
426 lines
15 KiB

package eu.faircode.email;
This file is part of FairEmail.
FairEmail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
FairEmail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FairEmail. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Copyright 2018-2024 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B)
import static androidx.room.ForeignKey.CASCADE;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.room.ColumnInfo;
import androidx.room.Entity;
import androidx.room.ForeignKey;
import androidx.room.Index;
import androidx.room.PrimaryKey;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
tableName = EntityIdentity.TABLE_NAME,
foreignKeys = {
@ForeignKey(childColumns = "account", entity = EntityAccount.class, parentColumns = "id", onDelete = CASCADE)
indices = {
@Index(value = {"account"}),
@Index(value = {"account", "email"})
public class EntityIdentity {
static final String TABLE_NAME = "identity";
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public Long id;
public String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
public String name;
public String email;
public Long account;
public String display;
public Integer color;
public String signature;
public Boolean dnssec = false;
public String host; // SMTP
@ColumnInfo(name = "starttls")
public Integer encryption;
public Boolean insecure = false;
public Boolean dane = false;
public Integer port;
public Integer auth_type;
public String provider;
public String user;
public String password;
public boolean certificate = false; // obsolete
public String certificate_alias;
public String realm;
public String fingerprint;
public Boolean use_ip = true; // instead of domain name
public String ehlo;
public Boolean synchronize;
public Boolean primary;
public Boolean self = true;
public Boolean sender_extra = false;
public Boolean sender_extra_name = false;
public Boolean reply_extra_name = false;
public String sender_extra_regex;
public String replyto;
public String cc;
public String bcc;
public String internal;
public String uri; // linked contact
public Boolean unicode = false;
public Boolean octetmime = false;
public Boolean plain_only = false; // obsolete
public Boolean sign_default = false;
public Boolean encrypt_default = false;
public Integer encrypt = 0; // Default method 0=PGP 1=S/MIME
public Integer receipt_type;
public Boolean delivery_receipt = false; // obsolete
public Boolean read_receipt = false; // obsolete
public Integer sensitivity = 0; // Normal
public Boolean store_sent = false; // obsolete
public Long sent_folder = null; // obsolete
public Long sign_key = null; // OpenPGP
public String sign_key_alias = null; // S/MIME
public Boolean tbd; // obsolete
public String state;
public String error;
public Long last_connected;
public Long max_size;
public Long last_modified; // sync
String getProtocol() {
return (encryption == EmailService.ENCRYPTION_SSL ? "smtps" : "smtp");
boolean sameAddress(Address address) {
String other = ((InternetAddress) address).getAddress();
if (other == null)
return false;
if (!other.contains("@") || !email.contains("@"))
return false;
return other.equalsIgnoreCase(email);
boolean similarAddress(Address address) {
String other = ((InternetAddress) address).getAddress();
if (other == null)
return false;
if (!other.contains("@") || !email.contains("@"))
return false;
String[] cother = other.split("@");
String[] cemail = email.split("@");
if (cother.length != 2 || cemail.length != 2)
return false;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sender_extra_regex)) {
// Domain
if ("secure.mailbox.org".equalsIgnoreCase(cother[1]))
cother[1] = "mailbox.org";
if ("secure.mailbox.org".equalsIgnoreCase(cemail[1]))
cemail[1] = "mailbox.org";
if (!cother[1].equalsIgnoreCase(cemail[1]))
return false;
// User
int plus = cother[0].indexOf('+');
String user = (plus < 0 ? cother[0] : cother[0].substring(0, plus));
if (user.equalsIgnoreCase(cemail[0]))
return true;
} else {
// Domain
boolean at = sender_extra_regex.contains("@");
if (!at && !cother[1].equalsIgnoreCase(cemail[1]))
return false;
// User
String input = (at ? other.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) : cother[0]);
if (Pattern.matches(sender_extra_regex, input))
return true;
return false;
public JSONObject toJSON() throws JSONException {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("id", id);
json.put("uuid", uuid);
json.put("name", name);
json.put("email", email);
// not account
json.put("display", display);
if (color != null)
json.put("color", color);
json.put("signature", signature);
json.put("host", host);
json.put("encryption", encryption);
json.put("insecure", insecure);
json.put("port", port);
json.put("auth_type", auth_type);
json.put("provider", provider);
json.put("user", user);
json.put("password", password);
json.put("certificate_alias", certificate_alias);
json.put("realm", realm);
json.put("fingerprint", fingerprint);
json.put("use_ip", use_ip);
json.put("ehlo", ehlo);
json.put("synchronize", synchronize);
json.put("primary", primary);
json.put("self", self);
json.put("sender_extra", sender_extra);
json.put("sender_extra_name", sender_extra_name);
json.put("reply_extra_name", reply_extra_name);
json.put("sender_extra_regex", sender_extra_regex);
json.put("replyto", replyto);
json.put("cc", cc);
json.put("bcc", bcc);
json.put("internal", internal);
json.put("uri", uri);
json.put("unicode", unicode);
json.put("octetmime", octetmime);
// not plain_only
json.put("sign_default", sign_default);
json.put("encrypt_default", encrypt_default);
// not encrypt
if (receipt_type != null)
json.put("receipt_type", receipt_type);
// delivery_receipt
// read_receipt
json.put("sensitivity", sensitivity);
// not store_sent
// not sent_folder
// not sign_key
// sign_key_alias
// not tbd
// not state
// not error
// not last_connected
// not max_size
return json;
public static EntityIdentity fromJSON(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
EntityIdentity identity = new EntityIdentity();
identity.id = json.getLong("id");
if (json.has("uuid") && !json.isNull("uuid"))
identity.uuid = json.getString("uuid");
identity.name = json.getString("name");
identity.email = json.getString("email");
if (json.has("display") && !json.isNull("display"))
identity.display = json.getString("display");
if (json.has("color"))
identity.color = json.getInt("color");
if (json.has("signature") && !json.isNull("signature"))
identity.signature = json.getString("signature");
identity.host = json.getString("host");
if (json.has("starttls"))
identity.encryption = (json.getBoolean("starttls")
identity.encryption = json.getInt("encryption");
identity.insecure = (json.has("insecure") && json.getBoolean("insecure"));
identity.port = json.getInt("port");
identity.auth_type = json.getInt("auth_type");
if (json.has("provider") && !json.isNull("provider"))
identity.provider = json.getString("provider");
identity.user = json.getString("user");
identity.password = json.getString("password");
if (json.has("certificate_alias") && !json.isNull("certificate_alias"))
identity.certificate_alias = json.getString("certificate_alias");
if (json.has("realm") && !json.isNull("realm"))
identity.realm = json.getString("realm");
if (json.has("fingerprint") && !json.isNull("fingerprint"))
identity.fingerprint = json.getString("fingerprint");
if (json.has("use_ip"))
identity.use_ip = json.getBoolean("use_ip");
if (json.has("ehlo") && !json.isNull("ehlo"))
identity.ehlo = json.getString("ehlo");
identity.synchronize = json.getBoolean("synchronize");
identity.primary = json.getBoolean("primary");
identity.self = json.optBoolean("self", true);
if (json.has("sender_extra"))
identity.sender_extra = json.getBoolean("sender_extra");
if (json.has("sender_extra_name"))
identity.sender_extra_name = json.getBoolean("sender_extra_name");
if (json.has("reply_extra_name"))
identity.reply_extra_name = json.getBoolean("reply_extra_name");
if (json.has("sender_extra_regex") && !json.isNull("sender_extra_regex"))
identity.sender_extra_regex = json.getString("sender_extra_regex");
if (json.has("replyto") && !json.isNull("replyto"))
identity.replyto = json.getString("replyto");
if (json.has("cc") && !json.isNull("cc"))
identity.cc = json.getString("cc");
if (json.has("bcc") && !json.isNull("bcc"))
identity.bcc = json.getString("bcc");
if (json.has("internal") && !json.isNull("internal"))
identity.internal = json.getString("internal");
if (json.has("uri") && !json.isNull("uri"))
identity.uri = json.getString("uri");
if (json.has("unicode"))
identity.unicode = json.getBoolean("unicode");
if (json.has("octetmime"))
identity.octetmime = json.getBoolean("octetmime");
if (json.has("sign_default"))
identity.sign_default = json.getBoolean("sign_default");
if (json.has("encrypt_default"))
identity.encrypt_default = json.getBoolean("encrypt_default");
if (json.has("receipt_type"))
identity.receipt_type = json.getInt("receipt_type");
if (json.has("sensitivity"))
identity.sensitivity = json.getInt("sensitivity");
return identity;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof EntityIdentity) {
EntityIdentity other = (EntityIdentity) obj;
return areEqual(this, other, true, true);
} else
return false;
public static boolean areEqual(EntityIdentity i1, EntityIdentity other, boolean auth, boolean state) {
return (Objects.equals(i1.uuid, other.uuid) &&
i1.name.equals(other.name) &&
i1.email.equals(other.email) &&
(!state || Objects.equals(i1.account, other.account)) &&
Objects.equals(i1.display, other.display) &&
Objects.equals(i1.color, other.color) &&
Objects.equals(i1.signature, other.signature) &&
i1.host.equals(other.host) &&
i1.encryption.equals(other.encryption) &&
i1.insecure.equals(other.insecure) &&
i1.port.equals(other.port) &&
i1.auth_type.equals(other.auth_type) &&
Objects.equals(i1.provider, other.provider) &&
i1.user.equals(other.user) &&
(!auth || i1.password.equals(other.password)) &&
// certificate
Objects.equals(i1.certificate_alias, other.certificate_alias) &&
Objects.equals(i1.realm, other.realm) &&
Objects.equals(i1.fingerprint, other.fingerprint) &&
i1.use_ip == other.use_ip &&
Objects.equals(i1.ehlo, other.ehlo) &&
i1.synchronize.equals(other.synchronize) &&
i1.primary.equals(other.primary) &&
i1.self.equals(other.self) &&
i1.sender_extra.equals(other.sender_extra) &&
i1.sender_extra_name.equals(other.sender_extra_name) &&
Objects.equals(i1.sender_extra_regex, other.sender_extra_regex) &&
Objects.equals(i1.replyto, other.replyto) &&
Objects.equals(i1.cc, other.cc) &&
Objects.equals(i1.bcc, other.bcc) &&
Objects.equals(i1.internal, other.internal) &&
Objects.equals(i1.uri, other.uri) &&
Objects.equals(i1.unicode, other.unicode) &&
Objects.equals(i1.octetmime, other.octetmime) &&
// plain_only
Objects.equals(i1.sign_default, other.sign_default) &&
Objects.equals(i1.encrypt_default, other.encrypt_default) &&
Objects.equals(i1.encrypt, other.encrypt) &&
Objects.equals(i1.receipt_type, other.receipt_type) &&
// delivery_receipt
// read_receipt
Objects.equals(i1.sensitivity, other.sensitivity) &&
// store_sent
// sent_folder
Objects.equals(i1.sign_key, other.sign_key) &&
Objects.equals(i1.sign_key_alias, other.sign_key_alias) &&
Objects.equals(i1.tbd, other.tbd) &&
(!state || Objects.equals(i1.state, other.state)) &&
(!state || Objects.equals(i1.error, other.error)) &&
(!state || Objects.equals(i1.last_connected, other.last_connected)) &&
(!state || Objects.equals(i1.max_size, other.max_size)) &&
(!state || Objects.equals(i1.last_modified, other.last_modified)));
String getDisplayName() {
return (display == null ? name : display);
public String toString() {
return getDisplayName() + " <" + email + ">" + (primary ? "" : "");