package import android.util.JsonReader import import import java.lang.Thread import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.nio.channels.FileLock import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException import java.util.UUID /** * This class is responsible for persisting and retrieving a device ID to a file. * * This class is made multi-process safe through the use of a [FileLock], and thread safe * through the use of a [ReadWriteLock] in [SynchronizedStreamableStore]. */ class DeviceIdFilePersistence( private val file: File, private val deviceIdGenerator: () -> UUID, private val logger: Logger ) : DeviceIdPersistence { private val synchronizedStreamableStore: SynchronizedStreamableStore init { try { file.createNewFile() } catch (exc: Throwable) { logger.w("Failed to created device ID file", exc) } this.synchronizedStreamableStore = SynchronizedStreamableStore(file) } /** * Loads the device ID from its file system location. * If no value is present then a UUID will be generated and persisted. */ override fun loadDeviceId(requestCreateIfDoesNotExist: Boolean): String? { return try { // optimistically read device ID without a lock - the majority of the time // the device ID will already be present so no synchronization is required. val deviceId = loadDeviceIdInternal() if (deviceId?.id != null) { } else { return if (requestCreateIfDoesNotExist) persistNewDeviceUuid(deviceIdGenerator()) else null } } catch (exc: Throwable) { logger.w("Failed to load device ID", exc) null } } /** * Loads the device ID from the file. * * If the file has zero length it can't contain device ID, so reading will be skipped. */ private fun loadDeviceIdInternal(): DeviceId? { if (file.length() > 0) { try { return synchronizedStreamableStore.load(DeviceId.Companion::fromReader) } catch (exc: Throwable) { // catch AssertionError which can be thrown by JsonReader // on Android 8.0/8.1. see logger.w("Failed to load device ID", exc) } } return null } /** * Write a new Device ID to the file. */ private fun persistNewDeviceUuid(uuid: UUID): String? { return try { // acquire a FileLock to prevent Clients in different processes writing // to the same file concurrently file.outputStream().channel.use { channel -> persistNewDeviceIdWithLock(channel, uuid) } } catch (exc: IOException) { logger.w("Failed to persist device ID", exc) null } } private fun persistNewDeviceIdWithLock( channel: FileChannel, uuid: UUID ): String? { val lock = waitForFileLock(channel) ?: return null return try { // read the device ID again as it could have changed // between the last read and when the lock was acquired val deviceId = loadDeviceIdInternal() if (deviceId?.id != null) { // the device ID changed between the last read // and acquiring the lock, so return the generated value } else { // generate a new device ID and persist it val newId = DeviceId(uuid.toString()) synchronizedStreamableStore.persist(newId) } } finally { lock.release() } } /** * Attempt to acquire a file lock. If [OverlappingFileLockException] is thrown * then the method will wait for 50ms then try again, for a maximum of 10 attempts. */ private fun waitForFileLock(channel: FileChannel): FileLock? { repeat(MAX_FILE_LOCK_ATTEMPTS) { try { return channel.tryLock() } catch (exc: OverlappingFileLockException) { Thread.sleep(FILE_LOCK_WAIT_MS) } } return null } companion object { private const val MAX_FILE_LOCK_ATTEMPTS = 20 private const val FILE_LOCK_WAIT_MS = 25L } } /** * Serializes and deserializes the device ID to/from JSON. */ private class DeviceId(val id: String?) : JsonStream.Streamable { override fun toStream(stream: JsonStream) { with(stream) { beginObject() name(KEY_ID) value(id) endObject() } } companion object : JsonReadable { private const val KEY_ID = "id" override fun fromReader(reader: JsonReader): DeviceId { var id: String? = null with(reader) { beginObject() if (hasNext() && KEY_ID == nextName()) { id = nextString() } } return DeviceId(id) } } }