@extends('settings.template') @section('section')

Privacy Settings

Muted Users Blocked Users

is_private ? 'checked=""':''}}>

When your account is private, only people you approve can see your photos and videos on pixelfed. Your existing followers won't be affected.

crawlable ? 'checked=""':''}} {{$settings->is_private ? 'disabled=""':''}}>

When your account is visible to search engines, your information can be crawled and stored by search engines.

is_private ? 'disabled=""':''}} {{auth()->user()->profile->is_suggestable ? 'checked=""':''}}>

When this option is enabled, your profile is included in the Directory. Only public profiles are eligible.

public_dm ? 'checked=""':''}} name="public_dm">

If selected, you will be able to receive messages and notifications from any user even if you do not follow them.


This prevents posts with potentially sensitive content from displaying in your search results.

--}} {{--

Use this to eliminate search results from accounts you've blocked or muted.

Show all media, including potentially sensitive content.

show_profile_follower_count ? 'checked=""':''}}>

Display follower count on profile

show_profile_following_count ? 'checked=""':''}}>

Display following count on profile

@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush