Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett synced 2025-03-13 07:33:12 +00:00

fuzer: convert c# to yml

based on https://github.com/Prowlarr/Indexers/blob/master/definitions/v3/fuzer.yml
then updated to Jackett standards in line with original  Jackett c# fuzer.
This commit is contained in:
Garfield69 2022-07-19 22:04:03 +12:00
parent a1d57e748b
commit f0d0eed076
2 changed files with 181 additions and 269 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
id: fuzer
name: Fuzer
description: "Fuzer is a private torrent website with israeli torrents."
language: he-IL
type: private
encoding: windows-1255
- https://www.fuzer.me/
- https://fuzer.me/
# Movies
- {id: 73, cat: Movies, desc: "סרטים"}
- {id: 7, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "סרטים"}
- {id: 60, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "סרטים ישראליים"}
- {id: 9, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "סרטים HD"}
- {id: 101, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "סרטים x265"}
- {id: 59, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "סרטי BDRIP-BRRip"}
- {id: 61, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "סרטים ישראליים HD"}
- {id: 97, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "סרטים UHD"}
- {id: 58, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "סרטים DVD-R"}
- {id: 83, cat: Movies/Other, desc: "סרטים מדובבים"}
# TV
- {id: 76, cat: TV, desc: "סדרות"}
- {id: 8, cat: TV/SD, desc: "סדרות"}
- {id: 62, cat: TV/SD, desc: "סדרות ישראליות"}
- {id: 10, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Tסדרות HD"}
- {id: 63, cat: TV/HD, desc: "סדרות ישראליות HD"}
- {id: 100, cat: TV/UHD, desc: "סדרות UHD"}
- {id: 84, cat: TV/Other, desc: "סדרות מדובבות"}
- {id: 65, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "אנימה"}
- {id: 64, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "ספורט"}
# PC
- {id: 74, cat: PC, desc: "תוכנות"}
- {id: 15, cat: PC/0day, desc: "תוכנות PC"}
- {id: 11, cat: PC/Games, desc: "משחקים PC"}
- {id: 13, cat: PC/Mobile-Android, desc: "אפליקציות לאנדרואיד"}
- {id: 70, cat: PC/Mobile-iOS, desc: "אפליקציות לאייפון"}
- {id: 71, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "תוכנות MAC"}
- {id: 16, cat: XXX, desc: "למבוגרים בלבד"}
# Games
- {id: 72, cat: Console, desc: "משחקים"}
- {id: 55, cat: Console/XBox, desc: "משחקים XBOX"}
- {id: 12, cat: Console/PSP, desc: "משחקים PS"}
- {id: 56, cat: Console/Wii, desc: "משחקים WII"}
- {id: 57, cat: PC/Mobile-Other, desc: "משחקי קונסולות ניידות"}
# Music
- {id: 75, cat: Audio, desc: "שירים"}
- {id: 14, cat: Audio, desc: "מוזיקה עולמית"}
- {id: 66, cat: Audio, desc: "מוזיקה ישראלית"}
- {id: 68, cat: Audio, desc: "פסקולים"}
- {id: 67, cat: Audio/Lossless, desc: "FLAC"}
# Books
- {id: 69, cat: Books, desc: "Ebooks"}
# Other
- {id: 17, cat: Other, desc: "שונות"}
search: [q]
tv-search: [q, season, ep, imdbid]
movie-search: [q, imdbid]
music-search: [q]
book-search: [q]
- name: cookie
type: text
label: Cookie
- name: info
type: info
label: How to get the Cookie
default: "<ol><li>Login to this tracker with your browser<li>Open the <b>DevTools</b> panel by pressing <b>F12</b><li>Select the <b>Network</b> tab<li>Click on the <b>Doc</b> button (Chrome Browser) or <b>HTML</b> button (FireFox)<li>Refresh the page by pressing <b>F5</b><li>Click on the first row entry<li>Select the <b>Headers</b> tab on the Right panel<li>Find <b>'cookie:'</b> in the <b>Request Headers</b> section<li><b>Select</b> and <b>Copy</b> the whole cookie string <i>(everything after 'cookie: ')</i> and <b>Paste</b> here.</ol>"
- name: freeleech
type: checkbox
label: Search freeleech only
default: false
- name: sort
type: select
label: Sort requested from site
default: dateadded
dateadded: created
seeders: seeders
size: size
name: title
- name: type
type: select
label: Order requested from site
default: desc
desc: desc
asc: asc
method: cookie
cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}"
path: browse.php
- path: browse.php
query: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}{{ .Query.IMDBID }}{{ else }}{{ .Keywords }}{{ end }}"
order: "{{ .Config.sort }}"
sort: "{{ .Config.type }}"
matchquery: any
freeleech: "{{ if .Config.freeleech }}1{{ else }}0{{ end }}"
# on, off, only_dead
dead: on
$raw: "{{ range .Categories }}c[]={{.}}&{{end}}"
selector: .box_torrent
selector: a[href^="/browse.php?cat="]
attribute: href
- name: querystring
args: cat
selector: .main_title
selector: a[href^="/showthread.php?t="]
attribute: href
selector: a[href^="/attachment.php?attachmentid="]
attribute: href
selector: span.imdb-inline > a
attribute: href
selector: a[imgsrc]
attribute: imgsrc
selector: td:nth-child(4)
selector: td:nth-child(5)
- name: replace
args: [",", ""]
selector: td:nth-child(6)
- name: replace
args: [",", ""]
selector: td:nth-child(7)
- name: replace
args: [",", ""]
selector: .up_info2
- name: append
args: " +02:00" # EET
- name: re_replace
args: ["[^:]+: ", ""]
- name: dateparse
args: "02/01/06 15:04 -07:00"
selector: div.sub_title
a[href*="freeleech=1"]: 0
"*": 1
text: 1
text: 1.0
# 2 days (as seconds = 2 x 24 x 60 x 60)
text: 172800
# engine n/a

View file

@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AngleSharp.Html.Parser;
using Jackett.Common.Helpers;
using Jackett.Common.Models;
using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig;
using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces;
using Jackett.Common.Utils;
using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NLog;
namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers
public class Fuzer : BaseWebIndexer
public override string[] LegacySiteLinks { get; protected set; } =
private string SearchUrl => SiteLink + "browse.php";
private new ConfigurationDataCookie configData => (ConfigurationDataCookie)base.configData;
public Fuzer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient w, Logger l, IProtectionService ps,
ICacheService cs)
: base(id: "fuzer",
name: "Fuzer",
description: "Fuzer is a private torrent website with israeli torrents.",
link: "https://www.fuzer.me/",
caps: new TorznabCapabilities
TvSearchParams = new List<TvSearchParam>
TvSearchParam.Q, TvSearchParam.Season, TvSearchParam.Ep
MovieSearchParams = new List<MovieSearchParam>
MovieSearchParam.Q, MovieSearchParam.ImdbId
MusicSearchParams = new List<MusicSearchParam>
BookSearchParams = new List<BookSearchParam>
configService: configService,
client: w,
logger: l,
p: ps,
cacheService: cs,
configData: new ConfigurationDataCookie())
Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1255");
Language = "he-IL";
Type = "private";
// סרטים
AddCategoryMapping(7, TorznabCatType.MoviesSD, "סרטים");
AddCategoryMapping(9, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD, "סרטים HD");
AddCategoryMapping(97, TorznabCatType.MoviesUHD, "סרטים UHD");
AddCategoryMapping(101, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD, "סרטים x265");
AddCategoryMapping(58, TorznabCatType.MoviesDVD, "סרטים DVD-R");
AddCategoryMapping(59, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD, "סרטי BDRIP-BRRip");
AddCategoryMapping(60, TorznabCatType.MoviesSD, "סרטים ישראליים");
AddCategoryMapping(61, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD, "סרטים ישראליים HD");
AddCategoryMapping(83, TorznabCatType.MoviesOther, "סרטים מדובבים");
// סדרות
AddCategoryMapping(8, TorznabCatType.TVSD, "סדרות");
AddCategoryMapping(10, TorznabCatType.TVHD, "סדרות HD");
AddCategoryMapping(100, TorznabCatType.TVUHD, "סדרות UHD");
AddCategoryMapping(62, TorznabCatType.TVSD, "סדרות ישראליות");
AddCategoryMapping(63, TorznabCatType.TVHD, "סדרות ישראליות HD");
AddCategoryMapping(84, TorznabCatType.TVOther, "סדרות מדובבות");
// מוזיקה
AddCategoryMapping(14, TorznabCatType.Audio, "מוזיקה עולמית");
AddCategoryMapping(66, TorznabCatType.Audio, "מוזיקה ישראלית");
AddCategoryMapping(67, TorznabCatType.AudioLossless, "FLAC");
AddCategoryMapping(68, TorznabCatType.Audio, "פסקולים");
// משחקים
AddCategoryMapping(11, TorznabCatType.PCGames, "משחקים PC");
AddCategoryMapping(12, TorznabCatType.ConsolePSP, "משחקים PS");
AddCategoryMapping(55, TorznabCatType.ConsoleXBox, "משחקים XBOX");
AddCategoryMapping(56, TorznabCatType.ConsoleWii, "משחקים WII");
AddCategoryMapping(57, TorznabCatType.PCMobileOther, "משחקי קונסולות ניידות");
// תוכנה
AddCategoryMapping(13, TorznabCatType.PCMobileAndroid, "אפליקציות לאנדרואיד");
AddCategoryMapping(15, TorznabCatType.PC0day, "תוכנות PC");
AddCategoryMapping(70, TorznabCatType.PCMobileiOS, "אפליקציות לאייפון");
AddCategoryMapping(71, TorznabCatType.PCMac, "תוכנות MAC");
// שונות
AddCategoryMapping(16, TorznabCatType.XXX, "למבוגרים בלבד");
AddCategoryMapping(17, TorznabCatType.Other, "שונות");
AddCategoryMapping(64, TorznabCatType.TVSport, "ספורט");
AddCategoryMapping(65, TorznabCatType.TVAnime, "אנימה");
AddCategoryMapping(69, TorznabCatType.Books, "Ebooks");
// FuzePacks
AddCategoryMapping(72, TorznabCatType.Console, "משחקים");
AddCategoryMapping(73, TorznabCatType.Movies, "סרטים");
AddCategoryMapping(74, TorznabCatType.PC, "תוכנות");
AddCategoryMapping(75, TorznabCatType.Audio, "שירים");
AddCategoryMapping(76, TorznabCatType.TV, "סדרות");
public override async Task<IndexerConfigurationStatus> ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson)
CookieHeader = configData.Cookie.Value;
var results = await PerformQuery(new TorznabQuery());
if (!results.Any())
throw new Exception("Found 0 results in the tracker");
IsConfigured = true;
return IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed;
catch (Exception e)
IsConfigured = false;
throw new Exception("Your cookie did not work: " + e.Message);
protected override async Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query)
var results = await PerformRegularQueryAsync(query);
if (!results.Any() && !query.IsImdbQuery)
return await PerformHebrewQueryAsync(query);
return results;
private async Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> PerformHebrewQueryAsync(TorznabQuery query)
var name = await GetHebNameAsync(query.SearchTerm);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
return new List<ReleaseInfo>();
return await PerformRegularQueryAsync(query, name);
private async Task<IEnumerable<ReleaseInfo>> PerformRegularQueryAsync(TorznabQuery query, string hebName = null)
var releases = new List<ReleaseInfo>();
var searchUrl = SearchUrl;
var searchString = query.GetQueryString();
if (query.IsImdbQuery)
searchString = query.ImdbID;
if (hebName != null)
searchString = hebName + " - עונה " + query.Season + " פרק " + query.Episode;
searchUrl += "?";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
var strEncoded = WebUtilityHelpers.UrlEncode(searchString, Encoding);
searchUrl += "&query=" + strEncoded + "&matchquery=any";
searchUrl = MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(query).Aggregate(searchUrl, (current, cat) => $"{current}&c[]={cat}");
var data = await RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(searchUrl);
var parser = new HtmlParser();
var dom = parser.ParseDocument(data.ContentString);
var rows = dom.QuerySelectorAll("tr.box_torrent");
foreach (var row in rows)
var release = new ReleaseInfo();
var mainTitleLink = row.QuerySelector("div.main_title > a");
release.Title = mainTitleLink.GetAttribute("longtitle");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(release.Title))
release.Title = mainTitleLink.TextContent;
release.MinimumRatio = 1;
release.MinimumSeedTime = 172800; // 48 hours
release.Grabs = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(5)").TextContent.Replace(",", ""));
release.Seeders = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(6)").TextContent.Replace(",", ""));
release.Peers = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(7)").TextContent.Replace(",", "")) +
var fullSize = row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(4)").TextContent;
release.Size = ReleaseInfo.GetBytes(fullSize);
release.Details = new Uri(SiteLink + row.QuerySelector("a.threadlink[href]").GetAttribute("href"));
release.Link = new Uri(SiteLink + row.QuerySelector("a:has(div.dlimg)").GetAttribute("href"));
release.Guid = release.Details;
//some releases have invalid poster URLs, ignore the posters in this case
if (Uri.TryCreate(row.QuerySelector("a[imgsrc]").GetAttribute("imgsrc"),
UriKind.Absolute, out var poster))
release.Poster = poster;
var dateStringAll = row.QuerySelector("div.up_info2").ChildNodes.Last().TextContent;
var dateParts = dateStringAll.Split(' ');
var dateString = dateParts[dateParts.Length - 2] + " " + dateParts[dateParts.Length - 1];
release.PublishDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, "dd/MM/yy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var categoryLink = row.QuerySelector("a[href^=\"/browse.php?cat=\"]").GetAttribute("href");
var catid = ParseUtil.GetArgumentFromQueryString(categoryLink, "cat");
release.Category = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(catid);
if (row.QuerySelector("a[href^=\"?freeleech=1\"]") != null)
release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 0;
release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 1;
release.UploadVolumeFactor = 1;
var subTitle = row.QuerySelector("div.sub_title");
var imdbLink = subTitle.QuerySelector("span.imdb-inline > a");
if (imdbLink != null)
release.Imdb = ParseUtil.GetLongFromString(imdbLink.GetAttribute("href"));
release.Description = subTitle.FirstChild.TextContent;
catch (Exception ex)
OnParseError(data.ContentString, ex);
return releases;
private async Task<string> GetHebNameAsync(string searchTerm)
var queryString = new NameValueCollection
{"searchseriesid", ""},
{"tab", "listseries"},
{"function", "Search"},
{"string", searchTerm} // eretz + nehedert
var site = new UriBuilder
Scheme = "http",
Host = "thetvdb.com",
Path = "index.php",
Query = queryString.GetQueryString()
var results = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(site.ToString());
var parser = new HtmlParser();
var dom = parser.ParseDocument(results.ContentString);
var rows = dom.QuerySelectorAll("#listtable > tbody > tr");
foreach (var row in rows.Skip(1))
var link = row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(1) > a");
if (string.Equals(link.TextContent.Trim(), searchTerm.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
var address = link.GetAttribute("href");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
var realDom = parser.ParseDocument(results.ContentString);
return realDom.QuerySelector("#content:nth-child(1) > h1").TextContent;
return string.Empty;