diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9a4501bbd..452001b8f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -427,7 +427,6 @@ A third-party Golang SDK for Jackett is available from [webtor-io/go-jackett](ht
* MMA-Torrents [![(invite needed)][inviteneeded]](#)
* MNV (Max-New-Vision)
- * Mononoké-BT [![(invite needed)][inviteneeded]](#)
* MoreThanTV (MTV)
* MouseBits
* Movie-Torrentz
diff --git a/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/mononokebt.yml b/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/mononokebt.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 699667c25..000000000
--- a/src/Jackett.Common/Definitions/mononokebt.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-id: mononokebt
-name: Mononoké-BT
-description: "Mononoke-BT is a FRENCH Private Torrent Tracker for ANIME"
-language: fr-FR
-type: private
-encoding: iso-8859-15
- - http://mononoke-bt.org/
- - https://mononoke-bt.org/ # downloads do not supported https
- categories:
- 1: TV/Anime
- modes:
- search: [q]
- tv-search: [q, season, ep]
- - name: cookie
- type: text
- label: Cookie
- - name: info
- type: info
- label: How to get the Cookie
- default: "
- Login to this tracker with your browser
- Open the DevTools panel by pressing F12
- Select the Network tab
- Click on the Doc button (Chrome Browser) or HTML button (FireFox)
- Refresh the page by pressing F5
- Click on the first row entry
- Select the Headers tab on the Right panel
- Find 'cookie:' in the Request Headers section
- Select and Copy the whole cookie string (everything after 'cookie: ') and Paste here.
- - name: vostfr
- type: checkbox
- label: Add VOSTFR to titles
- default: false
- - name: IMPORTANT_FR
- type: info
- label: (FR) Informations Importantes
- default: Avant de pouvoir télécharger un torrent depuis Jackett, allez dans la FAQ et cliquer tous les 'Lu et Approuvé' de la page.
- - name: IMPORTANT_EN
- type: info
- label: (EN) Important infos
- default: Before you can even begin to download anything you need to go to the FAQ and click every 'Lu et Approuvé' present on the page.
- method: cookie
- inputs:
- cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}"
- test:
- path: browse2.php
- before:
- path: gettorrent.php
- method: get
- inputs:
- id: "{{ .DownloadUri.Query.id }}"
- paths:
- - path: browse2.php
- inputs:
- search: "%{{ re_replace .Query.Keywords \"[^a-zA-Z0-9]+\" \"%\" }}%"
- incldead: 1
- rows:
- selector: table#torrentstable > tbody > tr:has(a[href^="details.php?id="])
- fields:
- category:
- text: 1
- title_normal:
- selector: a[href^="details.php?id="]
- title_vostfr:
- text: "{{ .Result.title_normal }} VOSTFR"
- title:
- text: "{{ if .Config.vostfr }}{{ .Result.title_vostfr }}{{ else }}{{ .Result.title_normal }}{{ end }}"
- details:
- selector: a[href^="details.php?id="]
- attribute: href
- download:
- selector: a[href^="gettorrent.php?id="]
- attribute: href
- poster:
- selector: a[href^="browse2.php?cat="] > img
- attribute: src
- files:
- selector: td:nth-child(6)
- date:
- selector: td:nth-child(9)
- filters:
- - name: append
- args: " +01:00" # CET
- - name: dateparse
- args: "2006-01-0215:04:05 -07:00"
- size:
- selector: td:nth-child(10)
- filters:
- - name: replace
- args: ["o", "b"]
- grabs:
- selector: td:nth-child(12)
- seeders:
- selector: td:nth-child(13)
- leechers:
- selector: td:nth-child(14)
- downloadvolumefactor:
- case:
- img[src="/pic/icons/cadeau1.png"]: 0
- img[src="/pic/icons/cadeau2.png"]: 0
- img[src="/pic/icons/cadeau3.png"]: 0
- "*": 1
- uploadvolumefactor:
- text: 1
-# engine tbd
diff --git a/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs b/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs
index dae15842f..227d8efa7 100644
--- a/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs
+++ b/src/Jackett.Updater/Program.cs
@@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ namespace Jackett.Updater
+ "Definitions/mononokebt.yml",