@extends('admin.partial.template-full') @section('section')



Manage instance settings

  • Max Upload Size: {{$system['max_upload_size']}}
  • Image Driver: {{$system['image_driver']}}
  • Image Driver Loaded: @if($system['image_driver_loaded']) @else @endif
  • File Permissions: @if($system['permissions']) @else @endif

Store photos & videos on S3 compatible object storage providers.


ActivityPub federation, compatible with Pixelfed, Mastodon and other projects.

Allow new user registrations.

Enable apis required for mobile app support.

Allow users to share ephemeral Stories.

Allow experimental Instagram Import support.

Detect and remove spam from timelines.


The instance name used in titles, metadata and apis.

Short description of instance used on various pages and apis.

Longer description of instance used on about page.


The instance name used in titles, metadata and apis.

Short description of instance used on various pages and apis.

Longer description of instance used on about page.

The header title used on the about page.

Set a storage limit per user account.

Account limit size in KB.

{{config_cache('pixelfed.max_account_size')}} KB = {{floor(config_cache('pixelfed.max_account_size') / 1024)}} MB

Enable auto follow accounts, new accounts will follow accounts you set.

Add account usernames to follow separated by commas.

Maximum file upload size in KB

{{config_cache('pixelfed.max_photo_size')}} KB = {{number_format(config_cache('pixelfed.max_photo_size') / 1024)}} MB

The maximum number of photos or videos per album

Image optimization quality from 0-100%. Set to 0 to disable image optimization.

Allowed media types.

Add rules that explain what is acceptable use.

Active Rules

    @if($rules) @foreach($rules as $rule)
  1. {{$rule}}

  2. @endforeach @endif

Add custom CSS, will be used on all pages


Not enabled

Add ENABLE_CONFIG_CACHE=true in your .env file
and run php artisan config:cache

@endif @endsection @push('scripts') @endpush