package; /* This file is part of FairEmail. FairEmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FairEmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FairEmail. If not, see . Copyright 2018-2021 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B) */ import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.StrictMode; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.strictmode.Violation; import android.util.Printer; import android.webkit.CookieManager; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; public class ApplicationEx extends Application implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler prev = null; @Override protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) { super.attachBaseContext(getLocalizedContext(base)); } static Context getLocalizedContext(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); if (prefs.contains("english")) { boolean english = prefs.getBoolean("english", false); if (english) prefs.edit() .remove("english") .putString("language", Locale.US.toLanguageTag()) .commit(); // apply won't work here } try { String language = prefs.getString("language", null); if (language != null) { if ("de-AT".equals(language) || "de-LI".equals(language)) language = "de-DE"; Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(language); Log.i("Set language=" + language + " locale=" + locale); Locale.setDefault(locale); Configuration config; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) config = new Configuration(context.getResources().getConfiguration()); else config = new Configuration(); config.setLocale(locale); return context.createConfigurationContext(config); } } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(ex); } return context; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); long start = new Date().getTime(); Log.i("App create" + " version=" + BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME + BuildConfig.REVISION + " process=" + android.os.Process.myPid()); Log.logMemory(this, "App"); registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(lifecycleCallbacks); getMainLooper().setMessageLogging(new Printer() { @Override public void println(String msg) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d("Loop: " + msg); } }); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { StrictMode.VmPolicy policy = new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder(StrictMode.getVmPolicy()) .detectNonSdkApiUsage() .penaltyListener(getMainExecutor(), new StrictMode.OnVmViolationListener() { @Override public void onVmViolation(Violation v) { String message = v.getMessage(); if (message != null && (message.contains("AbstractConscryptSocket") || message.contains("computeFitSystemWindows") || message.contains("makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows"))) return; StackTraceElement[] stack = v.getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement ste : stack) { String clazz = ste.getClassName(); if ("com.sun.mail.util.WriteTimeoutSocket".equals(clazz)) return; if (clazz != null && (clazz.startsWith("org.chromium") || clazz.startsWith("") || clazz.startsWith("androidx.appcompat.widget"))) return; } Log.e(v); } }) .build(); StrictMode.setVmPolicy(policy); } SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); final boolean crash_reports = prefs.getBoolean("crash_reports", false); prev = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(@NonNull Thread thread, @NonNull Throwable ex) { if (!crash_reports && Log.isOwnFault(ex)) { Log.e(ex); if (BuildConfig.BETA_RELEASE || !Helper.isPlayStoreInstall()) Log.writeCrashLog(ApplicationEx.this, ex); if (prev != null) prev.uncaughtException(thread, ex); } else { Log.w(ex); System.exit(1); } } }); Log.setup(this); upgrade(this); try { boolean tcp_keep_alive = prefs.getBoolean("tcp_keep_alive", false); System.setProperty("fairemail.tcp_keep_alive", Boolean.toString(tcp_keep_alive)); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(ex); } prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) NotificationHelper.createNotificationChannels(this); DB.setupViewInvalidation(this); if (Helper.hasWebView(this)) CookieManager.getInstance().setAcceptCookie(false); EncryptionHelper.init(this); MessageHelper.setSystemProperties(this); ContactInfo.init(this); DisconnectBlacklist.init(this); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.S) { ServiceSynchronize.watchdog(this); ServiceSend.watchdog(this); } ServiceSynchronize.scheduleWatchdog(this); WorkManager.getInstance(this).cancelUniqueWork("WorkerWatchdog"); WorkerAutoUpdate.init(this); WorkerCleanup.init(this); registerReceiver(onScreenOff, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)); long end = new Date().getTime(); Log.i("App created " + (end - start) + " ms"); } @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { switch (key) { case "enabled": ServiceSynchronize.reschedule(this); WorkerCleanup.init(this); ServiceSynchronize.scheduleWatchdog(this); WidgetSync.update(this); break; case "poll_interval": case "schedule": case "schedule_start": case "schedule_end": case "schedule_day0": case "schedule_day1": case "schedule_day2": case "schedule_day3": case "schedule_day4": case "schedule_day5": case "schedule_day6": ServiceSynchronize.reschedule(this); break; case "check_blocklist": case "use_blocklist": DnsBlockList.clearCache(); break; case "watchdog": ServiceSynchronize.scheduleWatchdog(this); break; case "secure": // privacy case "shortcuts": // misc case "language": // misc case "wal": // misc // Should be excluded for import restart(this); break; case "debug": case "log_level": Log.setLevel(this); break; } } static void restart(Context context) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, ActivityMain.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); } @Override public void onTrimMemory(int level) { Log.logMemory(this, "Trim memory level=" + level); Map crumb = new HashMap<>(); crumb.put("level", Integer.toString(level)); crumb.put("free", Integer.toString(Log.getFreeMemMb())); Log.breadcrumb("trim", crumb); super.onTrimMemory(level); } @Override public void onLowMemory() { Log.logMemory(this, "Low memory"); Map crumb = new HashMap<>(); crumb.put("free", Integer.toString(Log.getFreeMemMb())); Log.breadcrumb("low", crumb); ContactInfo.clearCache(this, false); super.onLowMemory(); } static void upgrade(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); int version = prefs.getInt("version", BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE); if (version != BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) EntityLog.log(context, "Upgrading from " + version + " to " + BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); if (version < BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) editor.remove("crash_report_count"); if (version < 468) { editor.remove("notify_trash"); editor.remove("notify_archive"); editor.remove("notify_reply"); editor.remove("notify_flag"); editor.remove("notify_seen"); } else if (version < 601) { editor.putBoolean("contact_images", prefs.getBoolean("autoimages", true)); editor.remove("autoimages"); } else if (version < 612) { if (prefs.getBoolean("autonext", false)) editor.putString("onclose", "next"); editor.remove("autonext"); } else if (version < 693) { editor.remove("message_swipe"); editor.remove("message_select"); } else if (version < 696) { String theme = prefs.getString("theme", "light"); if ("grey".equals(theme)) editor.putString("theme", "grey_dark"); if (prefs.contains("ascending")) { editor.putBoolean("ascending_list", prefs.getBoolean("ascending", false)); editor.remove("ascending"); } } else if (version < 701) { if (prefs.getBoolean("suggest_local", false)) { editor.putBoolean("suggest_sent", true); editor.remove("suggest_local"); } } else if (version < 703) { if (!prefs.getBoolean("style_toolbar", true)) { editor.putBoolean("compose_media", false); editor.remove("style_toolbar"); } } else if (version < 709) { if (prefs.getBoolean("swipe_reversed", false)) { editor.putBoolean("reversed", true); editor.remove("swipe_reversed"); } } else if (version < 741) editor.remove("send_dialog"); else if (version < 751) { if (prefs.contains("notify_snooze_duration")) { int minutes = prefs.getInt("notify_snooze_duration", 60); int hours = (int) Math.ceil(minutes / 60.0); editor.putInt("default_snooze", hours); editor.remove("notify_snooze_duration"); } } else if (version < 819) { if (prefs.contains("no_history")) { editor.putBoolean("secure", prefs.getBoolean("no_history", false)); editor.remove("no_history"); } if (prefs.contains("zoom")) { int zoom = prefs.getInt("zoom", 1); editor.putInt("view_zoom", zoom); editor.putInt("compose_zoom", zoom); editor.remove("zoom"); } } else if (version < 844) { if (prefs.getBoolean("schedule", false)) editor.putBoolean("enabled", true); } else if (version < 874) { if (prefs.contains("experiments") && prefs.getBoolean("experiments", false)) editor.putBoolean("quick_filter", true); editor.remove("experiments"); } else if (version < 889) { if (prefs.contains("autoresize")) { boolean autoresize = prefs.getBoolean("autoresize", true); editor.putBoolean("resize_images", autoresize); editor.putBoolean("resize_attachments", autoresize); editor.remove("autoresize"); } } else if (version < 930) { boolean large = context.getResources().getConfiguration() .isLayoutSizeAtLeast(Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE); editor.putBoolean("landscape3", large); } else if (version < 949) { if (prefs.contains("automove")) { boolean automove = prefs.getBoolean("automove", false); editor.putBoolean("move_1_confirmed", automove); editor.remove("automove"); } } else if (version < 972) { if (prefs.contains("signature_end")) { boolean signature_end = prefs.getBoolean("signature_end", false); if (signature_end) editor.putInt("signature_location", 2); editor.remove("signature_end"); } } else if (version < 978) { if (!prefs.contains("poll_interval")) editor.putInt("poll_interval", 0); editor.remove("first"); } else if (version < 1021) { boolean highlight_unread = prefs.getBoolean("highlight_unread", false); if (!highlight_unread) editor.putBoolean("highlight_unread", highlight_unread); } else if (version < 1121) { if (!Helper.isPlayStoreInstall()) editor.putBoolean("experiments", true); } else if (version < 1124) { editor.remove("experiments"); } else if (version < 1181) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) editor.remove("background_service"); } else if (version < 1195) editor.remove("auto_optimize"); else if (version < 1229) { boolean monospaced = prefs.getBoolean("monospaced", false); if (monospaced && !BuildConfig.DEBUG) editor.putBoolean("text_font", false); } else if (version < 1238) { if (!prefs.contains("subject_ellipsize")) editor.putString("subject_ellipsize", "middle"); if (!prefs.contains("auto_optimize")) editor.putBoolean("auto_optimize", false); } else if (version < 1253) { int threads = prefs.getInt("query_threads", 4); if (threads == 4) editor.remove("query_threads"); } else if (version < 1264) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N || "Blackview".equalsIgnoreCase(Build.MANUFACTURER) || "OnePlus".equalsIgnoreCase(Build.MANUFACTURER) || "HUAWEI".equalsIgnoreCase(Build.MANUFACTURER)) editor.putInt("query_threads", 2); } else if (version < 1274) ContactInfo.clearCache(context); // Favicon background else if (version < 1336) { if (!prefs.contains("beige")) editor.putBoolean("beige", false); } else if (version < 1385) editor.remove("parse_classes"); else if (version < 1401) editor.remove("tcp_keep_alive"); else if (version < 1407) editor.remove("print_html_confirmed"); else if (version < 1413) editor.remove("experiments"); else if (version < 1439) { if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) editor.remove("experiments"); } else if (version < 1461) { if (!prefs.contains("theme")) editor.putString("theme", "blue_orange_light"); } else if (version < 1463) { if (!prefs.contains("autoscroll")) editor.putBoolean("autoscroll", true); } else if (version < 1477) { if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) editor.remove("experiments"); } else if (version < 1524) { if (BuildConfig.PLAY_STORE_RELEASE) editor.remove("experiments"); } else if (version < 1525) { if (!prefs.contains("download")) editor.putInt("download", 512 * 1024); } else if (version < 1533) { if (!prefs.contains("biometrics_notify")) editor.putBoolean("biometrics_notify", false); } else if (version < 1535) { editor.remove("identities_asked"); editor.remove("identities_primary_hint"); } else if (version < 1539) { if (!prefs.contains("double_back")) editor.putBoolean("double_back", true); } else if (version < 1540) { Map all = prefs.getAll(); for (String key : all.keySet()) if (key.startsWith("widget.") && key.endsWith(".semi")) { String[] k = key.split("\\."); if (k.length == 3) try { int appWidgetId = Integer.parseInt(k[1]); editor.remove("widget." + appWidgetId + ".background"); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(ex); } } } else if (version < 1556) { if (prefs.contains("last_search")) { editor.putString("last_search1", prefs.getString("last_search", null)); editor.remove("last_search"); } } else if (version < 1558) { if (!prefs.contains("button_extra")) editor.putBoolean("button_extra", true); } else if (version < 1598) { if (prefs.contains("deepl")) { String key = prefs.getString("deepl", null); editor.putString("deepl_key", key).remove("deepl"); } } else if (version < 1630) { boolean experiments = prefs.getBoolean("experiments", false); if (experiments) editor.putBoolean("deepl_enabled", true); } else if (version < 1678) { Configuration config = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); boolean normal = config.isLayoutSizeAtLeast(Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL); if (!normal) { if (!prefs.contains("landscape")) editor.putBoolean("landscape", false); if (!prefs.contains("landscape3")) editor.putBoolean("landscape3", false); } } else if (version < 1721) { if (!prefs.contains("discard_delete")) editor.putBoolean("discard_delete", false); } else if (version < 1753) repairFolders(context); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O && !BuildConfig.DEBUG) editor.remove("background_service"); if (version < BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) editor.putInt("previous_version", version); editor.putInt("version", BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE); editor.apply(); } static void repairFolders(Context context) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Log.i("Repair folders"); DB db = DB.getInstance(context); List accounts = db.account().getAccounts(); if (accounts == null) return; for (EntityAccount account : accounts) { if (account.protocol != EntityAccount.TYPE_IMAP) continue; EntityFolder inbox = db.folder().getFolderByType(, EntityFolder.INBOX); if (inbox == null || !inbox.synchronize) { List folders = db.folder().getFolders(, false, false); if (folders == null) continue; for (EntityFolder folder : folders) { if (inbox == null && "inbox".equalsIgnoreCase( folder.type = EntityFolder.INBOX; if (!EntityFolder.USER.equals(folder.type) && !EntityFolder.SYSTEM.equals(folder.type)) { EntityLog.log(context, "Repairing " + + ":" + folder.type); folder.setProperties(); folder.setSpecials(account); db.folder().updateFolder(folder); } } } } } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(ex); } } }).start(); } private final ActivityLifecycleCallbacks lifecycleCallbacks = new ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() { private long last = 0; @Override public void onActivityPreCreated(@NonNull Activity activity, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { log(activity, "onActivityPreCreated"); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(@NonNull Activity activity, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { log(activity, "onActivityCreated"); } @Override public void onActivityPostCreated(@NonNull Activity activity, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { log(activity, "onActivityPostCreated"); } @Override public void onActivityPreStarted(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPreStarted"); } @Override public void onActivityStarted(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityStarted"); } @Override public void onActivityPostStarted(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPostStarted"); } @Override public void onActivityPreResumed(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPreResumed"); } @Override public void onActivityResumed(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityResumed"); } @Override public void onActivityPostResumed(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPostResumed"); } @Override public void onActivityPrePaused(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPrePaused"); } @Override public void onActivityPaused(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPaused"); } @Override public void onActivityPostPaused(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPostPaused"); } @Override public void onActivityPreStopped(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPreStopped"); } @Override public void onActivityStopped(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityStopped"); } @Override public void onActivityPostStopped(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPostStopped"); } @Override public void onActivityPreSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Bundle outState) { log(activity, "onActivityPreSaveInstanceState"); } @Override public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Bundle outState) { log(activity, "onActivitySaveInstanceState"); } @Override public void onActivityPostSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Bundle outState) { log(activity, "onActivityPostSaveInstanceState"); } @Override public void onActivityPreDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPreDestroyed"); } @Override public void onActivityDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityDestroyed"); } @Override public void onActivityPostDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) { log(activity, "onActivityPostDestroyed"); } private void log(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull String what) { long start = last; last = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); long elapsed = (start == 0 ? 0 : last - start); Log.i(activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + what + " " + elapsed + " ms"); } }; private final BroadcastReceiver onScreenOff = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.i("Received " + intent); Log.logExtras(intent); Helper.clearAuthentication(ApplicationEx.this); } }; private static Handler handler = null; synchronized static Handler getMainHandler() { if (handler == null) handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); return handler; } }