
This commit is contained in:
M66B 2023-12-28 21:33:12 +01:00
parent 61ae7f6e2e
commit d7a81f2277
1 changed files with 56 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -57,11 +57,13 @@ public class Adguard {
new InputStreamReader(context.getAssets().open("adguard_filter.txt")))) {
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(line) || line.startsWith("!"))
// rule = ["@@"] pattern [ "$" modifiers ]
// modifiers = [modifier0, modifier1[, ...[, modifierN]]]
int dollar = line.indexOf('$');
while (dollar > 0 && line.charAt(dollar - 1) == '\\')
dollar = line.indexOf('$', dollar + 1);
@ -71,43 +73,46 @@ public class Adguard {
String expr = line.substring(0, dollar)
String pattern = line.substring(0, dollar)
.replace("\\$", "$");
String rest = line.substring(dollar + 1)
.replace("\\$", "$");
List<String> commands = new ArrayList<>();
int start = 0;
List<String> modifiers = new ArrayList<>();
while (start < rest.length()) {
int comma = rest.indexOf(',', start);
while (comma > 0 && rest.charAt(comma - 1) == '\\')
comma = rest.indexOf(',', comma + 1);
int end = (comma < 0 ? rest.length() : comma);
commands.add(rest.substring(start, end)
modifiers.add(rest.substring(start, end)
.replace("\\,", ","));
start = (comma < 0 ? end : end + 1);
String remove = null;
boolean matches = true;
for (String command : commands) {
int equal = command.indexOf('=');
String c = (equal < 0 ? command : command.substring(0, equal));
String e = (equal < 0 ? "" : command.substring(equal + 1));
if ("removeparam".equals(c))
remove = e;
else if ("domain".equals(c)) {
for (String modifier : modifiers) {
int equal = modifier.indexOf('=');
String name = (equal < 0 ? modifier : modifier.substring(0, equal));
String param = (equal < 0 ? "" : modifier.substring(equal + 1));
if ("removeparam".equals(name)) {
remove = param;
} else if ("domain".equals(name)) {
// domains = ["~"] entry_0 ["|" ["~"] entry_1 ["|" ["~"]entry_2 ["|" ... ["|" ["~"]entry_N]]]]
// entry_i = ( regular_domain / any_tld_domain / regexp )
matches = false;
List<String> domains = new ArrayList<>();
start = 0;
while (start < e.length()) {
int pipe = e.indexOf('|', start);
while (pipe > 0 && e.charAt(pipe - 1) == '\\')
pipe = e.indexOf('|', pipe + 1);
int end = (pipe < 0 ? e.length() : pipe);
domains.add(e.substring(start, end)
while (start < param.length()) {
int pipe = param.indexOf('|', start);
while (pipe > 0 && param.charAt(pipe - 1) == '\\')
pipe = param.indexOf('|', pipe + 1);
int end = (pipe < 0 ? param.length() : pipe);
domains.add(param.substring(start, end)
.replace("\\|", "|"));
start = (pipe < 0 ? end : end + 1);
@ -148,10 +153,10 @@ public class Adguard {
} else {
if (!c.equals("document") &&
!(c.startsWith("~") && !c.equals("~document"))) {
if (!ADGUARD_IGNORE.contains(c))
Log.w("Adguard ignoring=" + c);
if (!name.equals("document") &&
!(name.startsWith("~") && !name.equals("~document"))) {
if (!ADGUARD_IGNORE.contains(name))
Log.w("Adguard ignoring=" + name);
remove = null;
@ -162,32 +167,43 @@ public class Adguard {
boolean except = false;
matches = TextUtils.isEmpty(expr);
matches = TextUtils.isEmpty(pattern);
if (!matches) {
if (expr.startsWith("@@")) {
if (pattern.startsWith("@@")) {
// a marker that is used in rules of exception.
// To turn off filtering for a request, start your rule with this marker.
except = true;
expr = expr.substring(2);
pattern = pattern.substring(2);
String u = uri.toString();
if (expr.startsWith("||")) {
if (pattern.startsWith("||")) {
// an indication to apply the rule to the specified domain and its subdomains.
// With this character, you do not have to specify a particular protocol and subdomain in address mask.
// It means that || stands for http://*., https://*., ws://*., wss://*. at once.
int ss = u.indexOf("//");
if (ss > 0)
u = u.substring(ss + 2);
expr = expr.substring(2);
pattern = pattern.substring(2);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : expr.toCharArray())
if (c == '*')
for (char c : pattern.toCharArray())
if (c == '*') {
// a wildcard character. It is used to represent any set of characters.
// This can also be an empty string or a string of any length.
else if (c == '^')
} else if (c == '^') {
// a separator character mark.
// Separator character is any character, but a letter, a digit, or one of the following: _ - . %.
else if (c == '|') {
} else if (c == '|') {
// a pointer to the beginning or the end of address.
// The value depends on the character placement in the mask.
b.append(b.length() == 0 ? '^' : '$');
Log.w("Adguard anchor expr=" + expr);
Log.w("Adguard anchor expr=" + pattern);
} else {
if ("\\.?![]{}()<>*+-=^$|".indexOf(c) >= 0)
@ -248,15 +264,21 @@ public class Adguard {
private static boolean omitParam(String remove, String key, String value) {
if ("".equals(remove))
if ("".equals(remove)) {
// Specify naked $removeparam to remove all query parameters
return true;
if (remove.startsWith("~")) {
// $removeparam=~param removes all query parameters with the name different from param.
// $removeparam=~/regexp/ removes all query parameters that do not match the regexp regular expression.
Log.w("Adguard not supported remove=" + remove);
return false;
if (remove.startsWith("/")) {
// $removeparam=/regexp/[options]
// the only supported option is i which makes matching case-insensitive.
int end = remove.lastIndexOf('/');
if (end < 1) {
Log.w("Adguard missing slash remove=" + remove + " end=" + end);
@ -277,6 +299,7 @@ public class Adguard {
return true;
} else if (remove.equals(key)) {
// $removeparam=param
Log.i("Adguard omit key=" + key);
return true;