XSpeeds: Login again only if it's necessary

This commit is contained in:
kaso17 2016-12-10 18:01:45 +01:00
parent 6d26fb8f43
commit db4717b714
1 changed files with 4 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -247,37 +247,15 @@ namespace Jackett.Indexers
{ "username", configData.Username.Value },
{ "password", configData.Password.Value }
var result = await RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(LoginUrl, pairs, CookieHeader, true, null, SiteLink, true);
if (!result.Cookies.Trim().Equals(prevCook.Trim()))
result = await RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(LoginUrl, pairs, result.Cookies, true, SearchUrl, SiteLink, true);
CookieHeader = result.Cookies;
var attempt = 1;
var searchPage = await PostDataWithCookiesAndRetry(SearchUrl, searchParams, CookieHeader);
while (searchPage.IsRedirect && attempt < 3)
// Occasionally the cookies become invalid, login again if that happens
if (searchPage.IsRedirect)
// add any cookies
var cookieString = CookieHeader;
if (searchPage.Cookies != null)
cookieString += " " + searchPage.Cookies;
// resolve cookie conflicts - really no need for this as the webclient will handle it
var expression = new Regex(@"([^\s]+)=([^=]+)(?:\s|$)");
var cookieDIctionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var matches = expression.Match(cookieString);
while (matches.Success)
if (matches.Groups.Count > 2) cookieDIctionary[matches.Groups[1].Value] = matches.Groups[2].Value;
matches = matches.NextMatch();
cookieString = string.Join(" ", cookieDIctionary.Select(kv => kv.Key.ToString() + "=" + kv.Value.ToString()).ToArray());
CookieHeader = cookieString;
await ApplyConfiguration(null);
searchPage = await PostDataWithCookiesAndRetry(SearchUrl, searchParams, CookieHeader);
CQ dom = searchPage.Content;