diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ee21b44c1..f48270381 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,35 +26,32 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* 1337x
* 7torrents
- * AcademicTorrents
* ACGsou
+ * AcademicTorrents
+ * AniRena
* Anidex
* Anime Tosho
- * AniRena
* AudioBook Bay (ABB)
+ * BT.etree
+ * BTDB
+ * BTeye
* Badass Torrents
* BigFANGroup
* BitRu
* BitTorrent.AM
- * BTDB
- * BTeye
- * BT.etree
* Cili180
* ConCen
* Corsaro.red
- * cpasbien
- * cpasbienClone
* Demonoid
- * dmhy
+ * EXT Torrents
+ * EZTV
* EliteTorrent.biz
* EstrenosDTL
* ExtraTorrent.cd
- * EXT Torrents
- * EZTV
* Filebase
* FireBit
* Frozen Layer
@@ -65,15 +62,14 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* Horrible Subs
* IBit
* Idope
- * Il Corsaro Nero
* Il Corsaro Blu
+ * Il Corsaro Nero
* Internet Archive (archive.org)
* Isohunt2
- * iTorrent
* KickAssTorrent (KATcr)
* KickAssTorrent (kat.li)
- * Legit Torrents
* LePorno
+ * Legit Torrents
* LimeTorrents
* MacTorrents
* Magnet4You
@@ -83,13 +79,13 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* MovCr
* MoviesDVDR
* MyPornClub
+ * NNTT
* Newpct (aka: tvsinpagar, descargas2020, torrentlocura, torrentrapid, tumejortorrent, pctnew, etc)
* Newstudio
* Nitro
- * NNTT
* NoName Club (NNM-Club)
- * Nyaa.si
* Nyaa-Pantsu
+ * Nyaa.si
* OneJAV
* OxTorrent
* PiratBit
@@ -97,21 +93,18 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* PornLeech
* ProStyleX
- * Rus-media
* RuTor
+ * Rus-media
* Seedpeer
- * shokweb
* ShowRSS
* SkyTorrentsClone
* SolidTorrents
- * sukebei.Nyaa.si
- * sukebei-Pantsu
* TFile
* The Pirate Bay (TPB)
* Tokyo Tosho
* TopNow
* Torlock
* Torrent Downloads (TD)
* Torrent4You
* Torrent9
@@ -123,14 +116,21 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* TorrentParadise
* TorrentProject2
* TorrentQuest
- * Torrents.csv
* TorrentView
* TorrentWal
+ * Torrents.csv
* Torrentz2
* Underverse
- * YourBittorrent
* YTS.ag
+ * YourBittorrent
* Zooqle
+ * cpasbien
+ * cpasbienClone
+ * dmhy
+ * iTorrent
+ * shokweb
+ * sukebei-Pantsu
+ * sukebei.Nyaa.si
Supported Semi-Private Trackers
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* CasStudioTV
* Crazy's Corner
* CzTorrent
- * Deildu
* DXP (Deaf Experts)
+ * Deildu
* EniaHD
* Erzsebet
* ExKinoRay
@@ -153,22 +153,22 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* FilmsClub
* Gay-Torrents.net
* Gay-Torrents.org
- * HamsterStudio
* HD Dolby
+ * HamsterStudio
* Kinozal
* Korsar
* LostFilm.tv
+ * MVGroup Forum
+ * MVGroup Main
* Marine Tracker
* Metal Tracker
* MuziekFrabriek
- * MVGroup Forum
- * MVGroup Main
* NetHD (VietTorrent)
* Pornolab
* RiperAM
* RockBox
- * Rustorka
* RuTracker
+ * Rustorka
* Sharewood
* SkTorrent
* SoundPark
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* 4thD (4th Dimension)
* 52PT
* 720pier
+ * AST4u
* Abnormal
* Acid Lounge (A-L)
* Aftershock
@@ -201,55 +202,55 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* Araba Fenice (Phoenix)
* Asgaard (AG)
* AsianCinema
- * AST4u
- * Audiobook Torrents (ABT)
* AudioNews (AN)
- * Awesome-HD (AHD)
+ * Audiobook Torrents (ABT)
* Avistaz (AsiaTorrents)
+ * Awesome-HD (AHD)
+ * BIGTorrent
+ * BJ-Share (BJ)
+ * BRObits
+ * BTGigs (TG)
+ * BTNext (BTNT)
* Back-ups
- * BakaBT
* BaconBits (bB)
+ * BakaBT
* BeiTai
* BeyondHD (BHD)
+ * BiT-TiTAN
* Bibliotik
- * BIGTorrent
* BigTower
* Bit-City Reloaded
- * BiT-TiTAN
- * Bithorlo (BHO)
* BitHUmen
- * Bitspyder
* BitTorrentFiles
* BitTurk
- * BJ-Share (BJ)
+ * Bithorlo (BHO)
+ * Bitspyder
* BlueBird
* Blutopia (BLU)
* Boxing Torrents
* Brasil Tracker
- * BroadcastTheNet (BTN)
* BroadCity
- * BRObits
+ * BroadcastTheNet (BTN)
* BrokenStones
- * BTGigs (TG)
- * BTNext (BTNT)
- * Carpathians
- * CartoonChaos (CC)
- * CasaTorrent
* CCFBits
* CGPeers
* CHDBits
+ * Carpathians
+ * CartoonChaos (CC)
+ * CasaTorrent
* ChannelX
- * Cinemageddon
* CinemaMovies
- * Cinematik
* CinemaZ (EuTorrents)
+ * Cinemageddon
+ * Cinematik
* Classix
* Concertos
* CrazyHD
* CrazySpirits
* CrnaBerza
* DanishBits (DB)
* Das Unerwartete
* DataScene (DS)
@@ -263,16 +264,14 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* DocumentaryTorrents (DT)
* Downloadville
* Dragonworld Reloaded
* EbookParadijs
* Ebooks-Shares
* EfectoDoppler
* EggMeOn
* Elite-Tracker
* Empornium (EMP)
- * eShareNet
- * eStone (XiDER, BeLoad)
* Ethor.net (Thor's Land)
+ * ExoticaZ (YourExotic)
* ExtremeTorrents
* Fantastic Heaven
@@ -287,24 +286,23 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* FunFile (FF)
* FunkyTorrents (FT)
* Fuzer (FZ)
- * Galeriens (LaPauseTorrents)
* GAYtorrent.ru
+ * GFXPeers
+ * Galeriens (LaPauseTorrents)
* GazelleGames (GGn)
* Generation-Free
- * GFXPeers
* GigaTorrents
* GimmePeers (formerly ILT)
* GiroTorrent
* Greek Legends
* Greek Team
- * HacheDe
+ * HD-Bits.com
* HD-Forever (HDF)
* HD-Olimpo
* HD-Only (HDO)
* HD-Space (HDS)
* HD-Spain
* HD-Torrents (HDT)
- * HD-Bits.com
* HDArea (HDA)
* HDBits
@@ -321,23 +319,24 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* HDTurk
* HDZone
+ * HQSource (HQS)
+ * HacheDe
* Hebits
* Hon3y HD
- * HQSource (HQS)
* HuSh
* ICE Torrent
+ * IPTorrents (IPT)
* ImmortalSeed (iS)
* Immortuos
- * inPeril
* Insane Tracker
- * IPTorrents (IPT)
* JPopsuki
* Kapaki
* Karagarga
- * LegacyHD (HD4Free)
* Le Saloon
+ * LeChaudron
* LeagueHD
* LearnFlakes
+ * LegacyHD (HD4Free)
* LibraNet (LN)
* LinkoManija
* LosslessClub
@@ -349,7 +348,6 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* Mononoké-BT
* MoreThanTV (MTV)
* MyAnonamouse (MAM)
- * myAmity
* MySpleen
* NBTorrents
* NCore
@@ -360,54 +358,53 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* Norbits
* NordicBits (NB)
* Nostalgic (The Archive)
- * notwhat.cd
* OnlineSelfEducation
* Orpheus
* Ourbits (HDPter)
* P2PElite
+ * PT99
+ * PTFiles (PTF)
+ * PThome
+ * PWTorrents (PWT)
* Partis
* PassThePopcorn (PTP)
* Peers.FM
+ * PiXELHD (PxHD)
* PirateTheNet (PTN)
* PixelCove (Ultimate Gamer)
- * PiXELHD (PxHD)
* Pleasuredome
* PolishSource (PS)
* PolishTracker
- * Pornbay
* PornBits (PB)
+ * Pornbay
* Pretome
* PrivateHD (PHD)
* ProAudioTorrents (PAT)
* Psytorrents
- * PT99
- * PTFiles (PTF)
- * PThome
* PuntoTorrent
- * PWTorrents (PWT)
* R3V WTF!
+ * RPTorrents
* Racing4Everyone (R4E)
* RacingForMe (RFM)
* RainbowNation Sharing (RNS)
- * Redacted (PassTheHeadphones)
* Red Star Torrent (RST)
+ * Redacted (PassTheHeadphones)
* RetroFlix
* RevolutionTT
* RoDVD (Cinefiles)
* Romanian Metal Torrent (RMT)
- * RPTorrents
+ * SDBits
* SceneFZ
* SceneHD
* ScenePalace (SP)
* SceneRush
* SceneTime
- * SDBits
* Secret Cinema
* SeedFile (SF)
- * Shareisland
* ShareSpaceDB
* ShareUniversity
+ * Shareisland
* Shazbat
* Shellife (SL)
* SiamBIT
@@ -419,16 +416,20 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* SportsCult
* SpringSunday
* SuperBits (SBS)
+ * TLFBits
+ * TOrrent-tuRK (TORK)
+ * TTsWEB
+ * TV Chaos UK (TVCUK)
+ * TV-Vault
+ * TVstore
* TakeaByte
* Tapochek
* Tasmanit
* TeamHD
* TeamOS
* TellyTorrent
* TenYardTorrents (TYT)
- * TheAudioScene
- * TheEmpire (TE)
* The Falling Angels (TFA)
* The Geeks
* The Horror Charnel (THC)
@@ -437,39 +438,34 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* The Place
* The Shinning (TsH)
* The Show
- * The-Madhouse
* The Vault
- * TLFBits
+ * The-Madhouse
+ * TheAudioScene
+ * TheEmpire (TE)
+ * ToTheGlory
* Torrent Network (TN)
* Torrent Sector Crew (TSC)
+ * Torrent-Syndikat
* Torrent.LT
* TorrentBD
* TorrentBytes (TBy)
* TorrentCCF (TCCF)
* TorrentDay (TD)
- * Torrentech (TTH)
* TorrentFactory
- * TorrentHeaven
* TorrentHR
- * Torrenting (TT)
- * Torrentland
+ * TorrentHeaven
* TorrentLeech (TL)
* TorrentLeech.pl
* TorrentSeeds (TS)
- * Torrent-Syndikat
- * TOrrent-tuRK (TORK)
+ * Torrentech (TTH)
+ * Torrenting (TT)
+ * Torrentland
* TotallyKids (TK)
- * ToTheGlory
* TranceTraffic
* Trezzor
- * TTsWEB
* TurkTorrent (TT)
- * TV Chaos UK (TVCUK)
- * TV-Vault
- * TVstore
* Twilight Torrents
* Twilights Zoom
- * u-torrents (SceneFZ)
* U2 (U2分享園@動漫花園)
* UHDBits
* UnionGang
@@ -478,17 +474,22 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* WDT (Wrestling Desires Torrents / Ultimate Wrestling Torrents)
* World-In-HD
* World-of-Tomorrow
- * x-ite.me (XM)
- * xBytesV2
* XSpeeds (XS)
- * XWTorrents (XWT)
* XWT-Classics
+ * XWTorrents (XWT)
* Xthor
- * XtremeFile
* XtreMeZone (MYXZ)
- * ExoticaZ (YourExotic)
+ * XtremeFile
* Zamunda.net
* Zelka.org
+ * eShareNet
+ * eStone (XiDER, BeLoad)
+ * inPeril
+ * myAmity
+ * notwhat.cd
+ * u-torrents (SceneFZ)
+ * x-ite.me (XM)
+ * xBytesV2