confirm('Are you sure you want to run the fix status command?')) { return; } $this->line(' '); $this->info('Running fix status command...'); $now = now(); $nulls = ['domain', 'status', 'last_fetched_at']; $resync = $this->option('resync'); $resync24hours = false; if($resync) { $resyncChoices = ['Only resync accounts that havent been synced in 24 hours', 'Resync all accounts']; $rsc = $this->choice( 'Do you want to resync all accounts, or just accounts that havent been resynced for 24 hours?', $resyncChoices, 0 ); $rsci = array_search($rsc, $resyncChoices); if($rsci === 0) { $resync24hours = true; $nulls = ['status', 'domain', 'last_fetched_at']; } else { $resync24hours = false; $nulls = ['status', 'domain']; } } $remote = $this->option('remote'); if($remote) { $ni = array_search('domain', $nulls); unset($nulls[$ni]); $ni = array_search('last_fetched_at', $nulls); unset($nulls[$ni]); } $remoteOnly = $this->option('remote-only'); if($remoteOnly) { $ni = array_search('domain', $nulls); unset($nulls[$ni]); $ni = array_search('last_fetched_at', $nulls); unset($nulls[$ni]); $nulls[] = 'user_id'; } $dlog = $this->option('dlog'); $nulls = array_values($nulls); foreach( Profile::when($resync24hours, function($query, $resync24hours) use($nulls) { if(in_array('domain', $nulls)) { return $query->whereNull('domain') ->whereNull('last_fetched_at') ->orWhere('last_fetched_at', '<', now()->subHours(24)); } else { return $query->whereNull('last_fetched_at') ->orWhere('last_fetched_at', '<', now()->subHours(24)); } }) ->when($remoteOnly, function($query, $remoteOnly) { return $query->whereNull('last_fetched_at') ->orWhere('last_fetched_at', '<', now()->subHours(24)); }) ->whereNull($nulls) ->lazyById(50, 'id') as $profile ) { $ogc = $profile->status_count; $upc = $profile->statuses() ->getQuery() ->whereIn('scope', ['public', 'private', 'unlisted']) ->count(); if($ogc != $upc) { $profile->status_count = $upc; $profile->last_fetched_at = $now; $profile->save(); AccountService::del($profile->id); if($dlog) { $this->info($profile->id . ':' . $profile->username . ' : ' . $upc); } } else { $profile->last_fetched_at = $now; $profile->save(); if($dlog) { $this->info($profile->id . ':' . $profile->username . ' : ' . $upc); } } } $this->line(' '); $this->info('Finished fix status count command!'); return 0; } }