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2020-02-09 18:08:34 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Jackett.Common.Models;
using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig;
using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces;
using Jackett.Common.Utils;
using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NLog;
2021-05-16 18:13:54 +00:00
using Polly;
2018-06-26 15:47:19 +00:00
using static Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig.ConfigurationData;
namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers
public abstract class BaseIndexer : IIndexer
public string Id { get; protected set; }
public string SiteLink { get; protected set; }
public virtual string[] LegacySiteLinks { get; protected set; }
public string DefaultSiteLink { get; protected set; }
2020-10-19 21:19:10 +00:00
public virtual string[] AlternativeSiteLinks { get; protected set; } = { };
public string DisplayDescription { get; protected set; }
public string DisplayName { get; protected set; }
public string Language { get; protected set; }
public string Type { get; protected set; }
2018-06-15 09:12:03 +00:00
public Encoding Encoding { get; protected set; }
public virtual bool IsConfigured { get; protected set; }
public virtual string[] Tags { get; protected set; }
// https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/issues/3292#issuecomment-838586679
private TimeSpan HealthyStatusValidity => cacheService.CacheTTL + cacheService.CacheTTL;
private static readonly TimeSpan ErrorStatusValidity = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
private static readonly TimeSpan MaxStatusValidity = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
private int errorCount;
private DateTime expireAt;
protected Logger logger;
protected IIndexerConfigurationService configurationService;
protected IProtectionService protectionService;
protected ICacheService cacheService;
protected ConfigurationData configData;
protected string CookieHeader
get => configData.CookieHeader.Value;
set => configData.CookieHeader.Value = value;
public string LastError
get => configData.LastError.Value;
var SaveNeeded = configData.LastError.Value != value && IsConfigured;
configData.LastError.Value = value;
if (SaveNeeded)
public virtual bool IsHealthy => errorCount == 0 && expireAt > DateTime.Now;
public virtual bool IsFailing => errorCount > 0 && expireAt > DateTime.Now;
public abstract TorznabCapabilities TorznabCaps { get; protected set; }
// standard constructor used by most indexers
public BaseIndexer(string link, string id, string name, string description,
IIndexerConfigurationService configService, Logger logger, ConfigurationData configData,
IProtectionService p, ICacheService cs)
this.logger = logger;
configurationService = configService;
protectionService = p;
cacheService = cs;
if (!link.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw new Exception("Site link must end with a slash.");
Id = id;
DisplayName = name;
DisplayDescription = description;
SiteLink = link;
DefaultSiteLink = link;
this.configData = configData;
if (configData != null)
public virtual Task<ConfigurationData> GetConfigurationForSetup() => Task.FromResult<ConfigurationData>(configData);
public virtual void ResetBaseConfig()
CookieHeader = string.Empty;
IsConfigured = false;
errorCount = 0;
expireAt = DateTime.MinValue;
public virtual void SaveConfig() => configurationService.Save(this as IIndexer, configData.ToJson(protectionService, forDisplay: false));
protected void LoadLegacyCookieConfig(JToken jsonConfig)
var legacyCookieHeader = (string)jsonConfig["cookie_header"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(legacyCookieHeader))
CookieHeader = legacyCookieHeader;
// Legacy cookie key
var jcookies = jsonConfig["cookies"];
if (jcookies is JArray)
var array = (JArray)jcookies;
legacyCookieHeader = string.Empty;
for (var i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
if (i != 0)
legacyCookieHeader += "; ";
legacyCookieHeader += array[i];
CookieHeader = legacyCookieHeader;
else if (jcookies != null)
CookieHeader = (string)jcookies;
public virtual void LoadValuesFromJson(JToken jsonConfig, bool useProtectionService = false)
IProtectionService ps = null;
if (useProtectionService)
ps = protectionService;
configData.LoadConfigDataValuesFromJson(jsonConfig, ps);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configData.SiteLink.Value))
configData.SiteLink.Value = DefaultSiteLink;
if (!configData.SiteLink.Value.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
configData.SiteLink.Value += "/";
// reset site link to default if it's a legacy (defunc link)
if (LegacySiteLinks != null && LegacySiteLinks.Contains(configData.SiteLink.Value))
logger.Debug(string.Format("changing legacy site link from {0} to {1}", configData.SiteLink.Value, DefaultSiteLink));
configData.SiteLink.Value = DefaultSiteLink;
2017-07-19 17:24:03 +00:00
// check whether the site link is well-formatted
var siteUri = new Uri(configData.SiteLink.Value);
SiteLink = configData.SiteLink.Value;
Tags = configData.Tags.Values.Select(t => t.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();
public void LoadFromSavedConfiguration(JToken jsonConfig)
if (jsonConfig is JArray)
if (!MigratedFromDPAPI(jsonConfig))
LoadValuesFromJson(jsonConfig, true);
IsConfigured = true;
// read and upgrade old settings file format
else if (jsonConfig is object)
IsConfigured = true;
//TODO: Remove this section once users have moved off DPAPI
private bool MigratedFromDPAPI(JToken jsonConfig)
var isWindows = Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT;
if (!isWindows && DotNetCoreUtil.IsRunningOnDotNetCore)
2018-06-10 02:51:34 +00:00
// User isn't running Windows, but is running on .NET Core framework, no access to the DPAPI, so don't bother trying to migrate
return false;
LoadValuesFromJson(jsonConfig, false);
StringConfigurationItem passwordPropertyValue = null;
var passwordValue = "";
2018-06-26 15:47:19 +00:00
// try dynamic items first (e.g. all cardigann indexers)
passwordPropertyValue = (StringConfigurationItem)configData.GetDynamicByName("password");
2018-06-26 15:47:19 +00:00
if (passwordPropertyValue == null) // if there's no dynamic password try the static property
passwordPropertyValue = (StringConfigurationItem)configData.GetType().GetProperty("Password").GetValue(configData, null);
2018-06-26 15:47:19 +00:00
// protection is based on the item.Name value (property name might be different, example: Abnormal), so check the Name again
if (!string.Equals(passwordPropertyValue.Name, "password", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
logger.Debug($"Skipping non default password property (unencrpyted password) for [{Id}] while attempting migration");
2018-06-26 15:47:19 +00:00
return false;
passwordValue = passwordPropertyValue.Value;
catch (Exception)
logger.Debug($"Unable to source password for [{Id}] while attempting migration, likely a tracker without a password setting");
return false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordValue))
//Password successfully unprotected using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection, no further action needed as we've already converted the password previously
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
2018-06-10 02:51:34 +00:00
if (ex.Message != "The provided payload cannot be decrypted because it was not protected with this protection provider.")
logger.Info($"Password could not be unprotected using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection - {Id} : " + ex);
return false;
protected async Task ConfigureIfOK(string cookies, bool isLoggedin, Func<Task> onError)
if (isLoggedin)
CookieHeader = cookies;
IsConfigured = true;
await onError();
protected virtual IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> FilterResults(TorznabQuery query, IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> results)
var filteredResults = results;
// filter results with wrong categories
if (query.Categories.Length > 0)
// expand parent categories from the query
var expandedQueryCats = TorznabCaps.Categories.ExpandTorznabQueryCategories(query);
filteredResults = filteredResults.Where(result =>
result.Category?.Any() != true ||
// eliminate excess results
if (query.Limit > 0)
filteredResults = filteredResults.Take(query.Limit);
return filteredResults;
protected virtual IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> FixResults(TorznabQuery query, IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> results)
var fixedResults = results.Select(r =>
// add origin
r.Origin = this;
// fix publish date
// some trackers do not keep their clocks up to date and can be ~20 minutes out!
if (r.PublishDate > DateTime.Now)
r.PublishDate = DateTime.Now;
// generate magnet link from info hash (not allowed for private sites)
if (r.MagnetUri == null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.InfoHash) && Type != "private")
r.MagnetUri = MagnetUtil.InfoHashToPublicMagnet(r.InfoHash, r.Title);
// generate info hash from magnet link
if (r.MagnetUri != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.InfoHash))
r.InfoHash = MagnetUtil.MagnetToInfoHash(r.MagnetUri);
// set guid
if (r.Guid == null)
if (r.Link != null)
r.Guid = r.Link;
else if (r.MagnetUri != null)
r.Guid = r.MagnetUri;
else if (r.Details != null)
r.Guid = r.Details;
return r;
return fixedResults;
2018-04-06 15:43:18 +00:00
public virtual bool CanHandleQuery(TorznabQuery query)
if (query == null)
return false;
2017-08-11 22:30:43 +00:00
if (query.QueryType == "caps")
return true;
var caps = TorznabCaps;
if (caps.TvSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery && query.IsTVSearch)
return true;
if (caps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery && query.IsMovieSearch)
return true;
if (!caps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery && query.QueryType != "TorrentPotato") // potato query should always contain imdb+search term
return false;
2017-08-11 16:13:22 +00:00
if (caps.SearchAvailable && query.IsSearch)
return true;
if (caps.TvSearchAvailable && query.IsTVSearch)
2017-08-11 16:13:22 +00:00
return true;
if (caps.MovieSearchAvailable && query.IsMovieSearch)
return true;
2017-10-18 16:30:41 +00:00
if (caps.MusicSearchAvailable && query.IsMusicSearch)
return true;
2020-08-16 21:44:12 +00:00
if (caps.BookSearchAvailable && query.IsBookSearch)
return true;
if (caps.TvSearchTvRageAvailable && query.IsTVRageSearch)
2017-08-11 16:13:22 +00:00
return true;
if (caps.TvSearchTvdbAvailable && query.IsTvdbSearch)
return true;
if (caps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery)
2017-08-11 16:13:22 +00:00
return true;
if (caps.MovieSearchTmdbAvailable && query.IsTmdbQuery)
return true;
2017-08-11 16:13:22 +00:00
return false;
protected bool CanHandleCategories(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer = false)
// https://torznab.github.io/spec-1.3-draft/torznab/Specification-v1.3.html#cat-parameter
if (query.HasSpecifiedCategories)
var supportedCats = TorznabCaps.Categories.SupportedCategories(query.Categories);
if (supportedCats.Length == 0)
if (!isMetaIndexer)
logger.Error($"All categories provided are unsupported in {DisplayName}: {string.Join(",", query.Categories)}");
return false;
if (supportedCats.Length != query.Categories.Length && !isMetaIndexer)
var unsupportedCats = query.Categories.Except(supportedCats);
logger.Warn($"Some of the categories provided are unsupported in {DisplayName}: {string.Join(",", unsupportedCats)}");
return true;
public void Unconfigure()
IsConfigured = false;
2017-11-13 11:55:54 +00:00
SiteLink = DefaultSiteLink;
2017-11-13 15:55:02 +00:00
CookieHeader = ""; // clear cookies
public abstract Task<IndexerConfigurationStatus> ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson);
public virtual async Task<IndexerResult> ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer)
if (!CanHandleQuery(query) || !CanHandleCategories(query, isMetaIndexer))
return new IndexerResult(this, new ReleaseInfo[0], false);
if (query.Cache)
var cachedReleases = cacheService.Search(this, query);
if (cachedReleases != null)
return new IndexerResult(this, cachedReleases, true);
var results = await PerformQuery(query);
results = FilterResults(query, results);
results = FixResults(query, results);
cacheService.CacheResults(this, query, results.ToList());
errorCount = 0;
expireAt = DateTime.Now.Add(HealthyStatusValidity);
return new IndexerResult(this, results, false);
catch (Exception ex)
var delay = Math.Min(MaxStatusValidity.TotalSeconds, ErrorStatusValidity.TotalSeconds * Math.Pow(2, errorCount++));
expireAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(delay);
throw new IndexerException(this, ex);
protected abstract Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query);
public abstract class BaseWebIndexer : BaseIndexer, IWebIndexer
protected BaseWebIndexer(string link, string id, string name, string description,
IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger,
ConfigurationData configData, IProtectionService p, ICacheService cacheService,
TorznabCapabilities caps, string downloadBase = null)
: base(link, id, name, description, configService, logger, configData, p, cacheService)
webclient = client;
downloadUrlBase = downloadBase;
TorznabCaps = caps;
// minimal constructor used by e.g. cardigann generic indexer
protected BaseWebIndexer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger,
IProtectionService p, ICacheService cacheService)
: base("/", "", "", "", configService, logger, null, p, cacheService) => webclient = client;
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
protected virtual int DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts => 2;
/// <summary>
/// Number of retry attempts to make if a web request fails.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Number of retries can be overridden for unstable indexers by overriding this property. Note that retry attempts include an
2021-11-16 18:17:10 +00:00
/// exponentially increasing delay.
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
/// Alternatively, <see cref="EnableConfigurableRetryAttempts()" /> can be called in the constructor to add user configurable options.
/// </remarks>
protected virtual int NumberOfRetryAttempts
var configItem = configData.GetDynamic("retryAttempts");
if (configItem == null)
// No config specified so use the default.
return DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts;
var configValue = ((SingleSelectConfigurationItem)configItem).Value;
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
if (int.TryParse(configValue, out var parsedConfigValue) && parsedConfigValue > 0)
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
return parsedConfigValue;
// No config specified so use the default.
return DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts;
private AsyncPolicy<WebResult> RetryPolicy
// Configure the retry policy
int attemptNumber = 1;
var retryPolicy = Policy
.HandleResult<WebResult>(r => (int)r.Status >= 500)
retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt) / 4),
onRetry: (exception, timeSpan, context) =>
if (exception.Result == null)
logger.Warn($"Request to {DisplayName} failed with exception '{exception.Exception.Message}'. Retrying in {timeSpan.TotalSeconds}s... (Attempt {attemptNumber} of {NumberOfRetryAttempts}).");
logger.Warn($"Request to {DisplayName} failed with status {exception.Result.Status}. Retrying in {timeSpan.TotalSeconds}s... (Attempt {attemptNumber} of {NumberOfRetryAttempts}).");
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
return retryPolicy;
/// <summary>
/// Adds configuration options to allow the user to manually configure request retries.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This should only be enabled for indexers known to be unstable. To control the default value, override <see cref="DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts" />.
/// </remarks>
protected void EnableConfigurableRetryAttempts()
var attemptSelect = new SingleSelectConfigurationItem(
"Number of retries",
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
new Dictionary<string, string>
{"0", "No retries (fail fast)"},
{"1", "1 retry (0.5s delay)"},
{"2", "2 retries (1s delay)"},
{"3", "3 retries (2s delay)"},
{"4", "4 retries (4s delay)"},
{"5", "5 retries (8s delay)"}
Value = DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts.ToString()
configData.AddDynamic("retryAttempts", attemptSelect);
public virtual async Task<byte[]> Download(Uri link)
var uncleanLink = UncleanLink(link);
return await Download(uncleanLink, RequestType.GET);
2021-05-16 18:13:54 +00:00
protected async Task<byte[]> Download(Uri link, RequestType method, string referer = null, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
// return magnet link
if (link.Scheme == "magnet")
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(link.OriginalString);
// do some extra escaping, needed for HD-Torrents
var requestLink = link.ToString()
.Replace("(", "%28")
.Replace(")", "%29")
.Replace("'", "%27");
var response = await RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(requestLink, null, method, referer, null, headers);
if (response.IsRedirect)
await FollowIfRedirect(response);
if (response.Status != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK && response.Status != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Continue && response.Status != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
logger.Error("Failed download cookies: " + CookieHeader);
if (response.ContentBytes != null)
logger.Error("Failed download response:\n" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.ContentBytes));
throw new Exception($"Remote server returned {response.Status.ToString()}" + (response.IsRedirect ? " => " + response.RedirectingTo : ""));
return response.ContentBytes;
public virtual async Task<WebResult> DownloadImage(Uri link)
var uncleanLink = UncleanLink(link);
var requestLink = uncleanLink.ToString();
var referer = SiteLink;
var response = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(requestLink, null, RequestType.GET, referer);
if (response.IsRedirect)
await FollowIfRedirect(response);
return response;
protected async Task<WebResult> RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(
string url, string cookieOverride = null, RequestType method = RequestType.GET,
string referer = null, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> data = null,
Dictionary<string, string> headers = null, string rawbody = null, bool? emulateBrowser = null)
2021-03-15 06:27:18 +00:00
return await RetryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
await RequestWithCookiesAsync(url, cookieOverride, method, referer, data, headers, rawbody, emulateBrowser)
protected virtual async Task<WebResult> RequestWithCookiesAsync(
string url, string cookieOverride = null, RequestType method = RequestType.GET,
string referer = null, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> data = null,
Dictionary<string, string> headers = null, string rawbody = null, bool? emulateBrowser = null)
var request = new WebRequest
Url = url,
Type = method,
Cookies = cookieOverride ?? CookieHeader,
PostData = data,
Referer = referer,
Headers = headers,
RawBody = rawbody,
Encoding = Encoding
if (emulateBrowser.HasValue)
request.EmulateBrowser = emulateBrowser.Value;
var result = await webclient.GetResultAsync(request);
UpdateCookieHeader(result.Cookies, cookieOverride);
return result;
protected async Task<WebResult> RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(string url, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> data, string cookies, bool returnCookiesFromFirstCall, string redirectUrlOverride = null, string referer = null, bool accumulateCookies = false, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
2020-10-19 21:19:10 +00:00
var request = new WebRequest
Url = url,
Type = RequestType.POST,
Cookies = cookies,
Referer = referer,
PostData = data,
Encoding = Encoding,
Headers = headers,
var response = await webclient.GetResultAsync(request);
if (accumulateCookies)
response.Cookies = ResolveCookies((request.Cookies == null ? "" : request.Cookies + " ") + response.Cookies);
var firstCallCookies = response.Cookies;
if (response.IsRedirect)
await FollowIfRedirect(response, request.Url, redirectUrlOverride, response.Cookies, accumulateCookies);
if (returnCookiesFromFirstCall)
response.Cookies = ResolveCookies(firstCallCookies + (accumulateCookies ? " " + response.Cookies : ""));
return response;
protected static void CheckSiteDown(WebResult response)
if (response.Status == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadGateway
|| response.Status == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout
|| (int)response.Status == 521 // used by cloudflare to signal the original webserver is refusing the connection
|| (int)response.Status == 522 // used by cloudflare to signal the original webserver is not reachable at all (timeout)
2018-04-01 13:40:43 +00:00
|| (int)response.Status == 523 // used by cloudflare to signal the original webserver is not reachable at all (Origin is unreachable)
throw new Exception("Request to " + response.Request.Url + " failed (Error " + response.Status + ") - The tracker seems to be down.");
protected async Task FollowIfRedirect(WebResult response, string referrer = null, string overrideRedirectUrl = null, string overrideCookies = null, bool accumulateCookies = false)
// Follow up to 5 redirects
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (!response.IsRedirect)
await DoFollowIfRedirect(response, referrer, overrideRedirectUrl, overrideCookies, accumulateCookies);
if (accumulateCookies)
CookieHeader = ResolveCookies((CookieHeader != null && CookieHeader != "" ? CookieHeader + " " : "") + (overrideCookies != null && overrideCookies != "" ? overrideCookies + " " : "") + response.Cookies);
overrideCookies = response.Cookies = CookieHeader;
if (overrideCookies != null && response.Cookies == null)
response.Cookies = overrideCookies;
private string ResolveCookies(string incomingCookies = "")
var redirRequestCookies = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CookieHeader) ? incomingCookies : CookieHeader + " " + incomingCookies;
var cookieDictionary = CookieUtil.CookieHeaderToDictionary(redirRequestCookies);
// These cookies are causing BadGateway errors, so we drop them, see issue #2306
return CookieUtil.CookieDictionaryToHeader(cookieDictionary);
// Update CookieHeader with new cookies and save the config if something changed (e.g. a new CloudFlare clearance cookie was issued)
2017-10-03 12:23:31 +00:00
protected virtual void UpdateCookieHeader(string newCookies, string cookieOverride = null)
var newCookieHeader = ResolveCookies((cookieOverride != null && cookieOverride != "" ? cookieOverride + " " : "") + newCookies);
if (CookieHeader != newCookieHeader)
logger.Debug(string.Format("updating Cookies {0} => {1}", CookieHeader, newCookieHeader));
CookieHeader = newCookieHeader;
if (IsConfigured)
private async Task DoFollowIfRedirect(WebResult incomingResponse, string referrer = null, string overrideRedirectUrl = null, string overrideCookies = null, bool accumulateCookies = false)
if (incomingResponse.IsRedirect)
var redirRequestCookies = "";
if (accumulateCookies)
redirRequestCookies = ResolveCookies((CookieHeader != "" ? CookieHeader + " " : "") + (overrideCookies != null ? overrideCookies : ""));
redirRequestCookies = (overrideCookies != null ? overrideCookies : "");
// Do redirect
2020-10-19 21:19:10 +00:00
var redirectedResponse = await webclient.GetResultAsync(new WebRequest
Url = overrideRedirectUrl ?? incomingResponse.RedirectingTo,
Referer = referrer,
Cookies = redirRequestCookies,
Encoding = Encoding
2021-11-16 18:17:10 +00:00
MapperUtil.Mapper.Map(redirectedResponse, incomingResponse);
protected List<string> GetAllTrackerCategories() =>
protected void AddCategoryMapping(string trackerCategory, TorznabCategory newznabCategory, string trackerCategoryDesc = null) =>
TorznabCaps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(trackerCategory, newznabCategory, trackerCategoryDesc);
2020-10-31 00:12:35 +00:00
// TODO: remove this method ?
protected void AddCategoryMapping(int trackerCategory, TorznabCategory newznabCategory, string trackerCategoryDesc = null) =>
AddCategoryMapping(trackerCategory.ToString(), newznabCategory, trackerCategoryDesc);
2020-10-31 00:12:35 +00:00
// TODO: remove this method and use AddCategoryMapping instead. this method doesn't allow to create custom cats
protected void AddMultiCategoryMapping(TorznabCategory newznabCategory, params int[] trackerCategories)
foreach (var trackerCat in trackerCategories)
AddCategoryMapping(trackerCat, newznabCategory);
protected List<string> MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(TorznabQuery query, bool mapChildrenCatsToParent = false) =>
TorznabCaps.Categories.MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(query, mapChildrenCatsToParent);
protected ICollection<int> MapTrackerCatToNewznab(string input) =>
protected ICollection<int> MapTrackerCatDescToNewznab(string input) =>
private IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> CleanLinks(IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo> releases)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadUrlBase))
return releases;
foreach (var release in releases)
if (release.Link.ToString().StartsWith(downloadUrlBase, StringComparison.Ordinal))
release.Link = new Uri(release.Link.ToString().Substring(downloadUrlBase.Length), UriKind.Relative);
return releases;
public override async Task<IndexerResult> ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer)
var result = await base.ResultsForQuery(query, isMetaIndexer);
result.Releases = CleanLinks(result.Releases);
return result;
protected virtual Uri UncleanLink(Uri link)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadUrlBase))
return link;
if (link.ToString().StartsWith(downloadUrlBase, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return link;
return new Uri(downloadUrlBase + link.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
protected void OnParseError(string results, Exception ex)
var fileName = string.Format("Error on {0} for {1}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), DisplayName);
var spacing = string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(Environment.NewLine, 5));
var fileContents = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", ex, spacing, results);
logger.Error(fileName + fileContents);
throw new Exception("Parse error", ex);
public override TorznabCapabilities TorznabCaps { get; protected set; }
protected WebClient webclient;
protected readonly string downloadUrlBase = "";
public abstract class BaseCachingWebIndexer : BaseWebIndexer
2021-05-16 18:13:54 +00:00
protected BaseCachingWebIndexer(string link, string id, string name, string description,
IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger,
ConfigurationData configData, IProtectionService p, ICacheService cacheService,
TorznabCapabilities caps = null, string downloadBase = null)
: base(link, id, name, description, configService, client, logger, configData, p, cacheService, caps, downloadBase)
protected void CleanCache()
foreach (var expired in cache.Where(i => DateTime.Now - i.Created > cacheTime).ToList())
// TODO: remove this implementation and use gloal cache
protected static List<CachedQueryResult> cache = new List<CachedQueryResult>();
protected static readonly TimeSpan cacheTime = new TimeSpan(0, 9, 0);