mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 07:01:05 +00:00
Cloud sync improvements
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 114 additions and 109 deletions
@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ public class CloudSync {
private static final Map<String, Pair<byte[], byte[]>> keyCache = new HashMap<>();
public static JSONObject perform(Context context, String user, String password, JSONObject jrequest)
public static JSONObject perform(Context context, String user, String password, String command, JSONObject jrequest)
throws GeneralSecurityException, JSONException, IOException {
jrequest.put("command", command);
List<JSONObject> responses = new ArrayList<>();
for (JSONArray batch : partition(jrequest.getJSONArray("items"))) {
jrequest.put("items", batch);
@ -1542,157 +1542,161 @@ public class FragmentOptionsBackup extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefere
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
int sync_status = prefs.getInt("sync_status", 0);
JSONObject jstatus = new JSONObject();
jstatus.put("key", "sync.status");
jstatus.put("rev", sync_status * 0);
JSONObject jsyncstatus = new JSONObject();
jsyncstatus.put("key", "sync.status");
jsyncstatus.put("rev", sync_status);
JSONArray jitems = new JSONArray();
jrequest.put("items", jitems);
JSONObject jresponse = CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, jrequest);
JSONObject jresponse = CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, "read", jrequest);
jitems = jresponse.getJSONArray("items");
int count = jresponse.getInt("count");
if (count == 0) {
if (jitems.length() == 0) {
Log.i("Cloud server is empty");
List<EntityAccount> accounts = db.account().getSynchronizingAccounts(null);
Log.i("Cloud accounts=" + (accounts == null ? null : accounts.size()));
if (accounts != null && accounts.size() != 0) {
JSONArray jupload = new JSONArray();
if (accounts == null || accounts.size() == 0)
return null; // nothing to offer
JSONArray juuids = new JSONArray();
for (EntityAccount account : accounts)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account.uuid)) {
JSONArray jupload = new JSONArray();
JSONArray jidentities = new JSONArray();
List<EntityIdentity> identities = db.identity().getIdentities(account.id);
if (identities != null)
for (EntityIdentity identity : identities)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(identity.uuid)) {
JSONArray juuids = new JSONArray();
for (EntityAccount account : accounts)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account.uuid)) {
JSONObject jitem = new JSONObject();
jitem.put("key", "identity." + identity.uuid);
jitem.put("val", identity.toJSON().toString());
jitem.put("rev", 1);
JSONArray jidentities = new JSONArray();
List<EntityIdentity> identities = db.identity().getIdentities(account.id);
if (identities != null)
for (EntityIdentity identity : identities)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(identity.uuid)) {
JSONObject jaccountdata = new JSONObject();
jaccountdata.put("account", account.toJSON());
jaccountdata.put("identities", jidentities);
JSONObject jitem = new JSONObject();
jitem.put("key", "identity." + identity.uuid);
jitem.put("val", identity.toJSON().toString());
jitem.put("rev", 1);
JSONObject jitem = new JSONObject();
jitem.put("key", "account." + account.uuid);
jitem.put("val", jaccountdata.toString());
jitem.put("rev", 1);
JSONObject jaccountdata = new JSONObject();
jaccountdata.put("account", account.toJSON());
jaccountdata.put("identities", jidentities);
JSONObject jaccounts = new JSONObject();
jaccounts.put("uuids", juuids);
JSONObject jitem = new JSONObject();
jitem.put("key", "account." + account.uuid);
jitem.put("val", jaccountdata.toString());
jitem.put("rev", 1);
JSONObject jstatusdata = new JSONObject();
jstatusdata.put("accounts", jaccounts);
JSONObject jaccounts = new JSONObject();
jaccounts.put("uuids", juuids);
jstatus.put("key", "sync.status");
jstatus.put("val", jstatusdata.toString());
jstatus.put("rev", 1);
JSONObject jstatus = new JSONObject();
jstatus.put("accounts", jaccounts);
jrequest.put("command", "write");
jrequest.put("items", jupload);
CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, jrequest);
jsyncstatus.put("key", "sync.status");
jsyncstatus.put("val", jstatus.toString());
jsyncstatus.put("rev", 1);
prefs.edit().putInt("sync_status", 1).apply();
jrequest.put("items", jupload);
CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, "write", jrequest);
prefs.edit().putInt("sync_status", 1).apply();
return null;
} else if (count == 1) {
if (jitems.length() == 1) {
// New revision
JSONObject jitem = jitems.getJSONObject(0);
Log.i("Cloud status revision=" + jitem.getInt("rev") + "/" + sync_status);
} else if (jitems.length() == 1) {
JSONObject jitem = jitems.getJSONObject(0);
int rev = jitem.getInt("rev");
Log.i("Cloud status revision=" + rev + "/" + sync_status);
JSONArray jdownload = new JSONArray();
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
// Get accounts
JSONObject jstatusdata = new JSONObject(jitem.getString("val"));
JSONObject jaccountinfo = jstatusdata.getJSONObject("accounts");
JSONArray juuids = jaccountinfo.getJSONArray("uuids");
for (int i = 0; i < juuids.length(); i++) {
String uuid = juuids.getString(i);
JSONObject jaccount = new JSONObject();
jaccount.put("key", "account." + uuid);
jaccount.put("rev", sync_status * 0);
Log.i("Cloud account " + uuid);
if (rev <= sync_status)
return null; // no changes
// New revision
JSONArray jdownload = new JSONArray();
// Get accounts
JSONObject jstatus = new JSONObject(jitem.getString("val"));
JSONObject jaccounts = jstatus.getJSONObject("accounts");
JSONArray juuids = jaccounts.getJSONArray("uuids");
for (int i = 0; i < juuids.length(); i++) {
String uuid = juuids.getString(i);
JSONObject jaccount = new JSONObject();
jaccount.put("key", "account." + uuid);
jaccount.put("rev", sync_status);
Log.i("Cloud account " + uuid);
if (jdownload.length() > 0) {
Log.i("Cloud getting accounts");
jrequest.put("items", jdownload);
jresponse = CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, "sync", jrequest);
// Process accounts
Log.i("Cloud processing accounts");
jitems = jresponse.getJSONArray("items");
jdownload = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < jitems.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jaccount = jitems.getJSONObject(i);
String value = jaccount.getString("val");
int revision = jaccount.getInt("rev");
JSONObject jaccountdata = new JSONObject(value);
EntityAccount raccount = EntityAccount.fromJSON(jaccountdata.getJSONObject("account"));
EntityAccount laccount = db.account().getAccountByUUID(raccount.uuid);
JSONArray jidentities = jaccountdata.getJSONArray("identities");
Log.i("Cloud account " + raccount.uuid + "=" + (laccount == null ? "insert" : "update") +
" rev=" + revision +
" identities=" + jidentities +
" size=" + value.length());
for (int j = 0; j < jidentities.length(); j++) {
JSONObject jidentity = new JSONObject();
jidentity.put("key", "identity." + jidentities.getString(j));
jidentity.put("rev", sync_status);
if (jdownload.length() > 0) {
Log.i("Cloud getting accounts");
// Get identities
Log.i("Cloud getting identities");
jrequest.put("items", jdownload);
jresponse = CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, jrequest);
jresponse = CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, "sync", jrequest);
// Process accounts
Log.i("Cloud processing accounts");
// Process identities
Log.i("Cloud processing identities");
jitems = jresponse.getJSONArray("items");
jdownload = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < jitems.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jaccount = jitems.getJSONObject(i);
String key = jaccount.getString("key");
String value = jaccount.getString("val");
int revision = jaccount.getInt("rev");
String uuid = key.split("\\.")[1];
EntityAccount account = db.account().getAccountByUUID(uuid);
JSONObject jaccountdata = new JSONObject(value);
JSONArray jidentities = jaccountdata.getJSONArray("identities");
Log.i("Cloud account " + uuid + "=" + (account != null) +
EntityIdentity ridentity = EntityIdentity.fromJSON(new JSONObject(value));
EntityIdentity lidentity = db.identity().getIdentityByUUID(ridentity.uuid);
Log.i("Cloud identity " + ridentity.uuid + "=" + (lidentity == null ? "insert" : "update") +
" rev=" + revision +
" identities=" + jidentities +
" size=" + value.length());
for (int j = 0; j < jidentities.length(); j++) {
JSONObject jidentity = new JSONObject();
jidentity.put("key", "identity." + jidentities.getString(j));
jidentity.put("rev", sync_status * 0);
if (jdownload.length() > 0) {
// Get identities
Log.i("Cloud getting identities");
jrequest.put("items", jdownload);
jresponse = CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, jrequest);
// Process identities
Log.i("Cloud processing identities");
jitems = jresponse.getJSONArray("items");
for (int i = 0; i < jitems.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jaccount = jitems.getJSONObject(i);
String key = jaccount.getString("key");
String value = jaccount.getString("val");
int revision = jaccount.getInt("rev");
String uuid = key.split("\\.")[1];
EntityIdentity identity = db.identity().getIdentityByUUID(uuid);
Log.i("Cloud identity " + uuid + "=" + (identity != null) +
" rev=" + revision +
" size=" + value.length());
} else {
// No changes
prefs.edit().putInt("sync_status", rev).apply();
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected one status item");
} else
CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, jrequest);
CloudSync.perform(context, user, password, command, jrequest);
return null;
Reference in a new issue