package; /* This file is part of FairEmail. FairEmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FairEmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FairEmail. If not, see . Copyright 2018-2024 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B) */ import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; @Dao public interface DaoAccount { @Query("SELECT * FROM account" + " ORDER BY `order`, `primary` DESC, name COLLATE NOCASE") List getAccounts(); @Query("SELECT * FROM account" + " WHERE synchronize" + " AND (:type IS NULL OR pop = :type)" + " ORDER BY `order`, `primary` DESC, name COLLATE NOCASE") List getSynchronizingAccounts(Integer type); @Query("SELECT * FROM account" + " WHERE (:id IS NULL OR id = :id)" + " AND synchronize" + " AND NOT ondemand" + " ORDER BY `order`, `primary` DESC, name COLLATE NOCASE") List getPollAccounts(Long id); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE synchronize") LiveData> liveSynchronizingAccounts(); @Query("SELECT account.*" + ", (SELECT COUNT(" + " FROM identity" + " WHERE identity.account =" + " AND identity.synchronize) AS identities" + ", AS drafts, AS sent" + ", NULL AS folderId, NULL AS folderSeparator" + ", NULL AS folderType, -1 AS folderOrder" + ", NULL AS folderName, NULL AS folderDisplay, NULL AS folderColor" + ", 0 AS folderSync, NULL AS folderState, NULL AS folderSyncState" + ", 0 AS executing" + ", 0 AS messages" + ", (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT" + " CASE WHEN NOT message.hash IS NULL THEN message.hash" + " WHEN NOT message.msgid IS NULL THEN message.msgid" + " ELSE END)" + " FROM message" + " JOIN folder ON = message.folder" + " WHERE message.account =" + " AND folder.type <> '" + EntityFolder.OUTBOX + "'" + " AND folder.count_unread" + " AND NOT ui_seen" + " AND NOT ui_hide) AS unseen" + ", (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT" + " CASE WHEN NOT message.hash IS NULL THEN message.hash" + " WHEN NOT message.msgid IS NULL THEN message.msgid" + " ELSE END)" + " FROM message" + " JOIN folder ON = message.folder" + " WHERE message.account =" + " AND folder.type <> '" + EntityFolder.OUTBOX + "'" + " AND folder.count_unread" + " AND NOT ui_seen AND message.received > folder.last_view" + " AND NOT ui_hide) AS unexposed" + " FROM account" + " LEFT JOIN folder AS drafts ON drafts.account = AND drafts.type = '" + EntityFolder.DRAFTS + "'" + " LEFT JOIN folder AS sent ON sent.account = AND sent.type = '" + EntityFolder.SENT + "'" + " WHERE (:settings OR account.synchronize)" + " GROUP BY" + " UNION " + " SELECT account.*" + ", 0 AS identities, 0 AS drafts, 0 AS sent" + ", AS folderId, folder.separator AS folderSeparator" + ", folder.type AS folderType, folder.`order` AS folderOrder" + ", AS folderName, folder.display AS folderDisplay, folder.color AS folderColor" + ", folder.synchronize AS folderSync, folder.state AS foldeState, folder.sync_state AS folderSyncState" + ", COUNT( AS executing" + ", (SELECT COUNT( FROM message" + " WHERE message.folder =" + " AND NOT ui_hide) AS messages" + ", (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT" + " CASE WHEN NOT message.hash IS NULL THEN message.hash" + " WHEN NOT message.msgid IS NULL THEN message.msgid" + " ELSE END)" + " FROM message" + " WHERE message.folder =" + " AND NOT ui_seen" + " AND NOT ui_hide) AS unseen" + ", (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT" + " CASE WHEN NOT message.hash IS NULL THEN message.hash" + " WHEN NOT message.msgid IS NULL THEN message.msgid" + " ELSE END)" + " FROM message" + " WHERE message.folder =" + " AND NOT message.ui_seen AND message.received > folder.last_view" + " AND NOT ui_hide) AS unexposed" + " FROM account" + " JOIN folder ON folder.account =" + " LEFT JOIN operation ON operation.folder = AND operation.state = 'executing'" + " WHERE (:settings OR account.synchronize)" + " AND NOT :settings AND folder.navigation" + " GROUP BY") LiveData> liveAccountFolder(boolean settings); @Query("SELECT account.*" + ", SUM(folder.synchronize) AS folders" + ", (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM operation" + " WHERE operation.account = AND <> '" + EntityOperation.SEND + "') AS operations" + " FROM account" + " LEFT JOIN folder ON folder.account =" + " GROUP BY" + " ORDER BY") LiveData> liveAccountState(); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE id = :id") EntityAccount getAccount(long id); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE uuid = :uuid") EntityAccount getAccountByUUID(String uuid); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE auth_type = :auth_type AND user = :user") EntityAccount getAccount(int auth_type, String user); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE name = :name") EntityAccount getAccount(String name); @Query("SELECT * FROM account" + " WHERE user = :user" + " AND pop = :protocol" + " AND tbd IS NULL") List getAccounts(String user, int protocol); @Query("SELECT DISTINCT category" + " FROM account" + " WHERE NOT (category IS NULL OR category = '')" + " ORDER BY category COLLATE NOCASE") List getAccountCategories(); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE `primary`") EntityAccount getPrimaryAccount(); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE `primary`") LiveData livePrimaryAccount(); @Query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE id = :id") LiveData liveAccount(long id); @Query(TupleAccountView.query) LiveData> liveAccountView(); String swipes = "SELECT" + ", account.swipe_left, l.type AS left_type, AS left_name, l.color AS left_color" + ", account.swipe_right, r.type AS right_type, AS right_name, r.color AS right_color" + " FROM account" + " LEFT JOIN folder_view l ON = account.swipe_left" + " LEFT JOIN folder_view r ON = account.swipe_right" + " WHERE :account IS NULL OR = :account"; @Query(swipes) LiveData> liveAccountSwipes(Long account); @Query(swipes) List getAccountSwipes(Long account); @Insert long insertAccount(EntityAccount account); @Update void updateAccount(EntityAccount account); @Query("UPDATE account SET uuid = :uuid WHERE id = :id AND NOT (uuid IS :uuid)") int setAccountUuid(long id, String uuid); @Query("UPDATE account SET synchronize = :synchronize WHERE id = :id AND NOT (synchronize IS :synchronize)") int setAccountSynchronize(long id, boolean synchronize); @Query("UPDATE account SET ondemand = :ondemand WHERE id = :id AND NOT (ondemand IS :ondemand)") int setAccountOnDemand(long id, boolean ondemand); @Query("UPDATE account SET `primary` = :primary WHERE id = :id AND NOT (`primary` IS :primary)") int setAccountPrimary(long id, boolean primary); @Query("UPDATE account SET notify = :notify WHERE id = :id AND NOT (notify IS :notify)") int setAccountNotify(long id, boolean notify); @Query("UPDATE account SET thread = :thread WHERE id = :id AND NOT (thread IS :thread)") int setAccountThread(long id, Long thread); @Query("SELECT thread FROM account WHERE id = :id") Long getAccountThread(long id); @Query("UPDATE account SET state = :state WHERE id = :id AND NOT (state IS :state)") int setAccountState(long id, String state); @Query("UPDATE account SET name = :name WHERE id = :id AND NOT (name IS :name)") int setAccountName(long id, String name); @Query("UPDATE account SET color = :color WHERE id = :id AND NOT (color IS :color)") int setAccountColor(long id, Integer color); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET password = :password, auth_type = :auth_type, provider = :provider" + " WHERE id = :id" + " AND NOT (password IS :password AND auth_type = :auth_type AND provider = :provider)") int setAccountPassword(long id, String password, int auth_type, String provider); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET fingerprint = :fingerprint, insecure = :insecure" + " WHERE id = :id" + " AND NOT (fingerprint IS :fingerprint)") int setAccountFingerprint(long id, String fingerprint, boolean insecure); @Query("UPDATE account SET last_connected = :last_connected WHERE id = :id AND NOT (last_connected IS :last_connected)") int setAccountConnected(long id, Long last_connected); @Query("UPDATE account SET backoff_until = :backoff_until WHERE id = :id AND NOT (backoff_until IS :backoff_until)") int setAccountBackoff(long id, Long backoff_until); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET quota_usage = :used, quota_limit = :limit" + " WHERE id = :id" + " AND (NOT (quota_usage IS :used) OR NOT (quota_limit IS :limit))") int setAccountQuota(long id, Long used, Long limit); @Query("UPDATE account SET poll_interval = :value WHERE id = :id AND NOT (poll_interval IS :value)") int setAccountKeepAliveInterval(long id, int value); @Query("UPDATE account SET keep_alive_ok = :ok WHERE id = :id AND NOT (keep_alive_ok IS :ok)") int setAccountKeepAliveOk(long id, boolean ok); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET keep_alive_failed = :failed, keep_alive_succeeded = :succeeded" + " WHERE id = :id" + " AND (NOT (keep_alive_failed IS :failed) OR NOT (keep_alive_succeeded IS :succeeded))") int setAccountKeepAliveValues(long id, int failed, int succeeded); @Query("UPDATE account SET poll_exempted = :value WHERE id = :id AND NOT (poll_exempted IS :value)") int setAccountPollExempted(long id, boolean value); @Query("UPDATE account SET `order` = :order WHERE id = :id AND NOT (`order` IS :order)") int setAccountOrder(long id, Integer order); @Query("UPDATE account SET partial_fetch = :partial_fetch WHERE id = :id AND NOT (partial_fetch IS :partial_fetch)") int setAccountPartialFetch(long id, boolean partial_fetch); @Query("UPDATE account SET max_size = :max_size WHERE id = :id AND NOT (max_size IS :max_size)") int setAccountMaxSize(long id, Long max_size); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET capabilities = :capabilities" + ", capability_idle = :idle" + ", capability_utf8 = :utf8" + " WHERE id = :id" + " AND NOT (capabilities IS :capabilities" + " AND capability_idle IS :idle" + " AND capability_utf8 IS :utf8)") int setAccountCapabilities(long id, String capabilities, Boolean idle, Boolean utf8); @Query("UPDATE account SET warning = :warning WHERE id = :id AND NOT (warning IS :warning)") int setAccountWarning(long id, String warning); @Query("UPDATE account SET error = :error WHERE id = :id AND NOT (error IS :error)") int setAccountError(long id, String error); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET swipe_left = :left, swipe_right = :right" + " WHERE id = :id" + " AND (NOT (swipe_left IS :left) OR NOT (swipe_right IS :right))") int setAccountSwipes(long id, Long left, Long right); @Query("UPDATE account SET `primary` = 0 WHERE NOT (`primary` IS 0)") void resetPrimary(); @Query("UPDATE account SET `created` = 0 WHERE id = :id") void resetCreated(long id); @Query("UPDATE account SET tbd = 1 WHERE id = :id AND NOT (tbd IS 1)") int setAccountTbd(long id); @Query("UPDATE account SET capability_uidl = :uidl WHERE id = :id AND NOT (capability_uidl IS :uidl)") int setAccountUidl(long id, Boolean uidl); @Query("UPDATE account" + " SET last_modified = :last_modified" + " WHERE id = :id") int setAccountLastModified(long id, Long last_modified); @Query("DELETE FROM account WHERE id = :id") int deleteAccount(long id); }