"""Scrape mastodon tag searches and feed into your search.""" import yaml import sys import requests def fetch_toots(conf): toots = set() for instance in conf.get("instances", []): for tag in conf.get("tags", []): try: curr_posts = requests.get( f"https://{instance}/tags/{tag}.json" ).json() except Exception as e: print("Got some error fetching toots, continuing...") print(e) for post in curr_posts.get("orderedItems", []): toots.add(post) return toots def search_for(toots): for toot in toots: headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {config.get('own_bearer_token', '')}" } print(f"searching for {toot}...") try: requests.get(f"https://{config.get('own_instance', '')}/api/v2/search?type=statuses&resolve=true&q={toot}", headers=headers, timeout=30) except Exception as e: print(f"Searching for {toot} failed *shrug*") print(e) def __check_lst_of_str(a): return bool(a) and isinstance(a, list) and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in a) def __check_str(a): return bool(a) and isinstance(a, str) def __check_nonplain_host(a): return 1 in [c in a for c in {':', '/'}] if __name__ == "__main__": try: config = yaml.full_load(open('config.yaml', encoding="utf-8").read()) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't open config.yaml. Please check that" "it exists and is readable") print(e) if not __check_lst_of_str(config.get('instances', [])): print("*instances* configuration must be a list of strings") sys.exit(-1) if any(__check_nonplain_host(instance) for instance in config.get('instances', [])): print("all *instances* must be plain hostnames, no" "paths or protcol") sys.exit(-1) if not __check_lst_of_str(config.get('tags', [])): print("*tags* configuration must be a list of strings") sys.exit(-1) if any('#' in tag for tag in config.get('tags', '')): print("*tags* must not contain # charactger") sys.exit(-1) if not __check_str(config.get('own_instance', "")): print("*own_instance* configuration must be a string") sys.exit(-1) if __check_nonplain_host(config.get('own_instance', '')): print("*own_instance* must only contain your instances hostname, no" "paths or protocol") sys.exit(-1) if not __check_str(config.get('own_bearer_token', "")): print("*own_bearer_token* configuration must be a string") sys.exit(-1) toots = fetch_toots(config) search_for(toots)