
142 lines
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package com.bugsnag.android
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
* Attempts to detect whether the device is rooted. Root detection errs on the side of false
* negatives rather than false positives.
* This class will only give a reasonable indication that a device has been rooted - as it's
* possible to manipulate Java return values & native library loading, it will always be possible
* for a determined application to defeat these root checks.
internal class RootDetector @JvmOverloads constructor(
private val deviceBuildInfo: DeviceBuildInfo = DeviceBuildInfo.defaultInfo(),
private val rootBinaryLocations: List<String> = ROOT_INDICATORS,
private val buildProps: File = BUILD_PROP_FILE,
private val logger: Logger
) {
companion object {
private val BUILD_PROP_FILE = File("/system/build.prop")
private val ROOT_INDICATORS = listOf(
// Common binaries
// < Android 5.0
// >= Android 5.0
// Fallback
// Systemless root
private val libraryLoaded = AtomicBoolean(false)
init {
try {
} catch (ignored: UnsatisfiedLinkError) {
// library couldn't load. This could be due to root detection countermeasures,
// or down to genuine OS level bugs with library loading - in either case
// Bugsnag will default to skipping the checks.
* Determines whether the device is rooted or not.
fun isRooted(): Boolean {
return try {
checkBuildTags() || checkSuExists() || checkBuildProps() || checkRootBinaries() || nativeCheckRoot()
} catch (exc: Throwable) {
logger.w("Root detection failed", exc)
* Checks whether the su binary exists by running `which su`. A non-empty result
* indicates that the binary is present, which is a good indicator that the device
* may have been rooted.
private fun checkSuExists(): Boolean = checkSuExists(ProcessBuilder())
* Checks whether the build tags contain 'test-keys', which indicates that the OS was signed
* with non-standard keys.
internal fun checkBuildTags(): Boolean = deviceBuildInfo.tags?.contains("test-keys") == true
* Checks whether common root binaries exist on disk, which are a good indicator of whether
* the device is rooted.
internal fun checkRootBinaries(): Boolean {
runCatching {
for (candidate in rootBinaryLocations) {
if (File(candidate).exists()) {
return true
return false
* Checks the contents of /system/build.prop to see whether it contains dangerous properties.
* These properties give a good indication that a phone might be using a custom
* ROM and is therefore rooted.
internal fun checkBuildProps(): Boolean {
runCatching {
return buildProps.bufferedReader().useLines { lines ->
.map { line ->
line.replace("\\s".toRegex(), "")
}.filter { line ->
line.startsWith("ro.debuggable=[1]") || line.startsWith("ro.secure=[0]")
}.count() > 0
return false
internal fun checkSuExists(processBuilder: ProcessBuilder): Boolean {
processBuilder.command(listOf("which", "su"))
var process: Process? = null
return try {
process = processBuilder.start()
val output = process.inputStream.bufferedReader().use(BufferedReader::readText)
} catch (ignored: IOException) {
} finally {
private external fun performNativeRootChecks(): Boolean
* Performs root checks which require native code.
private fun nativeCheckRoot(): Boolean = when {
libraryLoaded.get() -> performNativeRootChecks()
else -> false