
185 lines
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Raw Normal View History

id: mircrew
name: MIRCrew
description: "MIRCrew is an ITALIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV / MUSIC"
language: it-IT
type: private
encoding: UTF-8
- https://mircrew-releases.org/
# commented out categories are discussion-only forums
# - {id: 1, cat: Other, desc: "MIRCrew Sharing Community"}
# - {id: 2, cat: Other, desc: "Piazza Grande"}
# - {id: 4, cat: Other, desc: "PG Statuto & Regole"}
# - {id: 5, cat: Other, desc: "PG Info Point"}
# - {id: 6, cat: Other, desc: "PG Presentazioni"}
# - {id: 7, cat: Other, desc: "PG Off Topic"}
# - {id: 49, cat: Other, desc: "PG Segnalazioni allo Staff"}
# - {id: 3, cat: Other, desc: "Comunicazioni, Annunci & Guide"}
# - {id: 8, cat: Other, desc: "CAG Comunicazioni da MIRCrew"}
# - {id: 9, cat: Other, desc: "CAG Guide & Tutorial"}
# - {id: 11, cat: Other, desc: "Progetti & Collezioni"}
# - {id: 12, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Pir8 Channel"}
# - {id: 13, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Progetti"}
# - {id: 61, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Video"}
# - {id: 62, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Animazione"}
# - {id: 63, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Libreria"}
# - {id: 64, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Musica"}
# - {id: 14, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Collezioni"}
# - {id: 50, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Proposte & Richieste"}
# - {id: 60, cat: Other, desc: "P&C Abbandonati"}
# - {id: 15, cat: Other, desc: "Area Grafica"}
# - {id: 16, cat: Other, desc: "AG Vetrina MIRCrew"}
# - {id: 17, cat: Other, desc: "AG Vetrina Utenti"}
# - {id: 18, cat: Other, desc: "AG Richieste Grafica"}
# - {id: 19, cat: Other, desc: "Area Staff"}
# - {id: 20, cat: Other, desc: "AS Membri MIRCrew"}
# - {id: 21, cat: Other, desc: "AS Reclutamento MIRCrew"}
# - {id: 23, cat: Other, desc: "AS Archivio"}
2022-01-02 04:11:15 +00:00
- {id: 25, cat: Movies, desc: "Video Releases", default: true}
- {id: 26, cat: Movies, desc: "Releases Film", default: true}
# - {id: 28, cat: TV, desc: "Releases Serie TV"}
- {id: 51, cat: TV, desc: "Releases TV Stagioni in corso", default: true}
- {id: 52, cat: TV, desc: "Releases TV Stagioni complete", default: true}
- {id: 29, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Documentari", default: true}
- {id: 30, cat: TV, desc: "TV Show", default: true}
- {id: 31, cat: TV, desc: "Teatro", default: true}
# - {id: 32, cat: Movies, desc: "Richieste Video"}
# - {id: 53, cat: Movies, desc: "Richieste Film"}
# - {id: 54, cat: TV, desc: "Richieste Serie TV"}
# - {id: 55, cat: Movies, desc: "Richieste Video diverse"}
# - {id: 57, cat: Movies, desc: "Richieste Video Soddisfatte"}
- {id: 33, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animazione Releases", default: true}
- {id: 34, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Anime - Movies", default: true}
- {id: 35, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Anime - Serie", default: true}
- {id: 36, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Cartoon - Movies", default: true}
- {id: 37, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Cartoon - Serie", default: true}
# - {id: 38, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Richieste Animazione", default: true}
# - {id: 58, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Richieste Animazione Soddisfatte", default: true}
- {id: 39, cat: Books, desc: "Libreria Releases", default: true}
- {id: 40, cat: Books/EBook, desc: "E-Books", default: true}
- {id: 41, cat: Audio/Audiobook, desc: "A-Books", default: true}
- {id: 42, cat: Books/Comics, desc: "Comics", default: true}
- {id: 43, cat: Books/Mags, desc: "Edicola", default: true}
# - {id: 44, cat: Books, desc: "Richieste Libreria"}
# - {id: 59, cat: Books, desc: "Richieste Libreria Soddisfatte"}
- {id: 45, cat: Audio, desc: "Music Releases", default: true}
- {id: 46, cat: Audio, desc: "Musica - Audio", default: true}
- {id: 47, cat: Audio/Video, desc: "Musica - Video", default: true}
# - {id: 48, cat: Audio, desc: "Richieste Musica"}
# - {id: 56, cat: Audio, desc: "Richieste Musica Soddisfatte"}
search: [q]
tv-search: [q, season, ep]
movie-search: [q]
music-search: [q]
book-search: [q]
- name: username
type: text
label: Username
- name: password
type: password
label: Password
path: ucp.php?mode=login
method: form
form: form#login
username: "{{ .Config.username }}"
password: "{{ .Config.password }}"
autologin: on
viewonline: on
- selector: div.error
path: index.php
selector: a[href^="./ucp.php?mode=logout&sid="]
# thankyou link: ./viewtopic.php?f=52&p=65417&thanks=65417&to_id=54&from_id=3950
selector: ul.post-buttons li:nth-last-child(1) a
attribute: href
- selector: a[href^="magnet:?xt="]
attribute: href
- path: search.php
# the site's TV are seasonal packs only, so we swap Sxx with Stagione xx
- name: re_replace
args: ["(?i)S0?(\\d{1,2})", "stagione $1"]
- name: re_replace
args: ["(\\w+)", "+$1"] # prepend + to each word
keywords: "{{ if .Keywords }}{{ .Keywords }}{{ else }}{{ .Today.Year }}{{ end }}"
# all, any
terms: all
# Search by Author
author: ""
# Search in subforums: yes 1, no 0
2022-01-02 08:17:24 +00:00
sc: 0
# Search For: all, msgonly, titleonly, firstpost
sf: titleonly
# Show Results as: posts, topics
sr: topics
# sort: a author, t post time, f forum, i title, s post subject
sk: t
# order: a ascending, d descending
sd: d
# Seach Posts For: all 0, 1day 1, week 7, fortnight 14, month 30, 3months 90, 6 months 180, year 365
st: 0
# Show first: all -1, 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000
ch: 300
# hidden
t: 0
# hidden
submit: Cerca
$raw: "{{ range .Categories }}&fid[]={{.}}{{end}}"
selector: li.row
selector: a[href^="./viewforum.php?f="]
attribute: href
- name: querystring
args: f
selector: a.topictitle
# normalize Stagione xx to Sxx format
- name: re_replace
args: ["(?i)Stagione 0?(\\d{1,2})", "S$1"]
selector: a.topictitle
attribute: href
selector: a.topictitle
attribute: href
text: "512 MB"
text: 1
text: 1
selector: time
text: 1
text: 1
# phpBB