diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2054339f1..7379f5263 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ Developer note: The software implements the [Torznab](https://github.com/Sonarr/
* Shellife
* SpeedCD
* Superbits
+ * The Empire
* The Horror Charnel
* The New Retro
* The Shinning
diff --git a/src/Jackett/Definitions/theempire.yml b/src/Jackett/Definitions/theempire.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35310c0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Jackett/Definitions/theempire.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ site: theempire
+ name: The Empire
+ description: "Commonwealth television"
+ language: en-us
+ type: private
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ links:
+ - http://www.theempire.bz/
+ caps:
+ categorymappings:
+ - {id: 55, cat: TV, desc: "Adverts"}
+ - {id: 60, cat: TV, desc: "Educational"}
+ - {id: 63, cat: TV, desc: "Game Shows"}
+ - {id: 67, cat: TV, desc: "Music"}
+ - {id: 72, cat: TV, desc: "QuizComedy"}
+ - {id: 77, cat: TV, desc: "Special Events"}
+ - {id: 81, cat: TV, desc: "Trains & Planes"}
+ - {id: 54, cat: TV, desc: "Arts & Culture"}
+ - {id: 61, cat: TV, desc: "Entertainment"}
+ - {id: 53, cat: TV, desc: "Gardening"}
+ - {id: 68, cat: TV, desc: "Mystery & Crime Fiction"}
+ - {id: 73, cat: TV, desc: "Radio"}
+ - {id: 78, cat: TV, desc: "Special Interest"}
+ - {id: 82, cat: TV, desc: "Travel"}
+ - {id: 56, cat: TV, desc: "Comedy"}
+ - {id: 85, cat: TV, desc: "Euro-Noir"}
+ - {id: 64, cat: TV, desc: "Kids"}
+ - {id: 69, cat: TV, desc: "News"}
+ - {id: 74, cat: TV, desc: "Reality"}
+ - {id: 79, cat: TV, desc: "Sport"}
+ - {id: 83, cat: TV, desc: "Wildlife & Nature"}
+ - {id: 58, cat: TV, desc: "Documentary"}
+ - {id: 57, cat: TV, desc: "Fly on the Wall/Lifestyle"}
+ - {id: 65, cat: TV, desc: "Magazine"}
+ - {id: 70, cat: TV, desc: "Occult & Horror"}
+ - {id: 75, cat: TV, desc: "Sci-Fi"}
+ - {id: 84, cat: TV, desc: "Style & Fashion"}
+ - {id: 62, cat: TV, desc: "Food Drink & Cooking"}
+ - {id: 66, cat: TV, desc: "Motoring"}
+ - {id: 71, cat: TV, desc: "Property"}
+ - {id: 76, cat: TV, desc: "Soaps"}
+ - {id: 80, cat: TV, desc: "Talkshow"}
+ - {id: 59, cat: TV, desc: "Drama"}
+ modes:
+ search: [q]
+ login:
+ path: /login.php
+ method: form
+ form: form
+ inputs:
+ username: "{{ .Config.username }}"
+ password: "{{ .Config.password }}"
+ captcha:
+ type: image
+ image: img#freecap
+ input: word
+ error:
+ - selector: table:contains("Login failed!")
+ test:
+ path: main.php
+ download:
+ selector: a[href^="download.php"]
+ search:
+ path: browse.php
+ inputs:
+ $raw: "{{range .Categories}}filter_cat[{{.}}]=1&{{end}}"
+ search: "{{ .Query.Keywords }}"
+ rows:
+ selector: table[border="0"] > tbody > tr.ttable:has(a[href^="browse.php?cat="])
+ fields:
+ category:
+ selector: a[href^="browse.php?cat="]
+ attribute: href
+ filters:
+ - name: querystring
+ args: cat
+ title:
+ filters:
+ selector: td:nth-child(2) b
+ download:
+ selector: a[href^="details.php?id="]
+ attribute: href
+ filters:
+ - name: replace
+ args: ["details.php?id=", "download.php?id="]
+ details:
+ selector: a[href^="details.php?id="]
+ attribute: href
+ grabs:
+ selector: td:nth-child(8)
+ filters:
+ - name: regexp
+ args: ([\d,]+)
+ files:
+ selector: td:nth-child(4)
+ size:
+ selector: td:nth-child(7)
+ seeders:
+ selector: td:nth-child(9)
+ leechers:
+ selector: td:nth-child(10)
+ date:
+ selector: td:nth-child(6)
+ filters:
+ - name: regexp
+ args: (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})
+ downloadvolumefactor:
+ case:
+ "font[color=\"green\"]": "0"
+ "font[color=\"blue\"]": "0"
+ "*": "1"
+ uploadvolumefactor:
+ case:
+ "font[color=\"green\"]": "0"
+ "*": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Jackett/Jackett.csproj b/src/Jackett/Jackett.csproj
index e4469a7b1..51c19cecd 100644
--- a/src/Jackett/Jackett.csproj
+++ b/src/Jackett/Jackett.csproj
@@ -516,6 +516,9 @@
+ PreserveNewest