package; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; import com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder; import com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore; import com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport; import com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException; import javax.mail.Folder; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException; import javax.mail.Service; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Store; import javax.mail.event.StoreListener; public class MailService implements AutoCloseable { private Context context; private String protocol; private boolean useip; private boolean debug; private Properties properties; private Session isession; private Service iservice; private StoreListener listener; private ExecutorService executor = Helper.getBackgroundExecutor(0, "mail"); static final int AUTH_TYPE_PASSWORD = 1; static final int AUTH_TYPE_GMAIL = 2; static final int AUTH_TYPE_OUTLOOK = 3; private final static int CHECK_TIMEOUT = 15 * 1000; // milliseconds private final static int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000; // milliseconds private final static int WRITE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; // milliseconds private final static int READ_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; // milliseconds private final static int FETCH_SIZE = 256 * 1024; // bytes, default 16K private final static int POOL_TIMEOUT = 45 * 1000; // milliseconds, default 45 sec private static final int APPEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // bytes private MailService() { } MailService(Context context, String protocol, String realm, boolean insecure, boolean check, boolean debug) throws NoSuchProviderException { this.context = context.getApplicationContext(); this.protocol = protocol; this.debug = debug; properties = MessageHelper.getSessionProperties(); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); boolean socks_enabled = prefs.getBoolean("socks_enabled", false); String socks_proxy = prefs.getString("socks_proxy", "localhost:9050"); // SOCKS proxy if (socks_enabled) { String[] address = socks_proxy.split(":"); String host = (address.length > 0 ? address[0] : null); String port = (address.length > 1 ? address[1] : null); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(host)) host = "localhost"; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(port)) port = "9050"; properties.put("mail." + protocol + "", host); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".socks.port", port); Log.i("Using SOCKS proxy=" + host + ":" + port); } properties.put("mail.event.scope", "session"); properties.put("mail.event.executor", executor); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".sasl.realm", realm == null ? "" : realm); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".auth.ntlm.domain", realm == null ? "" : realm); // TODO: make timeouts configurable? properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".connectiontimeout", Integer.toString(check ? CHECK_TIMEOUT : CONNECT_TIMEOUT)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".writetimeout", Integer.toString(check ? CHECK_TIMEOUT : WRITE_TIMEOUT)); // one thread overhead properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".timeout", Integer.toString(check ? CHECK_TIMEOUT : READ_TIMEOUT)); if (debug && BuildConfig.DEBUG) properties.put("mail.debug.auth", "true"); if ("pop3".equals(protocol) || "pop3s".equals(protocol)) { this.debug = true; // properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".ssl.checkserveridentity", Boolean.toString(!insecure)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + "", "*"); properties.put("mail.pop3s.starttls.enable", "false"); properties.put("mail.pop3.starttls.enable", "true"); properties.put("mail.pop3.starttls.required", Boolean.toString(!insecure)); } else if ("imap".equals(protocol) || "imaps".equals(protocol)) { // properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".ssl.checkserveridentity", Boolean.toString(!insecure)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + "", "*"); properties.put("mail.imaps.starttls.enable", "false"); properties.put("mail.imap.starttls.enable", "true"); properties.put("mail.imap.starttls.required", Boolean.toString(!insecure)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".separatestoreconnection", "true"); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".connectionpool.debug", "true"); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".connectionpoolsize", "1"); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".connectionpooltimeout", Integer.toString(POOL_TIMEOUT)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".finalizecleanclose", "false"); //properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".closefoldersonstorefailure", "false"); // // properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".compress.enable", "true"); //properties.put("mail.imaps.compress.level", "-1"); //properties.put("mail.imaps.compress.strategy", "0"); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".throwsearchexception", "true"); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".fetchsize", Integer.toString(FETCH_SIZE)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".peek", "true"); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".appendbuffersize", Integer.toString(APPEND_BUFFER_SIZE)); } else if ("smtp".equals(protocol) || "smtps".equals(protocol)) { // properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".ssl.checkserveridentity", Boolean.toString(!insecure)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + "", "*"); properties.put("mail.smtps.starttls.enable", "false"); properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.required", Boolean.toString(!insecure)); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".auth", "true"); } else throw new NoSuchProviderException(protocol); } void setPartialFetch(boolean enabled) { properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".partialfetch", Boolean.toString(enabled)); } void setIgnoreBodyStructureSize(boolean enabled) { properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".ignorebodystructuresize", Boolean.toString(enabled)); } void setUseIp(boolean enabled) { useip = enabled; } void setLeaveOnServer(boolean keep) { properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".rsetbeforequit", Boolean.toString(keep)); } void setListener(StoreListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } public void connect(EntityAccount account) throws MessagingException { String password = connect(, account.port, account.auth_type, account.user, account.password); if (password != null) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); int count = db.account().setAccountPassword(, account.password); Log.i( + " token refreshed=" + count); } } public void connect(EntityIdentity identity) throws MessagingException { String password = connect(, identity.port, identity.auth_type, identity.user, identity.password); if (password != null) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); int count = db.identity().setIdentityPassword(, identity.password); Log.i( + " token refreshed=" + count); } } public String connect(String host, int port, int auth, String user, String password) throws MessagingException { try { if (auth == AUTH_TYPE_GMAIL || auth == AUTH_TYPE_OUTLOOK) properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".auth.mechanisms", "XOAUTH2"); //if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) // throw new MailConnectException(new SocketConnectException("Debug", new Exception(), host, port, 0)); _connect(context, host, port, user, password); return null; } catch (AuthenticationFailedException ex) { // Refresh token if (auth == AUTH_TYPE_GMAIL) try { String type = ""; AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(context); Account[] accounts = am.getAccountsByType(type); for (Account account : accounts) if (user.equals( { Log.i("Refreshing token user=" + user); am.invalidateAuthToken(type, password); String token = am.blockingGetAuthToken(account, getAuthTokenType(type), true); if (token == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No token on refresh"); _connect(context, host, port, user, token); return token; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Account not found"); } catch (Exception ex1) { Log.e(ex1); throw new AuthenticationFailedException(ex.getMessage(), ex1); } else throw ex; } catch (MailConnectException ex) { try { // Some devices resolve IPv6 addresses while not having IPv6 connectivity properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".ssl.checkserveridentity", "false"); InetAddress[] iaddrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(host); if (iaddrs.length > 1) for (InetAddress iaddr : iaddrs) try { Log.i("Falling back to " + iaddr.getHostAddress()); _connect(context, iaddr.getHostAddress(), port, user, password); return null; } catch (MessagingException ex1) { Log.w(ex1); } } catch (Throwable ex1) { Log.w(ex1); } throw ex; } } private void _connect(Context context, String host, int port, String user, String password) throws MessagingException { isession = Session.getInstance(properties, null); isession.setDebug(debug); //System.setProperty("mail.socket.debug", Boolean.toString(debug)); if ("pop3".equals(protocol) || "pop3s".equals(protocol)) { isession.setDebug(true); iservice = isession.getStore(protocol); iservice.connect(host, port, user, password); } else if ("imap".equals(protocol) || "imaps".equals(protocol)) { iservice = isession.getStore(protocol); if (listener != null) ((IMAPStore) iservice).addStoreListener(listener); iservice.connect(host, port, user, password); // IMAPStore istore = (IMAPStore) getStore(); if (istore.hasCapability("ID")) try { Map id = new LinkedHashMap<>(); id.put("name", context.getString(R.string.app_name)); id.put("version", BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME); Map sid =; if (sid != null) { Map crumb = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : sid.keySet()) { crumb.put(key, sid.get(key)); EntityLog.log(context, "Server " + key + "=" + sid.get(key)); } Log.breadcrumb("server", crumb); } } catch (MessagingException ex) { Log.w(ex); } } else if ("smtp".equals(protocol) || "smtps".equals(protocol)) { String[] c = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID.split("\\."); Collections.reverse(Arrays.asList(c)); String haddr = TextUtils.join(".", c); if (useip) try { // This assumes getByName always returns the same address (type) InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(host); if (addr instanceof Inet4Address) haddr = "[" + Inet4Address.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() + "]"; else haddr = "[IPv6:" + Inet6Address.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() + "]"; } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Log.w(ex); } Log.i("Using localhost=" + haddr); properties.put("mail." + protocol + ".localhost", haddr); iservice = isession.getTransport(protocol); iservice.connect(host, port, user, password); } else throw new NoSuchProviderException(protocol); } static String getAuthTokenType(String type) { // if ("".equals(type)) return "oauth2:"; return null; } List getFolders() throws MessagingException { List folders = new ArrayList<>(); List guesses = new ArrayList<>(); for (Folder ifolder : getStore().getDefaultFolder().list("*")) { String fullName = ifolder.getFullName(); String[] attrs = ((IMAPFolder) ifolder).getAttributes(); String type = EntityFolder.getType(attrs, fullName, true); Log.i(fullName + " attrs=" + TextUtils.join(" ", attrs) + " type=" + type); if (type != null) { EntityFolder folder = new EntityFolder(fullName, type); folders.add(folder); if (EntityFolder.USER.equals(type)) { String guess = EntityFolder.guessType(fullName); if (guess != null) guesses.add(folder); } } } for (EntityFolder guess : guesses) { boolean has = false; String gtype = EntityFolder.guessType(; for (EntityFolder folder : folders) if (folder.type.equals(gtype)) { has = true; break; } if (!has) { guess.type = gtype; Log.i( + " guessed type=" + gtype); } } boolean inbox = false; boolean drafts = false; for (EntityFolder folder : folders) if (EntityFolder.INBOX.equals(folder.type)) inbox = true; else if (EntityFolder.DRAFTS.equals(folder.type)) drafts = true; if (!inbox || !drafts) return null; return folders; } Store getStore() { return (Store) iservice; } SMTPTransport getTransport() { return (SMTPTransport) iservice; } boolean hasCapability(String capability) throws MessagingException { Store store = getStore(); if (store instanceof IMAPStore) return ((IMAPStore) getStore()).hasCapability(capability); else return false; } public void close() throws MessagingException { try { if (iservice != null && iservice.isConnected()) iservice.close(); } finally { context = null; } } }