package; /* This file is part of FairEmail. FairEmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FairEmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FairEmail. If not, see . Copyright 2018-2020 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B) */ import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.Header; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import static; @Entity( tableName = EntityRule.TABLE_NAME, foreignKeys = { @ForeignKey(childColumns = "folder", entity = EntityFolder.class, parentColumns = "id", onDelete = CASCADE), }, indices = { @Index(value = {"folder"}), @Index(value = {"order"}) } ) public class EntityRule { static final String TABLE_NAME = "rule"; @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) public Long id; @NonNull public Long folder; @NonNull public String name; @NonNull public int order; @NonNull public boolean enabled; @NonNull public boolean stop; @NonNull public String condition; @NonNull public String action; @NonNull public Integer applied = 0; static final int TYPE_SEEN = 1; static final int TYPE_UNSEEN = 2; static final int TYPE_MOVE = 3; static final int TYPE_ANSWER = 4; static final int TYPE_AUTOMATION = 5; static final int TYPE_FLAG = 6; static final int TYPE_COPY = 7; static final int TYPE_SNOOZE = 8; static final int TYPE_IGNORE = 9; static final int TYPE_NOOP = 10; static final int TYPE_KEYWORD = 11; static final int TYPE_HIDE = 12; static final int TYPE_IMPORTANCE = 13; static final String ACTION_AUTOMATION = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".AUTOMATION"; static final String EXTRA_RULE = "rule"; static final String EXTRA_SENDER = "sender"; static final String EXTRA_SUBJECT = "subject"; private static final long SEND_DELAY = 5000L; // milliseconds boolean matches(Context context, EntityMessage message, Message imessage) throws MessagingException { try { JSONObject jcondition = new JSONObject(condition); // Sender JSONObject jsender = jcondition.optJSONObject("sender"); if (jsender != null) { String value = jsender.getString("value"); boolean regex = jsender.getBoolean("regex"); boolean known = jsender.optBoolean("known"); boolean matches = false; if (message.from != null) { for (Address from : message.from) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) from; String email = ia.getAddress(); String personal = ia.getPersonal(); if (known) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); boolean suggest_sent = prefs.getBoolean("suggest_sent", true); if (suggest_sent) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); EntityContact contact =, EntityContact.TYPE_TO, email); if (contact != null) { Log.i(email + " is local contact"); matches = true; break; } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.avatar)) { Log.i(email + " is Android contact"); matches = true; break; } } else { String formatted = ((personal == null ? "" : personal + " ") + "<" + email + ">"); if (matches(context, value, formatted, regex)) { matches = true; break; } } } } if (!matches) return false; } // Recipient JSONObject jrecipient = jcondition.optJSONObject("recipient"); if (jrecipient != null) { String value = jrecipient.getString("value"); boolean regex = jrecipient.getBoolean("regex"); boolean matches = false; List
recipients = new ArrayList<>(); if ( != null) recipients.addAll(Arrays.asList(; if ( != null) recipients.addAll(Arrays.asList(; for (Address recipient : recipients) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) recipient; String personal = ia.getPersonal(); String formatted = ((personal == null ? "" : personal + " ") + "<" + ia.getAddress() + ">"); if (matches(context, value, formatted, regex)) { matches = true; break; } } if (!matches) return false; } // Subject JSONObject jsubject = jcondition.optJSONObject("subject"); if (jsubject != null) { String value = jsubject.getString("value"); boolean regex = jsubject.getBoolean("regex"); if (!matches(context, value, message.subject, regex)) return false; } // Attachments if (jcondition.optBoolean("attachments")) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); if (db.attachment().getAttachments( == 0) return false; } // Header JSONObject jheader = jcondition.optJSONObject("header"); if (jheader != null && imessage != null) { String value = jheader.getString("value"); boolean regex = jheader.getBoolean("regex"); boolean matches = false; Enumeration
headers = imessage.getAllHeaders(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { Header header = headers.nextElement(); String formatted = header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue(); if (matches(context, value, formatted, regex)) { matches = true; break; } } if (!matches) return false; } // Schedule JSONObject jschedule = jcondition.optJSONObject("schedule"); if (jschedule != null) { int start = jschedule.optInt("start", 0); int end = jschedule.optInt("end", 0); Calendar cal_start = getRelativeCalendar(start, message.received); Calendar cal_end = getRelativeCalendar(end, message.received); if (cal_start.getTimeInMillis() > cal_end.getTimeInMillis()) cal_start.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -7 * 24); if (message.received < cal_start.getTimeInMillis() || message.received > cal_end.getTimeInMillis()) return false; } // Safeguard if (jsender == null && jrecipient == null && jsubject == null && !jcondition.optBoolean("attachments") && jheader == null && jschedule == null) return false; } catch (JSONException ex) { Log.e(ex); return false; } return true; } private boolean matches(Context context, String needle, String haystack, boolean regex) { boolean matched = false; if (needle != null && haystack != null) if (regex) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(needle, Pattern.DOTALL); matched = pattern.matcher(haystack).matches(); } else matched = haystack.toLowerCase().contains(needle.trim().toLowerCase()); if (matched) EntityLog.log(context, "Rule=" + name + ":" + order + " matched " + " needle=" + needle + " haystack=" + haystack + " regex=" + regex); else Log.i("Rule=" + name + ":" + order + " matched=" + matched + " needle=" + needle + " haystack=" + haystack + " regex=" + regex); return matched; } boolean execute(Context context, EntityMessage message) throws JSONException, IOException { boolean executed = _execute(context, message); if (id != null && executed) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); db.rule().applyRule(id); } return executed; } private boolean _execute(Context context, EntityMessage message) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONObject jaction = new JSONObject(action); int type = jaction.getInt("type"); Log.i("Executing rule=" + type + ":" + name + " message=" +; switch (type) { case TYPE_NOOP: return true; case TYPE_SEEN: return onActionSeen(context, message, true); case TYPE_UNSEEN: return onActionSeen(context, message, false); case TYPE_HIDE: return onActionHide(context, message); case TYPE_IGNORE: return onActionIgnore(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_SNOOZE: return onActionSnooze(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_FLAG: return onActionFlag(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_IMPORTANCE: return onActionImportance(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_KEYWORD: return onActionKeyword(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_MOVE: return onActionMove(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_COPY: return onActionCopy(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_ANSWER: return onActionAnswer(context, message, jaction); case TYPE_AUTOMATION: return onActionAutomation(context, message, jaction); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rule type=" + type); } } private boolean onActionSeen(Context context, EntityMessage message, boolean seen) { EntityOperation.queue(context, message, EntityOperation.SEEN, seen); message.ui_seen = seen; message.ui_ignored = true; return true; } private boolean onActionHide(Context context, EntityMessage message) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); db.message().setMessageSnoozed(, Long.MAX_VALUE); db.message().setMessageUiIgnored(, true); EntityMessage.snooze(context,, Long.MAX_VALUE); message.ui_snoozed = Long.MAX_VALUE; message.ui_ignored = true; return true; } private boolean onActionIgnore(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) { DB db = DB.getInstance(context); db.message().setMessageUiIgnored(, true); message.ui_ignored = true; return true; } private boolean onActionMove(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) { long target = jargs.optLong("target", -1); boolean seen = jargs.optBoolean("seen"); boolean thread = jargs.optBoolean("thread"); DB db = DB.getInstance(context); EntityFolder folder = db.folder().getFolder(target); if (folder == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule move to folder not found"); List messages = db.message().getMessagesByThread( message.account, message.thread, thread ? null :, message.folder); for (EntityMessage threaded : messages) EntityOperation.queue(context, threaded, EntityOperation.MOVE, target, seen); if (seen) { message.ui_seen = true; message.ui_ignored = true; } return true; } private boolean onActionCopy(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) throws JSONException { long target = jargs.getLong("target"); DB db = DB.getInstance(context); EntityFolder folder = db.folder().getFolder(target); if (folder == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule copy to folder not found"); EntityOperation.queue(context, message, EntityOperation.COPY, target, false); return true; } private boolean onActionAnswer(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) throws JSONException, IOException { long iid = jargs.getLong("identity"); long aid = jargs.getLong("answer"); boolean cc = (jargs.has("cc") && jargs.getBoolean("cc")); DB db = DB.getInstance(context); EntityIdentity identity = db.identity().getIdentity(iid); if (identity == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule identity not found"); EntityAnswer answer = db.answer().getAnswer(aid); if (answer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule answer not found"); EntityMessage reply = new EntityMessage(); reply.account = message.account; reply.folder = db.folder().getOutbox().id; reply.identity =; reply.msgid = EntityMessage.generateMessageId(); reply.references = (message.references == null ? "" : message.references + " ") + message.msgid; reply.inreplyto = message.msgid; reply.thread = message.thread; = (message.reply == null || message.reply.length == 0 ? message.from : message.reply); reply.from = new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress(,}; if (cc) =; reply.unsubscribe = "mailto:" +; reply.subject = context.getString(R.string.title_subject_reply, message.subject == null ? "" : message.subject); reply.received = new Date().getTime(); reply.sender = MessageHelper.getSortKey(reply.from); Uri lookupUri = ContactInfo.getLookupUri(context, reply.from); reply.avatar = (lookupUri == null ? null : lookupUri.toString()); = db.message().insertMessage(reply); String body = answer.getText(message.from); File file = reply.getFile(context); Helper.writeText(file, body); db.message().setMessageContent(, true, false, HtmlHelper.getPreview(file), null); EntityOperation.queue(context, reply, EntityOperation.SEND); // Batch send operations, wait until after commit ServiceSend.schedule(context, SEND_DELAY); return true; } private boolean onActionAutomation(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) { String sender = (message.from == null || message.from.length == 0 ? null : ((InternetAddress) message.from[0]).getAddress()); Intent automation = new Intent(ACTION_AUTOMATION); automation.putExtra(EXTRA_RULE, name); automation.putExtra(EXTRA_SENDER, sender); automation.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBJECT, message.subject); Log.i("Sending " + automation); context.sendBroadcast(automation); return true; } private boolean onActionSnooze(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) throws JSONException { int duration = jargs.getInt("duration"); boolean schedule_end = jargs.optBoolean("schedule_end", false); boolean seen = jargs.optBoolean("seen", false); long wakeup; if (schedule_end) { JSONObject jcondition = new JSONObject(condition); JSONObject jschedule = jcondition.optJSONObject("schedule"); int end = (jschedule == null ? 0 : jschedule.optInt("end", 0)); Calendar cal = getRelativeCalendar(end, message.received); wakeup = cal.getTimeInMillis() + duration * 3600 * 1000L; } else wakeup = message.received + duration * 3600 * 1000L; if (wakeup < new Date().getTime()) return false; DB db = DB.getInstance(context); db.message().setMessageSnoozed(, wakeup); db.message().setMessageUiIgnored(, true); EntityMessage.snooze(context,, wakeup); message.ui_snoozed = wakeup; if (seen) onActionSeen(context, message, true); return true; } private boolean onActionFlag(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) throws JSONException { Integer color = (jargs.has("color") && !jargs.isNull("color") ? jargs.getInt("color") : null); EntityOperation.queue(context, message, EntityOperation.FLAG, true, color); message.ui_flagged = true; message.color = color; return true; } private boolean onActionImportance(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) throws JSONException { Integer importance = jargs.getInt("value"); if (EntityMessage.PRIORITIY_NORMAL.equals(importance)) importance = null; DB db = DB.getInstance(context); db.message().setMessageImportance(, importance); message.importance = importance; return true; } private boolean onActionKeyword(Context context, EntityMessage message, JSONObject jargs) throws JSONException { String keyword = jargs.getString("keyword"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(keyword)) { Log.w("Keyword empty"); return false; } EntityOperation.queue(context, message, EntityOperation.KEYWORD, keyword, true); return true; } private static Calendar getRelativeCalendar(int minutes, long reference) { int d = minutes / (24 * 60); int h = minutes / 60 % 24; int m = minutes % 60; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (reference > cal.getTimeInMillis() - 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000L) cal.setTimeInMillis(reference); long time = cal.getTimeInMillis(); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY + d); if (cal.getTimeInMillis() < time) cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 7 * 24); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, h); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, m); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); return cal; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof EntityRule) { EntityRule other = (EntityRule) obj; return this.folder.equals(other.folder) && && this.order == other.order && this.enabled == other.enabled && this.stop == other.stop && this.condition.equals(other.condition) && this.action.equals(other.action) && this.applied.equals(other.applied); } else return false; } public JSONObject toJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("id", id); json.put("name", name); json.put("order", order); json.put("enabled", enabled); json.put("stop", stop); json.put("condition", condition); json.put("action", action); json.put("applied", applied); return json; } public static EntityRule fromJSON(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { EntityRule rule = new EntityRule(); // id = json.getString("name"); rule.order = json.getInt("order"); rule.enabled = json.getBoolean("enabled"); rule.stop = json.getBoolean("stop"); rule.condition = json.getString("condition"); rule.action = json.getString("action"); rule.applied = json.optInt("applied", 0); return rule; } }