sentA' => 'enviat a', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'seguits', + 'mentioned' => 'mencionat', + 'you' => 'vostè', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'La teva sol·licitud per unir-te', + 'applicationApproved' => 'està aprovat!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'ha estat rebutjat. Pots tornar a sol·licitar unir-te en 6 mesos.', - 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', + 'dm' => 'md', + 'groupPost' => 'publicacions al grup', 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'post' => 'publicació', + 'story' => 'història', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Comparteix amb els seguidors', + 'shareToOther' => 'Compartits per altres', + 'noLikes' => 'Cap m\'agrada encara', + 'uploading' => 'Carregant', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Publicacions', + 'followers' => 'Seguidors', + 'following' => 'Seguint', + 'admin' => 'Administrador', + 'collections' => 'Col·leccions', + 'follow' => 'Segueix', + 'unfollow' => 'Deixeu de seguir', + 'editProfile' => 'Edita el teu perfil', + 'followRequested' => 'Sol·licitud de seguidor', + 'joined' => 'S\'ha unit', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Veure publicació', + 'viewProfile' => 'Mostra el perfil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Eines de moderació', + 'report' => 'Informe', + 'archive' => 'Arxiu', + 'unarchive' => 'Desarxiva', + 'embed' => 'Incrusta', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Seleccioneu una de les opcions següents', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Desllista de les línies de temps', + 'addCW' => 'Afegeix advertència de contingut', + 'removeCW' => 'Esborra advertència de contingut', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Marca com a brossa', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Desllista + CW publicacions existents i futures', + 'spam' => 'Contingut brossa', + 'sensitive' => 'Contingut sensible', + 'abusive' => 'Abusiu o nociu', + 'underageAccount' => 'Compte de menors d\'edat', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Infracció de drets d’autor', + 'impersonation' => 'Suplantacions', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Estafa o Frau', + 'confirmReport' => 'Confirma l\'informe', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Esteu segur que voleu informar d\'aquesta publicació?', + 'reportSent' => 'Informe enviat!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Hem rebut correctament el vostre informe.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Hi ha hagut un problema en informar d\'aquesta publicació.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Confirmes que vols afegir un avís de contingut a aquesta publicació?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Avís de contingut afegit correctament', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Confirmes que vols esborrar un avís de contingut d\'aquesta publicació?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Avís de contingut esborrat correctament', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Esteu segur que voleu desllistar d\'aquesta publicació?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Entrada desllistada amb èxit', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Esteu segur que voleu marcar aquest usuari com a brossa? Totes les publicacions existents i futures no apareixeran a les cronologies i s\'aplicarà un avís de contingut.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'El compte s\'ha marcat correctament com a brossa', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'els seguidors', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Mostra el subtítol', + 'showLikes' => 'Mostra els m\'agrada', + 'compactMode' => 'Mode Compacte', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'En utilitzar aquesta inserció, accepteu el nostre', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquesta publicació?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Segur que voleu arxivar aquesta publicació?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Segur que voleu desarxivar aquesta publicació?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Afegir història' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Gent que potser coneixes' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/cs/web.php b/resources/lang/cs/web.php index 928b7aa8..81ed8503 100644 --- a/resources/lang/cs/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/cs/web.php @@ -3,81 +3,81 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', + 'comment' => 'Komentář', + 'commented' => 'Okomentováno', + 'comments' => 'Komentáře', + 'like' => 'Líbí se mi', 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'likes' => 'To se mi líbí', + 'share' => 'Sdílet', + 'shared' => 'Sdíleno', + 'shares' => 'Sdílení', + 'unshare' => 'Zrušit sdílení', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', + 'cancel' => 'Zrušit', + 'copyLink' => 'Kopírovat odkaz', + 'delete' => 'Smazat', + 'error' => 'Chyba', + 'errorMsg' => 'Něco se pokazilo. Zkuste to prosím později.', + 'oops' => 'Jejda!', 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', + 'readMore' => 'Číst více', 'success' => 'Success', 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Citlivý obsah', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Tento příspěvek může obsahovat citlivý obsah', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Podmínky použití', + 'privacy' => 'Zásady ochrany osobních údajů', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Hledat', + 'admin' => 'Administrátorský ovládací panel', // Timelines 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', + 'localFeed' => 'Místní časová osa', 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 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'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'confirmReport' => 'Potvrdit hlášení', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Jste si jisti, že chcete nahlásit tento příspěvek?', + 'reportSent' => 'Hlášení odesláno!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Úspěšně jsme obdrželi vaše hlášení.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Při nahlášení tohoto příspěvku došlo k chybě.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Jste si jisti, že chcete k tomuto příspěvku přidat varování o obsahu?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Varování o obsahu bylo úspěšně přidáno', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Jste si jisti, že chcete odebrat upozornění na obsah tohoto příspěvku?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Varování o obsahu bylo úspěšně odebráno', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Opravdu chcete odebrat tento příspěvek?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Příspěvek byl odebrán z časové osy', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Jste si jisti, že chcete tohoto uživatele označit jako spammer? Všechny existující a budoucí příspěvky budou vyřazeny z časových os a bude na ně aplikováno varování o obsahu.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Účet byl označen jako spammer', 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', + 'showLikes' => 'Zobrazit To se mi líbí', + 'compactMode' => 'Kompaktní režim', 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Opravdu chcete smazat tento příspěvek?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Opravdu chcete archivovat tento příspěvek?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Opravdu chcete zrušit archivaci tohoto příspěvku?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Přidat příběh' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Lidé, které možná znáte' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/cy/web.php b/resources/lang/cy/web.php index ad46ea3c..7b189ab6 100644 --- a/resources/lang/cy/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/cy/web.php @@ -3,73 +3,80 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Gwneud Sylw', + 'commented' => 'Sylwadau ar', + 'comments' => 'Sylwadau', + 'like' => 'Hoffi', + 'liked' => 'Hoffi', + 'likes' => 'Hoffi', + 'share' => 'Rhannu', + 'shared' => 'Rhannu', + 'shares' => 'Rhannu', + 'unshare' => 'Dad-rannu', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'Canslo', + 'copyLink' => 'Copïo\'r ddolen', + 'delete' => 'Dileu', + 'error' => 'Gwall', + 'errorMsg' => 'Aeth rhywbeth o\'i le. Rhowch gynnig arall arni yn nes ymlaen.', + 'oops' => 'Wps!', + 'other' => 'Arall', + 'readMore' => 'Darllen mwy', + 'success' => 'Llwyddiant', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensitif', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Cynnwys sensitif', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Gall y post hon gynnwys cynnwys sensitif', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Telerau defnyddio', + 'privacy' => 'Polisi preifatrwydd', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Chwilio', + 'admin' => 'Dangosfwrdd gweinyddol', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Ffrwd gatref', + 'localFeed' => 'Ffrwd lleol', + 'globalFeed' => 'Ffrwd byd-eang', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Darganfod', + 'directMessages' => 'Negeseuon preifat', + 'notifications' => 'Hysbysiadau', + 'groups' => 'Grwpiau', + 'stories' => 'Straeon', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'Proffil', + 'drive' => 'Gyriant storio', + 'settings' => 'Gosodiadau', + 'compose' => 'Creu newydd', + + // Nav footer + 'about' => 'Amdano', + 'help' => 'Cymorth', + 'language' => 'Iaith', + 'privacy' => 'Preifatrwydd', + 'terms' => 'Telerau', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Ewch yn ôl at ddyluniad blaenorol' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Mewnflwch', + 'sent' => 'Anfonwyd', + 'requests' => 'Ceisiadau' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', + 'liked' => 'wedi hoffi eich', + 'commented' => 'gwnaeth sylwadau ar eich', + 'reacted' => 'adweithio i\'ch', 'shared' => 'shared your', 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', @@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ return [ 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Ydych chi\'n siŵr eich bod chi am adroddi\'r post hon?', 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', diff --git a/resources/lang/de/web.php b/resources/lang/de/web.php index d9e75f0f..48e3b925 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/de/web.php @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ return [ 'comment' => 'Kommentar', 'commented' => 'Kommentiert', 'comments' => 'Kommentare', - 'like' => 'Gefällt', - 'liked' => 'Liked', + 'like' => 'Gefällt mir', + 'liked' => 'Gefällt', 'likes' => 'Gefällt', 'share' => 'Teilen', 'shared' => 'Geteilt', 'shares' => 'Geteilt', - 'unshare' => 'Teilen rückgängig', + 'unshare' => 'Teilen rückgängig machen', 'cancel' => 'Abbrechen', 'copyLink' => 'Link kopieren', @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ return [ 'errorMsg' => 'Etwas ist schief gelaufen. Bitter versuch es später nochmal.', 'oops' => 'Hoppla!', 'other' => 'Anderes', - 'readMore' => 'Mehr lesen', + 'readMore' => 'Weiterlesen', 'success' => 'Erfolgreich', 'sensitive' => 'Sensibel', @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ return [ 'directMessages' => 'Direktnachrichten', 'notifications' => 'Benachrichtigungen', 'groups' => 'Gruppen', - 'stories' => 'Storys', + 'stories' => 'Stories', // Self links 'profile' => 'Profil', @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ return [ 'updatedA' => 'aktualisierte ein', 'sentA' => 'sendete ein', - 'followed' => 'followed', + 'followed' => 'gefolgt', 'mentioned' => 'erwähnt', 'you' => 'du', @@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ return [ 'applicationRejected' => 'wurde abgelehnt. Du kannst dich in 6 Monaten erneut für den Beitritt bewerben.', 'dm' => 'PN', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', + 'groupPost' => 'Gruppen-Post', 'modlog' => 'modlog', 'post' => 'Beitrag', - 'story' => 'story', + 'story' => 'Story', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Mit Folgenden teilen', 'shareToOther' => 'Mit anderen teilen', 'noLikes' => 'Noch keine Gefällt mir', 'uploading' => 'Lädt hoch', @@ -123,23 +123,23 @@ return [ 'viewProfile' => 'Profil anzeigen', 'moderationTools' => 'Moderationswerkzeuge', 'report' => 'Melden', - 'archive' => 'Archiv', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', + 'archive' => 'Archivieren', + 'unarchive' => 'Entarchivieren', 'embed' => 'Einbetten', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Wähle eine der folgenden Möglichkeiten', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Wähle eine der folgenden Optionen', 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Nicht in Timelines listen', 'addCW' => 'Inhaltswarnung hinzufügen', 'removeCW' => 'Inhaltswarnung entfernen', 'markAsSpammer' => 'Als Spammer markieren', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Aus der Zeitleiste entfernen und bisherige und zukünftige Beiträge mit einer Inhaltswarnung versehen', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitiver Inhalt', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensibler Inhalt', + 'abusive' => 'missbräuchlich oder schädigend', 'underageAccount' => 'Minderjährigen-Konto', 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Urheberrechtsverletzung', - 'impersonation' => 'Nachahmen', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', + 'impersonation' => 'Identitätsdiebstahl', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Betrug oder Missbrauch', 'confirmReport' => 'Meldung bestätigen', 'confirmReportText' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag melden möchtest?', 'reportSent' => 'Meldung gesendet!', @@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ return [ 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Inhaltswarnung erfolgreich entfernt', 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag nicht listen möchtest?', 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Beitrag erfolgreich nicht gelistet', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Benutzer als Spam markieren möchtest? Alle existierenden und zukünftigen Beiträge werden nicht mehr in der Zeitleiste angezeigt und mit einer Inhaltswarnung versehen.', 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Konto erfolgreich als Spammer markiert', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'an die Folgenden', 'showCaption' => 'Bildunterschrift anzeigen', 'showLikes' => '"Gefällt mir" anzeigen', @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ return [ 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen möchtest?', 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag archivieren möchtest?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Möchten Sie dieses Element wirklich aus dem Archiv zurückholen?', ], 'story' => [ diff --git a/resources/lang/el/web.php b/resources/lang/el/web.php index 3bad13f3..d7b17898 100644 --- a/resources/lang/el/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/el/web.php @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ return [ 'likes' => 'Αρέσει', 'share' => 'Κοινοποίηση', 'shared' => 'Κοινοποιήθηκε', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'shares' => 'Κοινοποιήσεις', + 'unshare' => 'Αναίρεση κοινοποίησης', 'cancel' => 'Ακύρωση', 'copyLink' => 'Αντιγραφή Συνδέσμου', @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [ // Self links 'profile' => 'Προφίλ', - 'drive' => 'Drive', + 'drive' => 'Χώρος αποθήκευσης', 'settings' => 'Ρυθμίσεις', 'compose' => 'Δημιουργία νέου', diff --git a/resources/lang/es/web.php b/resources/lang/es/web.php index 928b7aa8..05555148 100644 --- a/resources/lang/es/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/es/web.php @@ -3,176 +3,176 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Comentario', + 'commented' => 'Comentado', + 'comments' => 'Comentarios', + 'like' => 'Me gusta', + 'liked' => 'Te gusta', + 'likes' => 'Me gustas', + 'share' => 'Compartir', + 'shared' => 'Compartido', + 'shares' => 'Compartidos', + 'unshare' => 'No compartir', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', + 'cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'copyLink' => 'Copiar Enlace', + 'delete' => 'Eliminar', 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'errorMsg' => 'Algo fue mal. Por favor inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.', + 'oops' => 'Upss!', + 'other' => 'Otros', + 'readMore' => 'Ver más', + 'success' => 'Correcto', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensible', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Contenido Sensible', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Este post podría tener contenido sensible', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Términos de Uso', + 'privacy' => 'Política de Privacidad', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Buscar', + 'admin' => 'Panel de Administrador', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Feed Principal', + 'localFeed' => 'Feed Local', + 'globalFeed' => 'Feed Global', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Descubre', + 'directMessages' => 'Mensajes Directos', + 'notifications' => 'Notificaciones', + 'groups' => 'Grupos', + 'stories' => 'Historias', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'Perfil', + 'drive' => 'Multimedia', + 'settings' => 'Ajustes', + 'compose' => 'Crear Nuevo', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'Acerca de', + 'help' => 'Ayuda', + 'language' => 'Idioma', + 'privacy' => 'Privacidad', + 'terms' => 'Términos', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Volver al diseño anterior' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Entrada', + 'sent' => 'Enviado', + 'requests' => 'Solicitudes' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'le gustó tu', + 'commented' => 'comentó en tu', + 'reacted' => 'reaccionó a tu', + 'shared' => 'ha compartido tu', + 'tagged' => 'te ha etiquetado en', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'actualizó una', + 'sentA' => 'envió un', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'te siguió', + 'mentioned' => 'te mencionó', + 'you' => 'tú', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'Tu solicitud para unirse', + 'applicationApproved' => 'ha sido aprobada!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'ha sido rechazada. Puedes volver a solicitar unirte en 6 meses.', - 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', + 'dm' => 'md', + 'groupPost' => 'publicación de grupo', 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'post' => 'publicación', + 'story' => 'historia', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Compartir a seguidores', + 'shareToOther' => 'Compartir a otros', + 'noLikes' => 'No hay me gustas', + 'uploading' => 'Subiendo', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Publicaciones', + 'followers' => 'Seguidores', + 'following' => 'Siguiendo', + 'admin' => 'Administrador', + 'collections' => 'Colecciones', + 'follow' => 'Seguir', + 'unfollow' => 'Dejar de seguir', + 'editProfile' => 'Editar Perfil', + 'followRequested' => 'Seguimiento Solicitado', + 'joined' => 'Se unió', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Ver Publicación', + 'viewProfile' => 'Ver Perfil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Herramientas de Moderación', + 'report' => 'Reportar', + 'archive' => 'Archivar', + 'unarchive' => 'No Archivar', + 'embed' => 'Incrustar', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Escoge una de las siguientes opciones', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'No listar en Líneas Temporales', + 'addCW' => 'Añadir Spoiler', + 'removeCW' => 'Quitar Spoiler', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Marcar como Spammer', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'No listar + Spoiler publicaciones actuales y futuras', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'sensitive' => 'Contenido Sensible', + 'abusive' => 'Abusivo o Dañino', + 'underageAccount' => 'Cuenta de Menor de Edad', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Violación de Copyright', + 'impersonation' => 'Suplantación', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam o Fraude', + 'confirmReport' => 'Confirmar Reporte', + 'confirmReportText' => '¿Seguro que quieres reportar esta publicación?', + 'reportSent' => '¡Reporte enviado!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Hemos recibido tu reporte de forma satisfactoria.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Hubo un problema reportando esta publicación.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => '¿Seguro que desea añadir un spoiler a esta publicación?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Spoiler añadido correctamente', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => '¿Seguro que desea eliminar el spoiler de esta publicación?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Spoiler eliminado correctamente', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => '¿Seguro que desea no listar esta publicación?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Publicación no listada correctamente', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => '¿Seguro que quiere marcar este usuario como spammer? Todas las publicaciones existentes y futuras no serán listadas en las líneas temporales y se les agregará un Spoiler o alerta de contenido.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Cuenta marcada como spam correctamente', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'a Seguidores', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Mostrar subtítulos', + 'showLikes' => 'Mostrar me gustas', + 'compactMode' => 'Modo Compacto', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'Usando este incrustado, usted acepta', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => '¿Seguro que desea eliminar esta publicación?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => '¿Seguro que desea archivar esta publicación?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => '¿Seguro que desea desarchivar esta publicación?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Añadir Historia' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Gente que podrías conocer' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/eu/web.php b/resources/lang/eu/web.php index ad46ea3c..0ab9be5b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/eu/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/eu/web.php @@ -3,169 +3,176 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Iruzkindu', + 'commented' => 'Iruzkindu', + 'comments' => 'Iruzkinak', + 'like' => 'Datsegit', + 'liked' => 'Datsegit', + 'likes' => 'Atsegite', + 'share' => 'Partekatu', + 'shared' => 'Partekatua', + 'shares' => 'Partekatze', + 'unshare' => 'Utzi partekatzeari', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'Utzi', + 'copyLink' => 'Kopiatu esteka', + 'delete' => 'Ezabatu', + 'error' => 'Errorea', + 'errorMsg' => 'Zerbait oker joan da. Saiatu berriro beranduago.', + 'oops' => 'Arranopola!', + 'other' => 'Bestelakoa', + 'readMore' => 'Gehiago irakurri', + 'success' => 'Burutu da', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sentibera', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Kontuz edukiarekin', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Argitalpen honen edukia mingarria izan daiteke', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Erabilera-baldintzak', + 'privacy' => 'Pribatutasun-gidalerroak', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Bilatu', + 'admin' => 'Adminaren panela', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Hasierako jarioa', + 'localFeed' => 'Tokiko jarioa', + 'globalFeed' => 'Iturri globala', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Aurkitu', + 'directMessages' => 'Mezu zuzenak', + 'notifications' => 'Jakinarazpenak', + 'groups' => 'Taldeak', + 'stories' => 'Istorioak', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'Profila', + 'drive' => 'Gida', + 'settings' => 'Ezarpenak', + 'compose' => 'Argitaratu', + + // Nav footer + 'about' => 'Honi buruz', + 'help' => 'Laguntza', + 'language' => 'Hizkuntza', + 'privacy' => 'Pribatutasuna', + 'terms' => 'Baldintzak', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Itzuli aurreko itxurara' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Sarrera ontzia', + 'sent' => 'Bidalita', + 'requests' => 'Eskaerak' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'datsegi zure', + 'commented' => 'iruzkindu du zure', + 'reacted' => '-(e)k erantzun egin du zure', + 'shared' => 'partekatu du zure', + 'tagged' => 'etiketatu zaitu hemen:', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => '-(e)k eguneratu egin du', + 'sentA' => '-(e)k bidali egin du', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'honi jarraitzen hasi da:', + 'mentioned' => '-(e)k aipatu zaitu', + 'you' => 'zu', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'Elkartzeko zure eskaera', + 'applicationApproved' => 'onartu da!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'ez da onartu. Berriz eska dezakezu 6 hilabete barru.', - 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'dm' => 'mezu pribatua', + 'groupPost' => 'talde argitarapena', + 'modlog' => 'modloga', + 'post' => 'bidalketa', + 'story' => 'istorioa', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Partekatu jarraitzaileekin', + 'shareToOther' => 'Partekatu besteekin', + 'noLikes' => 'Atsegiterik ez oraindik', + 'uploading' => 'Igotzen', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', + 'posts' => 'Bidalketak', + 'followers' => 'Jarraitzaileak', + 'following' => 'Jarraitzen', 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'collections' => 'Bildumak', + 'follow' => 'Jarraitu', + 'unfollow' => 'Utzi jarraitzeari', + 'editProfile' => 'Editatu profila', + 'followRequested' => 'Eskaera bidalita', + 'joined' => 'Elkartu da', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Ikusi bidalketa', + 'viewProfile' => 'Ikusi profila', + 'moderationTools' => 'Moderazio tresnak', + 'report' => 'Salatu', + 'archive' => 'Artxibatu', + 'unarchive' => 'Desartxibatu', + 'embed' => 'Kapsulatu', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Hautatu aukera hauetako bat', 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', + 'addCW' => 'Edukia kontuz ibiltzekoa dela aipatu', + 'removeCW' => 'Edukia kontuz ibiltzekoa denaren aipamena kendu', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Markatu zabor-bidaltzaile gisa', 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'spam' => 'Zaborra', + 'sensitive' => 'Eduki hunkigarria', + 'abusive' => 'Bortxazko edo Mingarria', + 'underageAccount' => 'Adin txikiko baten kontua', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyrightaren urraketa', + 'impersonation' => 'Nortasunaren iruzurra', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Iruzur edo lapurreta', + 'confirmReport' => 'Salaketa berretsi', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Ziur bidalketa hau salatu nahi duzula?', + 'reportSent' => 'Salaketa bidali da', + 'reportSentText' => 'Zure salaketa jaso dugu.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Arazo bat egon da bidalketa hau salatzerakoan.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Ziur al zaude edukiaren abisua jarri nahi duzula argitalpen honetarako?', 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Kontua zabor-bidaltzaile gisa markatu da', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'jarraitzaileei', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', + 'showCaption' => 'Irudiaren azalpena erakutsi', + 'showLikes' => 'Erakutsi atsegiteak', + 'compactMode' => 'Modu trinkoa', 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Ziur bidalketa hau ezabatu nahi duzula?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Ziur bidalketa hau artxibatu nahi duzula?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Ziur bidalketa hau desartxibatu nahi duzula?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Gehitu Istorioa' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Agian ezagutzen duzun jendea' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/fa/web.php b/resources/lang/fa/web.php index ad46ea3c..928b7aa8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fa/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/fa/web.php @@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ return [ 'settings' => 'Settings', 'compose' => 'Create New', + // Nav footer + 'about' => 'About', + 'help' => 'Help', + 'language' => 'Language', + 'privacy' => 'Privacy', + 'terms' => 'Terms', + // Temporary links 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' ], diff --git a/resources/lang/fr/web.php b/resources/lang/fr/web.php index 16240cdd..243c232f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fr/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/fr/web.php @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ return [ 'commented' => 'Commenté', 'comments' => 'Commentaires', 'like' => 'J\'aime', - 'liked' => 'Aimé·e', + 'liked' => 'Aimé', 'likes' => 'J\'aime', 'share' => 'Partager', 'shared' => 'Partagé', @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ return [ 'delete' => 'Supprimer', 'error' => 'Erreur', 'errorMsg' => 'Une erreur est survenue. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.', - 'oops' => 'Oups !', + 'oops' => 'Zut !', 'other' => 'Autre', - 'readMore' => 'Lire plus', - 'success' => 'Succès', + 'readMore' => 'En savoir plus', + 'success' => 'Opération réussie', 'sensitive' => 'Sensible', 'sensitiveContent' => 'Contenu sensible', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Ce message peut contenir du contenu sensible', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Le contenu de ce message peut être sensible', ], 'site' => [ @@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ return [ ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Rechercher', - 'admin' => 'Tableau de bord administrateur', + 'search' => 'Chercher', + 'admin' => 'Tableau de bord d\'administration', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Flux principal', - 'localFeed' => 'Flux local', - 'globalFeed' => 'Flux global', + 'homeFeed' => 'Fil principal', + 'localFeed' => 'Fil local', + 'globalFeed' => 'Fil global', // Core features 'discover' => 'Découvrir', @@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ return [ // Self links 'profile' => 'Profil', - 'drive' => 'Drive', + 'drive' => 'Médiathèque', 'settings' => 'Paramètres', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'compose' => 'Publier', // Nav footer 'about' => 'À propos', 'help' => 'Aide', 'language' => 'Langue', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Conditions ', + 'privacy' => 'Confidentialité', + 'terms' => 'Conditions', // Temporary links 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Revenir au design précédent' @@ -69,110 +69,110 @@ return [ 'directMessages' => [ 'inbox' => 'Boîte de réception', - 'sent' => 'Sent', + 'sent' => 'Boîte d\'envois', 'requests' => 'Demandes' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'a aimé·e votre', - 'commented' => 'a commenté·e votre', + 'liked' => 'a aimé votre', + 'commented' => 'a commenté votre', 'reacted' => 'a réagi à votre', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'shared' => 'a partagé votre', + 'tagged' => 'vous a tagué·e dans un', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'mis à jour un·e', + 'sentA' => 'a envoyé un·e', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 's\'est abonné·e à', + 'mentioned' => 'a mentionné', + 'you' => 'vous', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'Votre candidature à rejoindre', + 'applicationApproved' => 'a été approuvée !', + 'applicationRejected' => 'a été rejetée. Vous pouvez refaire une demande dans 6 mois.', - 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', + 'dm' => 'mp', + 'groupPost' => 'publication de groupe', + 'modlog' => 'journal de modération', + 'post' => 'publication', 'story' => 'story', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Partager avec ses abonné·e·s', + 'shareToOther' => 'Partager avec d\'autres', + 'noLikes' => 'Aucun J\'aime pour le moment', + 'uploading' => 'Envoi en cours', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', + 'posts' => 'Publications', + 'followers' => 'Abonné·e·s', + 'following' => 'Abonnements', + 'admin' => 'Administrateur·rice', 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'follow' => 'S\'abonner', + 'unfollow' => 'Se désabonner', + 'editProfile' => 'Modifier votre profil', + 'followRequested' => 'Demande d\'abonnement', + 'joined' => 'A rejoint', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Voir la publication', + 'viewProfile' => 'Voir le profil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Outils de modération', + 'report' => 'Signaler', + 'archive' => 'Archiver', + 'unarchive' => 'Désarchiver', + 'embed' => 'Intégrer', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Sélectionnez l\'une des options suivantes', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Retirer des flux', + 'addCW' => 'Ajouter un avertissement de contenu', + 'removeCW' => 'Enlever l’avertissement de contenu', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Marquer comme spammeur·euse', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Retirer + avertissements pour les contenus existants et futurs', + 'spam' => 'Indésirable', + 'sensitive' => 'Contenu sensible', + 'abusive' => 'Abusif ou préjudiciable', + 'underageAccount' => 'Compte d\'un·e mineur·e', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Violation des droits d’auteur', 'impersonation' => 'Usurpation d\'identité', 'scamOrFraud' => 'Arnaque ou fraude', 'confirmReport' => 'Confirmer le signalement', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir signaler cette publication ?', + 'reportSent' => 'Signalement envoyé !', + 'reportSentText' => 'Nous avons bien reçu votre signalement.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite lors du signalement de cette publication.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir ajouter un avertissement de contenu à cette publication ?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Avertissement de contenu ajouté avec succès', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir supprimer l\'avertissement de contenu sur cette publication ?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Avertissement de contenu supprimé avec succès', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir retirer cette publication des flux ?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Publication retirée des fils avec succès', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir marquer cet utilisateur·rice comme spammeur·euse ? Toutes les publications existantes et futures seront retirées des flux et un avertissement de contenu sera appliqué.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Compte marqué avec succès comme spammeur', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'aux abonné·e·s', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Afficher la légende', + 'showLikes' => 'Afficher les J\'aime', + 'compactMode' => 'Mode compact', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'En utilisant ce module, vous acceptez nos', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir supprimer cette publication ?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir archiver cette publication ?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir désarchiver cette publication ?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Ajouter une story' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Connaissances possibles' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/gd/web.php b/resources/lang/gd/web.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5baf911f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/gd/web.php @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ + [ + 'comment' => 'Beachd', + 'commented' => 'Commented', + 'comments' => 'Comments', + 'like' => 'Like', + 'liked' => 'Liked', + 'likes' => 'Likes', + 'share' => 'Co-roinn', + 'shared' => 'Shared', + 'shares' => 'Shares', + 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + + 'cancel' => 'Sguir dheth', + 'copyLink' => 'Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal', + 'delete' => 'Sguab às', + 'error' => 'Mearachd', + 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', + 'oops' => 'Oops!', + 'other' => 'Other', + 'readMore' => 'Read more', + 'success' => 'Success', + + 'sensitive' => 'Frionasach', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Susbaint fhrionasach', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + ], + + 'site' => [ + 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', + 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + ], + + 'navmenu' => [ + 'search' => 'Lorg', + 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + + // Timelines + 'homeFeed' => 'Inbhir na dachaigh', + 'localFeed' => 'Inbhir ionadail', + 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + + // Core features + 'discover' => 'Discover', + 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', + 'notifications' => 'Brathan', + 'groups' => 'Buidhnean', + 'stories' => 'Stories', + + // Self links + 'profile' => 'Pròifil', + 'drive' => 'Draibh', + 'settings' => 'Roghainnean', + 'compose' => 'Cruthaich fear ùr', + + // Nav footer + 'about' => 'Mu dhèidhinn', + 'help' => 'Cobhair', + 'language' => 'Cànan', + 'privacy' => 'Prìobhaideachd', + 'terms' => 'Teirmichean', + + // Temporary links + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + ], + + 'directMessages' => [ + 'inbox' => 'Am bogsa a-steach', + 'sent' => 'Sent', + 'requests' => 'Iarrtasan' + ], + + 'notifications' => [ + 'liked' => 'liked your', + 'commented' => 'commented on your', + 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', + 'shared' => 'shared your', + 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + + 'updatedA' => 'updated a', + 'sentA' => 'sent a', + + 'followed' => 'followed', + 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', + 'you' => 'you', + + 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', + 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + + 'dm' => 'dm', + 'groupPost' => 'group post', + 'modlog' => 'modlog', + 'post' => 'post', + 'story' => 'sgeul', + ], + + 'post' => [ + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', + 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', + 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', + 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + ], + + 'profile' => [ + 'posts' => 'Posts', + 'followers' => 'Followers', + 'following' => 'Following', + 'admin' => 'Admin', + 'collections' => 'Collections', + 'follow' => 'Lean air', + 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', + 'editProfile' => 'Deasaich a’ phròifil', + 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', + 'joined' => 'Joined', + ], + + 'menu' => [ + 'viewPost' => 'Seall am post', + 'viewProfile' => 'Seall a’ phròifil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Innealan na maorsainneachd', + 'report' => 'Report', + 'archive' => 'Archive', + 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', + 'embed' => 'Leabaich', + + 'selectOneOption' => 'Tagh tè dhe na roghainnean seo', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', + 'addCW' => 'Cuir rabhadh susbainte ris', + 'removeCW' => 'Thoir air falbh an rabhadh susbainte', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Cuir comharra gur e spamair a th’ ann', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'spam' => 'Spama', + 'sensitive' => 'Susbaint fhrionasach', + 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', + 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', + 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', + 'confirmReport' => 'Dearbh an gearan', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', + 'reportSent' => 'Chaidh an gearan a chur!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Fhuair sinn do ghearan.', + 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + + 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + + 'showCaption' => 'Seall am fo-thiotal', + 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', + 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a chur dhan tasg-lann?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + ], + + 'story' => [ + 'add' => 'Cuir sgeul ris' + ], + + 'timeline' => [ + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + ] + +]; diff --git a/resources/lang/gl/web.php b/resources/lang/gl/web.php index 928b7aa8..e8be0c75 100644 --- a/resources/lang/gl/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/gl/web.php @@ -3,176 +3,176 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Comentar', + 'commented' => 'Comentou', + 'comments' => 'Comentarios', + 'like' => 'Agrádame', + 'liked' => 'Gustoulle', + 'likes' => 'Gustoulle', + 'share' => 'Compartir', + 'shared' => 'Compartiu', + 'shares' => 'Compartido', + 'unshare' => 'Non compartir', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'copyLink' => 'Copiar ligazón', + 'delete' => 'Eliminar', + 'error' => 'Erro', + 'errorMsg' => 'Algo foi mal. Ténteo de novo máis tarde.', + 'oops' => 'Vaites!', + 'other' => 'Outro', + 'readMore' => 'Ler máis', + 'success' => 'Éxito', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensible', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Contido sensible', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Esta publicación pode conter contido sensible', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Termos de uso', + 'privacy' => 'Política de Privacidade', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Busca', + 'admin' => 'Panel Administrativo', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Cronoloxía de Inicio', + 'localFeed' => 'Cronoloxía Local', + 'globalFeed' => 'Cronoloxía Global', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Descubrir', + 'directMessages' => 'Mensaxes Directas', + 'notifications' => 'Notificacións', + 'groups' => 'Grupos', + 'stories' => 'Historias', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', + 'profile' => 'Perfil', 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'settings' => 'Axustes', + 'compose' => 'Crear Nova', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'Acerca de', + 'help' => 'Axuda', + 'language' => 'Idioma', + 'privacy' => 'Privacidade', + 'terms' => 'Termos', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Volver ó deseño previo' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Bandexa de entrada', + 'sent' => 'Enviados', + 'requests' => 'Peticións' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'gustoulle a túa', + 'commented' => 'comentou na túa', + 'reacted' => 'reaccionou a túa', + 'shared' => 'compartiu a túa', + 'tagged' => 'etiquetoute nunca', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'actualizou unha', + 'sentA' => 'enviou unha', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', + 'followed' => 'seguiu', + 'mentioned' => 'mencionou', 'you' => 'you', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'A túa solicitude para unirte', + 'applicationApproved' => 'foi aprobada!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'for rexeitada. Podes volver a solicitar unirte en 6 meses.', - 'dm' => 'dm', + 'dm' => 'md', 'groupPost' => 'group post', 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'post' => 'publicación', + 'story' => 'historia', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Compartir a seguidores', + 'shareToOther' => 'Compartir a outros', + 'noLikes' => 'Sen gústame por agora', + 'uploading' => 'Subindo', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Publicacións', + 'followers' => 'Seguidores', + 'following' => 'Seguindo', + 'admin' => 'Administrador', + 'collections' => 'Coleccións', + 'follow' => 'Seguir', + 'unfollow' => 'Deixar de seguir', + 'editProfile' => 'Editar perfil', + 'followRequested' => 'Seguimento pedido', + 'joined' => 'Uniuse', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Ver publicación', + 'viewProfile' => 'Ver perfil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Ferramentas de moderación', + 'report' => 'Informar', + 'archive' => 'Arquivar', + 'unarchive' => 'Desarquivar', + 'embed' => 'Incrustar', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Elixe unha das seguintes opcións', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Desalistar das cronoloxías', + 'addCW' => 'Engadir aviso sobre o contido', + 'removeCW' => 'Retirar o aviso sobre o contido', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Marcar como Spammer', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Desalistar + aviso sobre o contido en publicacións existentes e futuras', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'sensitive' => 'Contido sensible', + 'abusive' => 'Abusivo ou daniño', + 'underageAccount' => 'Conta de minor de idade', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Violación dos dereitos de autor', + 'impersonation' => 'Suplantación de identidade', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Estafa ou fraude', + 'confirmReport' => 'Confirmar reporte', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Seguro que queres informar sobre esta publicación?', + 'reportSent' => 'Informe enviado!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Recibimos correctamente o teu informe.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Houbo un problema reportando esta publicación.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres engadir un aviso de contido sobre esta publicación?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Aviso de contido engadido correctamente', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres eliminar o aviso de contido sobre esta publicación?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Aviso de contido eliminado correctamente', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres desalistar esta publicación?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Publicación desalistada correctamente', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres marcar a este usuario como spam? Todas as publicacións existentes e futuras serán desalistadas das cronoloxías e un aviso de contido será aplicado.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Conta marcada como spam correctamente', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'para Seguidores', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Mostrar descrición', + 'showLikes' => 'Mostrar os gústame', + 'compactMode' => 'Modo compacto', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'Utilizando ese incrustado, aceptas', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres eliminar esta publicación?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres arquivar esta publicación?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres desarquivar esta publicación?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Engadir historia' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Xente que podes coñecer' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/he/web.php b/resources/lang/he/web.php index 4b4c2478..a44885d8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/he/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/he/web.php @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ return [ 'navmenu' => [ 'search' => 'חיפוש', - 'admin' => 'לוח בקרה לאדמיניסטרציה', + 'admin' => 'לוח בקרה למנהל', // Timelines 'homeFeed' => 'פיד ביתי', @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ return [ 'liked' => 'אהבו לך', 'commented' => 'העירו לך על', 'reacted' => 'הגיבו לך על', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'shared' => 'שיתפו לך', + 'tagged' => 'תייגו אותך בתוך', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'עדכנו', + 'sentA' => 'שלחו', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', + 'followed' => 'עוקבים', + 'mentioned' => 'ציינו', 'you' => 'אתכם', 'yourApplication' => 'בקשתכם להצטרפות', @@ -93,53 +93,53 @@ return [ 'dm' => 'הודעה אישית', 'groupPost' => 'פוסט קבוצתי', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', + 'modlog' => 'לוג מנהלים', 'post' => 'פוסט', - 'story' => 'story', + 'story' => 'סטורי', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'שתף לעוקבים', + 'shareToOther' => 'שתף ל-אחר', + 'noLikes' => 'אין עדיין סימוני "אהבתי"', + 'uploading' => 'מעלה', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'פוסטים', + 'followers' => 'עוקבים', + 'following' => 'עוקב/ת', + 'admin' => 'מנהל מערכת', + 'collections' => 'אוספים', + 'follow' => 'עקוב', + 'unfollow' => 'הפסק מעקב', + 'editProfile' => 'ערוך פרופיל', + 'followRequested' => 'בקשת עקיבה', + 'joined' => 'הצטרפויות', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'הצג פוסט', + 'viewProfile' => 'הצג פרופיל', + 'moderationTools' => 'כלי ניהול', + 'report' => 'דווח', + 'archive' => 'ארכיון', + 'unarchive' => 'הסר מהארכיון', + 'embed' => 'הטמע', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', + 'selectOneOption' => 'בחר באחד מהאפשרויות הבאות', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'העלם מטיימליינים', + 'addCW' => 'הוסף אזהרת תוכן', + 'removeCW' => 'הסר אזהרת תוכן', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'סמן בתור ספאמר (מציף)', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'העלם והפעל אזהרת תוכן לפוסטים קיימים ועתידיים', + 'spam' => 'ספאם', + 'sensitive' => 'תוכן רגיש', + 'abusive' => 'תוכן מטריד או מזיק', + 'underageAccount' => 'תוכן עם קטינים', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'הפרת זכויות יוצרים', + 'impersonation' => 'התחזות', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'הונאה', 'confirmReport' => 'אישור דיווח', 'confirmReportText' => 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם לדווח על פוסט זה?', 'reportSent' => 'דיווח נשלח!', @@ -150,29 +150,29 @@ return [ 'modCWSuccess' => 'אזהרת תוכן נוספה בהצלחה', 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'אתם בטוחים שברצונכם להסיר את אזהרת התוכן מפוסט זה?', 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'אזהרת תוכן הוסרה בהצלחה', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם להעלים פוסט זה?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'פוסט הועלם בהצלחה', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם לסמן משתמש זה בתור ספאמר (מציף)? כל הפוסטים הקיימים ועתידיים יועלמו ואזהרת תוכן תופעל.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'חשבון סומן בתור ספאמר בהצלחה', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'עבור עוקבים', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'הצג תיאור', + 'showLikes' => 'הצג כמות ״אהבתי״', + 'compactMode' => 'מצב מוקטן', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'בעט שימוש בהמטעה זו, הנכם מסכימים אל', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם למחוק פוסט זה?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם להעביר פוסט זה לארכיון?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם להוציא פוסט זה מהארכיון?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'הוסף סטורי' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'אנשים שאתם אולי מכירים' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/id/web.php b/resources/lang/id/web.php index 6ca51893..766a57b3 100644 --- a/resources/lang/id/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/id/web.php @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ return [ 'likes' => 'Suka', 'share' => 'Bagikan', 'shared' => 'Dibagikan', - 'shares' => 'Bagi', + 'shares' => 'Dibagikan', 'unshare' => 'Batalkan berbagi', 'cancel' => 'Batal', @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ return [ 'notifications' => [ 'liked' => 'menyukai', 'commented' => 'mengomentari', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', + 'reacted' => 'bereaksi terhadap', 'shared' => 'membagikan', 'tagged' => 'menandai Anda pada sebuah', @@ -94,85 +94,85 @@ return [ 'dm' => 'dm', 'groupPost' => 'postingan grup', 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'post' => 'postingan', + 'story' => 'cerita', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Membagikan kepada pengikut', + 'shareToOther' => 'Membagikan ke orang lain', + 'noLikes' => 'Belum ada yang menyukai', + 'uploading' => 'Mengunggah', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Postingan', + 'followers' => 'Pengikut', + 'following' => 'Mengikuti', + 'admin' => 'Pengelola', + 'collections' => 'Koleksi', + 'follow' => 'Ikuti', + 'unfollow' => 'Berhenti Ikuti', + 'editProfile' => 'Ubah Profil', + 'followRequested' => 'Meminta Permintaan Mengikuti', + 'joined' => 'Bergabung', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Lihat Postingan', + 'viewProfile' => 'Lihat Profil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Alat Moderasi', + 'report' => 'Laporkan', + 'archive' => 'Arsipkan', + 'unarchive' => 'Keluarkan dari arsip', + 'embed' => 'Penyemat', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Pilih salah satu dari opsi berikut', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Keluarkan dari Timeline', + 'addCW' => 'Tambahkan peringatan konten', + 'removeCW' => 'Hapus Peringatan Konten', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Tandai sebagai pelaku spam', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Hapus dari daftar dan tambahkan peringatan konten pada konten yang telah ada dan akan datang', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'sensitive' => 'Konten Sensitif', + 'abusive' => 'Kasar atau Berbahaya', + 'underageAccount' => 'Akun di bawah umur', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Pelanggaran Hak Cipta', + 'impersonation' => 'Peniruan', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Penipuan', + 'confirmReport' => 'Konfirmasi Laporan', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin melaporkan postingan ini?', + 'reportSent' => 'Laporan Terkirim!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Kita telah berhasil menerima laporan Anda.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Ada masalah saat melaporkan postingan ini.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menambahkan peringatan konten pada postingan ini?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Berhasil menambahkan peringatan konten', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus peringatan konten pada postingan ini?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Berhasil menghapus peringatan konten', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengeluarkan postingan ini dari daftar?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Berhasil mengeluarkan postingan dari daftar', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda ingin menandai pengguna ini sebagai pelaku spam? Semua postingan yang ada dan akan datang akan dihapus dari timeline dan peringatan konten akan diterapkan.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Berhasil menandai akun sebagai pelaku spam', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'kepada Pengikut', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Tampilkan Keterangan', + 'showLikes' => 'Tampilkan suka', + 'compactMode' => 'Mode Praktis', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'Dengan menggunakan penyemat ini, Anda setuju dengan', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus postingan ini?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengarsip postingan ini?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin tidak mengarsipkan postingan ini?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Tambah Cerita' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Orang yang mungkin Anda kenal' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/it/web.php b/resources/lang/it/web.php index 928b7aa8..42aaedda 100644 --- a/resources/lang/it/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/it/web.php @@ -3,176 +3,176 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Commenta', + 'commented' => 'Commentato', + 'comments' => 'Commenti', + 'like' => 'Mi piace', + 'liked' => 'Like aggiunto', + 'likes' => 'Tutti i Like', + 'share' => 'Condividi', + 'shared' => 'Condiviso', + 'shares' => 'Condivisioni', + 'unshare' => 'Annulla condivisione', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'Annulla', + 'copyLink' => 'Copia link', + 'delete' => 'Elimina', + 'error' => 'Errore', + 'errorMsg' => 'Qualcosa è andato storto. Sei pregato di riprovare più tardi.', + 'oops' => 'Ops!', + 'other' => 'Altro', + 'readMore' => 'Leggi di più', + 'success' => 'Riuscito', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensibile', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Contenuto Sensibile', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Questo post potrebbe contenere contenuti sensibili', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Termini di Utilizzo', + 'privacy' => 'Informativa sulla Privacy', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Cerca', + 'admin' => 'Pannello di amministrazione', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Feed Home', + 'localFeed' => 'Feed Locale', + 'globalFeed' => 'Feed Globale', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Esplora', + 'directMessages' => 'Messaggi Diretti', + 'notifications' => 'Notifiche', + 'groups' => 'Gruppi', + 'stories' => 'Storie', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', + 'profile' => 'Profilo', 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'settings' => 'Impostazioni', + 'compose' => 'Crea Nuovo', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', + 'about' => 'Info', + 'help' => 'Aiuto', + 'language' => 'Lingua', 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'terms' => 'Condizioni', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Torna al design precedente' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'In arrivo', + 'sent' => 'Inviata', + 'requests' => 'Richieste' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'ha messo like a', + 'commented' => 'ha commentato', + 'reacted' => 'ha reagito a', + 'shared' => 'ha condiviso', + 'tagged' => 'ti ha taggato in', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'ha aggiornato un', + 'sentA' => 'ha inviato un', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'stai seguendo', + 'mentioned' => 'menzionato', + 'you' => 'tu', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'La tua candidatura per unirti', + 'applicationApproved' => 'è stata approvata!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'è stata respinta. Puoi richiedere di unirti fra 6 mesi.', 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', + 'groupPost' => 'post di gruppo', 'modlog' => 'modlog', 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'story' => 'storia', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Condividi con i follower', + 'shareToOther' => 'Condividi con altri', + 'noLikes' => 'Ancora nessun Like', + 'uploading' => 'Caricamento in corso', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Post', + 'followers' => 'Follower', + 'following' => 'Seguiti', + 'admin' => 'Amministrazione', + 'collections' => 'Collezioni', + 'follow' => 'Segui', + 'unfollow' => 'Smetti di seguire', + 'editProfile' => 'Modifica profilo', + 'followRequested' => 'Richiesta in attesa', + 'joined' => 'Iscritto', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Mostra Post', + 'viewProfile' => 'Mostra Profilo', + 'moderationTools' => 'Strumenti di moderazione', + 'report' => 'Segnala', + 'archive' => 'Archivia', + 'unarchive' => 'Rimuovi dall\'archivio', + 'embed' => 'Incorpora', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Scegli una delle seguenti opzioni', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Rimuovi dalle Timeline', + 'addCW' => 'Aggiungi segnalazione', + 'removeCW' => 'Rimuovi segnalazione', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Segna come Spammer', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Rimuovi dalla lista + segnalazione di contenuti sensibili per post attuali e futuri', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'sensitive' => 'Contenuto Sensibile', + 'abusive' => 'Abusivo o Dannoso', + 'underageAccount' => 'Account di minorenne', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Violazione del copyright', + 'impersonation' => 'Impersonifica', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Truffa o frode', + 'confirmReport' => 'Conferma Segnalazione', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Sei sicurə di voler segnalare questo contenuto?', + 'reportSent' => 'Segnalazione inviata!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Abbiamo ricevuto la tua segnalazione con successo.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Si è verificato un problema nella segnalazione di questo post.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Sei sicurə di voler segnalare come sensibile questo post?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Segnalazione aggiunta con successo', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Sei sicurə di voler rimuovere la segnalazione da questo post?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Segnalazione rimossa con successo', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Sei sicurə di voler rimuovere questo post dall’elenco?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Post rimosso dall’elenco con successo', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Sei sicuro di voler contrassegnare questo utente come spammer? Tutti i suoi post esistenti e futuri saranno rimossi dalle timeline e una segnalazione per contenuti sensibili sarà aggiunta.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Account contrassegnato come spammer con successo', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'ai follower', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Mostra didascalia', + 'showLikes' => 'Mostra i like', + 'compactMode' => 'Modalità compatta', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'Usando questo strumento, acconsenti ai nostri', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Sei sicurə di voler eliminare questo post?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Sei sicurə di voler archiviare questo post?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Sei sicurə di voler rimuovere questo post dall’archivio?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Aggiungi Storia' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Persone che potresti conoscere' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/ja/web.php b/resources/lang/ja/web.php index 928b7aa8..83318c15 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ja/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/ja/web.php @@ -3,74 +3,74 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'コメント', + 'commented' => 'コメントされました', + 'comments' => 'コメント', + 'like' => 'いいね', + 'liked' => 'いいねしました', + 'likes' => 'いいね', + 'share' => '共有', + 'shared' => '共有されました', + 'shares' => '共有', + 'unshare' => '共有解除', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'キャンセル', + 'copyLink' => 'リンクをコピー', + 'delete' => '削除', + 'error' => 'エラー', + 'errorMsg' => '何かが間違っています。しばらくしてからやり直してください。', + 'oops' => 'おおっと!', + 'other' => 'その他', + 'readMore' => 'もっと読む', + 'success' => '成功しました', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'センシティブ', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'センシティブなコンテンツ', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'この投稿にはセンシティブなコンテンツが含まれている可能性があります', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => '利用規約', + 'privacy' => 'プライバシーポリシー', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => '検索', + 'admin' => '管理者ダッシュボード', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'ホームフィード', + 'localFeed' => 'ローカルフィード', + 'globalFeed' => 'グローバルフィード', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => '発見', + 'directMessages' => 'ダイレクトメッセージ', + 'notifications' => '通知', + 'groups' => 'グループ', + 'stories' => 'ストーリーズ', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'プロフィール', + 'drive' => 'ドライブ', + 'settings' => '設定', + 'compose' => '新規投稿', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'このサーバーについて', + 'help' => 'ヘルプ', + 'language' => '言語', + 'privacy' => 'プライバシー', + 'terms' => '利用規約', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => '以前のデザインに戻す' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => '受信トレイ', + 'sent' => '送信済み', + 'requests' => 'リクエスト' ], 'notifications' => [ @@ -85,94 +85,94 @@ return [ 'followed' => 'followed', 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'you' => 'あなた', 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'groupPost' => 'グループの投稿', + 'modlog' => 'モデレーションログ', + 'post' => '投稿', + 'story' => 'ストーリー', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'フォロワーに共有', + 'shareToOther' => 'その他に共有', + 'noLikes' => 'まだ誰からもいいねされていません', + 'uploading' => 'アップロード中', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => '投稿', + 'followers' => 'フォロワー', + 'following' => 'フォロー中', + 'admin' => '管理者', + 'collections' => 'コレクション', + 'follow' => 'フォロー', + 'unfollow' => 'フォロー解除', + 'editProfile' => 'プロフィールを編集', + 'followRequested' => 'フォロー承認待ち', + 'joined' => '参加しました', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => '投稿を見る', + 'viewProfile' => 'プロフィールを見る', + 'moderationTools' => 'モデレーションツール', + 'report' => '報告', + 'archive' => 'アーカイブ', + 'unarchive' => 'アーカイブを解除', + 'embed' => '埋め込み', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'selectOneOption' => '以下の選択肢から1つ選択してください', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'タイムラインに非表示', + 'addCW' => 'コンテンツ警告を追加', + 'removeCW' => 'コンテンツ警告を削除', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'スパムとしてマーク', + 'markAsSpammerText' => '非表示+コンテンツ警告を既存の、また将来の投稿に追加', + 'spam' => 'スパム', + 'sensitive' => 'センシティブなコンテンツ', + 'abusive' => '虐待または有害', + 'underageAccount' => '未成年のアカウント', + 'copyrightInfringement' => '著作権侵害', + 'impersonation' => 'なりすまし', + 'scamOrFraud' => '詐欺または不正な行為', + 'confirmReport' => '報告を送信', + 'confirmReportText' => '本当にこの投稿を報告しますか?', + 'reportSent' => '報告が送信されました!', + 'reportSentText' => 'あなたの報告を受け取りました。', + 'reportSentError' => 'この投稿を報告する際に問題が発生しました。', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'この投稿にコンテンツ警告を追加してもよろしいですか?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'コンテンツ警告が追加されました', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => '本当にこの投稿からコンテンツ警告を削除しますか?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'コンテンツ警告が削除されました', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => '本当にこの投稿を非表示にしますか?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => '投稿が非表示になりました', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'このユーザーをスパムとして登録していいですか?既存のまた、今後の投稿はすべてタイムラインに表示されず、コンテンツ警告が適用されます。', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'アカウントをスパムとしてマークしました', 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', + 'showCaption' => '説明を表示', + 'showLikes' => 'いいねを表示', + 'compactMode' => 'コンパクトモード', 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => '本当にこの投稿を削除しますか?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => '本当にこの投稿をアーカイブしますか?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => '本当にこの投稿をアーカイブから削除しますか?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'ストーリーを追加' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => '知り合いかも' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/ko/web.php b/resources/lang/ko/web.php index 928b7aa8..74e4287b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ko/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/ko/web.php @@ -3,74 +3,74 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', + 'comment' => '댓글', 'commented' => 'Commented', 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', + 'like' => '좋아요', 'liked' => 'Liked', 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', + 'share' => '공유', 'shared' => 'Shared', 'shares' => 'Shares', 'unshare' => 'Unshare', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', + 'cancel' => '취소', 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'error' => '오류', + 'errorMsg' => '문제가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요.', + 'oops' => '이런!', + 'other' => '기타', + 'readMore' => '더보기', + 'success' => '성공', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => '민감함 ', + 'sensitiveContent' => '민감한 내용', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => '이 게시물은 민감한 내용을 포함합니다', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => '이용약관', + 'privacy' => '개인정보 취급방침', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => '검색', + 'admin' => '관리자 대시보드', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => '홈 피드', + 'localFeed' => '로컬 피드', + 'globalFeed' => '글로벌 피드', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => '발견하기', + 'directMessages' => '쪽지', + 'notifications' => '알림', + 'groups' => '그룹', + 'stories' => '스토리', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => '프로필', + 'drive' => '드라이브', + 'settings' => '설정', + 'compose' => '새로 만들기', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => '정보', + 'help' => '도움말', + 'language' => '언어', + 'privacy' => '개인정보', + 'terms' => '약관', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => '이전 디자인으로 돌아가기' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => '받은 편지함', + 'sent' => '보냄', + 'requests' => '요청 내역' ], 'notifications' => [ @@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ return [ 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', + 'spam' => '스팸', + 'sensitive' => '민감한 내용', 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', diff --git a/resources/lang/oc/web.php b/resources/lang/oc/web.php index ad46ea3c..928b7aa8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/oc/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/oc/web.php @@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ return [ 'settings' => 'Settings', 'compose' => 'Create New', + // Nav footer + 'about' => 'About', + 'help' => 'Help', + 'language' => 'Language', + 'privacy' => 'Privacy', + 'terms' => 'Terms', + // Temporary links 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' ], diff --git a/resources/lang/pl/web.php b/resources/lang/pl/web.php index bc3dc192..b4a8905f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pl/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/pl/web.php @@ -3,68 +3,68 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Skomentuj', + 'commented' => 'Skomentowane', + 'comments' => 'Komentarze', + 'like' => 'Polub', + 'liked' => 'Polubione', + 'likes' => 'Polubienia', + 'share' => 'Udostępnij', + 'shared' => 'Udostępnione', + 'shares' => 'Udostępnione', + 'unshare' => 'Anuluj udostępnianie', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'Anuluj', + 'copyLink' => 'Kopiuj Link', + 'delete' => 'Usuń', + 'error' => 'Błąd', + 'errorMsg' => 'Coś poszło nie tak. Spróbuj ponownie później.', + 'oops' => 'Ups!', + 'other' => 'Inne', + 'readMore' => 'Czytaj więcej', + 'success' => 'Sukces', 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Treść wrażliwa', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Ten post może zawierać wrażliwe treści', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Warunki Użytkowania', + 'privacy' => 'Polityka Prywatności', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Szukaj', + 'admin' => 'Panel administracyjny', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Główny kanał', + 'localFeed' => 'Lokalny kanał', + 'globalFeed' => 'Globalny kanał', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', + 'discover' => 'Odkrywaj', + 'directMessages' => 'Wiadomości bezpośrednie', + 'notifications' => 'Powiadomienia', + 'groups' => 'Grupy', 'stories' => 'Stories', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'Profil', + 'drive' => 'Dysk', + 'settings' => 'Ustawienia', + 'compose' => 'Utwórz nowy', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'O nas', + 'help' => 'Pomoc', + 'language' => 'Język', + 'privacy' => 'Prywatność', + 'terms' => 'Regulamin', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Wróć do poprzedniego wyglądu' ], 'directMessages' => [ @@ -78,75 +78,75 @@ return [ 'commented' => 'skomentował(a) twoje', 'reacted' => 'zareagował(a) na twoje', 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'tagged' => 'oznaczono cię w', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'zaktualizowano', + 'sentA' => 'wysłano', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'zaobserwował(-a)', + 'mentioned' => 'wspominał(-a)', + 'you' => 'ciebie', 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'applicationApproved' => 'została zatwierdzona!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'została odrzucona. Możesz ponownie ubiegać się o dołączenie za 6 miesięcy.', 'dm' => 'dm', 'groupPost' => 'group post', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', + 'modlog' => 'logi', 'post' => 'post', 'story' => 'story', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Udostępnij obserwującym', + 'shareToOther' => 'Udostępnij innym', + 'noLikes' => 'Brak polubień', + 'uploading' => 'Przesyłanie', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', + 'posts' => 'Posty', + 'followers' => 'Obserwujący', + 'following' => 'Obserwowane', + 'admin' => 'Administrator', + 'collections' => 'Kolekcje', + 'follow' => 'Obserwuj', + 'unfollow' => 'Przestań obserwować', + 'editProfile' => 'Edytuj profil', 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'joined' => 'Dołączono', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Zobacz post', + 'viewProfile' => 'Zobacz profil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Narzędzia moderacyjne', + 'report' => 'Zgłoś', + 'archive' => 'Przenieś do archiwum', + 'unarchive' => 'Usuń z archiwum', + 'embed' => 'Osadź', 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', + 'addCW' => 'Dodaj ostrzeżenie o treści', + 'removeCW' => 'Usuń ostrzeżenie o treści', 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', + 'sensitive' => 'Treść wrażliwa', 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Naruszenie praw autorskich', + 'impersonation' => 'Podszywanie się pod inne osoby', 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'reportSent' => 'Zgłoszenie wysłane!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Otrzymaliśmy Twój raport.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas zgłaszania tego posta.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz dodać ostrzeżenie o treści do tego wpisu?', 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', @@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ return [ 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', + 'showLikes' => 'Pokaż polubienia', + 'compactMode' => 'Tryb kompaktowy', 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten post?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz zarchiwizować ten post?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz cofnąć archiwizację tego wpisu?', ], 'story' => [ @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ return [ ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Ludzie, których możesz znać' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/pt/web.php b/resources/lang/pt/web.php index 928b7aa8..73052c77 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt/web.php @@ -3,176 +3,176 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Comentário', + 'commented' => 'Comentado', + 'comments' => 'Comentários', + 'like' => 'Curtir', + 'liked' => 'Curtiu', + 'likes' => 'Curtidas', + 'share' => 'Compartilhar', + 'shared' => 'Compartilhado', + 'shares' => 'Compartilhamentos', + 'unshare' => 'Desfazer compartilhamento', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'Cancelar', + 'copyLink' => 'Copiar link', + 'delete' => 'Apagar', + 'error' => 'Erro', + 'errorMsg' => 'Algo deu errado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.', + 'oops' => 'Opa!', + 'other' => 'Outro', + 'readMore' => 'Leia mais', + 'success' => 'Sucesso', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Sensível', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Conteúdo sensível', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Esse post pode conter conteúdo inapropriado', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Termos de Uso', + 'privacy' => 'Política de Privacidade', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Pesquisar', + 'admin' => 'Painel do Administrador', // Timelines - 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', - 'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', - 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', + 'homeFeed' => 'Página inicial', + 'localFeed' => 'Feed local', + 'globalFeed' => 'Feed global', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', + 'discover' => 'Explorar', + 'directMessages' => 'Mensagens privadas', + 'notifications' => 'Notificações', + 'groups' => 'Grupos', 'stories' => 'Stories', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', + 'profile' => 'Perfil', 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'settings' => 'Configurações', + 'compose' => 'Criar novo', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'Sobre', + 'help' => 'Ajuda', + 'language' => 'Idioma', + 'privacy' => 'Privacidade', + 'terms' => 'Termos', // Temporary links - 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' + 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Voltar ao design anterior' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Caixa de entrada', + 'sent' => 'Enviadas', + 'requests' => 'Solicitações' ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'curtiu seu', + 'commented' => 'comentou em seu', + 'reacted' => 'reagiu ao seu', + 'shared' => 'compartilhou seu', + 'tagged' => 'marcou você em um', - 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'updatedA' => 'atualizou um(a)', + 'sentA' => 'enviou um', - 'followed' => 'followed', - 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', - 'you' => 'you', + 'followed' => 'seguiu', + 'mentioned' => 'mencionado', + 'you' => 'você', - 'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', - 'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', - 'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', + 'yourApplication' => 'Sua inscrição para participar', + 'applicationApproved' => 'foi aprovado!', + 'applicationRejected' => 'foi rejeitado. Você pode se inscrever novamente para participar em 6 meses.', - 'dm' => 'dm', - 'groupPost' => 'group post', - 'modlog' => 'modlog', - 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'dm' => 'mensagem direta', + 'groupPost' => 'postagem do grupo', + 'modlog' => 'histórico de moderação', + 'post' => 'postagem', + 'story' => 'história', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Compartilhar com os seguidores', + 'shareToOther' => 'Compartilhar com outros', + 'noLikes' => 'Ainda sem curtidas', + 'uploading' => 'Enviando', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Publicações', + 'followers' => 'Seguidores', + 'following' => 'Seguindo', + 'admin' => 'Administrador', + 'collections' => 'Coleções', + 'follow' => 'Seguir', + 'unfollow' => 'Deixar de seguir', + 'editProfile' => 'Editar Perfil', + 'followRequested' => 'Solicitação de seguir enviada', + 'joined' => 'Entrou', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', - 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', - 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', - 'embed' => 'Embed', + 'viewPost' => 'Ver publicação', + 'viewProfile' => 'Ver Perfil', + 'moderationTools' => 'Ferramentas de moderação', + 'report' => 'Denunciar', + 'archive' => 'Arquivo', + 'unarchive' => 'Desarquivar', + 'embed' => 'Incorporar', - 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', - 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', - 'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', - 'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', - 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', - 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', - 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', - 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', - 'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', - 'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', - 'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', - 'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', - 'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', - 'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', - 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', + 'selectOneOption' => 'Selecione uma das opções a seguir', + 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Retirar das linhas do tempo', + 'addCW' => 'Adicionar aviso de conteúdo', + 'removeCW' => 'Remover aviso de conteúdo', + 'markAsSpammer' => 'Marcar como Spammer', + 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Retirar das linhas do tempo + adicionar aviso de conteúdo aos posts atuais e futuros', + 'spam' => 'Lixo Eletrônico', + 'sensitive' => 'Conteúdo sensível', + 'abusive' => 'Abusivo ou Prejudicial', + 'underageAccount' => 'Conta de menor de idade', + 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Violação de direitos autorais', + 'impersonation' => 'Roubo de identidade', + 'scamOrFraud' => 'Golpe ou Fraude', + 'confirmReport' => 'Confirmar denúncia', + 'confirmReportText' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja denunciar esta publicação?', + 'reportSent' => 'Denúncia enviada!', + 'reportSentText' => 'Nós recebemos sua denúncia com sucesso.', + 'reportSentError' => 'Houve um problema ao denunciar esse post.', - 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', - 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', - 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Você tem certeza que deseja adicionar um aviso de conteúdo sensível nesse post?', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'Aviso de conteúdo sensível adicionado com sucesso', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Você tem certeza que deseja remover o aviso de conteúdo sensível nesse post?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Aviso de conteúdo sensível removido com sucesso', + 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Você tem certeza que deseja remover esse post da listagem?', + 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Postagem removida da listagem com sucesso', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Você tem certeza que deseja denunciar esse usuário? Todas as postagens existentes e futuras serão removidas das linhas do tempo, e um aviso de conteúdo sensível será aplicado.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Perfil denunciado com sucesso', - 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', + 'toFollowers' => 'para seguidores', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', - 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', - 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', + 'showCaption' => 'Mostrar legenda', + 'showLikes' => 'Mostrar curtidas', + 'compactMode' => 'Modo compacto', + 'embedConfirmText' => 'Ao usar de forma “embed”, você concorda com nossas', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Você tem certeza que deseja excluir esta publicação?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Tem certeza que deseja arquivar esta publicação?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Tem certeza que deseja desarquivar esta publicação?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Adicionar Story' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Pessoas que você talvez conheça' ] ]; diff --git a/resources/lang/ru/web.php b/resources/lang/ru/web.php index 0f53406b..c811ab69 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ru/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/ru/web.php @@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ return [ ], 'notifications' => [ - 'liked' => 'liked your', - 'commented' => 'commented on your', - 'reacted' => 'reacted to your', - 'shared' => 'shared your', - 'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', + 'liked' => 'понравился ваш', + 'commented' => 'прокомментировал ваш', + 'reacted' => 'отреагировал на ваш', + 'shared' => 'поделился вашим', + 'tagged' => 'отметил вас в публикации', 'updatedA' => 'updated a', - 'sentA' => 'sent a', + 'sentA' => 'отправил', - 'followed' => 'followed', + 'followed' => 'подписался', 'mentioned' => 'mentioned', 'you' => 'вы', @@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ return [ 'groupPost' => 'сообщения группы', 'modlog' => 'modlog', 'post' => 'пост', - 'story' => 'story', + 'story' => 'история', ], 'post' => [ 'shareToFollowers' => 'Поделиться с подписчиками', - 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', + 'shareToOther' => 'Поделиться с другими', 'noLikes' => 'Пока никому не понравилось', 'uploading' => 'Загружается', ], @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ return [ 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', 'spam' => 'Спам', 'sensitive' => 'Деликатный контент', - 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', - 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', + 'abusive' => 'Жестокое обращение или причинение вреда', + 'underageAccount' => 'Несовершеннолетний аккаунт', 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Нарушение авторских прав', 'impersonation' => 'Представление себя за другого человека', 'scamOrFraud' => 'Обман или мошенничество', @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ return [ 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Предупреждение о контенте успешно удалено', 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Вы действительно хотите скрыть этот пост из лент?', 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', - 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', - 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', + 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите отметить этого пользователя спамом? Все существующие и будущие сообщения будут исключены из списка в сроки, и будет применяться предупреждение о содержании.', + 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Аккаунт успешно помечен как спаммер', 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', diff --git a/resources/lang/tr/web.php b/resources/lang/tr/web.php index 928b7aa8..b06816e4 100644 --- a/resources/lang/tr/web.php +++ b/resources/lang/tr/web.php @@ -3,40 +3,40 @@ return [ 'common' => [ - 'comment' => 'Comment', - 'commented' => 'Commented', - 'comments' => 'Comments', - 'like' => 'Like', - 'liked' => 'Liked', - 'likes' => 'Likes', - 'share' => 'Share', - 'shared' => 'Shared', - 'shares' => 'Shares', - 'unshare' => 'Unshare', + 'comment' => 'Yorum', + 'commented' => 'Yorumlar', + 'comments' => 'Yorumlar', + 'like' => 'Beğen', + 'liked' => 'Beğenildi', + 'likes' => 'Beğeniler', + 'share' => 'Paylaş', + 'shared' => 'Paylaşılan', + 'shares' => 'Paylaşılanlar', + 'unshare' => 'Paylaşımı kaldır', - 'cancel' => 'Cancel', - 'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', - 'delete' => 'Delete', - 'error' => 'Error', - 'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', - 'oops' => 'Oops!', - 'other' => 'Other', - 'readMore' => 'Read more', - 'success' => 'Success', + 'cancel' => 'İptal', + 'copyLink' => 'Bağlantıyı Kopyala', + 'delete' => 'Sil', + 'error' => 'Hata', + 'errorMsg' => 'Bir şeyler yanlış gitti. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz.', + 'oops' => 'Hay aksi!', + 'other' => 'Diğer', + 'readMore' => 'Daha fazlasını oku', + 'success' => 'Başarılı', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', - 'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', - 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', + 'sensitive' => 'Hassasiyet', + 'sensitiveContent' => 'Hassas içerik', + 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Bu ileti hassas içerik içeriyor olabilir', ], 'site' => [ - 'terms' => 'Terms of Use', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', + 'terms' => 'Kullanım Koşulları', + 'privacy' => 'Gizlilik Politikası', ], 'navmenu' => [ - 'search' => 'Search', - 'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', + 'search' => 'Arama', + 'admin' => 'Yönetici Paneli', // Timelines 'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', @@ -44,33 +44,33 @@ return [ 'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', // Core features - 'discover' => 'Discover', - 'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', - 'notifications' => 'Notifications', - 'groups' => 'Groups', - 'stories' => 'Stories', + 'discover' => 'Keşfet', + 'directMessages' => 'Direkt Mesajlar', + 'notifications' => 'Bildirimler', + 'groups' => 'Gruplar', + 'stories' => 'Hikayeler', // Self links - 'profile' => 'Profile', - 'drive' => 'Drive', - 'settings' => 'Settings', - 'compose' => 'Create New', + 'profile' => 'Profil', + 'drive' => 'Depolama', + 'settings' => 'Ayarlar', + 'compose' => 'Yeni oluştur', // Nav footer - 'about' => 'About', - 'help' => 'Help', - 'language' => 'Language', - 'privacy' => 'Privacy', - 'terms' => 'Terms', + 'about' => 'Hakkında', + 'help' => 'Yardım', + 'language' => 'Dil', + 'privacy' => 'Gizlilik', + 'terms' => 'Koşullar', // Temporary links 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' ], 'directMessages' => [ - 'inbox' => 'Inbox', - 'sent' => 'Sent', - 'requests' => 'Requests' + 'inbox' => 'Gelen Kutusu', + 'sent' => 'Gönder', + 'requests' => 'İstekler' ], 'notifications' => [ @@ -95,36 +95,36 @@ return [ 'groupPost' => 'group post', 'modlog' => 'modlog', 'post' => 'post', - 'story' => 'story', + 'story' => 'hikaye', ], 'post' => [ - 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', + 'shareToFollowers' => 'Takipçileri paylaş', 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', - 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', - 'uploading' => 'Uploading', + 'noLikes' => 'Henüz beğenilmedi', + 'uploading' => 'Yükleniyor', ], 'profile' => [ - 'posts' => 'Posts', - 'followers' => 'Followers', - 'following' => 'Following', - 'admin' => 'Admin', - 'collections' => 'Collections', - 'follow' => 'Follow', - 'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', - 'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', - 'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', - 'joined' => 'Joined', + 'posts' => 'Gönderiler', + 'followers' => 'Takipçiler', + 'following' => 'Takip ediliyor', + 'admin' => 'Yönetici', + 'collections' => 'Koleksiyonlar', + 'follow' => 'Takip et', + 'unfollow' => 'Takibi bırak', + 'editProfile' => 'Profili Düzenle', + 'followRequested' => 'Takip İsteği', + 'joined' => 'Katıldı', ], 'menu' => [ - 'viewPost' => 'View Post', - 'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', + 'viewPost' => 'Gönderiyi görüntüle', + 'viewProfile' => 'Profili Görüntüle', 'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', - 'report' => 'Report', + 'report' => 'Bildir', 'archive' => 'Archive', - 'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', + 'unarchive' => 'Arşivden çıkar', 'embed' => 'Embed', 'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ return [ 'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', 'spam' => 'Spam', - 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', + 'sensitive' => 'Hassas içerik', 'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', 'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ return [ 'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', - 'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', - 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', - 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', + 'modCWSuccess' => 'İçerik uyarısı başarıyla eklendi', + 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Bu gönderiden içerik uyarısını kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?', + 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'İçerik uyarısı başarıyla kaldırıldı', 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', @@ -157,22 +157,22 @@ return [ 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', - 'showCaption' => 'Show Caption', - 'showLikes' => 'Show Likes', + 'showCaption' => 'Açıklamayı göster', + 'showLikes' => 'Beğenileri Göster', 'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode', 'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our', - 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?', - 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?', - 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?', + 'deletePostConfirm' => 'Bu gönderiyi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?', + 'archivePostConfirm' => 'Bu gönderiyi arşivlemek istediğinizden emin misiniz?', + 'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Bu gönderiyi arşivden çıkarmak istediğinize emin misiniz?', ], 'story' => [ - 'add' => 'Add Story' + 'add' => 'Hikaye ekle' ], 'timeline' => [ - 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know' + 'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Tanıyor olabileceğin kişiler' ] ];