* Use platform detection that works on mono 4.6+
* Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages.
* DateTimeRoutines does not have Nuget packages that support .NET Standard (and therefore .NET Core). We will have to include them for now until we can get rid of this dependency.
* Start spliting some interfaces into their own files - this will help by allowing us to split them out in the future into a seperate project so the actual implementations can stay within their respective architectures when required
* Move out common libraries
* Few more tidy up tasks to get things working with .NET Standard
* Restructure the solution layout
* Encoding work to reduce rework later on platforms without Windows codepages (or require compliance with RFC1345)
* Move folder structure around to have more natural layout of the solutions
* DI server configuration to get rid of "temporary" hack and dependency circle for serverservice
* Make all encoding consistent to match the expected encoding casing for earlier versions of mono.
* Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages.
* Return a task result for this async method.
* Update to a supported version of the .NET Framework. This also has the side effect of allowing us to automatically generate our binding redirects on build.
* Set the solution to target VS2017
* Update test solution csproj file to support being built through MSBuild 15
* Move to use package reference for restoring nuget packages.
* Return a task result for this async method.
* Update to a supported version of the .NET Framework. This also has the side effect of allowing us to automatically generate our binding redirects on build.
* Set the solution to target VS2017
* Update test solution csproj file to support being built through MSBuild 15
* Line endings...
* Refactoring how MetaIndexers handle fallbacks
Originally this modification was part of a much larger refactoring,
however for the sake of reviewability I split it into smaller chunks.
Sadly it is still quite large.
I wanted to split it even more, however after a certain point there was
really no value in creating smaller chunks. The biggest part of this
modification would be still huge.
So all in all, there're 3 aspects of this modification
- It modifies BaseIndexer so that it now implements IIndexer (will be
very useful later on)
- Resolving most of the warnings currently in Jackett (the only ones
remaining are related to Autofac, however if I could I would just burn
Autofac altogether rather than fix the warnings. Will open discussion on
- Biggest part: refactoring how MetaIndexers handle fallbacks and how
they provide the final result set
MetaIndexers now accept any kind of fallback and filtering mechanism
that implements the necessary interface, so that in the future IMDB
fallback and filtering won't be the only one. I know there are not a lot
of unit tests around Jackett at the moment, however this renders the
class much more unittestable as well.
* Autofac started complaining... I don't understand...