@extends('site.help.partial.template', ['breadcrumb'=>'Discover']) @section('section') <div class="title"> <h3 class="font-weight-bold">Discover</h3> </div> <hr> <p class="lead">Discover new posts, people and topics.</p> <div class="py-4"> <p class="font-weight-bold h5 pb-3">How to use Discover</p> <ul> <li class="mb-3 ">Click the <i class="far fa-compass fa-sm"></i> icon.</li> <li class="mb-3 ">View the latest posts.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="py-4"> <p class="font-weight-bold h5 pb-3">Discover Categories <span class="badge badge-success">NEW</span></p> <p>Discover Categories are a new feature that may not be supported on every Pixelfed instance.</p> <ul> <li class="mb-3 ">Click the <i class="far fa-compass fa-sm"></i> icon.</li> <li class="mb-3 ">On the discover page, you will see a list of Category cards that links to each Discover Category.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="py-4"> <p class="font-weight-bold h5 pb-3">Personalized Discover <span class="badge badge-success">NEW</span></p> <p>Discover posts based on hashtags you've used before. This feature might not be supported on every Pixelfed instance.</p> <ul> <li class="mb-3 ">Click the <i class="far fa-compass fa-sm"></i> icon.</li> <li class="mb-3 ">Click on the card that says "For You" or <a href="/discover/personal">click here</a>.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="card bg-primary border-primary" style="box-shadow: none !important;border: 3px solid #08d!important;"> <div class="card-header text-light font-weight-bold h4 p-4">Discover Tips</div> <div class="card-body bg-white p-3"> <ul class="pt-3"> <li class="lead mb-4">To make your posts more discoverable, add hashtags to your posts.</li> <li class="lead mb-4">Any public posts that contain a hashtag may be included in discover pages.</li> </ul> </div> </div> @endsection