diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3981da972..e498d6442 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ A third-party Golang SDK for Jackett is available from [webtor-io/go-jackett](ht
* FunkyTorrents (FT)
* Fuzer (FZ)
* GainBound [![(invite needed)][inviteneeded]](#)
+ * Gamera (駕瞑羅)
* Gay-Torrents.org
* GAYtorrent.ru
* GazelleGames (GGn)
diff --git a/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/gamera.yml b/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/gamera.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81faff549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/gamera.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+id: gamera
+name: Gamera
+description: "Gamera (駕瞑羅) is a CHINESE Private Torrent Tracker for Japanese Monster and Superhero MOVIES / TV"
+language: zh-CN
+type: private
+encoding: UTF-8
+ - https://gamerapt.link/
+ categorymappings:
+ - {id: 410, cat: Movies, desc: "Monster怪兽"}
+ - {id: 410, cat: TV, desc: "Monster怪兽"}
+ - {id: 411, cat: Movies, desc: "Kamen Rider假面骑士"}
+ - {id: 411, cat: TV, desc: "Kamen Rider假面骑士"}
+ - {id: 412, cat: Movies, desc: "Ultraman奥特曼"}
+ - {id: 412, cat: TV, desc: "Ultraman奥特曼"}
+ - {id: 413, cat: Movies, desc: "Team战队"}
+ - {id: 413, cat: TV, desc: "Team战队"}
+ - {id: 414, cat: Movies, desc: "Other其他特摄"}
+ - {id: 414, cat: TV, desc: "Other其他特摄"}
+ - {id: 415, cat: Movies, desc: "Musical特摄音乐"}
+ - {id: 415, cat: TV, desc: "Musical特摄音乐"}
+ modes:
+ search: [q]
+ tv-search: [q, season, ep]
+ movie-search: [q, imdbid, doubanid]
+ - name: cookie
+ type: text
+ label: Cookie
+ - name: info
+ type: info
+ label: How to get the Cookie
+ default: "
- Login to this tracker with your browser
- Open the DevTools panel by pressing F12
- Select the Network tab
- Click on the Doc button (Chrome Browser) or HTML button (FireFox)
- Refresh the page by pressing F5
- Click on the first row entry
- Select the Headers tab on the Right panel
- Find 'cookie:' in the Request Headers section
- Select and Copy the whole cookie string (everything after 'cookie: ') and Paste here.
+ - name: freeleech
+ type: checkbox
+ label: Search freeleech only
+ default: false
+ - name: sort
+ type: select
+ label: Sort requested from site
+ default: 4
+ options:
+ 4: created
+ 7: seeders
+ 5: size
+ 1: title
+ - name: type
+ type: select
+ label: Order requested from site
+ default: desc
+ options:
+ desc: desc
+ asc: asc
+ - name: info_tpp
+ type: info
+ label: Results Per Page
+ default: For best results, change the Torrents per page: setting to 100 on your account profile.
+ method: cookie
+ inputs:
+ cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}"
+ test:
+ path: index.php
+ selector: a[href="logout.php"]
+ paths:
+ - path: torrents.php
+ inputs:
+ $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}cat{{.}}=1&{{end}}"
+ search: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}{{ .Query.IMDBID }}{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if or .Query.IMDBID .Query.DoubanID }} {{ else }}{{ .Keywords }}{{ end }}{{ if .Query.DoubanID }}{{ .Query.DoubanID }}{{ else }}{{ end }}"
+ # 0 incldead, 1 active, 2 dead
+ incldead: 0
+ # 0 all, 1 normal, 2 free, 3 2x, 4 2xfree, 5 50%, 6 2x50%, 7 30%
+ spstate: "{{ if .Config.freeleech }}2{{ else }}0{{ end }}"
+ # 0 title, 1 descr, 3 uploader
+ search_area: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}4{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if .Query.DoubanID }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if or .Query.IMDBID .Query.DoubanID }}{{ else }}0{{ end }}"
+ # 0 AND, 2 exact
+ search_mode: 0
+ sort: "{{ .Config.sort }}"
+ type: "{{ .Config.type }}"
+ notnewword: 1
+ rows:
+ selector: table.torrents > tbody > tr:has(table.torrentname)
+ fields:
+ category:
+ selector: a[href^="?cat="]
+ attribute: href
+ filters:
+ - name: querystring
+ args: cat
+ title_default:
+ selector: a[href^="details.php?id="]
+ title:
+ selector: a[title][href^="details.php?id="]
+ attribute: title
+ optional: true
+ default: "{{ .Result.title_default }}"
+ details:
+ selector: a[href^="details.php?id="]
+ attribute: href
+ download:
+ selector: a[href^="download.php?id="]
+ attribute: href
+ poster:
+ selector: img[data-src]
+ attribute: data-src
+ imdbid:
+ # site currently only has a badge and rating, the id is not present. just in case a future update.
+ selector: a[href*="imdb.com/title/tt"]
+ attribute: href
+ doubanid:
+ # site currently only has a badge and rating, the id is not present. just in case a future update.
+ selector: a[href*="movie.douban.com/subject/"]
+ attribute: href
+ date_elapsed:
+ # time type: time elapsed (default)
+ selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(5) > span[title]
+ attribute: title
+ optional: true
+ filters:
+ - name: append
+ args: " +08:00"
+ - name: dateparse
+ args: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"
+ date_added:
+ # time added
+ selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(5):not(:has(span))
+ optional: true
+ filters:
+ - name: append
+ args: " +08:00" # CST
+ - name: dateparse
+ args: "yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss zzz"
+ date:
+ text: "{{ if or .Result.date_elapsed .Result.date_added }}{{ or .Result.date_elapsed .Result.date_added }}{{ else }}now{{ end }}"
+ size:
+ selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(4)
+ seeders:
+ selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(3)
+ leechers:
+ selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(2)
+ grabs:
+ selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(1)
+ downloadvolumefactor:
+ case:
+ img.pro_free: 0
+ img.pro_free2up: 0
+ img.pro_50pctdown: 0.5
+ img.pro_50pctdown2up: 0.5
+ img.pro_30pctdown: 0.3
+ "*": 1
+ uploadvolumefactor:
+ case:
+ img.pro_50pctdown2up: 2
+ img.pro_free2up: 2
+ img.pro_2up: 2
+ "*": 1
+ description:
+ selector: td:nth-child(2)
+ remove: a, b, font, img, span
+ minimumratio:
+ text: 0.2
+# NexusPHP KEMURIKUSA 2019-01-09