package import /** * Represents a single stackframe from a [Throwable] */ class Stackframe : JsonStream.Streamable { /** * The name of the method that was being executed */ var method: String? /** * The location of the source file */ var file: String? /** * The line number within the source file this stackframe refers to */ var lineNumber: Number? /** * Whether the package is considered to be in your project for the purposes of grouping and * readability on the Bugsnag dashboard. Project package names can be set in * [Configuration.projectPackages] */ var inProject: Boolean? /** * Lines of the code surrounding the frame, where the lineNumber is the key (React Native only) */ var code: Map? /** * The column number of the frame (React Native only) */ var columnNumber: Number? /** * The address of the instruction where the event occurred. */ var frameAddress: Long? = null /** * The address of the function where the event occurred. */ var symbolAddress: Long? = null /** * The address of the library where the event occurred. */ var loadAddress: Long? = null /** * Identifies the exact build this frame originates from. */ var codeIdentifier: String? = null /** * Whether this frame identifies the program counter */ var isPC: Boolean? = null /** * The type of the error */ var type: ErrorType? = null @JvmOverloads internal constructor( method: String?, file: String?, lineNumber: Number?, inProject: Boolean?, code: Map? = null, columnNumber: Number? = null ) { this.method = method this.file = file this.lineNumber = lineNumber this.inProject = inProject this.code = code this.columnNumber = columnNumber } constructor(nativeFrame: NativeStackframe) : this( nativeFrame.method, nativeFrame.file, nativeFrame.lineNumber, null, null ) { this.frameAddress = nativeFrame.frameAddress this.symbolAddress = nativeFrame.symbolAddress this.loadAddress = nativeFrame.loadAddress this.codeIdentifier = nativeFrame.codeIdentifier this.isPC = nativeFrame.isPC this.type = nativeFrame.type } internal constructor(json: Map) { method = json["method"] as? String file = json["file"] as? String lineNumber = json["lineNumber"] as? Number inProject = json["inProject"] as? Boolean columnNumber = json["columnNumber"] as? Number frameAddress = (json["frameAddress"] as? Number)?.toLong() symbolAddress = (json["symbolAddress"] as? Number)?.toLong() loadAddress = (json["loadAddress"] as? Number)?.toLong() codeIdentifier = (json["codeIdentifier"] as? String) isPC = json["isPC"] as? Boolean @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") code = json["code"] as? Map type = (json["type"] as? String)?.let { ErrorType.fromDescriptor(it) } } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toStream(writer: JsonStream) { writer.beginObject()"method").value(method)"file").value(file)"lineNumber").value(lineNumber) inProject?.let {"inProject").value(it) }"columnNumber").value(columnNumber) frameAddress?.let {"frameAddress").value(it) } symbolAddress?.let {"symbolAddress").value(it) } loadAddress?.let {"loadAddress").value(it) } codeIdentifier?.let {"codeIdentifier").value(it) } isPC?.let {"isPC").value(it) } type?.let {"type").value(it.desc) } code?.let { map: Map ->"code") map.forEach { writer.beginObject() writer.value(it.value) writer.endObject() } } writer.endObject() } }