package; import; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Store and flush Event reports which couldn't be sent immediately due to * lack of network connectivity. */ class EventStore extends FileStore { private static final long LAUNCH_CRASH_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000; private final ImmutableConfig config; private final Delegate delegate; private final Notifier notifier; private final BackgroundTaskService bgTaskSevice; private final CallbackState callbackState; final Logger logger; static final Comparator EVENT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(File lhs, File rhs) { if (lhs == null && rhs == null) { return 0; } if (lhs == null) { return 1; } if (rhs == null) { return -1; } return lhs.compareTo(rhs); } }; EventStore(@NonNull ImmutableConfig config, @NonNull Logger logger, Notifier notifier, BackgroundTaskService bgTaskSevice, Delegate delegate, CallbackState callbackState) { super(new File(config.getPersistenceDirectory().getValue(), "bugsnag-errors"), config.getMaxPersistedEvents(), EVENT_COMPARATOR, logger, delegate); this.config = config; this.logger = logger; this.delegate = delegate; this.notifier = notifier; this.bgTaskSevice = bgTaskSevice; this.callbackState = callbackState; } /** * Flush startup crashes synchronously on the main thread */ void flushOnLaunch() { if (!config.getSendLaunchCrashesSynchronously()) { return; } Future future = null; try { future = bgTaskSevice.submitTask(TaskType.ERROR_REQUEST, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flushLaunchCrashReport(); } }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException exc) { logger.d("Failed to flush launch crash reports, continuing.", exc); } try { if (future != null) { future.get(LAUNCH_CRASH_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException exc) { logger.d("Failed to send launch crash reports within 2s timeout, continuing.", exc); } } void flushLaunchCrashReport() { List storedFiles = findStoredFiles(); File launchCrashReport = findLaunchCrashReport(storedFiles); // cancel non-launch crash reports if (launchCrashReport != null) { storedFiles.remove(launchCrashReport); } cancelQueuedFiles(storedFiles); if (launchCrashReport != null) { logger.i("Attempting to send the most recent launch crash report"); flushReports(Collections.singletonList(launchCrashReport)); logger.i("Continuing with Bugsnag initialisation"); } else { logger.d("No startupcrash events to flush to Bugsnag."); } } @Nullable File findLaunchCrashReport(Collection storedFiles) { List launchCrashes = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : storedFiles) { EventFilenameInfo filenameInfo = EventFilenameInfo.fromFile(file, config); if (filenameInfo.isLaunchCrashReport()) { launchCrashes.add(file); } } // sort to get most recent timestamp Collections.sort(launchCrashes, EVENT_COMPARATOR); return launchCrashes.isEmpty() ? null : launchCrashes.get(launchCrashes.size() - 1); } @Nullable Future writeAndDeliver(@NonNull final JsonStream.Streamable streamable) { final String filename = write(streamable); if (filename != null) { try { return bgTaskSevice.submitTask(TaskType.ERROR_REQUEST, new Callable() { public String call() { flushEventFile(new File(filename)); return filename; } }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException exception) { logger.w("Failed to flush all on-disk errors, retaining unsent errors for later."); } } return null; } /** * Flush any on-disk errors to Bugsnag */ void flushAsync() { try { bgTaskSevice.submitTask(TaskType.ERROR_REQUEST, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { List storedFiles = findStoredFiles(); if (storedFiles.isEmpty()) { logger.d("No regular events to flush to Bugsnag."); } flushReports(storedFiles); } }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException exception) { logger.w("Failed to flush all on-disk errors, retaining unsent errors for later."); } } void flushReports(Collection storedReports) { if (!storedReports.isEmpty()) { int size = storedReports.size(); logger.i("Sending " + size + " saved error(s) to Bugsnag"); for (File eventFile : storedReports) { flushEventFile(eventFile); } } } void flushEventFile(File eventFile) { try { EventFilenameInfo eventInfo = EventFilenameInfo.fromFile(eventFile, config); String apiKey = eventInfo.getApiKey(); EventPayload payload = createEventPayload(eventFile, apiKey); if (payload == null) { deleteStoredFiles(Collections.singleton(eventFile)); } else { deliverEventPayload(eventFile, payload); } } catch (Exception exception) { handleEventFlushFailure(exception, eventFile); } } private void deliverEventPayload(File eventFile, EventPayload payload) { DeliveryParams deliveryParams = config.getErrorApiDeliveryParams(payload); Delivery delivery = config.getDelivery(); DeliveryStatus deliveryStatus = delivery.deliver(payload, deliveryParams); switch (deliveryStatus) { case DELIVERED: deleteStoredFiles(Collections.singleton(eventFile)); logger.i("Deleting sent error file " + eventFile.getName()); break; case UNDELIVERED: if (isTooBig(eventFile)) { logger.w("Discarding over-sized event (" + eventFile.length() + ") after failed delivery"); deleteStoredFiles(Collections.singleton(eventFile)); } else if (isTooOld(eventFile)) { logger.w("Discarding historical event (from " + getCreationDate(eventFile) + ") after failed delivery"); deleteStoredFiles(Collections.singleton(eventFile)); } else { cancelQueuedFiles(Collections.singleton(eventFile)); logger.w("Could not send previously saved error(s)" + " to Bugsnag, will try again later"); } break; case FAILURE: Exception exc = new RuntimeException("Failed to deliver event payload"); handleEventFlushFailure(exc, eventFile); break; default: break; } } @Nullable private EventPayload createEventPayload(File eventFile, String apiKey) { MarshalledEventSource eventSource = new MarshalledEventSource(eventFile, apiKey, logger); try { if (!callbackState.runOnSendTasks(eventSource, logger)) { // do not send the payload at all, we must block sending return null; } } catch (Exception ioe) { eventSource.clear(); } Event processedEvent = eventSource.getEvent(); if (processedEvent != null) { apiKey = processedEvent.getApiKey(); return new EventPayload(apiKey, processedEvent, null, notifier, config); } else { return new EventPayload(apiKey, null, eventFile, notifier, config); } } private void handleEventFlushFailure(Exception exc, File eventFile) { if (delegate != null) { delegate.onErrorIOFailure(exc, eventFile, "Crash Report Deserialization"); } deleteStoredFiles(Collections.singleton(eventFile)); } @NonNull @Override String getFilename(Object object) { EventFilenameInfo eventInfo = EventFilenameInfo.fromEvent(object, null, config); return eventInfo.encode(); } String getNdkFilename(Object object, String apiKey) { EventFilenameInfo eventInfo = EventFilenameInfo.fromEvent(object, apiKey, config); return eventInfo.encode(); } private static long oneMegabyte = 1024 * 1024; public boolean isTooBig(File file) { return file.length() > oneMegabyte; } public boolean isTooOld(File file) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -60); return EventFilenameInfo.findTimestampInFilename(file) < cal.getTimeInMillis(); } public Date getCreationDate(File file) { return new Date(EventFilenameInfo.findTimestampInFilename(file)); } }