package; /* This file is part of FairEmail. FairEmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FairEmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FairEmail. If not, see . Copyright 2018-2019 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B) */ import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; import com.sun.mail.util.FolderClosedIOException; import com.sun.mail.util.MessageRemovedIOException; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import javax.activation.FileTypeMap; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.BodyPart; import javax.mail.Flags; import javax.mail.FolderClosedException; import javax.mail.Header; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessageRemovedException; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Multipart; import javax.mail.Part; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; import javax.mail.internet.ContentType; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MailDateFormat; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility; import javax.mail.internet.ParseException; import biweekly.Biweekly; import biweekly.ICalendar; public class MessageHelper { private MimeMessage imessage; static final int SMALL_MESSAGE_SIZE = 32 * 1024; // bytes static final int DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_SIZE = 256 * 1024; // bytes static void setSystemProperties(Context context) { System.setProperty("mail.mime.decodetext.strict", "false"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.ignoreunknownencoding", "true"); // Content-Transfer-Encoding System.setProperty("mail.mime.base64.ignoreerrors", "true"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.decodefilename", "true"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.encodefilename", "true"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.allowutf8", "false"); // InternetAddress, MimeBodyPart, MimeUtility System.setProperty("mail.mime.cachemultipart", "false"); // System.setProperty("mail.mime.multipart.ignoremissingboundaryparameter", "true"); // javax.mail.internet.ParseException: In parameter list System.setProperty("mail.mime.multipart.ignoreexistingboundaryparameter", "true"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.multipart.ignoremissingendboundary", "true"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.multipart.allowempty", "true"); } static Properties getSessionProperties() { Properties props = new Properties(); // MIME props.put("mail.mime.allowutf8", "false"); // SMTPTransport, MimeMessage props.put("mail.mime.address.strict", "false"); return props; } static MimeMessageEx from(Context context, EntityMessage message, EntityIdentity identity, Session isession) throws MessagingException, IOException { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); MimeMessageEx imessage = new MimeMessageEx(isession, message.msgid); // Flags imessage.setFlag(Flags.Flag.SEEN, message.seen); imessage.setFlag(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED, message.flagged); imessage.setFlag(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED, message.answered); // Priority if (EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_LOW.equals(message.priority)) { // Low imessage.addHeader("Importance", "Low"); imessage.addHeader("Priority", "Non-Urgent"); imessage.addHeader("X-Priority", "5"); // Lowest imessage.addHeader("X-MSMail-Priority", "Low"); } else if (EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_HIGH.equals(message.priority)) { // High imessage.addHeader("Importance", "High"); imessage.addHeader("Priority", "Urgent"); imessage.addHeader("X-Priority", "1"); // Highest imessage.addHeader("X-MSMail-Priority", "High"); } // References if (message.references != null) imessage.addHeader("References", message.references); if (message.inreplyto != null) imessage.addHeader("In-Reply-To", message.inreplyto); imessage.addHeader("X-Correlation-ID", message.msgid); // Addresses if (message.from != null && message.from.length > 0) { String email = ((InternetAddress) message.from[0]).getAddress(); String name = ((InternetAddress) message.from[0]).getPersonal(); if (email != null && identity != null && identity.sender_extra && !TextUtils.isEmpty(message.extra)) { int at = email.indexOf('@'); email = message.extra + email.substring(at); Log.i("extra=" + email); } imessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(email, name)); } if ( != null && > 0) imessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO,; if ( != null && > 0) imessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC,; if (message.bcc != null && message.bcc.length > 0) imessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, message.bcc); if (message.subject != null) imessage.setSubject(message.subject); // Send message if (identity != null) { // Add reply to if (identity.replyto != null) imessage.setReplyTo(InternetAddress.parse(identity.replyto)); // Add extra bcc if (identity.bcc != null) { List
bcc = new ArrayList<>(); Address[] existing = imessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC); if (existing != null) bcc.addAll(Arrays.asList(existing)); Address[] all = imessage.getAllRecipients(); Address[] abccs = InternetAddress.parse(identity.bcc); for (Address abcc : abccs) { boolean found = false; if (all != null) for (Address a : all) if (equalEmail(a, abcc)) { found = true; break; } if (!found) bcc.add(abcc); } imessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bcc.toArray(new Address[0])); } // Delivery/read request if (message.receipt_request != null && message.receipt_request) { String to = (identity.replyto == null ? : identity.replyto); // defacto standard imessage.addHeader("Return-Receipt-To", to); // imessage.addHeader("Disposition-Notification-To", to); } } // Auto answer if (message.unsubscribe != null) imessage.addHeader("List-Unsubscribe", "<" + message.unsubscribe + ">"); MailDateFormat mdf = new MailDateFormat(); mdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); imessage.setHeader("Date", mdf.format(new Date())); //imessage.setSentDate(new Date()); List attachments = db.attachment().getAttachments(; if (message.from != null && message.from.length > 0) for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments) if (attachment.available && EntityAttachment.PGP_KEY.equals(attachment.encryption)) { InternetAddress from = (InternetAddress) message.from[0]; File file = attachment.getFile(context); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) if (!line.startsWith("-----") && !line.endsWith("-----")) sb.append(line); } imessage.addHeader("Autocrypt", "addr=" + from.getAddress() + ";" + " prefer-encrypt=mutual;" + " keydata=" + sb.toString()); } for (final EntityAttachment attachment : attachments) if (attachment.available && EntityAttachment.PGP_MESSAGE.equals(attachment.encryption)) { // Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("encrypted; protocol=\"application/pgp-encrypted\""); BodyPart pgp = new MimeBodyPart(); pgp.setContent("", "application/pgp-encrypted"); multipart.addBodyPart(pgp); BodyPart bpAttachment = new MimeBodyPart(); bpAttachment.setFileName(; File file = attachment.getFile(context); FileDataSource dataSource = new FileDataSource(file); dataSource.setFileTypeMap(new FileTypeMap() { @Override public String getContentType(File file) { return attachment.type; } @Override public String getContentType(String filename) { return attachment.type; } }); bpAttachment.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSource)); bpAttachment.setDisposition(Part.INLINE); multipart.addBodyPart(bpAttachment); imessage.setContent(multipart); return imessage; } build(context, message, attachments, identity, imessage); return imessage; } static void build(Context context, EntityMessage message, List attachments, EntityIdentity identity, MimeMessage imessage) throws IOException, MessagingException { if (message.receipt != null && message.receipt) { // Multipart report = new MimeMultipart("report; report-type=disposition-notification"); String plainContent = HtmlHelper.getText(Helper.readText(message.getFile(context))); BodyPart plainPart = new MimeBodyPart(); plainPart.setContent(plainContent, "text/plain; charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset().name()); report.addBodyPart(plainPart); String from = null; if (message.from != null && message.from.length > 0) from = ((InternetAddress) message.from[0]).getAddress(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Reporting-UA: ").append(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID).append("; ").append(BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME).append("\r\n"); if (from != null) sb.append("Original-Recipient: rfc822;").append(from).append("\r\n"); sb.append("Disposition: manual-action/MDN-sent-manually; displayed").append("\r\n"); BodyPart dnsPart = new MimeBodyPart(); dnsPart.setContent(sb.toString(), "message/disposition-notification; name=\"MDNPart2.txt\""); dnsPart.setDisposition(Part.INLINE); report.addBodyPart(dnsPart); //BodyPart headersPart = new MimeBodyPart(); //headersPart.setContent("", "text/rfc822-headers; name=\"MDNPart3.txt\""); //headersPart.setDisposition(Part.INLINE); //report.addBodyPart(headersPart); imessage.setContent(report); return; } // Build html body Document document = JsoupEx.parse(Helper.readText(message.getFile(context))); Elements ref ="div[fairemail=reference]"); ref.remove(); ref.removeAttr("fairemail"); if (document.body() != null) { // When sending message if (identity != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(identity.signature) && message.signature) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); boolean usenet = prefs.getBoolean("usenet_signature", false); if (usenet) { // Element span = document.createElement("span"); span.text("-- "); span.appendElement("br"); document.body().appendChild(span); } document.body().append(identity.signature); } if (ref.size() > 0) document.body().appendChild(ref.first()); } // multipart/mixed // multipart/related // multipart/alternative // text/plain // text/html // inlines // attachments String htmlContent = document.html(); String plainContent = HtmlHelper.getText(htmlContent); BodyPart plainPart = new MimeBodyPart(); plainPart.setContent(plainContent, "text/plain; charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset().name()); BodyPart htmlPart = new MimeBodyPart(); htmlPart.setContent(htmlContent, "text/html; charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset().name()); Multipart altMultiPart = new MimeMultipart("alternative"); altMultiPart.addBodyPart(plainPart); altMultiPart.addBodyPart(htmlPart); boolean plain_only = (message.plain_only != null && message.plain_only); int availableAttachments = 0; boolean hasInline = false; for (EntityAttachment attachment : attachments) if (attachment.available) { availableAttachments++; if (attachment.isInline()) hasInline = true; } if (availableAttachments == 0) if (plain_only) imessage.setContent(plainContent, "text/plain; charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset().name()); else imessage.setContent(altMultiPart); else { Multipart mixedMultiPart = new MimeMultipart("mixed"); Multipart relatedMultiPart = new MimeMultipart("related"); BodyPart bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); if (plain_only) bodyPart.setContent(plainContent, "text/plain; charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset().name()); else bodyPart.setContent(altMultiPart); if (hasInline && !plain_only) { relatedMultiPart.addBodyPart(bodyPart); MimeBodyPart relatedPart = new MimeBodyPart(); relatedPart.setContent(relatedMultiPart); mixedMultiPart.addBodyPart(relatedPart); } else mixedMultiPart.addBodyPart(bodyPart); for (final EntityAttachment attachment : attachments) if (attachment.available) { BodyPart attachmentPart = new MimeBodyPart(); File file = attachment.getFile(context); FileDataSource dataSource = new FileDataSource(file); dataSource.setFileTypeMap(new FileTypeMap() { @Override public String getContentType(File file) { // if ("text/calendar".equals(attachment.type)) try { ICalendar icalendar = Biweekly.parse(file).first(); if (icalendar != null && icalendar.getMethod() != null && icalendar.getMethod().isReply()) return "text/calendar" + "; method=REPLY" + "; charset=" + Charset.defaultCharset().name(); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(ex); } return attachment.type; } @Override public String getContentType(String filename) { return getContentType(new File(filename)); } }); attachmentPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSource)); attachmentPart.setFileName(; if (attachment.disposition != null) attachmentPart.setDisposition(attachment.disposition); if (attachment.cid != null) attachmentPart.setHeader("Content-ID", attachment.cid); if (attachment.isInline() && !plain_only) relatedMultiPart.addBodyPart(attachmentPart); else mixedMultiPart.addBodyPart(attachmentPart); } imessage.setContent(mixedMultiPart); } } MessageHelper(MimeMessage message) { this.imessage = message; } boolean getSeen() throws MessagingException { return imessage.isSet(Flags.Flag.SEEN); } boolean getAnsered() throws MessagingException { return imessage.isSet(Flags.Flag.ANSWERED); } boolean getFlagged() throws MessagingException { return imessage.isSet(Flags.Flag.FLAGGED); } String getFlags() throws MessagingException { if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) return null; Flags flags = imessage.getFlags(); flags.clearUserFlags(); return flags.toString(); } String[] getKeywords() throws MessagingException { return imessage.getFlags().getUserFlags(); } String getMessageID() throws MessagingException { // Outlook outbox -> sent String header = imessage.getHeader("X-Correlation-ID", null); if (header == null) header = imessage.getHeader("Message-ID", null); return (header == null ? null : MimeUtility.unfold(header)); } String[] getReferences() throws MessagingException { String refs = imessage.getHeader("References", null); return (refs == null ? new String[0] : MimeUtility.unfold(refs).split("\\s+")); } String getDeliveredTo() throws MessagingException { String header = imessage.getHeader("Delivered-To", null); if (header == null) header = imessage.getHeader("X-Delivered-To", null); return (header == null ? null : MimeUtility.unfold(header)); } String getInReplyTo() throws MessagingException { String header = imessage.getHeader("In-Reply-To", null); return (header == null ? null : MimeUtility.unfold(header)); } String getThreadId(Context context, long account, long uid) throws MessagingException { List refs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String ref : getReferences()) if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(ref)) refs.add(ref); String inreplyto = getInReplyTo(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(inreplyto) && !refs.contains(inreplyto)) refs.add(inreplyto); DB db = DB.getInstance(context); for (String ref : refs) { List messages = db.message().getMessagesByMsgId(account, ref); if (messages.size() > 0) return messages.get(0).thread; } if (refs.size() > 0) return refs.get(0); String msgid = getMessageID(); return (TextUtils.isEmpty(msgid) ? Long.toString(uid) : msgid); } Integer getPriority() throws MessagingException { Integer priority = null; // String header = imessage.getHeader("Importance", null); if (header == null) header = imessage.getHeader("Priority", null); if (header == null) header = imessage.getHeader("X-Priority", null); if (header == null) header = imessage.getHeader("X-MSMail-Priority", null); if (header != null) { int sp = header.indexOf(" "); if (sp >= 0) header = header.substring(0, sp); // "2 (High)" header = header.trim(); } if ("high".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "highest".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "u".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || // Urgent? "urgent".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "critical".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(header)) priority = EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_HIGH; else if ("normal".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "medium".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "med".equalsIgnoreCase(header)) priority = EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_NORMAL; else if ("low".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "non-urgent".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "marketing".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "bulk".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "batch".equalsIgnoreCase(header) || "b".equalsIgnoreCase(header)) priority = EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_LOW; else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(header)) try { priority = Integer.parseInt(header); if (priority < 3) priority = EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_HIGH; else if (priority > 3) priority = EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_LOW; else priority = EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_NORMAL; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e("priority=" + header); } if (EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_NORMAL.equals(priority)) priority = null; return priority; } boolean getReceiptRequested() throws MessagingException { return (imessage.getHeader("Return-Receipt-To") != null || imessage.getHeader("Disposition-Notification-To") != null); } Address[] getReceiptTo() throws MessagingException { return getAddressHeader("Disposition-Notification-To"); } String getAuthentication() throws MessagingException { String header = imessage.getHeader("Authentication-Results", null); return (header == null ? null : MimeUtility.unfold(header)); } static Boolean getAuthentication(String type, String header) { if (header == null) return null; // Boolean result = null; String[] part = header.split(";"); for (int i = 1; i < part.length; i++) { String[] kv = part[i].split("="); if (kv.length > 1) { String key = kv[0].trim(); String[] val = kv[1].trim().split(" "); if (val.length > 0 && type.equals(key)) { if ("fail".equals(val[0])) result = false; else if ("pass".equals(val[0])) if (result == null) result = true; } } } return result; } private Address[] getAddressHeader(String name) throws MessagingException { String header = imessage.getHeader(name, ","); if (header == null) return null; header = new String(header.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); Address[] addresses = InternetAddress.parseHeader(header, false); for (Address address : addresses) { InternetAddress iaddress = (InternetAddress) address; iaddress.setAddress(decodeMime(iaddress.getAddress())); String personal = iaddress.getPersonal(); if (personal != null) { try { iaddress.setPersonal(decodeMime(personal)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Log.w(ex); } } } return addresses; } Address[] getFrom() throws MessagingException { Address[] address = getAddressHeader("From"); if (address == null) address = getAddressHeader("Sender"); return address; } Address[] getTo() throws MessagingException { return getAddressHeader("To"); } Address[] getCc() throws MessagingException { return getAddressHeader("Cc"); } Address[] getBcc() throws MessagingException { return getAddressHeader("Bcc"); } Address[] getReply() throws MessagingException { return getAddressHeader("Reply-To"); } Address[] getListPost() throws MessagingException { String list; try { // list = imessage.getHeader("List-Post", null); if (list == null) return null; list = MimeUtility.unfold(list); list = decodeMime(list); // List-Post: NO (posting not allowed on this list) if (list != null && list.startsWith("NO")) return null; // for (String entry : list.split(",")) { entry = entry.trim(); int lt = entry.indexOf("<"); int gt = entry.lastIndexOf(">"); if (lt >= 0 && gt > lt) try { MailTo mailto = MailTo.parse(entry.substring(lt + 1, gt)); if (mailto.getTo() != null) return new Address[]{new InternetAddress(mailto.getTo().split(",")[0], null)}; } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.i(ex); } } Log.w(new IllegalArgumentException("List-Post: " + list)); return null; } catch (AddressException ex) { Log.w(ex); return null; } } String getListUnsubscribe() throws MessagingException { String list; try { // list = imessage.getHeader("List-Unsubscribe", null); if (list == null) return null; list = MimeUtility.unfold(list); list = decodeMime(list); if (list != null && list.startsWith("NO")) return null; String link = null; String mailto = null; for (String entry : list.split(",")) { entry = entry.trim(); int lt = entry.indexOf("<"); int gt = entry.lastIndexOf(">"); if (lt >= 0 && gt > lt) { String unsubscribe = entry.substring(lt + 1, gt); Uri uri = Uri.parse(unsubscribe); String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if (mailto == null && "mailto".equals(scheme)) mailto = unsubscribe; if (link == null && ("http".equals(scheme) || "https".equals(scheme))) link = unsubscribe; } } if (link != null) return link; if (mailto != null) return mailto; Log.w(new IllegalArgumentException("List-Unsubscribe: " + list)); return null; } catch (AddressException ex) { Log.w(ex); return null; } } String getSubject() throws MessagingException { String subject = imessage.getHeader("Subject", null); if (subject == null) return null; subject = MimeUtility.unfold(subject); subject = new String(subject.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); subject = decodeMime(subject); return subject; } Long getSize() throws MessagingException { long size = imessage.getSize(); //if (size == 0) // throw new MessagingException("Message empty"); return (size < 0 ? null : size); } long getReceived() throws MessagingException { Date received = imessage.getReceivedDate(); if (received == null) received = imessage.getSentDate(); return (received == null ? new Date() : received).getTime(); } Long getSent() throws MessagingException { Date date = imessage.getSentDate(); return (date == null ? null : date.getTime()); } String getHeaders() throws MessagingException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Enumeration
headers = imessage.getAllHeaders(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { Header header = headers.nextElement(); sb.append(header.getName()).append(": ").append(header.getValue()).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } static String formatAddresses(Address[] addresses) { return formatAddresses(addresses, true, false); } static String formatAddressesShort(Address[] addresses) { return formatAddresses(addresses, false, false); } static String formatAddressesCompose(Address[] addresses) { String result = formatAddresses(addresses, true, true); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result)) result += ", "; return result; } static String formatAddresses(Address[] addresses, boolean full, boolean compose) { if (addresses == null || addresses.length == 0) return ""; List formatted = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { boolean duplicate = false; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) if (addresses[i].equals(addresses[j])) { duplicate = true; break; } if (duplicate) continue; if (addresses[i] instanceof InternetAddress) { InternetAddress address = (InternetAddress) addresses[i]; String personal = address.getPersonal(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(personal)) formatted.add(address.getAddress()); else { if (compose) { boolean quote = false; personal = personal.replace("\"", ""); for (int c = 0; c < personal.length(); c++) if ("()<>,;:\\\"[]@".indexOf(personal.charAt(c)) >= 0) { quote = true; break; } if (quote) personal = "\"" + personal + "\""; } if (full) formatted.add(personal + " <" + address.getAddress() + ">"); else formatted.add(personal); } } else formatted.add(addresses[i].toString()); } return TextUtils.join(", ", formatted); } static String decodeMime(String text) { if (text == null) return null; // // encoded-word = "=?" charset "?" encoding "?" encoded-text "?=" int i = 0; boolean first = true; List parts = new ArrayList<>(); while (i < text.length()) { int s = text.indexOf("=?", i); if (s < 0) break; int q1 = text.indexOf("?", s + 2); if (q1 < 0) break; int q2 = text.indexOf("?", q1 + 1); if (q2 < 0) break; int e = text.indexOf("?=", q2 + 1); if (e < 0) break; String plain = text.substring(i, s); if (!first) plain = plain.replaceAll("[ \t\n\r]$", ""); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(plain)) parts.add(new MimeTextPart(plain)); parts.add(new MimeTextPart( text.substring(s + 2, q1), text.substring(q1 + 1, q2), text.substring(q2 + 1, e))); i = e + 2; first = false; } if (i < text.length()) parts.add(new MimeTextPart(text.substring(i))); // Fold words to not break encoding /* int p = 0; while (p + 1 < parts.size()) { MimeTextPart p1 = parts.get(p); MimeTextPart p2 = parts.get(p + 1); if (p1.charset != null && p1.charset.equalsIgnoreCase(p2.charset) && p1.encoding != null && p1.encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(p2.encoding)) { p1.text += p2.text; parts.remove(p + 1); } else p++; } */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (MimeTextPart part : parts) sb.append(part); return sb.toString(); } private static class MimeTextPart { String charset; String encoding; String text; MimeTextPart(String text) { this.text = text; } MimeTextPart(String charset, String encoding, String text) { this.charset = charset; this.encoding = encoding; this.text = text; } @Override public String toString() { if (charset == null) return text; String word = "=?" + charset + "?" + encoding + "?" + text + "?="; try { return decodeMime(MimeUtility.decodeWord(word)); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.w(new IllegalArgumentException(word, ex)); return word; } } } static String getSortKey(Address[] addresses) { if (addresses == null || addresses.length == 0) return null; InternetAddress address = (InternetAddress) addresses[0]; // Sort on name will result in inconsistent results // because the sender name and sender contact name can differ return address.getAddress(); } class MessageParts { private Part plain = null; private Part html = null; private List attachments = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList warnings = new ArrayList<>(); Boolean isPlainOnly() { if (plain == null && html == null) return null; return (html == null); } Long getBodySize() throws MessagingException { Part part = (html == null ? plain : html); if (part == null) return null; int size = part.getSize(); if (size < 0) return null; else return (long) size; } String getHtml(Context context) throws MessagingException, IOException { if (plain == null && html == null) { Log.i("No body part"); return null; } String result; Part part = (html == null ? plain : html); try { Object content = part.getContent(); Log.i("Content class=" + (content == null ? null : content.getClass().getName())); if (content == null) { warnings.add(context.getString(R.string.title_no_body)); return null; } if (content instanceof String) result = (String) content; else if (content instanceof InputStream) // Typically com.sun.mail.util.QPDecoderStream result = Helper.readStream((InputStream) content,; else result = content.toString(); } catch (IOException | FolderClosedException | MessageRemovedException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.w(ex); warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); return null; } try { ContentType ct = new ContentType(part.getContentType()); String charset = ct.getParameter("charset"); // Fix common mistakes if (charset != null) { charset = charset.replace("\"", ""); if ("ASCII".equals(charset.toUpperCase())) charset = "US-ASCII"; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(charset) || "US-ASCII".equals(charset.toUpperCase())) { // The first 127 characters are the same as in US-ASCII result = new String(result.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); } else { // See UnknownCharsetProvider class if ("US-ASCII".equals(Charset.forName(charset).name())) { Log.w("Unsupported encoding charset=" + charset); warnings.add(context.getString(R.string.title_no_charset, charset)); result = new String(result.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)); } } } catch (ParseException ex) { Log.w(ex); warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); } if (part == plain) result = "
" + HtmlHelper.formatPre(result) + "
"; return result; } List getAttachmentParts() { return attachments; } List getAttachments() { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (AttachmentPart apart : attachments) result.add(apart.attachment); return result; } void downloadAttachment(Context context, EntityAttachment local) throws IOException, MessagingException { List remotes = getAttachments(); // Some servers order attachments randomly int index = -1; boolean warning = false; // Get attachment by position if (local.sequence <= remotes.size()) { EntityAttachment remote = remotes.get(local.sequence - 1); if (Objects.equals(, && Objects.equals(remote.type, local.type) && Objects.equals(remote.disposition, local.disposition) && Objects.equals(remote.cid, local.cid) && Objects.equals(remote.size, local.size)) index = local.sequence - 1; } // Match attachment by name/cid if (index < 0 && !( == null && local.cid == null)) { warning = true; Log.w("Matching attachment by name/cid"); for (int i = 0; i < remotes.size(); i++) { EntityAttachment remote = remotes.get(i); if (Objects.equals(, && Objects.equals(remote.cid, local.cid)) { index = i; break; } } } // Match attachment by type/size if (index < 0) { warning = true; Log.w("Matching attachment by type/size"); for (int i = 0; i < remotes.size(); i++) { EntityAttachment remote = remotes.get(i); if (Objects.equals(remote.type, local.type) && Objects.equals(remote.size, local.size)) { index = i; break; } } } if (index < 0 || warning) { Map crumb = new HashMap<>(); crumb.put("local", local.toString()); Log.w("Attachment not found local=" + local); for (int i = 0; i < remotes.size(); i++) { EntityAttachment remote = remotes.get(i); crumb.put("remote:" + i, remote.toString()); Log.w("Attachment remote=" + remote); } Log.breadcrumb("attachments", crumb); } if (index < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attachment not found"); downloadAttachment(context, index, local); } void downloadAttachment(Context context, int index, EntityAttachment local) throws MessagingException, IOException { Log.i("downloading attachment id=" + + " index=" + index + " " + local); DB db = DB.getInstance(context); // Get data AttachmentPart apart = attachments.get(index); // Download attachment File file = EntityAttachment.getFile(context,,; db.attachment().setProgress(, null); try (InputStream is = apart.part.getInputStream()) { long size = 0; long total = apart.part.getSize(); int lastprogress = 0; try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[Helper.BUFFER_SIZE]; for (int len =; len != -1; len = { size += len; os.write(buffer, 0, len); // Update progress if (total > 0) { int progress = (int) (size * 100 / total / 20 * 20); if (progress != lastprogress) { lastprogress = progress; db.attachment().setProgress(, progress); } } } } // Store attachment data db.attachment().setDownloaded(, size); Log.i("Downloaded attachment size=" + size); } catch (FolderClosedIOException ex) { db.attachment().setError(, Helper.formatThrowable(ex)); throw new FolderClosedException(ex.getFolder(), "downloadAttachment", ex); } catch (MessageRemovedIOException ex) { db.attachment().setError(, Helper.formatThrowable(ex)); throw new MessagingException("downloadAttachment", ex); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Reset progress on failure Log.e(ex); db.attachment().setError(, Helper.formatThrowable(ex)); throw ex; } } String getWarnings(String existing) { if (existing != null) warnings.add(0, existing); if (warnings.size() == 0) return null; else return TextUtils.join(", ", warnings); } } class AttachmentPart { String disposition; String filename; boolean pgp; Part part; EntityAttachment attachment; } MessageParts getMessageParts() throws IOException, MessagingException { MessageParts parts = new MessageParts(); getMessageParts(imessage, parts, false); return parts; } private void getMessageParts(Part part, MessageParts parts, boolean pgp) throws IOException, MessagingException { try { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i("Part class=" + part.getClass() + " type=" + part.getContentType()); if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { Multipart multipart; Object content = part.getContent(); if (content instanceof Multipart) multipart = (Multipart) part.getContent(); else if (content instanceof String) { String text = (String) content; String sample = text.substring(0, Math.min(80, text.length())); throw new ParseException(content.getClass().getName() + ": " + sample); } else throw new ParseException(content.getClass().getName()); for (int i = 0; i < multipart.getCount(); i++) try { Part cpart = multipart.getBodyPart(i); try { ContentType ct = new ContentType(cpart.getContentType()); if ("application/pgp-encrypted".equals(ct.getBaseType().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) { pgp = true; continue; } } catch (ParseException ex) { Log.w(ex); } getMessageParts(cpart, parts, pgp); } catch (ParseException ex) { // Nested body: try to continue // ParseException: In parameter list boundary="...">, expected parameter name, got ";" Log.w(ex); parts.warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); } } else { // String disposition; try { disposition = part.getDisposition(); if (disposition != null) disposition = disposition.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } catch (MessagingException ex) { Log.w(ex); parts.warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); disposition = null; } String filename; try { filename = part.getFileName(); if (filename != null) filename = decodeMime(filename); } catch (MessagingException ex) { Log.w(ex); parts.warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); filename = null; } ContentType contentType; try { String c = part.getContentType(); contentType = new ContentType(c == null ? "" : c); } catch (ParseException ex) { Log.w(ex); parts.warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); if (part instanceof MimeMessage) contentType = new ContentType("text/html"); else contentType = new ContentType(Helper.guessMimeType(filename)); } if (!Part.ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(disposition) && TextUtils.isEmpty(filename) && ((parts.plain == null && "text/plain".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType.getBaseType())) || (parts.html == null && "text/html".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType.getBaseType())))) { if ("text/html".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType.getBaseType())) parts.html = part; else parts.plain = part; } else { AttachmentPart apart = new AttachmentPart(); apart.disposition = disposition; apart.filename = filename; apart.pgp = pgp; apart.part = part; String[] cid = null; try { cid = apart.part.getHeader("Content-ID"); } catch (MessagingException ex) { Log.w(ex); if (!"Failed to fetch headers".equals(ex.getMessage())) parts.warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); } apart.attachment = new EntityAttachment(); = apart.filename; apart.attachment.type = contentType.getBaseType().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); apart.attachment.disposition = apart.disposition; apart.attachment.size = (long) apart.part.getSize(); apart.attachment.cid = (cid == null || cid.length == 0 ? null : MimeUtility.unfold(cid[0])); apart.attachment.encryption = (apart.pgp ? EntityAttachment.PGP_MESSAGE : null); if ("text/calendar".equalsIgnoreCase(apart.attachment.type) && TextUtils.isEmpty( = "invite.ics"; if (apart.attachment.size <= 0) apart.attachment.size = null; // if (apart.attachment.cid != null) { if (!apart.attachment.cid.startsWith("<")) apart.attachment.cid = "<" + apart.attachment.cid; if (!apart.attachment.cid.endsWith(">")) apart.attachment.cid += ">"; } parts.attachments.add(apart); } } } catch (FolderClosedException ex) { throw ex; } catch (MessagingException ex) { if (retryRaw(ex)) throw ex; Log.w(ex); parts.warnings.add(Helper.formatThrowable(ex, false)); } } static boolean retryRaw(MessagingException ex) { return ("Failed to load IMAP envelope".equals(ex.getMessage()) || "Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE".equals(ex.getMessage())); } static String sanitizeKeyword(String keyword) { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < keyword.length(); i++) { // flag-keyword = atom // atom = 1*ATOM-CHAR // ATOM-CHAR = char kar = keyword.charAt(i); // atom-specials = "(" / ")" / "{" / SP / CTL / list-wildcards / quoted-specials / resp-specials if (kar == '(' || kar == ')' || kar == '{' || kar == ' ' || Character.isISOControl(kar)) continue; // list-wildcards = "%" / "*" if (kar == '%' || kar == '*') continue; // quoted-specials = DQUOTE / "\" if (kar == '"' || kar == '\\') continue; // resp-specials = "]" if (kar == ']') continue; sb.append(kar); } return sb.toString(); } static boolean equalEmail(Address a1, Address a2) { String email1 = ((InternetAddress) a1).getAddress(); String email2 = ((InternetAddress) a2).getAddress(); if (email1 != null) email1 = email1.toLowerCase(); if (email2 != null) email2 = email2.toLowerCase(); return Objects.equals(email1, email2); } static boolean equal(Address[] a1, Address[] a2) { if (a1 == null && a2 == null) return true; if (a1 == null || a2 == null) return false; if (a1.length != a2.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) if (!a1[i].toString().equals(a2[i].toString())) return false; return true; } }