FairEmail Copyright Ⓒ 2018–2019 by M. Bokhorst FairEmail search Changelog FairEmail is an open source email app focused on privacy and security. For this reason some features might work differently from what you are used to. For example, messages will always be reformatted to remove unsafe elements and to improve readability and opening links needs to be confirmed for safety. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR \'\'AS IS\'\' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. FairEmail is not supported on this device because bugs in Android cause crashes Sent with FairEmail, an open source, privacy friendly email app for Android Go \'back\' again to exit Service Send Notifications Updates Warnings Errors Contacts Synchronize New messages Refresh Compose Settings Synchronizing %1$d account Synchronizing %1$d accounts %1$d operation pending %1$d operations pending %1$d new message %1$d new messages %1$d message to be sent %1$d messages to be sent %1$d new %1$d new Selected %1$d message Selected %1$d messages Move %1$d message to %2$s? Move %1$d messages to %2$s? Delete %1$d message permanently? Delete %1$d messages permanently? Treat %1$d message as spam? Treat %1$d messages as spam? Treat message from %1$s as spam? Waiting for suitable connection Sending messages \'%1$s\' failed %1$s (%2$s) Templates Operations Local contacts Settings Legend Support Report issue Attribution Privacy About Pro features Invite Rate this app Other apps Welcome End-user license agreement I agree I disagree Version %1$s Accounts Identities Edit account Edit identity Edit folder Settings Help Receiving and sending messages requires setting up an account and an identity like in any other email app. The quick setup will create both an account and identity by just asking for your name, email address and password. Accounts and identities (aliases) can be setup manually too if needed. Quick setup To quickly setup an account and an identity for most providers The quick setup will fetch configuration information from autoconfig.thunderbird.net IMAP server to receive messages SMTP server to send messages Go Wizard Setup instructions No settings found for domain \'%1$s\' An account and an identity have successfully been added You can try to configure an account and an identity below too Manage Grant Setup accounts To receive email To change color, swipe left/right target folder, etc Setup identities To send email To change name, color, signature, etc Grant permissions To access contact information (optional) Setup battery optimizations To continuously receive email (optional) In the next dialog, select \"All apps\" at the top, select this app and select and confirm \"Don\'t optimize\" High battery usage? Data saver is enabled Go to messages To do Done Export settings Import settings Imported accounts will be added without overwriting any existing ones Password Repeat password Password missing Passwords don\'t match Password invalid Settings exported Settings imported Manage notifications Order accounts Order folders Reset order Authentication Biometric authentication Enable Disable Unlock Select theme Light theme Dark theme Black theme System theme Advanced Options Restore defaults Reset questions Principal Receive Send Connection Display Behavior Notifications Miscellaneous Enabled When Schedule All unread messages All starred messages Delete old unread messages Check if old messages were removed from the server Synchronize folder list Show keyboard by default Prefix subject only once on replying or forwarding Send plain text only by default Automatically resize attached and embedded images < %1$d pixels Check recipient email addresses before sending Confirm sending messages Delay sending messages Use metered connections Automatically download messages and attachments on a metered connection up to Download messages and attachments while roaming Roam like at home Manage connectivity Browse messages on the server Show on start screen Group by date Conversation threading Show contact photos Show generated icons Show identicons Show round icons Show names and email addresses Show subject in italics Show stars Show message preview Show message preview in italics Show address details by default Show attachments after the message text Use high contrast for message text Use monospaced font for message text Automatically show inline images Automatically show images for known contacts Automatically show all images Collapse quoted text Automatically show remote content when viewing original messages Conversation action bar Pull down to refresh Scroll to top on receiving new messages Swipe left/right to go to next/previous conversation Double tap to mark message read/unread Automatically expand messages Collapse messages in conversations on \'back\' Automatically close conversations On closing a conversation Automatically mark messages read on moving messages Confirm moving messages Show a warning when the receiving server could not authenticate the message Automatically recognize and disable tracking images Show message preview in notifications Notification actions Trash Archive Reply Star Read At most three actions will be shown Tap on the channel name \'Notifications\' to set the default notification sound, etc Use notification light Select notification sound Show launcher icon with number of new messages Manage folder subscriptions Synchronize subscribed folders only Biometric authentication timeout Double \'back\' to exit Force English language Periodically check if FairEmail is still active Check for updates Send error reports Debug mode Cleanup Processors: %1$d Memory class: %1$s Last cleanup: %1$s Globally disable or enable receiving of messages If synchronization is disabled, it is still possible to synchronize manually by pulling down the message list. This will synchronize messages and execute operations for a limited time. Synchronizing periodically will compare local and remote messages each and every time, which is an expensive operation possibly resulting in extra battery usage, especially when there are a lot of messages to synchronize. Always synchronizing will avoid this by continuous monitoring for changes only. Tap on a time to set a time Check sender email addresses on synchronizing messages Some providers don\'t support this properly, which, for example, may result in all messages being synchronized This will transfer extra data and consume extra battery power, especially if a lot of messages are stored on the device Disabling this will reduce data and battery usage somewhat, but will disable updating the list of folders too This will check if DNS MX records exist This will slow down synchronizing messages Metered connections are generally mobile connections or paid Wi-Fi hotspots Disabling this option will disable receiving and sending messages on mobile internet connections Assuming no roaming within the EU Messages headers will always be fetched when roaming. You can use the device\'s roaming setting to disable internet while roaming. Fetch more messages when scrolling down Group messages related to each other When disabled only names will be shown when available Only available when message text has been downloaded Inline images are images included in the message This requires granting permission to read your contacts Automatically open message when there is just one message or just one unread message in a conversation Multiple expanded messages will always be closed on \'back\' Automatically close conversations when all messages are archived, sent or trashed Most providers do not allow modified sender addresses Only available on supported launchers Enabling this will delete all local folders without subscription This will restart the app Enable extra logging and show debug information at various places This will delete all temporary files Select … Your name Your email address Identity colors take precedence over account colors Allow editing sender address Reply to address Encrypt by default In case of \'invalid greeting\', \'requires valid address\' or a similar error, try to change this setting Request read receipt Request delivery receipt Most providers ignore receipt requests Optional Recommended Linked account Account name Used to differentiate folders Frequency of refreshing the connection for push messages or frequency of checking for new messages Disable this only in case of empty messages or corrupt attachments Signature text Color Separate notifications Swipe left Swipe right Domain name Get settings IMAP POP3 SMTP Provider Custom Host name SSL/TLS STARTTLS Allow insecure connections Port number User name Password Realm Use local IP address instead of host name Synchronize (receive messages) Synchronize (send messages) Primary (default account) Primary (default identity) Keep-alive/poll interval (minutes) Partial fetch Check Name missing Email address missing Email address invalid Address \'%1$s\' invalid: %2$s Account missing Host name missing User name missing Password missing Inbox not found No primary account or no drafts folder Sending emails requires at least one identity This provider does not support push messages. This will delay reception of new messages and increase battery usage. This provider does not support UTF-8 Synchronization errors since %1$s Authorization required An identity is required to send messages A drafts folder is required to send messages Delete this account permanently? Delete this identity permanently? Edit as HTML Last connected: %1$s POP3 has significant limitations, so use IMAP whenever possible POP3 is not supported, see also the FAQ Synchronize now Synchronize all messages Synchronize Delete local messages Delete browsed/searched messages Empty trash Edit properties Edit rules Create notification channel Edit notification channel Delete notification channel Create sub folder Delete all trashed messages permanently? Delete operations with an error message? Delete all local contacts? No pending operations Folder name Display name Show hidden folders Hide folder Show in unified inbox Show in navigation menu Synchronize (receive messages) Check periodically instead of continuous synchronize Automatically download message texts and attachments Notify on new messages Synchronize messages (days) Increasing this value will increase battery and data usage Keep messages (days) Keep all messages Automatically move old messages to trash Automatically permanently delete old messages Folder name missing Folder %1$s exists Permanently delete this folder and any messages it contains? Unified inbox Inbox Outbox Archive Drafts Trash Spam Sent System User Folders primary account Conversation %1$s Unified inbox folders No messages No folders Re: %1$s Fwd: %1$s Mark read Mark unread Add star Colored star … Remove star Forward Edit as new Create rule … Share Print Show headers Download raw message Save raw message Manage keywords Add keyword Show inline attachments Download all Save all Trash Copy … Copy to … Subscribe Delete More Spam Move Move to … Move to %1$s … Snooze … Archive Reply Sender All List Read receipt Template Moving to %1$s Open with Read receipt: %1$s This read receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read the message contents. No reply templates defined No viewer app available for %1$s Storage access framework not available An outdated app sent a file path instead of a file stream Contact picker not available No or no suitable internet connection Synchronization will be performed on next account connection Folder does not exist The originally received message will be included Messages moved across accounts will be downloaded again resulting in extra data usage Raw message saved Attachment saved Attachments saved Some attachments or images were not downloaded and could not be added Save changes? Delete message permanently? Delete reply template permanently? Delete rule permanently? Discard draft? Showing the original message can leak privacy sensitive information Showing images can leak privacy sensitive information Edit reformatted replied/forwarded message text? Synchronize all messages in %1$s? Delete local messages? Messages will remain on the remote server. Help improve FairEmail Send error reports? Error reporting will help improve FairEmail Compose From: To: Reply to: CC: BCC: Via: Received: Size: Subject: Your message Discard Save Send Send at … No server found at \'%1$s\' Bold Italic Underline Size Color Clear formatting Insert link Insert image Add attachment Attach file Take photo Record audio Show CC/BCC Media toolbar Insert contact group Insert template Send plain text only Sender missing Recipient missing Not all attachments are downloaded Draft discarded Draft saved Send message to %1$s via %2$s? Sending message Message will be sent around %1$s Encrypt Decrypt Resync OpenKeychain not found Message is not encrypted Message not signed Message signature valid Message signature invalid Search Search in Searching \'%1$s\' Sort on Time Unread Starred Sender Subject Size Snoozed Filter out Read Unstarred Snoozed Duplicates Compact view Text size Select all Force sync Previous Next Edit template Reply template Template name Hide from menus Template text $name$ will be replaced by the sender full name $email$ will be replaced by the sender email address Mark read Mark unread Snooze Add star Move Copy (label) Reply Automation Edit rule Rule applies to Name Order Enabled Stop processing rules after executing this rule Sender contains Recipient contains Subject contains Header contains Time between Regex AND Action This action will be applied to new messages arriving in the folder %1$s Hours Until the end of the time condition Folder All messages in same conversation and folder Identity Reply template Reply to CC addresses Rule name missing Condition missing This will send the intent \'%1$s\' with the extras \'%2$s\' Execute now Affected messages: %1$d Check Header conditions cannot be checked Matching messages No matching messages Synchronize Folders Messages Compose Account connected Account disconnected Download message content automatically Download message content on demand Synchronize on Synchronize off Disconnected Connecting Connected Executing operations Synchronizing Downloading Closing Waiting for next synchronization Unified inbox / primary account Inbox Drafts Sent Archive Trash Spam Primary Subscribed to Has rules Notify on new messages Number of days to synchronize / to keep messages Number of message downloaded / headers fetched Stop processing rules Conversation Change text size Has draft Authentication failed Is snoozed Is browsed or searched Has been answered Is plain text only Receipt was requested Has attachment Is favorite Manage contacts Search for sender View content Hide content Download content External image placeholder Embedded image placeholder Broken image Pick contact Show CC/BCC Insert link Attach file Insert picture Take photo Record audio Make text bold Make text italic Underline text Set text size Set text color Connection is metered Connection is unmetered Roaming Expander Avatar Show quotes Show images Show fullscreen Edit Default color Close hint Connection state Synchronization state Download state Save Delete Count Folder type Long press for options To limit battery and network usage not all folders and not all messages will be synchronized by default If you have a question or a problem, please use the support menu to get help Swipe left to trash; swipe right to archive (if available) Long press a message to start selecting multiple messages Downloading messages can take some time, depending on the speed of the provider, internet connection and device and on the number of messages. While downloading messages the app might respond slower. Image link Tracking image %1$sx%2$s Long press a contact to never consider it as a favorite Open link Make connection secure Connection is secure Remove tracking parameters This link is insecure Check owner Information will be retrieved from ipinfo.io Owner IP address Select app There is an update to version %1$s available Do you have a question or problem? Yes No Undo Redo Add Browse Info Report Fix Enable Any Executing Completed Ask what to do Do not ask this again No message text found Unsupported encoding: %1$s Via: %1$s Accept Decline Maybe Try FairEmail, an open source, privacy friendly email app for Android This is a pro feature List of pro features Buy Only once Buying pro features will allow you to use all current and future pro features, will keep this app maintained, and supported Please see this FAQ about the price of the pro features Purchase pending All pro features are activated All pro features activated Invalid response FairEmail needs your help. Tap to purchase pro features to keep the project going. Unexpected error Log Auto scroll Debug info Please describe the problem and indicate the time of the problem: Please describe what you were doing when the app crashed: FairEmail %1$s issue special unread starred snoozed Unread messages only Starred messages only Always Every 15 minutes Every 30 minutes Every hour Every 2 hours Every 4 hours Every 8 hours 0 15 30 60 120 240 480 No 15 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 0 15 30 60 120 300 600 unified folders accounts Unified inbox Unified folders Accounts 16 KB 32 KB 64 KB 128 KB 256 KB 512 KB 1 MB 2 MB 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 0 Do nothing Go to previous conversation Go to next conversation previous next Small Medium Large 1080 1440 1920 To Cc Bcc 1 2 5 10 20 One minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes @color/red @color/pink @color/purple @color/deep_purple @color/indigo @color/blue @color/light_blue @color/cyan @color/teal @color/green @color/light_green @color/lime @color/yellow @color/amber @color/orange @color/deep_orange @color/brown @color/blue_grey @color/grey @color/dark_grey 17BA15C1AF55D925F98B99CEA4375D4CDF4C174B MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtFbxEbzL8u5accPGgBw/XdyiSS5BBE6ZQ9ELpKyJ/OQN+kdYniCAOw3lsQ/GuJScy4Y2HobqbBgLL8GLHG+Yu2EHC9dLjA3v2Mc25vvnfn86BsrpQvz1poN2n+roTBdq09FWbtebJ8m0hDBVmtfRi7RhTKIL4No3kodLhksdnucKjcFheubebWKgpmvbmw7NwuELhaZmyhw8WTtnQ4rZPMhjY1JJZgzwNExXgD7zzg4pJPkuQlfkuRkkvBpHpi3C7VDnYjrBlLHngI4wv3wxQBVwJqlvAT9PmX8dOVnTsWWdJdLQBZVWphuqVY54kjBIovN+o8w03WjsV9QiOQq+XwIDAQAB