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package com.bugsnag.android
* Implementations of this interface deliver Error Reports and Sessions captured to the Bugsnag API.
* A default [Delivery] implementation is provided as part of Bugsnag initialization,
* but you may wish to use your own implementation if you have requirements such
* as pinning SSL certificates, for example.
* Any custom implementation must be capable of sending
* [Error Reports](https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/error-reporting/)
* and [Sessions](https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/sessions/) as
* documented at [https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/](https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/)
* @see DefaultDelivery
interface Delivery {
* Posts an array of sessions to the Bugsnag Session Tracking API.
* This request must be delivered to the endpoint specified in [deliveryParams] with the given
* HTTP headers.
* You should return the [DeliveryStatus] which best matches the end-result of your delivery
* attempt. Bugsnag will use the return value to decide whether to delete the payload if it was
* cached on disk, or whether to reattempt delivery later on.
* For example, a 2xx status code will indicate success so you should return
* [DeliveryStatus.DELIVERED]. Most 4xx status codes would indicate an unrecoverable error, so
* the report should be dropped using [DeliveryStatus.FAILURE]. For all other scenarios,
* delivery should be attempted again later by using [DeliveryStatus.UNDELIVERED].
* See [https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/sessions/](https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/sessions/)
* @param payload The session tracking payload
* @param deliveryParams The delivery parameters to be used for this request
* @return the end-result of your delivery attempt
fun deliver(payload: Session, deliveryParams: DeliveryParams): DeliveryStatus
* Posts an Error Report to the Bugsnag Error Reporting API.
* This request must be delivered to the endpoint specified in [deliveryParams] with the given
* HTTP headers.
* You should return the [DeliveryStatus] which best matches the end-result of your delivery
* attempt. Bugsnag will use the return value to decide whether to delete the payload if it was
* cached on disk, or whether to reattempt delivery later on.
* For example, a 2xx status code will indicate success so you should return
* [DeliveryStatus.DELIVERED]. Most 4xx status codes would indicate an unrecoverable error, so
* the report should be dropped using [DeliveryStatus.FAILURE]. For all other scenarios,
* delivery should be attempted again later by using [DeliveryStatus.UNDELIVERED].
* See [https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/error-reporting/]
* (https://docs.bugsnag.com/api/error-reporting/)
* @param payload The error payload
* @param deliveryParams The delivery parameters to be used for this request
* @return the end-result of your delivery attempt
fun deliver(payload: EventPayload, deliveryParams: DeliveryParams): DeliveryStatus