status = $status; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $status = $this->status; $actor = $status->profile; $reply = Status::find($status->in_reply_to_id); if(!$actor || !$reply) { return 1; } $target = $reply->profile; $exists = Notification::whereProfileId($target->id) ->whereActorId($actor->id) ->whereIn('action', ['mention', 'comment']) ->whereItemId($status->id) ->whereItemType('App\Status') ->count(); if ($actor->id === $target || $exists !== 0) { return 1; } if(config('database.default') === 'mysql') { // todo: refactor // $exp = DB::raw("select id, in_reply_to_id from statuses, (select @pv := :kid) initialisation where id > @pv and find_in_set(in_reply_to_id, @pv) > 0 and @pv := concat(@pv, ',', id)"); // $expQuery = $exp->getValue(DB::connection()->getQueryGrammar()); // $count = DB::select($expQuery, [ 'kid' => $reply->id ]); // $reply->reply_count = count($count); $reply->reply_count = $reply->reply_count + 1; $reply->save(); } else { $reply->reply_count = $reply->reply_count + 1; $reply->save(); } StatusService::del($reply->id); StatusService::del($status->id); Cache::forget('status:replies:all:' . $reply->id); Cache::forget('status:replies:all:' . $status->id); DB::transaction(function() use($target, $actor, $status) { $notification = new Notification(); $notification->profile_id = $target->id; $notification->actor_id = $actor->id; $notification->action = 'comment'; $notification->item_id = $status->id; $notification->item_type = "App\Status"; $notification->save(); NotificationService::setNotification($notification); NotificationService::set($notification->profile_id, $notification->id); }); if($exists = Cache::get('status:replies:all:' . $reply->id)) { if($exists && $exists->count() == 3) { } else { Cache::forget('status:replies:all:' . $reply->id); } } else { Cache::forget('status:replies:all:' . $reply->id); } return 1; } }