package import import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.IntentFilter import android.location.LocationManager import import android.os.RemoteException import import java.lang.RuntimeException /** * Calls [Context.registerReceiver] but swallows [SecurityException] and [RemoteException] * to avoid terminating the process in rare cases where the registration is unsuccessful. */ internal fun Context.registerReceiverSafe( receiver: BroadcastReceiver?, filter: IntentFilter?, logger: Logger? = null ): Intent? { try { return registerReceiver(receiver, filter) } catch (exc: SecurityException) { logger?.w("Failed to register receiver", exc) } catch (exc: RemoteException) { logger?.w("Failed to register receiver", exc) } catch (exc: IllegalArgumentException) { logger?.w("Failed to register receiver", exc) } return null } /** * Calls [Context.unregisterReceiver] but swallows [SecurityException] and [RemoteException] * to avoid terminating the process in rare cases where the registration is unsuccessful. */ internal fun Context.unregisterReceiverSafe( receiver: BroadcastReceiver?, logger: Logger? = null ) { try { unregisterReceiver(receiver) } catch (exc: SecurityException) { logger?.w("Failed to register receiver", exc) } catch (exc: RemoteException) { logger?.w("Failed to register receiver", exc) } catch (exc: IllegalArgumentException) { logger?.w("Failed to register receiver", exc) } } private inline fun Context.safeGetSystemService(name: String): T? { return try { getSystemService(name) as? T } catch (exc: RuntimeException) { null } } @JvmName("getActivityManagerFrom") internal fun Context.getActivityManager(): ActivityManager? = safeGetSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) @JvmName("getConnectivityManagerFrom") internal fun Context.getConnectivityManager(): ConnectivityManager? = safeGetSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) @JvmName("getStorageManagerFrom") internal fun Context.getStorageManager(): StorageManager? = safeGetSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) @JvmName("getLocationManager") internal fun Context.getLocationManager(): LocationManager? = safeGetSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE)