Some checks failed
dockers/debian/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit

This commit is contained in:
chris 2021-10-28 23:58:13 +02:00
parent 547d16b855
commit 3feddb4316
3 changed files with 10 additions and 11 deletions

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ FROM debian:stable as builder
RUN set -xe;\
apt-get update &&\
apt-get install -y debootstrap &&\
debootstrap --include=apt,ca-certificates,curl --foreign --variant=minbase buster /dest &&\
debootstrap --include=apt,ca-certificates,curl --foreign --variant=minbase bullseye /dest &&\
sed -i 's/setup_proc//' /dest/debootstrap/suite-script
FROM scratch as bootstrapped
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ COPY --from=toolbuilder /dumb-init /usr/local/sbin/dumb-init
COPY apt-install /bin/apt-install
COPY checkupdates /bin/checkupdates
CMD "bash"
LABEL version.debian=buster \
LABEL version.debian=bullseyen \
version.gosu=$GOSU_VERSION \
version.dumb-init=$DUMB_INIT_VERSION \

Jenkinsfile vendored
View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
version = "10"
version = "11"
project = "debian"
repo = "zknt"
registry = "reg.zknt.org"
@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ pipeline {
script {
def customImage = docker.build(registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project, "--pull --build-arg VERSION=$version --build-arg DATE=$timeStamp .")
def io_registry_credentials = "3deeee3d-6fce-4430-98dd-9b4db56f43f7"
withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: io_registry_credentials ]) {
def io_registry_image = repo + '/' + project + ':' + version
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":buster"
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":buster"
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":bullseye"
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":bullseye"
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":stable"
sh "docker push " + io_registry_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":stable"
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ pipeline {
def quay_image = 'quay.io/' + repo + '/' + project + ':' + version
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + quay_image
sh "docker push " + quay_image
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + quay_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":buster"
sh "docker push " + quay_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":buster"
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + quay_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":bullseye"
sh "docker push " + quay_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":bullseye"
sh "docker image tag " + registry+'/'+repo+'/'+project+':'+version + ' ' + quay_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":stable"
sh "docker push " + quay_image.split(/\:/)[0] + ":stable"

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
version: 10
version: 11
project: debian
- buster
- stable
- bullseye