diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ee21b44c1..f48270381 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -26,35 +26,32 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * 1337x * 7torrents - * AcademicTorrents * ACG.RIP * ACGsou + * AcademicTorrents + * AniRena * Anidex * Anime Tosho - * AniRena * AudioBook Bay (ABB) + * BT.etree + * BTDB + * BTDIGG + * BTSOW + * BTeye * Badass Torrents * BigFANGroup * BitRu * BitTorrent.AM - * BTDB - * BTDIGG - * BTeye - * BT.etree - * BTSOW * Cili180 * ConCen * Corsaro.red - * cpasbien - * cpasbienClone * Demonoid - * dmhy * ETTV + * EXT Torrents + * EZTV * EliteTorrent.biz * EstrenosDTL * ExtraTorrent.cd - * EXT Torrents - * EZTV * Filebase * FireBit * Frozen Layer @@ -65,15 +62,14 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * Horrible Subs * IBit * Idope - * Il Corsaro Nero * Il Corsaro Blu + * Il Corsaro Nero * Internet Archive (archive.org) * Isohunt2 - * iTorrent * KickAssTorrent (KATcr) * KickAssTorrent (kat.li) - * Legit Torrents * LePorno + * Legit Torrents * LimeTorrents * MacTorrents * Magnet4You @@ -83,13 +79,13 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * MovCr * MoviesDVDR * MyPornClub + * NNTT * Newpct (aka: tvsinpagar, descargas2020, torrentlocura, torrentrapid, tumejortorrent, pctnew, etc) * Newstudio * Nitro - * NNTT * NoName Club (NNM-Club) - * Nyaa.si * Nyaa-Pantsu + * Nyaa.si * OneJAV * OxTorrent * PiratBit @@ -97,21 +93,18 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * PornLeech * ProStyleX * RARBG - * Rus-media * RuTor + * Rus-media * Seedpeer - * shokweb * ShowRSS * SkyTorrentsClone * SolidTorrents - * sukebei.Nyaa.si - * sukebei-Pantsu * TFile + * TOROS * The Pirate Bay (TPB) * Tokyo Tosho * TopNow * Torlock - * TOROS * Torrent Downloads (TD) * Torrent4You * Torrent9 @@ -123,14 +116,21 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * TorrentParadise * TorrentProject2 * TorrentQuest - * Torrents.csv * TorrentView * TorrentWal + * Torrents.csv * Torrentz2 * Underverse - * YourBittorrent * YTS.ag + * YourBittorrent * Zooqle + * cpasbien + * cpasbienClone + * dmhy + * iTorrent + * shokweb + * sukebei-Pantsu + * sukebei.Nyaa.si
Supported Semi-Private Trackers @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * CasStudioTV * Crazy's Corner * CzTorrent - * Deildu * DXP (Deaf Experts) + * Deildu * EniaHD * Erzsebet * ExKinoRay @@ -153,22 +153,22 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * FilmsClub * Gay-Torrents.net * Gay-Torrents.org - * HamsterStudio * HD Dolby + * HamsterStudio * Kinozal * Korsar * LostFilm.tv + * MVGroup Forum + * MVGroup Main * Marine Tracker * Metal Tracker * MuziekFrabriek - * MVGroup Forum - * MVGroup Main * NetHD (VietTorrent) * Pornolab * RiperAM * RockBox - * Rustorka * RuTracker + * Rustorka * Sharewood * SkTorrent * SoundPark @@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * 4thD (4th Dimension) * 52PT * 720pier + * AST4u * Abnormal * Acid Lounge (A-L) * Aftershock @@ -201,55 +202,55 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * Araba Fenice (Phoenix) * Asgaard (AG) * AsianCinema - * AST4u - * Audiobook Torrents (ABT) * AudioNews (AN) - * Awesome-HD (AHD) + * Audiobook Torrents (ABT) * Avistaz (AsiaTorrents) + * Awesome-HD (AHD) + * BIGTorrent + * BIT-HDTV + * BJ-Share (BJ) + * BRObits + * BTGigs (TG) + * BTNext (BTNT) + * BTSCHOOL * Back-ups - * BakaBT * BaconBits (bB) + * BakaBT * BeiTai * BeyondHD (BHD) + * BiT-TiTAN * Bibliotik - * BIGTorrent * BigTower * Bit-City Reloaded - * BIT-HDTV - * BiT-TiTAN - * Bithorlo (BHO) * BitHUmen - * Bitspyder * BitTorrentFiles * BitTurk - * BJ-Share (BJ) + * Bithorlo (BHO) + * Bitspyder * BlueBird * Blutopia (BLU) * Boxing Torrents * Brasil Tracker - * BroadcastTheNet (BTN) * BroadCity - * BRObits + * BroadcastTheNet (BTN) * BrokenStones - * BTGigs (TG) - * BTNext (BTNT) - * BTSCHOOL - * Carpathians - * CartoonChaos (CC) - * CasaTorrent * CCFBits * CGPeers * CHDBits + * Carpathians + * CartoonChaos (CC) + * CasaTorrent * ChannelX - * Cinemageddon * CinemaMovies - * Cinematik * CinemaZ (EuTorrents) + * Cinemageddon + * Cinematik * Classix * Concertos * CrazyHD * CrazySpirits * CrnaBerza + * DXDHD * DanishBits (DB) * Das Unerwartete * DataScene (DS) @@ -263,16 +264,14 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * DocumentaryTorrents (DT) * Downloadville * Dragonworld Reloaded - * DXDHD * EbookParadijs * Ebooks-Shares * EfectoDoppler * EggMeOn * Elite-Tracker * Empornium (EMP) - * eShareNet - * eStone (XiDER, BeLoad) * Ethor.net (Thor's Land) + * ExoticaZ (YourExotic) * ExtremeTorrents * FANO.IN * Fantastic Heaven @@ -287,24 +286,23 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * FunFile (FF) * FunkyTorrents (FT) * Fuzer (FZ) - * Galeriens (LaPauseTorrents) * GAYtorrent.ru + * GFXPeers + * Galeriens (LaPauseTorrents) * GazelleGames (GGn) * Generation-Free - * GFXPeers * GigaTorrents * GimmePeers (formerly ILT) * GiroTorrent * Greek Legends * Greek Team - * HacheDe + * HD-Bits.com * HD-Forever (HDF) * HD-Olimpo * HD-Only (HDO) * HD-Space (HDS) * HD-Spain * HD-Torrents (HDT) - * HD-Bits.com * HD4FANS * HDArea (HDA) * HDBits @@ -321,23 +319,24 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * HDTurk * HDU * HDZone + * HQSource (HQS) + * HacheDe * Hebits * Hon3y HD - * HQSource (HQS) * HuSh * ICE Torrent + * IPTorrents (IPT) * ImmortalSeed (iS) * Immortuos - * inPeril * Insane Tracker - * IPTorrents (IPT) * JPopsuki * Kapaki * Karagarga - * LegacyHD (HD4Free) * Le Saloon + * LeChaudron * LeagueHD * LearnFlakes + * LegacyHD (HD4Free) * LibraNet (LN) * LinkoManija * LosslessClub @@ -349,7 +348,6 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * Mononoké-BT * MoreThanTV (MTV) * MyAnonamouse (MAM) - * myAmity * MySpleen * NBTorrents * NCore @@ -360,54 +358,53 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * Norbits * NordicBits (NB) * Nostalgic (The Archive) - * notwhat.cd * OnlineSelfEducation * Orpheus * Ourbits (HDPter) * P2PBG * P2PElite + * PT99 + * PTFiles (PTF) + * PThome + * PWTorrents (PWT) * Partis * PassThePopcorn (PTP) * Peers.FM + * PiXELHD (PxHD) * PirateTheNet (PTN) * PixelCove (Ultimate Gamer) - * PiXELHD (PxHD) * Pleasuredome * PolishSource (PS) * PolishTracker - * Pornbay * PornBits (PB) + * Pornbay * Pretome * PrivateHD (PHD) * ProAudioTorrents (PAT) * Psytorrents - * PT99 - * PTFiles (PTF) - * PThome * PuntoTorrent - * PWTorrents (PWT) * R3V WTF! + * RPTorrents * Racing4Everyone (R4E) * RacingForMe (RFM) * RainbowNation Sharing (RNS) - * Redacted (PassTheHeadphones) * Red Star Torrent (RST) + * Redacted (PassTheHeadphones) * RetroFlix * RevolutionTT * RoDVD (Cinefiles) * Romanian Metal Torrent (RMT) - * RPTorrents + * SDBits * SceneFZ * SceneHD * ScenePalace (SP) * SceneRush * SceneTime - * SDBits * Secret Cinema * SeedFile (SF) - * Shareisland * ShareSpaceDB * ShareUniversity + * Shareisland * Shazbat * Shellife (SL) * SiamBIT @@ -419,16 +416,20 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * SportsCult * SpringSunday * SuperBits (SBS) + * TEKNO3D + * TLFBits + * TOrrent-tuRK (TORK) + * TTsWEB + * TV Chaos UK (TVCUK) + * TV-Vault + * TVstore * TakeaByte * Tapochek * Tasmanit * TeamHD * TeamOS - * TEKNO3D * TellyTorrent * TenYardTorrents (TYT) - * TheAudioScene - * TheEmpire (TE) * The Falling Angels (TFA) * The Geeks * The Horror Charnel (THC) @@ -437,39 +438,34 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * The Place * The Shinning (TsH) * The Show - * The-Madhouse * The Vault - * TLFBits + * The-Madhouse + * TheAudioScene + * TheEmpire (TE) + * ToTheGlory * Torrent Network (TN) * Torrent Sector Crew (TSC) + * Torrent-Syndikat * Torrent.LT * TorrentBD * TorrentBytes (TBy) * TorrentCCF (TCCF) * TorrentDay (TD) - * Torrentech (TTH) * TorrentFactory - * TorrentHeaven * TorrentHR - * Torrenting (TT) - * Torrentland + * TorrentHeaven * TorrentLeech (TL) * TorrentLeech.pl * TorrentSeeds (TS) - * Torrent-Syndikat - * TOrrent-tuRK (TORK) + * Torrentech (TTH) + * Torrenting (TT) + * Torrentland * TotallyKids (TK) - * ToTheGlory * TranceTraffic * Trezzor - * TTsWEB * TurkTorrent (TT) - * TV Chaos UK (TVCUK) - * TV-Vault - * TVstore * Twilight Torrents * Twilights Zoom - * u-torrents (SceneFZ) * U2 (U2分享園@動漫花園) * UHDBits * UnionGang @@ -478,17 +474,22 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/ * WDT (Wrestling Desires Torrents / Ultimate Wrestling Torrents) * World-In-HD * World-of-Tomorrow - * x-ite.me (XM) - * xBytesV2 * XSpeeds (XS) - * XWTorrents (XWT) * XWT-Classics + * XWTorrents (XWT) * Xthor - * XtremeFile * XtreMeZone (MYXZ) - * ExoticaZ (YourExotic) + * XtremeFile * Zamunda.net * Zelka.org + * eShareNet + * eStone (XiDER, BeLoad) + * inPeril + * myAmity + * notwhat.cd + * u-torrents (SceneFZ) + * x-ite.me (XM) + * xBytesV2
Trackers marked with [![(invite needed)][inviteneeded]](#) have no active maintainer and are missing features or are broken. If you have an invite for them please send it to garfieldsixtynine -at- gmail.com to get them fixed/improved. diff --git a/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/lechaudron.yml b/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/lechaudron.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de177722b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/lechaudron.yml @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +--- + site: lechaudron + name: LeChaudron + description: "Le Chaudron is a FRENCH Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV / GENERAL" + language: fr-fr + type: private + encoding: UTF-8 + links: + - https://lechaudron.nl/ + + caps: + categorymappings: + - {id: 1, cat: XXX, desc: "Adultes - BD Erotique"} + - {id: 4, cat: XXX, desc: "Adultes - Doujin (Manga X)"} + - {id: 2, cat: XXX, desc: "Adultes - eBook XXX"} + - {id: 3, cat: XXX, desc: "Adultes - Film XXX"} + - {id: 5, cat: XXX, desc: "Adultes - Hentai"} + - {id: 6, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - 3D"} + - {id: 7, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - 4K Light"} + - {id: 8, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - 4K UHD"} + - {id: 9, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - BDRIP-BRRIP"} + - {id: 10, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - BluRay-R"} + - {id: 11, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - DVD-R"} + - {id: 12, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - DVDRIP"} + - {id: 13, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - Film Jap-Anim"} + - {id: 14, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - HD 1080P"} + - {id: 15, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - HD 720p"} + - {id: 16, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - HDRIP"} + - {id: 17, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - HDTV"} + - {id: 18, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - HDTV 1080p"} + - {id: 19, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - HDTV 720p"} + - {id: 20, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - MHD 1080p"} + - {id: 21, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - MHD 720p"} + - {id: 22, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - REMUX"} + - {id: 23, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - Serie Animee"} + - {id: 24, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - Serie Jap-Anim"} + - {id: 25, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - TVRIP"} + - {id: 26, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - WEB-DL"} + - {id: 27, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - WEB-DL 1080p"} + - {id: 28, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - WEB-DL 720p"} + - {id: 29, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animations - WEBRIP"} + - {id: 31, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Documentaires - Emission TV"} + - {id: 32, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Documentaires - Film Documentaire"} + - {id: 33, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Documentaires - Spectacle"} + - {id: 34, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Documentaires - Sport"} + - {id: 41, cat: Movies/3D, desc: "Films - 3D"} + - {id: 42, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "Films - 4K Light"} + - {id: 43, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "Films - 4K UHD"} + - {id: 44, cat: Movies/BluRay, desc: "Films - BDRIP-BRRIP"} + - {id: 45, cat: Movies/BluRay, desc: "Films - BluRay-R"} + - {id: 46, cat: Movies, desc: "Films - Coffret"} + - {id: 47, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "Films - DVD-R"} + - {id: 48, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "Films - DVDRIP"} + - {id: 49, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - HD 1080P"} + - {id: 50, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - HD 720p"} + - {id: 51, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - HDRIP"} + - {id: 52, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - HDTV"} + - {id: 53, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - HDTV 1080p"} + - {id: 54, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - HDTV 720p"} + - {id: 55, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - MHD 1080p"} + - {id: 56, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Films - MHD 720p"} + - {id: 57, cat: Movies, desc: "Films - REMUX"} + - {id: 58, cat: Movies, desc: "Films - TVRIP"} + - {id: 59, cat: Movies/WEBDL, desc: "Films - WEB-DL"} + - {id: 60, cat: Movies/WEBDL, desc: "Films - WEB-DL 1080p"} + - {id: 61, cat: Movies/WEBDL, desc: "Films - WEB-DL 720p"} + - {id: 62, cat: Movies/WEBDL, desc: "Films - WEBRIP"} + - {id: 64, cat: Console/3DS, desc: "Jeux - 3DS-DS"} + - {id: 65, cat: PC/Phone-IOS, desc: "Jeux - IOS-OSX"} + - {id: 66, cat: PC/Games, desc: "Jeux - PC"} + - {id: 67, cat: Console/PSP, desc: "Jeux - PS-PSP-X"} + - {id: 68, cat: Console/Wii, desc: "Jeux - Wii - Wii-U"} + - {id: 69, cat: Console/Xbox, desc: "Jeux - XBOX"} + - {id: 35, cat: Audio/Audiobook, desc: "Livres - Audio-Book"} + - {id: 36, cat: Books, desc: "Livres - BD"} + - {id: 37, cat: Books/Magazines, desc: "Livres - Magazine"} + - {id: 38, cat: Books/Comics, desc: "Livres - MANGAS"} + - {id: 39, cat: Books, desc: "Livres - Presse"} + - {id: 40, cat: Books/Ebook, desc: "Livres - Roman"} + - {id: 70, cat: PC/Phone-Android, desc: "Logiciels - ANDROID"} + - {id: 71, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Logiciels - APPLE"} + - {id: 72, cat: PC/Phone-IOS, desc: "Logiciels - IPHONE"} + - {id: 73, cat: PC, desc: "Logiciels - LINUX"} + - {id: 74, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Logiciels - WINDOWS"} + - {id: 75, cat: TV, desc: "Pack - 3D"} + - {id: 76, cat: TV/UHD, desc: "Pack - 4K Light"} + - {id: 77, cat: TV/UHD, desc: "Pack - 4KUHD"} + - {id: 78, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - BDRIP-BRRIP"} + - {id: 79, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - BluRay-R"} + - {id: 80, cat: TV/SD, desc: "Pack - DVD-R"} + - {id: 81, cat: TV/SD, desc: "Pack - DVDRIP"} + - {id: 82, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - HD 1080P"} + - {id: 83, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - HD 720p"} + - {id: 84, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - HDRIP"} + - {id: 85, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - HDTV"} + - {id: 86, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - HDTV 1080p"} + - {id: 87, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - HDTV 720p"} + - {id: 88, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - MHD 1080p"} + - {id: 89, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Pack - MHD 720p"} + - {id: 90, cat: TV, desc: "Pack - REMUX"} + - {id: 91, cat: TV, desc: "Pack - TVRIP"} + - {id: 92, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Pack - WEB-DL"} + - {id: 93, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Pack - WEB-DL 1080p"} + - {id: 94, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Pack - WEB-DL 720p"} + - {id: 95, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Pack - WEBRIP"} + - {id: 97, cat: TV, desc: "Series - 3D"} + - {id: 98, cat: TV/UHD, desc: "Series - 4K Light"} + - {id: 99, cat: TV/UHD, desc: "Series - 4KUHD"} + - {id: 100, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - BDRIP-BRRIP"} + - {id: 101, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - BluRay-R"} + - {id: 102, cat: TV/SD, desc: "Series - DVD-R"} + - {id: 103, cat: TV/SD, desc: "Series - DVDRIP"} + - {id: 104, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - HD 1080P"} + - {id: 105, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - HD 720p"} + - {id: 106, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - HDRIP"} + - {id: 107, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - HDTV"} + - {id: 108, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - HDTV 1080p"} + - {id: 109, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - HDTV 720p"} + - {id: 110, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - MHD 1080p"} + - {id: 111, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Series - MHD 720p"} + - {id: 112, cat: TV, desc: "Series - REMUX"} + - {id: 113, cat: TV, desc: "Series - TVRIP"} + - {id: 114, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Series - WEB-DL"} + - {id: 115, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Series - WEB-DL 1080p"} + - {id: 116, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Series - WEB-DL 720p"} + - {id: 117, cat: TV/WEB-DL, desc: "Series - WEBRIP"} + + modes: + search: [q] + tv-search: [q, season, ep] + movie-search: [q] + +# login: +# path: TTV3/Connexion +# method: post +# inputs: +# username: "{{ .Config.username }}" +# password: "{{ .Config.password }}" +# error: +# - selector: font[color="red"] +# test: +# path: TTV3/Bienvenue +# selector: a[href$="/TTV3/Deconnexion"] + + settings: + - name: cookie + type: text + label: Cookie + - name: info + type: info + label: How to get the Cookie + default: "
  1. Login to this tracker with your browser
  2. Open the DevTools panel by pressing F12
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. Click on the Doc button
  5. Refresh the page by pressing F5
  6. Select the Headers tab
  7. Find 'cookie:' in the Request Headers section
  8. Copy & paste the whole cookie string to here.
" + + login: + method: cookie + inputs: + cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}" + test: + path: TTV3/Bienvenue + selector: a[href$="/TTV3/Deconnexion"] + + download: + selector: a[href*="/Telechargement/"] + + search: + paths: + # https://lechaudron.nl/TTV3/Torrents/Recherche?recherche=viva+maria&type=exacte&endroit=nomtorrent&langue=0&tl=peuimporte + # categories for searching are unsupported + - path: TTV3/Torrents/Recherche + inputs: + recherche: "{{ .Keywords }}" + # searchtype un (one word) tout (all words) exacte (exact expression) + type: tout + # searchin nomtorrent (name) or desctorrent (descr) + endroit: nomtorrent + # language 0 all 2 english + langue: 0 + # freeleech oui (yes) non (no) peuimporte (ignore) + tl: peuimporte + + rows: + selector: tr:has(a[onmouseover]) + + fields: + category: + selector: a[href*="/SousCategories/"] + attribute: href + filters: + - name: regexp + args: (\d+)$ + title: + selector: a[href*="/SousCategories/"] + attribute: alt + filters: + - name: regexp + args: "^..(.+)" + details: + selector: a[onmouseover] + attribute: href + download: + selector: a[onmouseover] + attribute: href + banner: + selector: a[onmouseover] + attribute: onmouseover + filters: + - name: regexp + args: "src= (.*?)><" + date: + selector: a[onmouseover] font[color="#F2F2F2"] + filters: + - name: regexp + args: "Il y a (.*?)\\s-" + - name: replace + args: ["heures", "hours"] + - name: replace + args: ["heure", "hour"] + - name: replace + args: ["Jours", "days"] + - name: replace + args: ["Jour", "day"] + - name: replace + args: ["Semaines", "weeks"] + - name: replace + args: ["Semaine", "week"] + - name: replace + args: ["Mois", "months"] + - name: replace + args: ["Ans", "years"] + - name: replace + args: ["An", "year"] + - name: append + args: " ago" + size: + selector: td:nth-last-child(5) + grabs: + selector: td:nth-last-child(4) + seeders: + selector: td:nth-last-child(3) + leechers: + selector: td:nth-last-child(2) + downloadvolumefactor: + case: + img[src$="/images/Torrents/TLibre.png"]: 0 + img[src$="/images/Torrents/freeleech.png"]: 0 + "*": 1 + uploadvolumefactor: + text: 1 +# TT3.00 FRENCH diff --git a/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs b/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs index 5a78882d0..a6f7b4a5b 100644 --- a/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs +++ b/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs @@ -323,7 +323,6 @@ namespace Jackett.Updater "Definitions/katcrs.yml", "Definitions/kikibt.yml", "Definitions/lapausetorrents.yml", - "Definitions/lechaudron.yml", "Definitions/lemencili.yml", "Definitions/leparadisdunet.yml", "Definitions/maniatorrent.yml",