@extends('site.help.partial.template', ['breadcrumb'=>'Sharing Photos & Videos']) @section('section')

Sharing Photos & Videos

Welcome to Pixelfed.

Pixelfed is a federated media sharing platform inspired by Instagram and 500px.

To create an account using a web browser:
  1. Go to {{config('app.url')}}.
  2. Click on the link at the top of the page.
  3. Upload your photo(s) or video(s), add a caption and set other options.
  4. Click on the Create Post button.

During the compose process, you can select multiple files at a single time, or add each photo/video individually.

During the compose process, you will see the Caption input. Captions are optional and limited to {{config('pixelfed.max_caption_length')}} characters.


--}} {{--


You can upload the following file types:


--}} {{--

--}} {{--

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