
909 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using CsQuery;
using Jackett.Models;
using Jackett.Models.IndexerConfig.Bespoke;
Feature/netcore preparation (#2035) * Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages. * Return a task result for this async method. * Update to a supported version of the .NET Framework. This also has the side effect of allowing us to automatically generate our binding redirects on build. * Set the solution to target VS2017 * Update test solution csproj file to support being built through MSBuild 15 * Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages. * Return a task result for this async method. * Update to a supported version of the .NET Framework. This also has the side effect of allowing us to automatically generate our binding redirects on build. * Set the solution to target VS2017 * Update test solution csproj file to support being built through MSBuild 15 * DateTimeRoutines does not have Nuget packages that support .NET Standard (and therefore .NET Core). We will have to include them for now until we can get rid of this dependency. * Move the interfaces into their own files. This will be useful when we share them between the .NET Core and .NET Framework WebAPI * Stage services that need to point to the new interface namespace. * Update CurlSharp to fix memory leak issue and support better runtime compatibility with OSX and Linux * Start spliting some interfaces into their own files - this will help by allowing us to split them out in the future into a seperate project so the actual implementations can stay within their respective architectures when required
2017-10-29 10:19:09 +00:00
using Jackett.Services.Interfaces;
using Jackett.Utils;
using Jackett.Utils.Clients;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NLog;
namespace Jackett.Indexers
/// <summary>
/// Provider for Abnormal Private French Tracker
/// </summary>
public class Abnormal : BaseCachingWebIndexer
private string LoginUrl { get { return SiteLink + "login.php"; } }
private string SearchUrl { get { return SiteLink + "torrents.php"; } }
private string TorrentCommentUrl { get { return TorrentDescriptionUrl; } }
private string TorrentDescriptionUrl { get { return SiteLink + "torrents.php?id="; } }
private string TorrentDownloadUrl { get { return SiteLink + "torrents.php?action=download&id={id}&authkey={auth_key}&torrent_pass={torrent_pass}"; } }
private bool Latency { get { return ConfigData.Latency.Value; } }
private bool DevMode { get { return ConfigData.DevMode.Value; } }
private bool CacheMode { get { return ConfigData.HardDriveCache.Value; } }
private static string Directory => Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name.ToLower(), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType?.Name.ToLower());
private Dictionary<string, string> emulatedBrowserHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private CQ fDom = null;
private ConfigurationDataAbnormal ConfigData
get { return (ConfigurationDataAbnormal)configData; }
set { base.configData = value; }
public Abnormal(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, Utils.Clients.WebClient w, Logger l, IProtectionService ps)
: base(
name: "Abnormal",
description: "General French Private Tracker",
link: "https://abnormal.ws/",
caps: new TorznabCapabilities(),
configService: configService,
client: w,
logger: l,
p: ps,
downloadBase: "https://abnormal.ws/torrents.php?action=download&id=",
configData: new ConfigurationDataAbnormal())
Language = "fr-fr";
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Type = "private";
// Clean capabilities
// Movies
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|DVDR", TorznabCatType.MoviesDVD); // DVDR
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|DVDRIP", TorznabCatType.MoviesSD); // DVDRIP
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|BDRIP", TorznabCatType.MoviesSD); // BDRIP
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|VOSTFR", TorznabCatType.MoviesOther); // VOSTFR
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|HD|720p", TorznabCatType.MoviesHD); // HD 720P
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|HD|1080p", TorznabCatType.MoviesHD); // HD 1080P
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|REMUXBR", TorznabCatType.MoviesBluRay); // REMUX BLURAY
AddCategoryMapping("MOVIE|FULLBR", TorznabCatType.MoviesBluRay); // FULL BLURAY
// Series
AddCategoryMapping("TV|SD|VOSTFR", TorznabCatType.TV); // SD VOSTFR
AddCategoryMapping("TV|HD|VOSTFR", TorznabCatType.TVHD); // HD VOSTFR
AddCategoryMapping("TV|SD|VF", TorznabCatType.TVSD); // SD VF
AddCategoryMapping("TV|HD|VF", TorznabCatType.TVHD); // HD VF
AddCategoryMapping("TV|PACK|FR", TorznabCatType.TVOTHER); // PACK FR
AddCategoryMapping("TV|PACK|VOSTFR", TorznabCatType.TVOTHER); // PACK VOSTFR
AddCategoryMapping("TV|EMISSIONS", TorznabCatType.TVOTHER); // EMISSIONS
// Anime
AddCategoryMapping("ANIME", TorznabCatType.TVAnime); // ANIME
// Documentaries
AddCategoryMapping("DOCS", TorznabCatType.TVDocumentary); // DOCS
// Music
AddCategoryMapping("MUSIC|FLAC", TorznabCatType.AudioLossless); // FLAC
AddCategoryMapping("MUSIC|MP3", TorznabCatType.AudioMP3); // MP3
AddCategoryMapping("MUSIC|CONCERT", TorznabCatType.AudioVideo); // CONCERT
// Other
AddCategoryMapping("PC|APP", TorznabCatType.PC); // PC
AddCategoryMapping("PC|GAMES", TorznabCatType.PCGames); // GAMES
AddCategoryMapping("EBOOKS", TorznabCatType.BooksEbook); // EBOOKS
/// <summary>
/// Configure our WiHD Provider
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configJson">Our params in Json</param>
/// <returns>Configuration state</returns>
public override async Task<IndexerConfigurationStatus> ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson)
// Retrieve config values set by Jackett's user
// Check & Validate Config
// Setting our data for a better emulated browser (maximum security)
// TODO: Encoded Content not supported by Jackett at this time
// emulatedBrowserHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
// If we want to simulate a browser
if (ConfigData.Browser.Value)
// Clean headers
// Inject headers
emulatedBrowserHeaders.Add("Accept", ConfigData.HeaderAccept.Value);
emulatedBrowserHeaders.Add("Accept-Language", ConfigData.HeaderAcceptLang.Value);
emulatedBrowserHeaders.Add("DNT", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.HeaderDNT.Value).ToString());
emulatedBrowserHeaders.Add("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.HeaderUpgradeInsecure.Value).ToString());
emulatedBrowserHeaders.Add("User-Agent", ConfigData.HeaderUserAgent.Value);
// Getting login form to retrieve CSRF token
var myRequest = new Utils.Clients.WebRequest()
Url = LoginUrl
// Add our headers to request
myRequest.Headers = emulatedBrowserHeaders;
// Building login form data
var pairs = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "username", ConfigData.Username.Value },
{ "password", ConfigData.Password.Value },
{ "keeplogged", "1" },
{ "login", "Connexion" }
// Do the login
var request = new Utils.Clients.WebRequest()
PostData = pairs,
Referer = LoginUrl,
Type = RequestType.POST,
Url = LoginUrl,
Headers = emulatedBrowserHeaders
// Perform loggin
output("\nPerform loggin.. with " + LoginUrl);
var response = await webclient.GetString(request);
// Test if we are logged in
await ConfigureIfOK(response.Cookies, response.Cookies.Contains("session="), () =>
// Parse error page
CQ dom = response.Content;
string message = dom[".warning"].Text().Split('.').Reverse().Skip(1).First();
// Try left
string left = dom[".info"].Text().Trim();
// Oops, unable to login
output("-> Login failed: \"" + message + "\" and " + left + " tries left before being banned for 6 hours !", "error");
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Login failed: " + message, configData);
output("-> Login Success");
return IndexerConfigurationStatus.RequiresTesting;
/// <summary>
/// Execute our search query
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">Query</param>
/// <returns>Releases</returns>
protected override async Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query)
var releases = new List<ReleaseInfo>();
var torrentRowList = new List<CQ>();
var searchTerm = query.GetQueryString();
var searchUrl = SearchUrl;
int nbResults = 0;
int pageLinkCount = 0;
// Check cache first so we don't query the server (if search term used or not in dev mode)
if (!DevMode && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
lock (cache)
// Remove old cache items
// Search in cache
var cachedResult = cache.Where(i => i.Query == searchTerm).FirstOrDefault();
if (cachedResult != null)
return cachedResult.Results.Select(s => (ReleaseInfo)s.Clone()).ToArray();
// Build our query
var request = buildQuery(searchTerm, query, searchUrl);
// Getting results & Store content
fDom = await queryExec(request);
// Find torrent rows
var firstPageRows = findTorrentRows();
// Add them to torrents list
torrentRowList.AddRange(firstPageRows.Select(fRow => fRow.Cq()));
// Check if there are pagination links at bottom
Boolean pagination = (fDom[".linkbox > a"].Length != 0);
// If pagination available
if (pagination)
// Calculate numbers of pages available for this search query (Based on number results and number of torrents on first page)
pageLinkCount = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(fDom[".linkbox > a"].Last().Attr("href").ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Calculate average number of results (based on torrents rows lenght on first page)
nbResults = firstPageRows.Count() * pageLinkCount;
// Check if we have a minimum of one result
if (firstPageRows.Length >= 1)
// Retrieve total count on our alone page
nbResults = firstPageRows.Count();
pageLinkCount = 1;
output("\nNo result found for your query, please try another search term ...\n", "info");
// No result found for this query
return releases;
output("\nFound " + nbResults + " result(s) (+/- " + firstPageRows.Length + ") in " + pageLinkCount + " page(s) for this query !");
output("\nThere are " + firstPageRows.Length + " results on the first page !");
// If we have a term used for search and pagination result superior to one
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.GetQueryString()) && pageLinkCount > 1)
// Starting with page #2
for (int i = 2; i <= Math.Min(Int32.Parse(ConfigData.Pages.Value), pageLinkCount); i++)
output("\nProcessing page #" + i);
// Request our page
// Build our query
var pageRequest = buildQuery(searchTerm, query, searchUrl, i);
// Getting results & Store content
fDom = await queryExec(pageRequest);
// Process page results
var additionalPageRows = findTorrentRows();
// Add them to torrents list
torrentRowList.AddRange(additionalPageRows.Select(fRow => fRow.Cq()));
// Loop on results
foreach (CQ tRow in torrentRowList)
output("\n=>> Torrent #" + (releases.Count + 1));
// ID
int id = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(tRow.Find("td:eq(1) > a").Attr("href").ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
output("ID: " + id);
// Release Name
string name = tRow.Find("td:eq(1) > a").Text();
output("Release: " + name);
// Category
string categoryID = tRow.Find("td:eq(0) > a").Attr("href").Replace("torrents.php?cat[]=", String.Empty);
var newznab = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(categoryID);
output("Category: " + MapTrackerCatToNewznab(categoryID).First().ToString() + " (" + categoryID + ")");
// Seeders
int seeders = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(tRow.Find("td:eq(5)").Text(), @"\d+").Value);
output("Seeders: " + seeders);
// Leechers
int leechers = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(tRow.Find("td:eq(6)").Text(), @"\d+").Value);
output("Leechers: " + leechers);
// Completed
int completed = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(tRow.Find("td:eq(5)").Text(), @"\d+").Value);
output("Completed: " + completed);
// Size
string sizeStr = tRow.Find("td:eq(4)").Text().Replace("Go", "gb").Replace("Mo", "mb").Replace("Ko", "kb");
long size = ReleaseInfo.GetBytes(sizeStr);
output("Size: " + sizeStr + " (" + size + " bytes)");
// Publish DateToString
IList<string> clockList = tRow.Find("td:eq(2) > span").Text().Replace("Il y a", "").Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => s != String.Empty).ToList();
var date = agoToDate(clockList);
output("Released on: " + date.ToLocalTime());
// Torrent Details URL
Uri detailsLink = new Uri(TorrentDescriptionUrl + id);
output("Details: " + detailsLink.AbsoluteUri);
// Torrent Comments URL
Uri commentsLink = new Uri(TorrentCommentUrl + id);
output("Comments Link: " + commentsLink.AbsoluteUri);
// Torrent Download URL
Uri downloadLink = null;
string link = tRow.Find("td:eq(3) > a").Attr("href");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(link))
// Download link available
downloadLink = new Uri(SiteLink + link);
output("Download Link: " + downloadLink.AbsoluteUri);
// No download link available -- Must be on pending ( can't be downloaded now...)
output("Download Link: Not available, torrent pending ? Skipping ...");
// Freeleech
int downloadVolumeFactor = 1;
if (tRow.Find("img[alt=\"Freeleech\"]").Length >= 1)
downloadVolumeFactor = 0;
output("FreeLeech =)");
// Building release infos
var release = new ReleaseInfo()
Category = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(categoryID.ToString()),
Title = name,
Seeders = seeders,
Peers = seeders + leechers,
MinimumRatio = 1,
MinimumSeedTime = 172800,
PublishDate = date,
Size = size,
Guid = detailsLink,
Comments = commentsLink,
Link = downloadLink,
UploadVolumeFactor = 1,
DownloadVolumeFactor = downloadVolumeFactor
catch (Exception ex)
OnParseError("Error, unable to parse result \n" + ex.StackTrace, ex);
// Return found releases
return releases;
/// <summary>
/// Build query to process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="term">Term to search</param>
/// <param name="query">Torznab Query for categories mapping</param>
/// <param name="url">Search url for provider</param>
/// <param name="page">Page number to request</param>
/// <returns>URL to query for parsing and processing results</returns>
private string buildQuery(string term, TorznabQuery query, string url, int page = 0)
var parameters = new NameValueCollection();
List<string> categoriesList = MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(query);
string categories = null;
// Check if we are processing a new page
if (page > 0)
// Adding page number to query
parameters.Add("page", page.ToString());
// Loop on Categories needed
foreach (string category in categoriesList)
// If last, build !
if (categoriesList.Last() == category)
// Adding previous categories to URL with latest category
parameters.Add(Uri.EscapeDataString("cat[]"), WebUtility.UrlEncode(category) + categories);
// Build categories parameter
categories += "&" + Uri.EscapeDataString("cat[]") + "=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(category);
// If search term provided
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(term))
// Add search term
parameters.Add("search", WebUtility.UrlEncode(term));
parameters.Add("search", WebUtility.UrlEncode("%"));
// Showing all torrents (just for output function)
term = "all";
// Building our query -- Cannot use GetQueryString due to UrlEncode (generating wrong cat[] param)
url += "?" + string.Join("&", parameters.AllKeys.Select(a => a + "=" + parameters[a]));
output("\nBuilded query for \"" + term + "\"... " + url);
// Return our search url
return url;
/// <summary>
/// Switch Method for Querying
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">URL created by Query Builder</param>
/// <returns>Results from query</returns>
private async Task<String> queryExec(string request)
String results = null;
// Switch in we are in DEV mode with Hard Drive Cache or not
if (DevMode && CacheMode)
// Check Cache before querying and load previous results if available
results = await queryCache(request);
// Querying tracker directly
results = await queryTracker(request);
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Get Torrents Page from Cache by Query Provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">URL created by Query Builder</param>
/// <returns>Results from query</returns>
private async Task<String> queryCache(string request)
String results;
// Create Directory if not exist
// Clean Storage Provider Directory from outdated cached queries
// File Name
string fileName = StringUtil.HashSHA1(request) + ".json";
// Create fingerprint for request
string file = Path.Combine(Directory, fileName);
// Checking modes states
if (File.Exists(file))
// File exist... loading it right now !
output("Loading results from hard drive cache ..." + fileName);
using (StreamReader fileReader = File.OpenText(file))
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
results = (String)serializer.Deserialize(fileReader, typeof(String));
catch (Exception e)
output("Error loading cached results ! " + e.Message, "error");
results = null;
// No cached file found, querying tracker directly
results = await queryTracker(request);
// Cached file didn't exist for our query, writing it right now !
output("Writing results to hard drive cache ..." + fileName);
using (StreamWriter fileWriter = File.CreateText(file))
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
serializer.Serialize(fileWriter, results);
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Get Torrents Page from Tracker by Query Provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">URL created by Query Builder</param>
/// <returns>Results from query</returns>
private async Task<String> queryTracker(string request)
WebClientStringResult results = null;
// Cache mode not enabled or cached file didn't exist for our query
output("\nQuerying tracker for results....");
// Request our first page
results = await RequestStringWithCookiesAndRetry(request, null, null, emulatedBrowserHeaders);
// Return results from tracker
return results.Content;
/// <summary>
/// Clean Hard Drive Cache Storage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="force">Force Provider Folder deletion</param>
private void cleanCacheStorage(bool force = false)
// Check cleaning method
if (force)
// Deleting Provider Storage folder and all files recursively
output("\nDeleting Provider Storage folder and all files recursively ...");
// Check if directory exist
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Directory))
// Delete storage directory of provider
System.IO.Directory.Delete(Directory, true);
output("-> Storage folder deleted successfully.");
// No directory, so nothing to do
output("-> No Storage folder found for this provider !");
var i = 0;
// Check if there is file older than ... and delete them
output("\nCleaning Provider Storage folder... in progress.");
.Select(f => new FileInfo(f))
.Where(f => f.LastAccessTime < DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(-Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.HardDriveCacheKeepTime.Value)))
.ForEach(f =>
output("Deleting cached file << " + f.Name + " >> ... done.");
// Inform on what was cleaned during process
if (i > 0)
output("-> Deleted " + i + " cached files during cleaning.");
output("-> Nothing deleted during cleaning.");
/// <summary>
/// Generate a random fake latency to avoid detection on tracker side
/// </summary>
private void latencyNow()
// Need latency ?
if (Latency)
// Generate a random value in our range
var random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
int waiting = random.Next(Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.LatencyStart.Value), Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.LatencyEnd.Value));
output("\nLatency Faker => Sleeping for " + waiting + " ms...");
// Sleep now...
/// <summary>
/// Find torrent rows in search pages
/// </summary>
/// <returns>JQuery Object</returns>
private CQ findTorrentRows()
// Return all occurencis of torrents found
return fDom[".torrent_table > tbody > tr"].Not(".colhead");
/// <summary>
/// Convert Ago date to DateTime
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clockList"></param>
/// <returns>A DateTime</returns>
private DateTime agoToDate(IList<string> clockList)
DateTime release = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var ago in clockList)
// Check for years
if (ago.Contains("années") || ago.Contains("année"))
// Number of years to remove
int years = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddYears(-years);
// Check for months
else if (ago.Contains("mois"))
// Number of months to remove
int months = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddMonths(-months);
// Check for weeks
else if (ago.Contains("semaines") || ago.Contains("semaine"))
// Number of weeks to remove
int weeks = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddDays(-(7 * weeks));
// Check for days
else if (ago.Contains("jours") || ago.Contains("jour"))
// Number of days to remove
int days = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddDays(-days);
// Check for hours
else if (ago.Contains("heures") || ago.Contains("heure"))
// Number of hours to remove
int hours = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddHours(-hours);
// Check for minutes
else if (ago.Contains("mins") || ago.Contains("min"))
// Number of minutes to remove
int minutes = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddMinutes(-minutes);
// Check for seconds
else if (ago.Contains("secondes") || ago.Contains("seconde"))
// Number of seconds to remove
int seconds = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(Regex.Match(ago.ToString(), @"\d+").Value);
// Removing
release = release.AddSeconds(-seconds);
output("Unable to detect release date of torrent", "error");
//throw new Exception("Unable to detect release date of torrent");
return release;
/// <summary>
/// Output message for logging or developpment (console)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Message to output</param>
/// <param name="level">Level for Logger</param>
private void output(string message, string level = "debug")
// Check if we are in dev mode
if (DevMode)
// Output message to console
// Send message to logger with level
switch (level)
goto case "debug";
case "debug":
// Only if Debug Level Enabled on Jackett
if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
case "info":
case "error":
/// <summary>
/// Validate Config entered by user on Jackett
/// </summary>
private void validateConfig()
output("\nValidating Settings ... \n");
// Check Username Setting
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.Username.Value))
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("You must provide a username for this tracker to login !", ConfigData);
output("Validated Setting -- Username (auth) => " + ConfigData.Username.Value.ToString());
// Check Password Setting
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.Password.Value))
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("You must provide a password with your username for this tracker to login !", ConfigData);
output("Validated Setting -- Password (auth) => " + ConfigData.Password.Value.ToString());
// Check Max Page Setting
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.Pages.Value))
output("Validated Setting -- Max Pages => " + Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.Pages.Value));
catch (Exception)
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Please enter a numeric maximum number of pages to crawl !", ConfigData);
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Please enter a maximum number of pages to crawl !", ConfigData);
// Check Latency Setting
if (ConfigData.Latency.Value)
output("\nValidated Setting -- Latency Simulation enabled");
// Check Latency Start Setting
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.LatencyStart.Value))
output("Validated Setting -- Latency Start => " + Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.LatencyStart.Value));
catch (Exception)
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Please enter a numeric latency start in ms !", ConfigData);
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Latency Simulation enabled, Please enter a start latency !", ConfigData);
// Check Latency End Setting
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.LatencyEnd.Value))
output("Validated Setting -- Latency End => " + Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.LatencyEnd.Value));
catch (Exception)
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Please enter a numeric latency end in ms !", ConfigData);
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Latency Simulation enabled, Please enter a end latency !", ConfigData);
// Check Browser Setting
if (ConfigData.Browser.Value)
output("\nValidated Setting -- Browser Simulation enabled");
// Check ACCEPT header Setting
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.HeaderAccept.Value))
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Browser Simulation enabled, Please enter an ACCEPT header !", ConfigData);
output("Validated Setting -- ACCEPT (header) => " + ConfigData.HeaderAccept.Value.ToString());
// Check ACCEPT-LANG header Setting
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.HeaderAcceptLang.Value))
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Browser Simulation enabled, Please enter an ACCEPT-LANG header !", ConfigData);
output("Validated Setting -- ACCEPT-LANG (header) => " + ConfigData.HeaderAcceptLang.Value.ToString());
// Check USER-AGENT header Setting
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.HeaderUserAgent.Value))
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Browser Simulation enabled, Please enter an USER-AGENT header !", ConfigData);
output("Validated Setting -- USER-AGENT (header) => " + ConfigData.HeaderUserAgent.Value.ToString());
// Check Dev Cache Settings
if (ConfigData.HardDriveCache.Value == true)
output("\nValidated Setting -- DEV Hard Drive Cache enabled");
// Check if Dev Mode enabled !
if (!ConfigData.DevMode.Value)
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Hard Drive is enabled but not in DEV MODE, Please enable DEV MODE !", ConfigData);
// Check Cache Keep Time Setting
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigData.HardDriveCacheKeepTime.Value))
output("Validated Setting -- Cache Keep Time (ms) => " + Convert.ToInt32(ConfigData.HardDriveCacheKeepTime.Value));
catch (Exception)
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Please enter a numeric hard drive keep time in ms !", ConfigData);
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Hard Drive Cache enabled, Please enter a maximum keep time for cache !", ConfigData);
// Delete cache if previously existed
2016-01-09 02:06:21 +00:00