package; /* This file is part of FairEmail. FairEmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FairEmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FairEmail. If not, see . Copyright 2018-2024 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B) */ import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.Settings; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle; import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver; import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner; import androidx.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent; import androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content.LocalBroadcastManager; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; /* import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; public class ActivityBilling extends ActivityBase implements /* BillingClientStateListener, SkuDetailsResponseListener, PurchasesResponseListener, PurchasesUpdatedListener, */ FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener { private boolean standalone = false; private int backoff = 4; // seconds //private BillingClient billingClient = null; private List listeners = new ArrayList<>(); static final String ACTION_PURCHASE = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".ACTION_PURCHASE"; static final String ACTION_PURCHASE_CONSUME = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".ACTION_PURCHASE_CONSUME"; static final String ACTION_PURCHASE_ERROR = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".ACTION_PURCHASE_ERROR"; private static final String SKU_TEST = "android.test.purchased"; private static final long MAX_SKU_CACHE_DURATION = 24 * 3600 * 1000L; // milliseconds private static final long MAX_SKU_NOACK_DURATION = 24 * 3600 * 1000L; // milliseconds @Override @SuppressLint("MissingSuperCall") protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { onCreate(savedInstanceState, true); } protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState, boolean standalone) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.standalone = standalone; if (standalone) { setContentView(R.layout.activity_billing); FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction.replace(, new FragmentPro()).addToBackStack("pro"); fragmentTransaction.commit(); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); getSupportFragmentManager().addOnBackStackChangedListener(this); } if (Helper.isPlayStoreInstall() || isTesting(this)) { Log.i("IAB start"); /* billingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(getApplicationContext() .enablePendingPurchases() .setListener(this) .build(); billingClient.startConnection(this); */ } } @Override public void onBackStackChanged() { if (getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0) finish(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (standalone) { LocalBroadcastManager lbm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this); IntentFilter iff = new IntentFilter(); iff.addAction(ACTION_PURCHASE); iff.addAction(ACTION_PURCHASE_CONSUME); iff.addAction(ACTION_PURCHASE_ERROR); lbm.registerReceiver(receiver, iff); } //if (billingClient != null && billingClient.isReady()) // queryPurchases(); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (standalone) { LocalBroadcastManager lbm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this); lbm.unregisterReceiver(receiver); } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { //if (billingClient != null) // billingClient.endConnection(); super.onDestroy(); } @NonNull static String getSkuPro(Context context) { if (isTesting(context)) return SKU_TEST; else return BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".pro"; } static boolean isTesting(Context context) { if (context == null) return false; SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); return (BuildConfig.DEBUG && BuildConfig.TEST_RELEASE && prefs.getBoolean("test_iab", false)); } private static String getChallenge(Context context) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String android_id = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); if (android_id == null) { Log.e("Android ID empty"); android_id = Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis() / (24 * 3600 * 1000L)); } return Helper.sha256(android_id); } private static String getResponse(Context context) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return Helper.sha256(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID.replace(".debug", "") + getChallenge(context)); } static boolean activatePro(Context context, Uri data) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String response = data.getQueryParameter("response"); return activatePro(context, response); } static boolean activatePro(Context context, String response) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String challenge = getChallenge(context); Log.i("IAB challenge=" + challenge); Log.i("IAB response=" + response); String expected = getResponse(context); if (expected.equals(response)) { Log.i("IAB response valid"); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); prefs.edit() .putBoolean("pro", true) .putBoolean("play_store", false) .apply(); WidgetUnified.updateData(context); return true; } else { Log.i("IAB response invalid"); return false; } } static boolean isPro(Context context) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && false) return true; return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getBoolean("pro", false); } private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (getLifecycle().getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.STARTED)) { if (ACTION_PURCHASE.equals(intent.getAction())) onPurchase(intent); else if (ACTION_PURCHASE_CONSUME.equals(intent.getAction())) ;//onPurchaseConsume(intent); else if (ACTION_PURCHASE_ERROR.equals(intent.getAction())) ;//onPurchaseError(intent); } } }; private void onPurchase(Intent intent) { if (Helper.isPlayStoreInstall() || isTesting(this)) { String skuPro = getSkuPro(this); Log.i("IAB purchase SKU=" + skuPro); /* SkuDetailsParams.Builder builder = SkuDetailsParams.newBuilder(); builder.setSkusList(Arrays.asList(skuPro)); builder.setType(BillingClient.SkuType.INAPP); billingClient.querySkuDetailsAsync(, new SkuDetailsResponseListener() { @Override public void onSkuDetailsResponse(@NonNull BillingResult r, List skuDetailsList) { if (r.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) { if (skuDetailsList.size() == 0) reportError(null, "Unknown SKU=" + skuPro); else { SkuDetails skuDetails = skuDetailsList.get(0); Log.i("IAB purchase details=" + skuDetails); BillingFlowParams.Builder flowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder(); flowParams.setSkuDetails(skuDetails); BillingResult result = billingClient.launchBillingFlow(ActivityBilling.this,; if (result.getResponseCode() != BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) reportError(result, "IAB launch billing flow"); } } else reportError(r, "IAB query SKUs"); } }); */ } else try { Uri uri = Uri.parse(BuildConfig.PRO_FEATURES_URI + "?challenge=" + getChallenge(this) + "&version=" + BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE); Helper.view(this, uri, true); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { Log.unexpectedError(getSupportFragmentManager(), ex); } } /* private void onPurchaseConsume(Intent intent) { billingClient.queryPurchasesAsync(BillingClient.SkuType.INAPP, new PurchasesResponseListener() { @Override public void onQueryPurchasesResponse(@NonNull BillingResult result, @NonNull List list) { if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) { for (Purchase purchase : list) consumePurchase(purchase); } else reportError(result, "IAB onPurchaseConsume"); } }); } private void onPurchaseError(Intent intent) { String message = intent.getStringExtra("message"); boolean play = Helper.hasPlayStore(this); Uri uri = Helper.getSupportUri(this, "Purchase:error"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message)) uri = uri .buildUpon() .appendQueryParameter("message", "IAB: " + message + " Play: " + play) .build(); Helper.view(this, uri, true); } @Override public void onBillingSetupFinished(BillingResult result) { if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) { EntityLog.log(this, "IAB connected"); for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) listener.onConnected(); backoff = 4; queryPurchases(); } else reportError(result, "IAB connected"); } @Override public void onBillingServiceDisconnected() { EntityLog.log(this, "IAB disconnected"); for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) listener.onDisconnected(); backoff *= 2; retry(backoff); } private void retry(int backoff) { Log.i("IAB connect retry in " + backoff + " s"); getMainHandler().postDelayed(new RunnableEx("IAB retry") { @Override public void delegate() { try { boolean ready = billingClient.isReady(); Log.i("IAB ready=" + ready); if (!ready) billingClient.startConnection(ActivityBilling.this); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(ex); } } }, backoff * 1000L); } @Override public void onPurchasesUpdated(BillingResult result, @Nullable List purchases) { Log.i("IAB purchases updated"); if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) checkPurchases(purchases); else reportError(result, "IAB purchases updated"); } private void queryPurchases() { billingClient.queryPurchasesAsync(BillingClient.SkuType.INAPP, this); } @Override public void onQueryPurchasesResponse(@NonNull BillingResult result, @NonNull List list) { if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) checkPurchases(list); else reportError(result, "IAB query purchases"); } */ interface IBillingListener { void onConnected(); void onDisconnected(); void onSkuDetails(String sku, String price); void onPurchasePending(String sku); void onPurchased(String sku, boolean purchased); void onError(String message); } void addBillingListener(final IBillingListener listener, LifecycleOwner owner) { Log.i("IAB adding billing listener=" + listener); listeners.add(listener); //if (billingClient != null) // if (billingClient.isReady()) { // listener.onConnected(); // queryPurchases(); // } else // listener.onDisconnected(); owner.getLifecycle().addObserver(new LifecycleObserver() { @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY) public void onDestroyed() { Log.i("IAB removing billing listener=" + listener); listeners.remove(listener); } }); } /* private void checkPurchases(List purchases) { Log.i("IAB purchases=" + (purchases == null ? null : purchases.size())); List query = new ArrayList<>(); query.add(getSkuPro(this)); if (purchases != null) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); if (prefs.getBoolean("play_store", true)) { long cached = prefs.getLong(getSkuPro(this) + ".cached", 0); if (cached + MAX_SKU_CACHE_DURATION < new Date().getTime()) { Log.i("IAB cache expired=" + new Date(cached)); editor.remove("pro"); } else Log.i("IAB caching until=" + new Date(cached + MAX_SKU_CACHE_DURATION)); } for (Purchase purchase : purchases) for (String sku : purchase.getSkus()) try { query.remove(sku); long time = purchase.getPurchaseTime(); Log.i("IAB SKU=" + sku + " purchased=" + isPurchased(purchase) + " valid=" + isPurchaseValid(purchase) + " time=" + new Date(time)); Log.i("IAB json=" + purchase.getOriginalJson()); for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) if (isPurchaseValid(purchase)) listener.onPurchased(sku, true); else listener.onPurchasePending(sku); if (isPurchased(purchase)) { byte[] decodedKey = Base64.decode(getString(R.string.public_key), Base64.DEFAULT); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(decodedKey)); Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA"); sig.initVerify(publicKey); sig.update(purchase.getOriginalJson().getBytes()); if (SKU_TEST.equals(sku) || sig.verify(Base64.decode(purchase.getSignature(), Base64.DEFAULT))) { Log.i("IAB valid signature"); if (getSkuPro(this).equals(sku)) { if (isPurchaseValid(purchase)) { editor.putBoolean("pro", true); editor.putLong(sku + ".cached", new Date().getTime()); } if (!purchase.isAcknowledged()) acknowledgePurchase(purchase, 0); } } else { Log.w("IAB invalid signature"); editor.putBoolean("pro", false); reportError(null, "Invalid purchase"); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { reportError(null, Log.formatThrowable(ex, false)); } editor.apply(); WidgetUnified.updateData(this); } if (query.size() > 0) querySkus(query); } private void querySkus(List query) { Log.i("IAB query SKUs"); SkuDetailsParams.Builder builder = SkuDetailsParams.newBuilder(); builder.setSkusList(query); builder.setType(BillingClient.SkuType.INAPP); billingClient.querySkuDetailsAsync(, this); } @Override public void onSkuDetailsResponse(@NonNull BillingResult result, List skuDetailsList) { if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) { for (SkuDetails skuDetail : skuDetailsList) { Log.i("IAB SKU detail=" + skuDetail); for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) listener.onSkuDetails(skuDetail.getSku(), skuDetail.getPrice()); } } else reportError(result, "IAB query SKUs"); } private void consumePurchase(final Purchase purchase) { for (String sku : purchase.getSkus()) { Log.i("IAB consuming SKU=" + sku); ConsumeParams params = ConsumeParams.newBuilder() .setPurchaseToken(purchase.getPurchaseToken()) .build(); billingClient.consumeAsync(params, new ConsumeResponseListener() { @Override public void onConsumeResponse(@NonNull BillingResult result, @NonNull String purchaseToken) { if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) { for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) listener.onPurchased(sku, false); } else reportError(result, "IAB consuming SKU=" + sku); } }); } } private void acknowledgePurchase(final Purchase purchase, int retry) { for (String sku : purchase.getSkus()) { Log.i("IAB acknowledging purchase SKU=" + sku); AcknowledgePurchaseParams params = AcknowledgePurchaseParams.newBuilder() .setPurchaseToken(purchase.getPurchaseToken()) .build(); billingClient.acknowledgePurchase(params, new AcknowledgePurchaseResponseListener() { @Override public void onAcknowledgePurchaseResponse(@NonNull BillingResult result) { if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ActivityBilling.this); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean("pro", true); editor.putLong(sku + ".cached", new Date().getTime()); editor.apply(); for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) listener.onPurchased(sku, true); WidgetUnified.updateData(ActivityBilling.this); } else { if (retry < 3) { new Handler().postDelayed(new RunnableEx("IAB ack retry") { @Override public void delegate() { acknowledgePurchase(purchase, retry + 1); } }, (retry + 1) * 10 * 1000L); } else reportError(result, "IAB acknowledged SKU=" + sku); } } }); } } private boolean isPurchased(Purchase purchase) { return (purchase.getPurchaseState() == Purchase.PurchaseState.PURCHASED); } private boolean isPurchaseValid(Purchase purchase) { return (isPurchased(purchase) && (purchase.isAcknowledged() || purchase.getSkus().contains(SKU_TEST) || purchase.getPurchaseTime() + MAX_SKU_NOACK_DURATION > new Date().getTime())); } private void reportError(BillingResult result, String stage) { String message; if (result == null) message = stage; else { message = getBillingResponseText(result); if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.BILLING_UNAVAILABLE) message += " Is the Play Store app logged into the account used to install the app?"; String debug = result.getDebugMessage(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(debug)) message += " " + debug; message += " " + stage; } EntityLog.log(this, message); if (result != null) { // if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.SERVICE_DISCONNECTED) retry(60); if (result.getResponseCode() == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.USER_CANCELED) return; } for (IBillingListener listener : listeners) listener.onError(message); } private static String getBillingResponseText(BillingResult result) { switch (result.getResponseCode()) { case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.BILLING_UNAVAILABLE: // Billing API version is not supported for the type requested return "BILLING_UNAVAILABLE"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.DEVELOPER_ERROR: // Invalid arguments provided to the API. return "DEVELOPER_ERROR"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.ERROR: // Fatal error during the API action return "ERROR"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED: // Requested feature is not supported by Play Store on the current device. return "FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED: // Failure to purchase since item is already owned return "ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.ITEM_NOT_OWNED: // Failure to consume since item is not owned return "ITEM_NOT_OWNED"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.ITEM_UNAVAILABLE: // Requested product is not available for purchase return "ITEM_UNAVAILABLE"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK: // Success return "OK"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.SERVICE_DISCONNECTED: // Play Store service is not connected now - potentially transient state. return "SERVICE_DISCONNECTED"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: // Network connection is down return "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.SERVICE_TIMEOUT: // The request has reached the maximum timeout before Google Play responds. return "SERVICE_TIMEOUT"; case BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.USER_CANCELED: // User pressed back or canceled a dialog return "USER_CANCELED"; default: return Integer.toString(result.getResponseCode()); } } */ }