package; import; import; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * Used as the entry point for native code to allow proguard to obfuscate other areas if needed */ public class NativeInterface { // The default charset on Android is always UTF-8 private static Charset UTF8Charset = Charset.defaultCharset(); /** * Static reference used if not using Bugsnag.start() */ @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private static Client client; @NonNull private static Client getClient() { if (client != null) { return client; } else { return Bugsnag.getClient(); } } /** * Create an empty Event for a "handled exception" report. The returned Event will have * no Error objects, metadata, breadcrumbs, or feature flags. It's indented that the caller * will populate the Error and then pass the Event object to * {@link Client#populateAndNotifyAndroidEvent(Event, OnErrorCallback)}. */ private static Event createEmptyEvent() { Client client = getClient(); return new Event( new EventInternal( (Throwable) null, client.getConfig(), SeverityReason.newInstance(SeverityReason.REASON_HANDLED_EXCEPTION), client.getMetadataState().getMetadata().copy() ), client.getLogger() ); } /** * Caches a client instance for responding to future events */ public static void setClient(@NonNull Client client) { NativeInterface.client = client; } @Nullable public static String getContext() { return getClient().getContext(); } /** * Retrieves the directory used to store native crash reports */ @NonNull public static File getNativeReportPath() { return getNativeReportPath(getPersistenceDirectory()); } private static @NonNull File getNativeReportPath(@NonNull File persistenceDirectory) { return new File(persistenceDirectory, "bugsnag-native"); } private static @NonNull File getPersistenceDirectory() { return getClient().getConfig().getPersistenceDirectory().getValue(); } /** * Retrieve user data from the static Client instance as a Map */ @NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static Map getUser() { HashMap userData = new HashMap<>(); User user = getClient().getUser(); userData.put("id", user.getId()); userData.put("name", user.getName()); userData.put("email", user.getEmail()); return userData; } /** * Retrieve app data from the static Client instance as a Map */ @NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static Map getApp() { HashMap data = new HashMap<>(); AppDataCollector source = getClient().getAppDataCollector(); AppWithState app = source.generateAppWithState(); data.put("version", app.getVersion()); data.put("releaseStage", app.getReleaseStage()); data.put("id", app.getId()); data.put("type", app.getType()); data.put("buildUUID", app.getBuildUuid()); data.put("duration", app.getDuration()); data.put("durationInForeground", app.getDurationInForeground()); data.put("versionCode", app.getVersionCode()); data.put("inForeground", app.getInForeground()); data.put("isLaunching", app.isLaunching()); data.put("binaryArch", app.getBinaryArch()); data.putAll(source.getAppDataMetadata()); return data; } /** * Retrieve device data from the static Client instance as a Map */ @NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static Map getDevice() { DeviceDataCollector source = getClient().getDeviceDataCollector(); HashMap deviceData = new HashMap<>(source.getDeviceMetadata()); DeviceWithState src = source.generateDeviceWithState(new Date().getTime()); deviceData.put("freeDisk", src.getFreeDisk()); deviceData.put("freeMemory", src.getFreeMemory()); deviceData.put("orientation", src.getOrientation()); deviceData.put("time", src.getTime()); deviceData.put("cpuAbi", src.getCpuAbi()); deviceData.put("jailbroken", src.getJailbroken()); deviceData.put("id", src.getId()); deviceData.put("locale", src.getLocale()); deviceData.put("manufacturer", src.getManufacturer()); deviceData.put("model", src.getModel()); deviceData.put("osName", src.getOsName()); deviceData.put("osVersion", src.getOsVersion()); deviceData.put("runtimeVersions", src.getRuntimeVersions()); deviceData.put("totalMemory", src.getTotalMemory()); return deviceData; } /** * Retrieve the CPU ABI(s) for the current device */ @NonNull public static String[] getCpuAbi() { return getClient().getDeviceDataCollector().getCpuAbi(); } /** * Retrieves global metadata from the static Client instance as a Map */ @NonNull public static Map getMetadata() { return getClient().getMetadata(); } /** * Retrieves a list of stored breadcrumbs from the static Client instance */ @NonNull public static List getBreadcrumbs() { return getClient().getBreadcrumbs(); } /** * Sets the user * * @param id id * @param email email * @param name name */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setUser(@Nullable final String id, @Nullable final String email, @Nullable final String name) { Client client = getClient(); client.setUser(id, email, name); } /** * Sets the user * * @param idBytes id * @param emailBytes email * @param nameBytes name */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setUser(@Nullable final byte[] idBytes, @Nullable final byte[] emailBytes, @Nullable final byte[] nameBytes) { String id = idBytes == null ? null : new String(idBytes, UTF8Charset); String email = emailBytes == null ? null : new String(emailBytes, UTF8Charset); String name = nameBytes == null ? null : new String(nameBytes, UTF8Charset); setUser(id, email, name); } /** * Leave a "breadcrumb" log message */ public static void leaveBreadcrumb(@NonNull final String name, @NonNull final BreadcrumbType type) { if (name == null) { return; } getClient().leaveBreadcrumb(name, new HashMap(), type); } /** * Leave a "breadcrumb" log message */ public static void leaveBreadcrumb(@NonNull final byte[] nameBytes, @NonNull final BreadcrumbType type) { if (nameBytes == null) { return; } String name = new String(nameBytes, UTF8Charset); getClient().leaveBreadcrumb(name, new HashMap(), type); } /** * Leaves a breadcrumb on the static client instance */ public static void leaveBreadcrumb(@NonNull String message, @NonNull String type, @NonNull Map metadata) { String typeName = type.toUpperCase(Locale.US); getClient().leaveBreadcrumb(message, metadata, BreadcrumbType.valueOf(typeName)); } /** * Remove metadata from subsequent exception reports */ public static void clearMetadata(@NonNull String section, @Nullable String key) { if (key == null) { getClient().clearMetadata(section); } else { getClient().clearMetadata(section, key); } } /** * Add metadata to subsequent exception reports */ public static void addMetadata(@NonNull final String tab, @Nullable final String key, @Nullable final Object value) { getClient().addMetadata(tab, key, value); } /** * Return the client report release stage */ @Nullable public static String getReleaseStage() { return getClient().getConfig().getReleaseStage(); } /** * Return the client session endpoint */ @NonNull public static String getSessionEndpoint() { return getClient().getConfig().getEndpoints().getSessions(); } /** * Return the client report endpoint */ @NonNull public static String getEndpoint() { return getClient().getConfig().getEndpoints().getNotify(); } /** * Set the client report context */ public static void setContext(@Nullable final String context) { getClient().setContext(context); } /** * Set the binary arch used in the application */ public static void setBinaryArch(@NonNull final String binaryArch) { getClient().setBinaryArch(binaryArch); } /** * Return the client report app version */ @Nullable public static String getAppVersion() { return getClient().getConfig().getAppVersion(); } /** * Return which release stages notify */ @Nullable public static Collection getEnabledReleaseStages() { return getClient().getConfig().getEnabledReleaseStages(); } /** * Update the current session with a given start time, ID, and event counts */ public static void registerSession(long startedAt, @Nullable String sessionId, int unhandledCount, int handledCount) { Client client = getClient(); User user = client.getUser(); Date startDate = startedAt > 0 ? new Date(startedAt) : null; client.getSessionTracker().registerExistingSession(startDate, sessionId, user, unhandledCount, handledCount); } /** * Ask if an error class is on the configurable discard list. * This is used by the native layer to decide whether to pass an event to * deliverReport() or not. * * @param name The error class to ask about. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static boolean isDiscardErrorClass(@NonNull String name) { return getClient().getConfig().getDiscardClasses().contains(name); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void deepMerge(Map src, Map dst) { for (Map.Entry entry: src.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object srcValue = entry.getValue(); Object dstValue = dst.get(key); if (srcValue instanceof Map && (dstValue instanceof Map)) { deepMerge((Map)srcValue, (Map)dstValue); } else if (srcValue instanceof Collection && dstValue instanceof Collection) { // Just append everything because we don't know enough about the context or // provenance of the data to make an intelligent decision about this. ((Collection)dstValue).addAll((Collection)srcValue); } else { dst.put(key, srcValue); } } } /** * Deliver a report, serialized as an event JSON payload. * * @param releaseStageBytes The release stage in which the event was * captured. Used to determine whether the report * should be discarded, based on configured release * stages * @param payloadBytes The raw JSON payload of the event * @param apiKey The apiKey for the event * @param isLaunching whether the crash occurred when the app was launching */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void deliverReport(@Nullable byte[] releaseStageBytes, @NonNull byte[] payloadBytes, @Nullable byte[] staticDataBytes, @NonNull String apiKey, boolean isLaunching) { // If there's saved static data, merge it directly into the payload map. if (staticDataBytes != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map payloadMap = (Map) JsonHelper.INSTANCE.deserialize( new ByteArrayInputStream(payloadBytes)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map staticDataMap = (Map) JsonHelper.INSTANCE.deserialize( new ByteArrayInputStream(staticDataBytes)); deepMerge(staticDataMap, payloadMap); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JsonHelper.INSTANCE.serialize(payloadMap, os); payloadBytes = os.toByteArray(); } String payload = new String(payloadBytes, UTF8Charset); String releaseStage = releaseStageBytes == null ? null : new String(releaseStageBytes, UTF8Charset); Client client = getClient(); ImmutableConfig config = client.getConfig(); if (releaseStage == null || releaseStage.length() == 0 || !config.shouldDiscardByReleaseStage()) { EventStore eventStore = client.getEventStore(); String filename = eventStore.getNdkFilename(payload, apiKey); if (isLaunching) { filename = filename.replace(".json", "startupcrash.json"); } eventStore.enqueueContentForDelivery(payload, filename); } } /** * Notifies using the Android SDK * * @param nameBytes the error name * @param messageBytes the error message * @param severity the error severity * @param stacktrace a stacktrace */ public static void notify(@NonNull final byte[] nameBytes, @NonNull final byte[] messageBytes, @NonNull final Severity severity, @NonNull final StackTraceElement[] stacktrace) { if (nameBytes == null || messageBytes == null || stacktrace == null) { return; } String name = new String(nameBytes, UTF8Charset); String message = new String(messageBytes, UTF8Charset); notify(name, message, severity, stacktrace); } /** * Notifies using the Android SDK * * @param name the error name * @param message the error message * @param severity the error severity * @param stacktrace a stacktrace */ public static void notify(@NonNull final String name, @NonNull final String message, @NonNull final Severity severity, @NonNull final StackTraceElement[] stacktrace) { if (getClient().getConfig().shouldDiscardError(name)) { return; } Throwable exc = new RuntimeException(); exc.setStackTrace(stacktrace); getClient().notify(exc, new OnErrorCallback() { @Override public boolean onError(@NonNull Event event) { event.updateSeverityInternal(severity); List errors = event.getErrors(); Error error = event.getErrors().get(0); // update the error's type to C if (!errors.isEmpty()) { error.setErrorClass(name); error.setErrorMessage(message); for (Error err : errors) { err.setType(ErrorType.C); } } return true; } }); } /** * Notifies using the Android SDK * * @param nameBytes the error name * @param messageBytes the error message * @param severity the error severity * @param stacktrace a stacktrace */ public static void notify(@NonNull final byte[] nameBytes, @NonNull final byte[] messageBytes, @NonNull final Severity severity, @NonNull final NativeStackframe[] stacktrace) { if (nameBytes == null || messageBytes == null || stacktrace == null) { return; } String name = new String(nameBytes, UTF8Charset); String message = new String(messageBytes, UTF8Charset); notify(name, message, severity, stacktrace); } /** * Notifies using the Android SDK * * @param name the error name * @param message the error message * @param severity the error severity * @param stacktrace a stacktrace */ public static void notify(@NonNull final String name, @NonNull final String message, @NonNull final Severity severity, @NonNull final NativeStackframe[] stacktrace) { Client client = getClient(); if (client.getConfig().shouldDiscardError(name)) { return; } Event event = createEmptyEvent(); event.updateSeverityInternal(severity); List stackframes = new ArrayList<>(stacktrace.length); for (NativeStackframe nativeStackframe : stacktrace) { stackframes.add(new Stackframe(nativeStackframe)); } event.getErrors().add(new Error( new ErrorInternal(name, message, new Stacktrace(stackframes), ErrorType.C), client.getLogger() )); getClient().populateAndNotifyAndroidEvent(event, null); } /** * Create an {@code Event} object * * @param exc the Throwable object that caused the event * @param client the Client object that the event is associated with * @param severityReason the severity of the Event * @return a new {@code Event} object */ @NonNull public static Event createEvent(@Nullable Throwable exc, @NonNull Client client, @NonNull SeverityReason severityReason) { Metadata metadata = client.getMetadataState().getMetadata(); FeatureFlags featureFlags = client.getFeatureFlagState().getFeatureFlags(); return new Event(exc, client.getConfig(), severityReason, metadata, featureFlags, client.logger); } @NonNull public static Logger getLogger() { return getClient().getConfig().getLogger(); } /** * Switches automatic error detection on/off after Bugsnag has initialized. * This is required to support legacy functionality in Unity. * * @param autoNotify whether errors should be automatically detected. */ public static void setAutoNotify(boolean autoNotify) { getClient().setAutoNotify(autoNotify); } /** * Switches automatic ANR detection on/off after Bugsnag has initialized. * This is required to support legacy functionality in Unity. * * @param autoDetectAnrs whether ANRs should be automatically detected. */ public static void setAutoDetectAnrs(boolean autoDetectAnrs) { getClient().setAutoDetectAnrs(autoDetectAnrs); } public static void startSession() { getClient().startSession(); } public static void pauseSession() { getClient().pauseSession(); } public static boolean resumeSession() { return getClient().resumeSession(); } @Nullable public static Session getCurrentSession() { return getClient().sessionTracker.getCurrentSession(); } /** * Marks the launch period as complete */ public static void markLaunchCompleted() { getClient().markLaunchCompleted(); } /** * Get the last run info object */ @Nullable public static LastRunInfo getLastRunInfo() { return getClient().getLastRunInfo(); } }