Copyright Ⓒ 2018 af M. Bokhorst Service Notifikationer Fejl Synchronize New messages Compose Setup Synkroniserer %1$d konto Synkroniserer %1$d konti %1$d afventende aktivitet %1$d afventende aktiviteter %1$d ny besked %1$d nye beskeder %1$d ikke sendt meddelelse %1$d ikke sendte meddelelser %1$d new %1$d new \'%1$s\' mislykkedes Opsætning Templates Aktiviteter Forklaring Support Pro funktioner Privatliv Om Invite Rate this app Andre apps Slutbrugerlicensaftale Jeg accepterer Jeg accepterer ikke Version %1$s Konti Identiteter Rediger konto Rediger identitet Rediger mappe Opsætning Export settings Import settings Imported accounts will be added, not overwritten Password Repeat password Password missing Passwords different Password invalid Settings exported Settings imported Administrer konti Til at modtage email Håndter identiteter At sende email Giv tilladelser To access contact information (optional) Disable battery optimizations To continuously receive email (optional) In the next dialog, select \"All apps\" at the top, select this app and select and confirm \"Don\'t optimize\" Disable data saving Manage notifications Gøremål Udført Light theme Mørkt tema Black background Avancerede indstillinger Synchronize Use metered connections Unified inbox Conversation threading Compact message view Show contact photos Show identicons Show message preview Use notification light Browse messages on the server Swipe actions Conversation action bar Automatically close conversations Confirm actions that might leak privacy sensitive information Allow editing sender address Most providers do not allow modified sender addresses Automatically download messages and attachments on a metered connection up to Check for updates Debug Vælg … Dit navn Din email adresse Svar til adresse Request read receipt Request delivery receipt Valgfri Forbundet konto Kontonavn Bruges til at differentiere mapper Signature text Color Separate notifications Domain name Get settings Settings not found IMAP SMTP Udbyder Tilpas Værtsnavn STARTTLS Allow insecure connections Portnummer Brugernavn Adgangskode Vælg konto Authorizing account … Advanced Store a copy of sent messages in: Synkronisér (modtag meddelelser) Synkronisér (send meddelelser) Primær (standard konto) Primær (standard identitet) Keep-alive/poll interval (minutes) Check Navn mangler Emailadresse mangler Konto mangler Værtsnavn mangler Brugernavn mangler Adgangskode mangler No drafts folder selected No primary account or no drafts folder No primary account or no archive folder This provider does not support push messages. This will delay reception of new messages and increase battery usage. Slet denne konto permanent? Slet denne identitet permanent? POP is not supported Insecure connections are not supported Synchronize now Delete local messages Empty trash Edit properties Delete all trashed messages permanently? Folder name Display name Hide from list Hide hidden folders Show hidden folders Synkronisér (modtag meddelelser) Check periodically instead of continuous synchronize Show in unified inbox Synchronize messages (days) Keep messages (days) Folder %1$s exists Permanently delete this folder and any messages it contains? Samlet indbakke Indbakke Udbakke Arkiv Kladder Papirkurv Spam Sendt System Bruger Mapper primærkonto Conversation Unified inbox folders Ingen beskeder Vis billeder Sv: %1$s Videresend: %1$s Markér som læst Markér som ulæst Add star Remove star Videresend Forward raw Svar alle Show headers Manage keywords Add keyword Show original Papirkurv Delete More Spam Flyt Arkivér Besvar Moving to %1$s Open with No reply templates defined Ingen viewer app til rådighed for %1$s Storage access framework not available Contact picker not available Vedhæftet fil gemt Some attachments are not downloaded and will not be forwarded, continue? Slet meddelelsen permanent? Delete selected messages permanently? Delete reply template permanently? Discard draft? Save changes? Report as spam? Showing the original message can leak privacy sensitive information Showing images can leak privacy sensitive information Synchronization will take place on next account connection Fix Compose Fra: Til: Svar til: CC: BCC: Received: Size: Emne: Din besked Discard Gem Send View Nothing selected Clipboard empty Bold Italic Clear formatting Insert link Insert image Vedhæft fil Vis CC/BCC Afsender mangler Modtager mangler Vedhæftede filer indlæses stadig Draft discarded Kladde gemt Sender besked Encrypt Decrypt OpenKeychain not found Message is not encrypted Søg Search on server Søger \'%1$s \' Sort on Time Unread Starred Move to sent Previous Next Reply template Template name Template text $name$ will be replaced by the sender full name $email$ will be replaced by the sender email address Mark read Archive Trash Inbox Unified inbox Archive Trash Account disconnected Account connected Conversation CC/BCC Vedhæftning Contacts External image placeholder Embedded image placeholder Broken image Synchronize on Synchronize off Primary/starred Afbrudt Tilslutter Tilsluttet Synkroniserer Downloading Lukker Number of days to synchronize / to keep messages Number of message bodies downloaded / headers fetched Long press for options If you have a question or a problem, please use the support menu to get help Swipe left to trash; swipe right to archive (if available) Long press a message to start selecting multiple messages Downloading messages can take some time, depending on the speed of the provider, internet connection and device and on the number of messages. While downloading messages the app might respond slower. Open link There is an update to version %1$s available Do you have a question or problem? Yes No Undo Add Report Try FairEmail, an open source, privacy friendly email app for Android Dette er en pro funktion Liste over pro funktioner Køb Køb af pro funktioner vil tillade dig at bruge alle nuværende og fremtidige pro funktioner og vil holde dette app vedligeholdt og understøttet Please see this FAQ about the price of the pro features Alle pro funktioner er aktiveret Alle pro funktioner aktiveret Ugyldigt svar FairEmail needs your help. Tap to purchase pro features to keep the project going. Unexpected error Log Debugging info Beskriv venligst problemet og angiv tidspunkt for problemet: Please describe what you were doing when the app crashed: 16 KB 32 KB 64 KB 128 KB 256 KB 512 KB 1 MB 2 MB