
143 lines
5.0 KiB

package com.bugsnag.android
import android.net.TrafficStats
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.PrintWriter
import java.net.HttpURLConnection
import java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
import java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT
import java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK
import java.net.URL
* Converts a [JsonStream.Streamable] into JSON, placing it in a [ByteArray]
internal fun serializeJsonPayload(streamable: JsonStream.Streamable): ByteArray {
return ByteArrayOutputStream().use { baos ->
internal class DefaultDelivery(
private val connectivity: Connectivity?,
val logger: Logger
) : Delivery {
override fun deliver(payload: Session, deliveryParams: DeliveryParams): DeliveryStatus {
val status = deliver(deliveryParams.endpoint, payload, deliveryParams.headers)
logger.i("Session API request finished with status $status")
return status
override fun deliver(payload: EventPayload, deliveryParams: DeliveryParams): DeliveryStatus {
val status = deliver(deliveryParams.endpoint, payload, deliveryParams.headers)
logger.i("Error API request finished with status $status")
return status
fun deliver(
urlString: String,
streamable: JsonStream.Streamable,
headers: Map<String, String?>
): DeliveryStatus {
if (connectivity != null && !connectivity.hasNetworkConnection()) {
return DeliveryStatus.UNDELIVERED
var conn: HttpURLConnection? = null
try {
val json = serializeJsonPayload(streamable)
conn = makeRequest(URL(urlString), json, headers)
// End the request, get the response code
val responseCode = conn.responseCode
val status = getDeliveryStatus(responseCode)
logRequestInfo(responseCode, conn, status)
return status
} catch (oom: OutOfMemoryError) {
// attempt to persist the payload on disk. This approach uses streams to write to a
// file, which takes less memory than serializing the payload into a ByteArray, and
// therefore has a reasonable chance of retaining the payload for future delivery.
logger.w("Encountered OOM delivering payload, falling back to persist on disk", oom)
return DeliveryStatus.UNDELIVERED
} catch (exception: IOException) {
logger.w("IOException encountered in request", exception)
return DeliveryStatus.FAILURE
} catch (exception: Exception) {
logger.w("Unexpected error delivering payload", exception)
return DeliveryStatus.FAILURE
} finally {
private fun makeRequest(
url: URL,
json: ByteArray,
headers: Map<String, String?>
): HttpURLConnection {
val conn = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
conn.doOutput = true
// avoids creating a buffer within HttpUrlConnection, see
// https://developer.android.com/reference/java/net/HttpURLConnection
// calculate the SHA-1 digest and add all other headers
computeSha1Digest(json)?.let { digest ->
conn.addRequestProperty(HEADER_BUGSNAG_INTEGRITY, digest)
headers.forEach { (key, value) ->
if (value != null) {
conn.addRequestProperty(key, value)
// write the JSON payload
conn.outputStream.use {
return conn
private fun logRequestInfo(code: Int, conn: HttpURLConnection, status: DeliveryStatus) {
runCatching {
"Request completed with code $code, " +
"message: ${conn.responseMessage}, " +
"headers: ${conn.headerFields}"
runCatching {
conn.inputStream.bufferedReader().use {
logger.d("Received request response: ${it.readText()}")
runCatching {
if (status != DeliveryStatus.DELIVERED) {
conn.errorStream.bufferedReader().use {
logger.w("Request error details: ${it.readText()}")
internal fun getDeliveryStatus(responseCode: Int): DeliveryStatus {
return when {
responseCode in HTTP_OK..299 -> DeliveryStatus.DELIVERED
isUnrecoverableStatusCode(responseCode) -> DeliveryStatus.FAILURE
else -> DeliveryStatus.UNDELIVERED
private fun isUnrecoverableStatusCode(responseCode: Int) =
responseCode in HTTP_BAD_REQUEST..499 && // 400-499 are considered unrecoverable
responseCode != HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT && // except for 408
responseCode != 429 // and 429