'The old S3 domain', 'newDomain' => 'The new S3 domain' ]; } /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Rewrite S3 media urls from local users'; /** * Execute the console command. */ public function handle() { $this->preflightCheck(); $this->bootMessage(); $this->confirmCloudUrl(); } protected function preflightCheck() { if(!(bool) config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage')) { $this->info('Error: Cloud storage is not enabled!'); $this->error('Aborting...'); exit; } } protected function bootMessage() { $this->info(' ____ _ ______ __ '); $this->info(' / __ \(_) _____ / / __/__ ____/ / '); $this->info(' / /_/ / / |/_/ _ \/ / /_/ _ \/ __ / '); $this->info(' / ____/ /> info(' /_/ /_/_/|_|\___/_/_/ \___/\__,_/ '); $this->info(' '); $this->info(' Media Cloud Url Rewrite Tool'); $this->info(' ==='); $this->info(' Old S3: ' . trim($this->argument('oldDomain'))); $this->info(' New S3: ' . trim($this->argument('newDomain'))); $this->info(' '); } protected function confirmCloudUrl() { $disk = Storage::disk(config('filesystems.cloud'))->url('test'); $domain = parse_url($disk, PHP_URL_HOST); if(trim($this->argument('newDomain')) !== $domain) { $this->error('Error: The new S3 domain you entered is not currently configured'); exit; } if(!$this->confirm('Confirm this is correct')) { $this->error('Aborting...'); exit; } $this->updateUrls(); } protected function updateUrls() { $this->info('Updating urls...'); $oldDomain = trim($this->argument('oldDomain')); $newDomain = trim($this->argument('newDomain')); $disk = Storage::disk(config('filesystems.cloud')); $count = Media::whereNotNull('cdn_url')->count(); $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar($count); $counter = 0; $bar->start(); foreach(Media::whereNotNull('cdn_url')->lazyById(1000, 'id') as $media) { if(strncmp($media->media_path, 'http', 4) === 0) { $bar->advance(); continue; } $cdnHost = parse_url($media->cdn_url, PHP_URL_HOST); if($oldDomain != $cdnHost || $newDomain == $cdnHost) { $bar->advance(); continue; } $media->cdn_url = str_replace($oldDomain, $newDomain, $media->cdn_url); if($media->thumbnail_url != null) { $thumbHost = parse_url($media->thumbnail_url, PHP_URL_HOST); if($thumbHost == $oldDomain) { $thumbUrl = $disk->url($media->thumbnail_path); $media->thumbnail_url = $thumbUrl; } } if($media->optimized_url != null) { $optiHost = parse_url($media->optimized_url, PHP_URL_HOST); if($optiHost == $oldDomain) { $optiUrl = str_replace($oldDomain, $newDomain, $media->optimized_url); $media->optimized_url = $optiUrl; } } $media->save(); $counter++; $bar->advance(); } $bar->finish(); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Finished! Updated ' . $counter . ' total records!'); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Tip: Run `php artisan cache:clear` to purge cached urls'); } }