
470 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using CsQuery;
using Jackett.Models;
using Jackett.Models.IndexerConfig.Bespoke;
Feature/netcore preparation (#2035) * Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages. * Return a task result for this async method. * Update to a supported version of the .NET Framework. This also has the side effect of allowing us to automatically generate our binding redirects on build. * Set the solution to target VS2017 * Update test solution csproj file to support being built through MSBuild 15 * Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages. * Return a task result for this async method. * Update to a supported version of the .NET Framework. This also has the side effect of allowing us to automatically generate our binding redirects on build. * Set the solution to target VS2017 * Update test solution csproj file to support being built through MSBuild 15 * DateTimeRoutines does not have Nuget packages that support .NET Standard (and therefore .NET Core). We will have to include them for now until we can get rid of this dependency. * Move the interfaces into their own files. This will be useful when we share them between the .NET Core and .NET Framework WebAPI * Stage services that need to point to the new interface namespace. * Update CurlSharp to fix memory leak issue and support better runtime compatibility with OSX and Linux * Start spliting some interfaces into their own files - this will help by allowing us to split them out in the future into a seperate project so the actual implementations can stay within their respective architectures when required
2017-10-29 10:19:09 +00:00
using Jackett.Services.Interfaces;
using Jackett.Utils;
using Jackett.Utils.Clients;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NLog;
namespace Jackett.Indexers
public class AnimeBytes : BaseCachingWebIndexer
private enum SearchType
private string LoginUrl { get { return SiteLink + "user/login"; } }
private string SearchUrl { get { return SiteLink + "torrents.php?"; } }
private string MusicSearchUrl { get { return SiteLink + "torrents2.php?"; } }
public bool AllowRaws { get { return configData.IncludeRaw.Value; } }
public bool InsertSeason { get { return configData.InsertSeason != null && configData.InsertSeason.Value; } }
public bool AddSynonyms { get { return configData.AddSynonyms.Value; } }
public bool FilterSeasonEpisode { get { return configData.FilterSeasonEpisode.Value; } }
private new ConfigurationDataAnimeBytes configData
get { return (ConfigurationDataAnimeBytes)base.configData; }
set { base.configData = value; }
public AnimeBytes(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, IWebClient client, Logger l, IProtectionService ps)
: base(name: "AnimeBytes",
link: "https://animebytes.tv/",
description: "Powered by Tentacles",
configService: configService,
client: client,
caps: new TorznabCapabilities(TorznabCatType.TVAnime,
logger: l,
p: ps,
configData: new ConfigurationDataAnimeBytes())
Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
Language = "en-us";
Type = "private";
2017-08-11 14:53:49 +00:00
webclient.EmulateBrowser = false; // Animebytes doesn't like fake user agents (issue #1535)
protected override IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> FilterResults(TorznabQuery query, IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> input)
// Prevent filtering
return input;
public override async Task<IndexerConfigurationStatus> ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson)
lock (cache)
// Get the login form as we need the CSRF Token
var loginPage = await webclient.GetString(new Utils.Clients.WebRequest()
Url = LoginUrl,
Encoding = Encoding,
CQ loginPageDom = loginPage.Content;
var csrfIndex = loginPageDom["input[name=\"_CSRF_INDEX\"]"].Last();
var csrfToken = loginPageDom["input[name=\"_CSRF_TOKEN\"]"].Last();
// Build login form
var pairs = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "_CSRF_INDEX", csrfIndex.Attr("value") },
{ "_CSRF_TOKEN", csrfToken.Attr("value") },
{ "username", configData.Username.Value },
{ "password", configData.Password.Value },
{ "keeplogged_sent", "true" },
{ "keeplogged", "on" },
{ "login", "Log In!" }
// Do the login
var response = await RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(LoginUrl, pairs, loginPage.Cookies, true, null);
// Follow the redirect
2017-09-11 09:39:47 +00:00
await FollowIfRedirect(response, LoginUrl, SearchUrl);
if (response.Status == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Failed to login, your IP seems to be blacklisted (shared VPN/seedbox?). Contact the staff to resolve this.", configData);
await ConfigureIfOK(response.Cookies, response.Content != null && response.Content.Contains("/user/logout"), () =>
// Their login page appears to be broken and just gives a 500 error.
throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("Failed to login, 6 failed attempts will get you banned for 6 hours.", configData);
return IndexerConfigurationStatus.RequiresTesting;
private string StripEpisodeNumber(string term)
// Tracer does not support searching with episode number so strip it if we have one
term = Regex.Replace(term, @"\W(\dx)?\d?\d$", string.Empty);
term = Regex.Replace(term, @"\W(S\d\d?E)?\d?\d$", string.Empty);
return term;
protected override async Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query)
// The result list
var releases = new List<ReleaseInfo>();
if (ContainsMusicCategories(query.Categories))
foreach (var result in await GetResults(query, SearchType.Audio, query.SanitizedSearchTerm))
foreach (var result in await GetResults(query, SearchType.Video, StripEpisodeNumber(query.SanitizedSearchTerm)))
return releases.ToArray();
private bool ContainsMusicCategories(int[] categories)
var music = new[]
return categories.Length == 0 || music.Any(categories.Contains);
private async Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> GetResults(TorznabQuery query, SearchType searchType, string searchTerm)
var cleanSearchTerm = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchTerm);
// The result list
var releases = new List<ReleaseInfo>();
var queryUrl = searchType == SearchType.Video ? SearchUrl : MusicSearchUrl;
// Only include the query bit if its required as hopefully the site caches the non query page
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchTerm))
queryUrl += string.Format("searchstr={0}&action=advanced&search_type=title&year=&year2=&tags=&tags_type=0&sort=time_added&way=desc&hentai=2&releasegroup=&epcount=&epcount2=&artbooktitle=", cleanSearchTerm);
// Check cache first so we don't query the server for each episode when searching for each episode in a series.
lock (cache)
// Remove old cache items
var cachedResult = cache.Where(i => i.Query == queryUrl).FirstOrDefault();
if (cachedResult != null)
return cachedResult.Results.Select(s => (ReleaseInfo)s.Clone()).ToArray();
// Get the content from the tracker
var response = await RequestStringWithCookiesAndRetry(queryUrl);
if (response.IsRedirect)
// re-login
await ApplyConfiguration(null);
response = await RequestStringWithCookiesAndRetry(queryUrl);
CQ dom = response.Content;
// Parse
var releaseInfo = "S01";
var root = dom.Find(".group_cont");
// We may have got redirected to the series page if we have none of these
if (root.Count() == 0)
root = dom.Find(".torrent_table");
foreach (var series in root)
var seriesCq = series.Cq();
var synonyms = new List<string>();
string mainTitle;
if (searchType == SearchType.Video)
mainTitle = seriesCq.Find(".group_title strong a").First().Text().Trim();
mainTitle = seriesCq.Find(".group_title strong").Text().Trim();
var yearStr = seriesCq.Find(".group_title strong").First().Text().Trim().Replace("]", "").Trim();
int yearIndex = yearStr.LastIndexOf("[");
if (yearIndex > -1)
yearStr = yearStr.Substring(yearIndex + 1);
int year = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(yearStr, out year))
year = DateTime.Now.Year;
// If the title contains a comma then we can't use the synonyms as they are comma seperated
if (!mainTitle.Contains(",") && AddSynonyms)
var symnomnNames = string.Empty;
foreach (var e in seriesCq.Find(".group_statbox li"))
if (e.FirstChild.InnerText == "Synonyms:")
symnomnNames = e.InnerText;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(symnomnNames))
foreach (var name in symnomnNames.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
var theName = name.Trim();
if (!theName.Contains("&#") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(theName))
foreach (var title in synonyms)
var releaseRows = seriesCq.Find(".torrent_group tr");
string episode = null;
int? season = null;
// Skip the first two info rows
for (int r = 1; r < releaseRows.Count(); r++)
var row = releaseRows.Get(r);
var rowCq = row.Cq();
if (rowCq.HasClass("edition_info"))
episode = null;
season = null;
releaseInfo = rowCq.Find("td").Text();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(releaseInfo))
// Single episodes alpha - Reported that this info is missing.
// It should self correct when availible
Regex SeasonRegEx = new Regex(@"Season (\d+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var SeasonRegExMatch = SeasonRegEx.Match(releaseInfo);
if (SeasonRegExMatch.Success)
season = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(SeasonRegExMatch.Groups[1].Value);
Regex EpisodeRegEx = new Regex(@"Episode (\d+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var EpisodeRegExMatch = EpisodeRegEx.Match(releaseInfo);
if (EpisodeRegExMatch.Success)
episode = EpisodeRegExMatch.Groups[1].Value;
releaseInfo = releaseInfo.Replace("Episode ", "");
releaseInfo = releaseInfo.Replace("Season ", "S");
releaseInfo = releaseInfo.Trim();
int test = 0;
if (InsertSeason && int.TryParse(releaseInfo, out test) && releaseInfo.Length <= 3)
releaseInfo = "E0" + releaseInfo;
else if (rowCq.HasClass("torrent"))
var links = rowCq.Find("a");
// Protect against format changes
if (links.Count() != 2)
if (FilterSeasonEpisode)
if (query.Season != 0 && season != null && season != query.Season) // skip if season doesn't match
if (query.Episode != null && episode != null && episode != query.Episode) // skip if episode doesn't match
var release = new ReleaseInfo();
release.MinimumRatio = 1;
release.MinimumSeedTime = 259200;
var downloadLink = links.Get(0);
// We dont know this so try to fake based on the release year
release.PublishDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
release.PublishDate = release.PublishDate.AddDays(Math.Min(DateTime.Now.DayOfYear, 365) - 1);
var infoLink = links.Get(1);
release.Comments = new Uri(SiteLink + infoLink.Attributes.GetAttribute("href"));
release.Guid = new Uri(SiteLink + infoLink.Attributes.GetAttribute("href") + "&nh=" + StringUtil.Hash(title)); // Sonarr should dedupe on this url - allow a url per name.
release.Link = new Uri(downloadLink.Attributes.GetAttribute("href"));
string category = null;
if (searchType == SearchType.Video)
category = seriesCq.Find("a[title=\"View Torrent\"]").Text().Trim();
if (category == "TV Series")
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.TVAnime.ID };
// Ignore these categories as they'll cause hell with the matcher
// TV Special, OVA, ONA, DVD Special, BD Special
if (category == "Movie")
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.Movies.ID };
if (category == "Manga" || category == "Oneshot" || category == "Anthology" || category == "Manhwa" || category == "Manhua" || category == "Light Novel")
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.BooksComics.ID };
if (category == "Novel" || category == "Artbook")
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.BooksComics.ID };
if (category == "Game" || category == "Visual Novel")
var description = rowCq.Find(".torrent_properties a:eq(1)").Text();
if (description.Contains(" PSP "))
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.ConsolePSP.ID };
if (description.Contains("PSX"))
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.ConsoleOther.ID };
if (description.Contains(" NES "))
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.ConsoleOther.ID };
if (description.Contains(" PC "))
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.PCGames.ID };
if (searchType == SearchType.Audio)
category = seriesCq.Find(".group_img .cat a").Text();
if (category == "Single" || category == "EP" || category == "Album" || category == "Compilation" || category == "Soundtrack" || category == "Remix CD" || category == "PV" || category == "Live Album" || category == "Image CD" || category == "Drama CD" || category == "Vocal CD")
var description = rowCq.Find(".torrent_properties a:eq(1)").Text();
if (description.Contains(" Lossless "))
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.AudioLossless.ID };
else if (description.Contains("MP3"))
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.AudioMP3.ID };
release.Category = new List<int> { TorznabCatType.AudioOther.ID };
// We dont actually have a release name >.> so try to create one
var releaseTags = infoLink.InnerText.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
for (int i = releaseTags.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
releaseTags[i] = releaseTags[i].Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(releaseTags[i]))
var group = releaseTags.LastOrDefault();
if (group != null && group.Contains("(") && group.Contains(")"))
// Skip raws if set
if (group.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("raw") && !AllowRaws)
var start = group.IndexOf("(");
group = "[" + group.Substring(start + 1, (group.IndexOf(")") - 1) - start) + "] ";
group = string.Empty;
var infoString = "";
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < releaseTags.Count(); i++)
if (releaseTags[i] == "Raw" && !AllowRaws)
infoString += "[" + releaseTags[i] + "]";
if (category == "Movie")
release.Title = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}{3}", title, year, group, infoString);
release.Title = string.Format("{0}{1} {2} {3}", group, title, releaseInfo, infoString);
release.Description = title;
var size = rowCq.Find(".torrent_size");
if (size.Count() > 0)
release.Size = ReleaseInfo.GetBytes(size.First().Text());
// Additional 5 hours per GB
release.MinimumSeedTime += (release.Size / 1000000000) * 18000;
// Peer info
release.Seeders = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(rowCq.Find(".torrent_seeders").Text());
release.Peers = release.Seeders + ParseUtil.CoerceInt(rowCq.Find(".torrent_leechers").Text());
// grabs
var grabs = rowCq.Find("td.torrent_snatched").Text();
release.Grabs = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(grabs);
// freeleech
if (rowCq.Find("img[alt=\"Freeleech!\"]").Length >= 1)
release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 0;
release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 1;
release.UploadVolumeFactor = 1;
//if (release.Category != null)
catch (Exception ex)
OnParseError(response.Content, ex);
// Add to the cache
lock (cache)
cache.Add(new CachedQueryResult(queryUrl, releases));
return releases.Select(s => (ReleaseInfo)s.Clone());