# Buran [![forthebadge](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-for-android.svg)](https://github.com/Corewala/Buran#buran) [![forthebadge](https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/as-seen-on-tv.svg)](https://github.com/Corewala/Buran#buran) [![shields](https://img.shields.io/badge/Download-Here-orange?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/Corewala/Buran/releases/latest) [![shields](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL-blue?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/Corewala/Buran/blob/master/LICENSE) Buran is a simple Gemini protocol browser for Android. ### Todo list - [ ] Utility for creating and managing client certificates - [ ] Keystore generator and catalog - [X] Option to require password or biometric authentication - [ ] Color palette interface for picking background and accent colors - [X] Option to render links as buttons - [X] Inline rendering of images - [ ] Page navigation feature - [X] Update notifier - [X] Attention guide mode - [ ] Simple A/B page switching system ## Statement about Ariane > I've seen some pretty cringe discussion in geminispace complaining about the decision by Öppen to close-source the Ariane browser, sometimes referencing this project as a more "stable" or "principled" project. Just to be 100% clear, I think that the license that Öppen used for Ariane 4 was actually much better than the one that Ariane 3 used, and I would have made the same decision if the EUPL was compatible with copyfarleft. Although I wish Ariane could continue to grow as an open-source project, I respect his decision to make Seren closed source. I only made this fork out of a legitimate desire to keep some fragment of this project public and an interest in learning Kotlin. Even though this fork exists, you should still consider buying a copy of Seren. He's definitely a better developer than me, and I don't want this project to be used as a rhetorical tool against him. ## Credits Buran is based on the [Ariane source code](https://web.archive.org/web/20210920212507/https://codeberg.org/oppenlab/Ariane) (now [Seren](https://orllewin.neocities.org/seren/)), created by ÖLAB. The font used in code blocks is [JetBrains Mono](https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/), created by JetBrains. The glyphs used throughout the project are from [Material Icons](https://fonts.google.com/icons), created by Google.