URI sanitizer improvements

This commit is contained in:
M66B 2022-12-10 08:28:39 +01:00
parent 86b067cf9d
commit c6251f6d3a
1 changed files with 60 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -268,14 +268,16 @@ public class UriHelper {
if (uri.getHost() != null &&
uri.getHost().endsWith("safelinks.protection.outlook.com") &&
!TextUtils.isEmpty(uri.getQueryParameter("url"))) {
changed = true;
url = Uri.parse(uri.getQueryParameter("url"));
Uri result = Uri.parse(uri.getQueryParameter("url"));
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else if ("https".equals(uri.getScheme()) &&
"smex-ctp.trendmicro.com".equals(uri.getHost()) &&
"/wis/clicktime/v1/query".equals(uri.getPath()) &&
!TextUtils.isEmpty(uri.getQueryParameter("url"))) {
changed = true;
url = Uri.parse(uri.getQueryParameter("url"));
Uri result = Uri.parse(uri.getQueryParameter("url"));
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else if ("https".equals(uri.getScheme()) &&
"www.google.com".equals(uri.getHost()) &&
uri.getPath() != null &&
@ -298,87 +300,93 @@ public class UriHelper {
p = u.indexOf("/");
changed = (result != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else if ("https".equals(uri.getScheme()) &&
uri.getHost() != null &&
uri.getHost().startsWith("www.google.") &&
uri.getQueryParameter("url") != null) {
// Google non-com redirects
Uri result = Uri.parse(uri.getQueryParameter("url"));
changed = (result != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else if (uri.getPath() != null &&
uri.getPath().startsWith("/track/click") &&
uri.getQueryParameter("p") != null) {
Uri result = null;
try {
// Mandrill
String p = new String(Base64.decode(uri.getQueryParameter("p"), Base64.URL_SAFE));
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(p);
json = new JSONObject(json.getString("p"));
Uri result = Uri.parse(json.getString("url"));
changed = (result != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
result = Uri.parse(json.getString("url"));
} catch (Throwable ex) {
url = uri;
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else if (uri.getHost() != null && uri.getHost().endsWith(".awstrack.me")) {
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/configure-custom-open-click-domains.html
String path = uri.getPath();
int s = path.indexOf('/', 1);
Uri result = (s > 0 ? Uri.parse(path.substring(s + 1)) : null);
changed = (result != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
} else if (uri.getQueryParameterNames().size() == 1) {
// Sophos Email Appliance
Uri result = null;
String key = uri.getQueryParameterNames().iterator().next();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri.getQueryParameter(key)))
try {
String data = new String(Base64.decode(key, Base64.URL_SAFE));
int v = data.indexOf("ver=");
int u = data.indexOf("&&url=");
if (v == 0 && u > 0)
result = Uri.parse(URLDecoder.decode(data.substring(u + 6), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()));
} catch (Throwable ex) {
changed = (result != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else if (uri.getQueryParameter("redirectUrl") != null) {
// https://.../link-tracker?redirectUrl=<base64>&sig=...&iat=...&a=...&account=...&email=...&s=...&i=...
Uri result = null;
try {
byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(uri.getQueryParameter("redirectUrl"), Base64.URL_SAFE);
String u = URLDecoder.decode(new String(bytes), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name());
Uri result = Uri.parse(u);
changed = (result != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
result = Uri.parse(u);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
url = uri;
} else {
// Try base64 last path segment
// go.dhlparcel.nl and others
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
} else
url = uri;
if (!changed) {
// Sophos Email Appliance
// http://<host>/?<base64>
Uri result = null;
try {
String path = uri.getPath();
String b = null;
int s = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (s > 0)
try {
b = new String(Base64.decode(path.substring(s + 1), Base64.URL_SAFE));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
if (uri.getQueryParameterNames().size() == 1) {
String key = uri.getQueryParameterNames().iterator().next();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri.getQueryParameter(key))) {
String data = new String(Base64.decode(key, Base64.URL_SAFE));
int v = data.indexOf("ver=");
int u = data.indexOf("&&url=");
if (v == 0 && u > 0)
result = Uri.parse(URLDecoder.decode(data.substring(u + 6), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()));
Uri result = (b == null ? null : Uri.parse(b));
changed = (result != null && result.getScheme() != null);
url = (result == null ? uri : result);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
url = uri;
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
if (!changed) {
// go.dhlparcel.nl and others
// Try base64 last path segment
Uri result = null;
String path = uri.getPath();
try {
if (path != null) {
int s = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (s > 0) {
String b = new String(Base64.decode(path.substring(s + 1), Base64.URL_SAFE));
result = Uri.parse(b);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
changed = (result != null && isHyperLink(result));
url = (changed ? result : uri);
if (url.isOpaque() || !isHyperLink(url))
@ -412,12 +420,9 @@ public class UriHelper {
for (String value : url.getQueryParameters(key)) {
Log.i("Query " + key + "=" + value);
Uri suri = Uri.parse(value);
if ("http".equals(suri.getScheme()) || "https".equals(suri.getScheme())) {
if (suri != null && isHyperLink(suri)) {
Uri s = sanitize(suri);
if (s != null) {
changed = true;
value = s.toString();
return (s == null ? suri : s);
builder.appendQueryParameter(key, value);