package; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public class Breadcrumb implements JsonStream.Streamable { // non-private to allow direct field access optimizations final BreadcrumbInternal impl; private final Logger logger; Breadcrumb(@NonNull String message, @NonNull Logger logger) { this.impl = new BreadcrumbInternal(message); this.logger = logger; } Breadcrumb(@NonNull String message, @NonNull BreadcrumbType type, @Nullable Map metadata, @NonNull Date timestamp, @NonNull Logger logger) { this.impl = new BreadcrumbInternal(message, type, metadata, timestamp); this.logger = logger; } private void logNull(String property) { logger.e("Invalid null value supplied to breadcrumb." + property + ", ignoring"); } /** * Sets the description of the breadcrumb */ public void setMessage(@NonNull String message) { if (message != null) { impl.message = message; } else { logNull("message"); } } /** * Gets the description of the breadcrumb */ @NonNull public String getMessage() { return impl.message; } /** * Sets the type of breadcrumb left - one of those enabled in * {@link Configuration#getEnabledBreadcrumbTypes()} */ public void setType(@NonNull BreadcrumbType type) { if (type != null) { impl.type = type; } else { logNull("type"); } } /** * Gets the type of breadcrumb left - one of those enabled in * {@link Configuration#getEnabledBreadcrumbTypes()} */ @NonNull public BreadcrumbType getType() { return impl.type; } /** * Sets diagnostic data relating to the breadcrumb */ public void setMetadata(@Nullable Map metadata) { impl.metadata = metadata; } /** * Gets diagnostic data relating to the breadcrumb */ @Nullable public Map getMetadata() { return impl.metadata; } /** * The timestamp that the breadcrumb was left */ @NonNull public Date getTimestamp() { return impl.timestamp; } @NonNull String getStringTimestamp() { return DateUtils.toIso8601(impl.timestamp); } @Override public void toStream(@NonNull JsonStream stream) throws IOException { impl.toStream(stream); } }