Copyright Ⓒ 2018 by M. Bokhorst Service Notifications Errors Synchronizing %1$d account(s) %1$d operation(s) pending %1$d new message(s) \'%1$s\' failed Folders Setup FAQ About I agree I disagree Version %1$s Accounts Identities Folders Edit account Edit identity Edit folder Setup Manage accounts To receive email Manage identities To send email Grant permissions To read contacts (optional) Done Dark theme Debug Your name Your email address Reply to address Optional Account name Used to differentiate folders IMAP SMTP Provider Custom Host name STARTTLS Port number User name Password Synchronize (receive messages) Synchronize (send messages) Primary (used to store drafts) Primary (default identity) Name mandatory Email address mandatory Host name missing Port number missing User name missing Password missing IDLE not supported Local drafts %1$s (%2$d/%3$d) Synchronize (receive messages) Synchronize (days) Unified inbox Inbox Outbox Archive Drafts Trash Spam Sent User Message thread No messages link image Re: %1$s Fwd: %1$s Thread Read Unread Forward Reply to all Trash Spam Move Archive Reply No viewer app available Delete message permanently? Report message as spam? Compose From: To: CC: BCC: Subject: Your message Save Send No primary account or no drafts folder Sender missing Recipient missing Draft trashed Draft saved Message queued Long press item to edit properties Debug info Please describe the problem and indicate the time of the problem: