generate jenkinsfile
dockers/alpine/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit Details

This commit is contained in:
chris 2020-10-28 16:46:30 +01:00
parent 0d293e4fcf
commit 90f3292d9d
2 changed files with 36 additions and 30 deletions

Jenkinsfile vendored
View File

@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
version = "3.12.1"
project = "alpine"
repo = "zknt"
version = "3.12.1"
registry = ""
registry_credentials = "6ff44976-23cd-4cc2-902c-de8c340e65e5"
timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().format('YYYY-MM-dd',TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build image') {
steps {
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: registry_credentials, url: "https://"+registry ]) {
echo 'Starting to build docker image'
script {
def customImage ='/'+repo+'/'+project, "--pull --build-arg VERSION=$version --build-arg DATE=$timeStamp .")
stages {
stage('Build image') {
steps {
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: registry_credentials, url: "https://"+registry ]) {
script {
def customImage ='/'+repo+'/'+project, "--pull --build-arg VERSION=$version --build-arg DATE=$timeStamp .")
def io_registry_credentials = "3deeee3d-6fce-4430-98dd-9b4db56f43f7"
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: io_registry_credentials ]) {
def official_image = repo+'/'+project+':'+version.split(/\./)[0,1].join('.')
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + official_image
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + official_image.split(/\:/)[0]
sh "docker push " + official_image
sh "docker push " + official_image.split(/\:/)[0]
def io_registry_credentials = "3deeee3d-6fce-4430-98dd-9b4db56f43f7"
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: io_registry_credentials ]) {
def io_registry_image = repo + '/' + project + ':' + version
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "latest"
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "latest"
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "3.12"
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "3.12"
def quay_credentials= "18fb6f7e-c6bc-4d06-9bf9-08c2af6bfc1a"
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: quay_credentials, url: "" ]) {
def official_image = ''+repo+'/'+project+':'+version.split(/\./)[0,1].join('.')
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + official_image
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + official_image.split(/\:/)[0]
sh "docker push " + official_image
sh "docker push " + official_image.split(/\:/)[0]
def quay_credentials= "18fb6f7e-c6bc-4d06-9bf9-08c2af6bfc1a"
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: quay_credentials, url: "" ]) {
def quay_image = '' + repo + '/' + project + ':' + version
sh "docker push " + quay_image
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + official_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "latest"
sh "docker push " + official_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "latest"
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + official_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "3.12"
sh "docker push " + official_image.split(/\:/)[0] + "3.12"
post {
success {
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ pipeline {
sh """for image in \$(grep FROM Dockerfile | cut -d ' ' -f 2); do docker rmi -f \$(docker images -q \${image}); done"""
always {
emailext body: 'build finished', subject: '[jenkins] docker '+project+': ' + currentBuild.result, to: '', from: '', attachLog: true
emailext body: 'build finished', subject: '[jenkins] docker '+project+'('+version+'): ' + currentBuild.result, to: '', from: '', attachLog: true
options {
@ -75,4 +76,4 @@ pipeline {

build.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
version: 3.12.1
project: alpine
- latest
- 3.12