FairEmail Copyright Ⓒ 2018 by M. Bokhorst THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR \'\'AS IS\'\' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Service Notifications Errors Synchronizing %1$d account Synchronizing %1$d accounts %1$d operation pending %1$d operations pending %1$d new message %1$d new messages %1$d unsent message %1$d unsent messages \'%1$s\' failed Setup Reply templates Operations Legend FAQ/support Pro features Privacy About Invite Rate this app Other apps End-user license agreement I agree I disagree Version %1$s Accounts Identities Edit account Edit identity Edit folder Setup Export settings Import settings Accounts and identities will be exported without passwords Imported accounts will be added, not overwritten Settings exported Settings imported Manage accounts To receive email Manage identities To send email Disable battery optimizations To continuously receive email (optional) In the next dialog, select \"All apps\" at the top, select this app and select and confirm \"Don\'t optimize\" Disable data saving Grant permissions To get contact information (optional) To do Done Light theme Dark theme Advanced options Enabled Show contact photos Use notification light Browse messages on the server Swipe actions Compact message view Debug mode Select … Your name Your email address Reply to address Optional Linked account Account name Used to differentiate folders Signature text Color Domain name Get settings Settings not found IMAP SMTP Provider Custom Host name STARTTLS Allow insecure connections Port number User name Password Select account Authorizing account … Advanced Store sent messages (normally not needed) Synchronize (receive messages) Synchronize (send messages) Primary (default account) Primary (default identity) Keep alive interval (minutes) Check Name missing Email address missing Account missing Host name missing User name missing Password missing No drafts folder selected No primary account or no drafts folder No primary account or no archive folder This provider does not support push messages. This will delay reception of new messages and increase battery usage. IMAP UIDPLUS not supported, see the FAQ Delete this account permanently? Delete this identity permanently? POP is not supported Insecure connections are not supported %1$s (%2$d) Synchronize now Delete local messages Empty trash Edit properties Delete all trashed messages permanently? Folder name Display name Hide from list Hide hidden folders Show hidden folders Synchronize (receive messages) Show in unified inbox Synchronize (days) Folder %1$s exists Delete folder permanently? Unified inbox Inbox Outbox Archive Drafts Trash Spam Sent System User Folders primary account Conversation No messages Show images Re: %1$s Fwd: %1$s Mark read Mark unread Add star Remove star Forward Reply to all Show headers Show original Trash Delete More Spam Move Archive Reply Moving message to %1$s No reply templates defined No viewer app available for %1$s Attachment saved Some attachments are not downloaded and will not be forwarded, continue? Delete message permanently? Discard draft? Report message as spam? Fix Compose From: To: Reply to: CC: BCC: Subject: Your message Discard Save Send Clipboard empty Bold Italic Insert link Insert image Add attachment Show CC/BCC Sender missing Recipient missing Attachments still loading Draft discarded Draft saved Sending message Encrypt Decrypt OpenKeychain not found Search Search on server Searching \'%1$s\' Sort on Time Unread Starred Move to sent Previous Next Reply template Template name Template text Inbox Unified inbox Archive Trash Account disconnected Account connected CC/BCC Attachment Conversation Contacts Synchronize on Synchronize off Primary/starred Disconnected Connecting Connected Synchronizing Downloading Closing Long press for options If you have a question or a problem, please use the support menu to get help Swipe left to trash; swipe right to archive (if available) Long press a message to start selecting multiple messages Downloading messages can take some time, depending on the number of messages, the speed of your internet connection and your email provider Open link There is an update to version %1$s available Do you have a question or problem? Yes No Undo Try FairEmail, an open source, privacy friendly email app for Android This is a pro feature List of pro features Buy Buying pro features will allow you to use all current and future pro features, will keep this app maintained, and supported Please see this FAQ about the price of the pro features All pro features are activated All pro features activated Invalid response FairEmail needs your help. Tap to purchase pro features to keep the project going. Unexpected error Log Debug info Please describe the problem and indicate the time of the problem: Please describe what you were doing when the app crashed: @color/red @color/pink @color/purple @color/deep_purple @color/indigo @color/blue @color/light_blue @color/cyan @color/teal @color/green @color/light_green @color/lime @color/yellow @color/amber @color/orange @color/deep_orange @color/brown @color/blue_grey @color/grey @color/dark_grey 17BA15C1AF55D925F98B99CEA4375D4CDF4C174B